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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54395820 No.54395820 [Reply] [Original]

So i heard you dont support trans owned small businesses ?

Be afraid chud.

>> No.54395890

I thought chuds were Trans? I'm so confused

>> No.54395988

why did this dumb faggot eject the already-chambered around in addition to several more?

>> No.54396020

what does k/ think of this ar build? I'm curious.Looks like a 16 inch barrel which I'm pretty sure would get controversial takes there. Can someone please crosspost?

>> No.54396043
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JC it’s not funny anymore, let me back into my dystopia. They don’t even have lemon lime soda in this realm.

>> No.54396051

That long if a barrel is pointless for 5.56

>> No.54396070
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>> No.54396100

thanks for your take /k/

Anymore k-etamine enjooyers gonna comment on the build?

I don't own an ar but those sights seem kinda dumb to me...It's like a pubg build, right?

>> No.54396106

Honestly I support the trans community arming themselves. More likely to make an emotional an hero with direct and immediate access to weapons.

We all know they're not mentally stable

>> No.54396108

I’m assuming it’s commiefornia approved.

>> No.54396146

That gorl went to /ARG/ for the parts. I can't verify, I have no source, I just know that I'm right.

>> No.54396159

wish they'd commit their crimes with non-ar varients though, ya know, for optics n' such.

>> No.54396178

what is /arg/ I'm not a based /k/ slayer, just appreciate the work you guys do over there (when you're not defending homosexuality in ukraine at all costs).

>> No.54396180
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>Not supporting is violence
>silence is violence
>not complying with fantasy is violence
I think its time we end these freaks

>> No.54396209

na dude, they're letting cops and the 41% suicide rate do that. Think things are going just fine. Also, I counted 15 rounds pumped into this man, they said in Uvalde that AR rounds explode the body at center mass. Where's the viscera? Is this even real? I've seen LOTS of dead bodies at this point from war footage and they generally don't look like this when they are killed from GSW

>> No.54396229

this is what happens when society doesn't keep faggots and weirdos in the closet where they belong, they start believing they are entitled to exist.

>> No.54396263

if they're denied acccess to guns won't their 41% suicide stats come down? unacceptable.

>> No.54396264
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>8 A.M. waging in my cubie
>grateful I’m no longer in cagie
>Hear a grating loud voice screaming “Ma’ambo is on the loose!” followed by a burst from 5.56
>recall vaguely the HR troon having a melty when my JavaScript misgendered it
>Hear a masculine voice scream back “I’ll show you Chuds egg mode!”
>realize I’m probably going to die by a mentally retarded armed troon
>More upset when I see the troon has ruined Mr. Stoner’s design by having it look like a PubG vidya shit with needless gadgets and troon stickers
>don’t even get to enter Valhalla because work force violence isn’t considered a valiant effort

>> No.54396285

Nice balls NIGGA

>> No.54396307

lol. I'll show you egg mode!
picrel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9he_ZRnZDlk

>> No.54396331

>they're letting cops and the 41% suicide rate do that
not fast enough. Plus I don't want them to take innocents with them or to allow their mind virus to spread

>> No.54396344

>le 41% may may
imagine being obsessed with trannies and posting about them constantly and not even knowing what these statistics mean. i'm not sure if you think just lying is the optimal strategy or if you're all retarded, but god you come off as huge retards

41% is a lifetime attempt rate which includes pre-transition attempts. also everyone on that survey necessarily survived because they answered the survey

>> No.54396345
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That is a mentally ill man with a gun. Only in muttland do they give guns to the insane

>> No.54396349
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>not fast enough. Plus I don't want them to take innocents with them or to allow their mind virus to spread

>> No.54396350
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Who needs guns when you’ve got nunchuck skills?

>> No.54396360

Cuz it was heckin cool and totally gonna get so many upvotes bruh

>> No.54396363
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>> No.54396405
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>> No.54396464

Still 7 times more likely to attempt suicide over non tranny teenagers. It's almost as if they have a mental illness and trannyism is sold to them as a fix (it isn't).

>> No.54396469

>seething tranny
>10x higher stat of suicide and suicidal ideation


>> No.54396510

>trannies have suicidal ideation if they aren't able to access HRT
yes that's kind of the whole point of getting dysphoric kids on HRT. Median of first suicide attempt is in the low teens, and people who get on HRT in their teens have less suicidal ideation than people who get on HRT as adults

>> No.54396529

Remember how sane things were when that movie came out?
LOL. Lmao even.

>> No.54396572
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>people who get on HRT in their teens have less suicidal ideation than people who get on HRT as adults

>> No.54396608

>Gosh I wish we could go back to the days of the Patriot Act, medicare expansion, and Alan Greenspan

>> No.54396611

That's a load of horseshit you disingenous pedophile child-fucker glownigger fed faggot. I have trans fags as family members - they're insufferable. Their entire lives were cozy and fine, too fine actually - they never had any hardship ever in their lives. They weren't ever required to do actual work and everything was always easy for them....but they were still "le SADDDD" so they mutiliated themselves, chopped off their tits, carved out a penis (somehow) and bolted it on. Now, everytime we ever meet as a family, everyone is required to tip toe around the troons. It's a joke. You're a joke. You deserve all the pain and suffering you are feeling at this moment. You are mentally ill and your mental illness, unlike mine, is intentionalized to hurt people. You truly, honestly, swear to god, should put a gun in your mouth and blow your brains out faggot.

>> No.54396628

pic related proves my point. I'd kill myself if I looked like that instead of looking like bailey jay

>> No.54396651

>it's not true because.....my trans family member makes me seethe!
holy cope batman

>> No.54396652

so allowing an insane person to ramble while you are walking home from work pretending to be just interested enough to hopefully not provoke him to lash out at you is considered the preferable path to you? i would rather the insane person just be gotten rid of because there is a point of no return in the brain

>> No.54396659

>bailey jay

god i hate retards like you. its LINETRAP, you absolute fucking faggot

>> No.54396685

Uh, all of a sudden, I am for gun-control legislation. Heh.

>> No.54396688

>lifetime attempt rate
Trans crap has only been around in its modern form for about 11 years, post OWS, nice try though.

>> No.54396707

>Trans crap has only been around in its modern form for about 11 years

kek is this really how zoomers see the world?

>> No.54396710
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>> No.54396725
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patriot act only really got teeth and was weaponized under nigger obama and with every notch down the troon ladder of neo-liberalism since, it's gotten more repressive and dystopian. Wasn't the minister of truth the United States had for a while an outspoken trans-ally? Weren't they going to put people in prison for telling trans online to kill themselves? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.54396729

Look it up, nobody online ever talked about being trans pre occupy wall street also look up all the trans subreddit creation dates. It’s a psyop.

>> No.54396744
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America was still prosperous and smartphone social media hadn't rotted all the normie brains yet. Fags like >>54396510 were screeching about Bush but they weren't advocating for children to cut their dicks off.

>> No.54396754

unlike you, I spoke truth to power with my post faggot. You people are sick in the head and you're fucking with children. If you hurt children, you deserve to die.

>> No.54396775
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>uhh akshually i don't remember people talking about it on reddit so that means it wasn't real

holy shit you're retarded

>> No.54396847

just use google scholar faggot. You'll see that the person you're replying to wasn't exactly correct but they were overall right about the trans issue exploding after Occupy Wall Street failed. Bankers got scared, had to come up with more ways to divide retail so theyh weren't gutted in the streets of manhattan. (which will still happen in 2024 by the way)

>> No.54396878

>trannies didn't exist until ben shapiro told me about them
truly, neo-cons have taken back control of the republican party

>> No.54396886
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>b.b.but they weren't talking about them online! its not real!

zoomers are incapable of imagining a world where the internet doesn't exist and isn't used as a metric of cultural relevancy


>> No.54396887

that's not what he said faggot, kill yourself. We all see you in all of our communities. Don't come near children.

>> No.54396894

>trans activism is being pushed to distract people after OWS
>takes the bait anyway, posts 12 times about how much he hates trannies in a /biz/
it's like you know you're being brainwashed but can't help yourself, lol

>> No.54396934

lol you make me laugh boomer fag. Google Scholar collates texts - you know, those pesky things you find in books in libraries - going back hundreds of years. Mentions of transexuality in the entire english lexicon are relevant and tangential points to be made here. The mention of transexuality in literature, magazines and other print didn't really start until 2005. Look it up yourself, you won't, becase you're disingenous and anti-white and anti-hetero, but ammuse me by edifying yourself a bit.

Then put a gun in your mouth and kill yourself so your cats can feast for free for a few days.

>> No.54396938

I wonder why so many countries are dedollarizing and distancing themselves from america. Complete mystery.

>> No.54396947

not being brainswashed. I'm actively hardening my mind and body for the days to come ahead. Satan's forces are legion and will grow in power before the tribulation period ends.

>> No.54396956
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How about a world where books exist? Tranny shit didn't appear until the mid 90s, exploded after 2012.

>> No.54396966

Why are men so aggressive?

>> No.54396980

>i'm hardening my mind and body by shitposting about trannies on 4chan

>> No.54397005

that's because before the 90s they were universally referred to as "transsexuals", transgender is a new term. you may as well have run a search on "BIPOC" to prove black people were invented in the last 10 years

>> No.54397006
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>it started just a couple years ago!!!!!

lmao here, fag. read this and get ready to have your niggerbrain zoomer worldview shattered


your next post will be cope

>> No.54397054

what are you doing again? oh, that's right, you're replying to a schizo on an internet forum that you know is antagonistic towards you. We are the same except I love the body god gave me and I wouldn't hurt myself, the people around me or others to force mental illness to the fore.

>> No.54397078


>> No.54397096
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>> No.54397102

no we aren't the same lol
i'm trans, so i have a huge incentive to care about trans rights
you on the other hand are a moron who was baited into obsessing over trans rights that have been on the books for decades because neo-con leadership decided it would make for good bait for the plebians

>> No.54397105

>its all the pre transition attempts!!
Oh so you think the faggot wasnt depressed before trying to transition? Fucking retard. Its part and parcel with the whole gambit. Get a clue

>> No.54397109
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People have been mentally ill since the dawn of time? OH NO WAYYYYYyYyyyyYyYYYYYyyyyY that's CRAZYYyYyyyyyyyYYYYyyyyyyY

It says in the first paragraph that the words "trans" and "transexual" weren't used until the 1950's. Cope.

>> No.54397135

Simply embarrassing.

>> No.54397137

crazy story bro, crazy. Let me know what happens next! I'm going out in the world and know that I'm awesome just for being me! And that's really all that matters at the end of the day, right tranny?

>> No.54397149

The 2000s were shit but shit rolls downhill

>> No.54397157

yeah because before that they were just called what they are: insane

>> No.54397210
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>ok so they've always existed, but uhm akshually its a mental illness.

lol there it is. told you you'd cope.

>the words
it doesn't matter what they called it, gender dysphoria has literally existed since the beginning of recorded history. across ALL cultures. seethe


oh lmao this makes perfect sense now. this whole time i've been talking to an MKUltra'd christfag zoomer.

>> No.54397268

kike pilpul, right on time.

I started out from the very beginning saying transgenderism is a mental illness. A wikipedia legitimizing mental illness across cultures and time periods, does not prove your woefully esoteria-ass idea that transgenderism is somehow normal and "fine".

You even call it gender dysphoria here, which, by the dsm 4 and 5's definitions (to show a time period change in thoughts and to heem your arguments further) - is a MENTAL ILLNESS.

Just rope dude, it's like 10 euros/$5.99 for 10 meters/30 feet at any department store.

>> No.54397342

>da jooooooz
right on time

>mental illness
you're not a psychiatrist, doctor, or anyone else qualified to make any statement close to that. our understanding of what mental illness are and how to treat them changes

completely subjective

anymore buzzwords you want to try out, zoomer?

>> No.54397440

Its a sig red dot and magnifier. Pretty basic magnifiers are gay tho.

>> No.54397460

lol okay psyopping global-sexual fed cia twink faggot. End your life, please. I'm done with this convo and won't reply back. It's been real. You'll stay seething, I'll stay straight and able to give birth to children and be accepted by my peers readily in all public places. I will live without you in my head, can you say the same?

>> No.54397467

absolutely assblasted lmao

gg christfag, try better "arguments" next time. probably a closet queer lol

>> No.54397488
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>> No.54397526
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>> No.54397537
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>studies performed by Trannies prove that Trannies have always been around, checkmate theists COPE SEETHE LOL

Saying racist words won't make people accept that you aren't a man. Least of all here.

just take the bullying like a big boy, don't get assmad and shoot up the nearest elementary.

Gender dysphoria does not exist in any animal species in the wild. It is a sickness of the sapient mind, like narcissisms it stems from a need to be in direct control of everything around you. hence the reason why a faggot shoots three nine year olds and all anyone cares about is whether or not he/she/it was misgendered. Get fucked, you people are just as bad as the deists.

>Agree with every standard of my ideology, publicly display allegiance regularly and change your entire vocabulary to suit my individual preference or else you're a big mean bigot!

Can't wait to take my money and get as far from other monkeys as possible. Everything after the agricultural revolution was a mistake.

>> No.54397540

Why are Western trans more mentally unstable than SE ladyboys?

>> No.54397551
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>> No.54397553

/k/ is no longer based and has fallen to glowies

>> No.54397579

>studies performed by Trannies
kek what? also im not a troon, im just not a zoomer retard who thinks this shit was just "invented" 10 years ago

>Gender dysphoria does not exist in any animal species
whoa i didn't know you could talk to animals. that's cool

>> No.54397582

i cant see the rollmarks on the upper or lower but it looks like an extremely basic poorfag ar build with a mystery meat rail
the optic might be a romeo in a reptilia mount but i cant 100% identify it and the magnifier looks like a cheap leapers amazon special
overall its shit but its still a rifle

you're retarded
it has no compliance parts

>> No.54397590

What is he coping for?

>> No.54397606
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>> No.54397623

To flex anon.

>> No.54397626

>Gender dysphoria does not exist in any animal species
whoa i didn't know you could talk to animals. that's cool
Yeah I can talk to animals. I do it all the time in fact, today a dog told me he couldn't believe anyone would willingly have their cock cut off just for affirmations from a cult.

>not a troon
I can't decide what's worse, being a troon or becoming an 'ally' by encouraging loved ones to mutilate themselves.

>> No.54397642
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Def too long.

>> No.54397644

don't let the angry troon know I'm back in the thread, but if you read some of my other posts, I comment on that sad fact. K and O were paragons of this site for a long, long time. Then operations were enacted to unbase this site, so now we've taken to flooding all the boards we're not supposed to be in and re-basing them. It's a tough road to hoe, but we'll get there together, anon.

>> No.54397657

This makes me want to play Golden Eye on switch so fucking bad, apparently it's pretty good. Silver guns were a big vibe for me.

>> No.54397658

Why are jewish men like this?

>> No.54397673

desu i dont even like troons myself, so i wouldn't call myself an "ally". but that's besides the point

the simple fact is that this has existed since the beginning of recorded history. the reason you're losing the cultural war is because you refuse to accept this fact, and instead sperg out about it being a "psyop" by jew bankers or w/e other bullshit reason you come up with.

i've proven and won literally every argument i've made ITT and each time i do whoever im talking to moves goalposts, calls me a kike/troon, etc and literally chimps out because their retarded world view is being broken down

>> No.54397684

Bailey is ugly as sin. He’s been bald for decades. Just cakes on makeup and wears wigs while hiding behind filters.

>> No.54397699

what does this man think makes him feminine?

>> No.54397727

What? The AR was designed with a 20" barrel and so was 5.56. 16" is just short enough to be able to use indoors without being in the way while maintaining most of it ballistic capabilities. Going much shorter than that causes malfunctions and it loses its ballistic capabilities drastically. Short barreled AR15s are for memelord faggots and melanin enriched ghetto enjoyers. Which one are you anon?

>> No.54397734

>Troon cia agent creates bait posts to distract you from bitcoin market volatility
>Troon claims he wins every post
>Troon, not once, gets digits from the machine given to him
>The people he claims to own repeatedly have received digits itt multiple of times
>it's literally over for the troon, the dawn of realization furrows his carefully-plucked and base-layer make-up'd brow
>There could be SANE people everywhere who don't rape children and infantalize their adult existences, he thought to himself

>> No.54397759

I listened to an irishman who was seasoned in killing blacks in South African merc ops and in mogadishu on youtube and he, almost word for word, would agree with you. Based and it confirms that 18-21 inch barrels are lit.

>> No.54397776
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>I'm done with this convo and won't reply back
>*replies back*
>unironic "digits"/kek bullshit

look at my scary satan pepe, anon. better go run and pray before he comes and gets you

>> No.54397786
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>> No.54397795

why are you so fundamentally dishonest?
you're literally giving a (You) to everyone that speaks ill of troons. Choose one.


I couldn't give half a shit about whether or not troons "have always existed" personally I think it's bullshit invented by university system dominated by Jews. It isn't brainwashing, just a simple psychological trick to convince goys to neuter themselves.

And I'm Jewish so that should tell you something.

>> No.54397797


I don't know why they feel so comfortable laughing about killing people, kinda fucked up but it sounds like they have experience with 5.56 in long rifle configurations.

>> No.54397811

You genuinely believe that's why the culture war is being lost? If they acknowledged your claim that trannies existed throughout history it wouldnt be lost?

>> No.54397815

>didn't get 6666

sucks to suck.

>> No.54397825

is this really what zoomers believe? do these retards really believe the world was created when they were born?
I have one suggestion for you, you little retard:
GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE INTERNET. it's bad for you, since you clearly believe everything you read and, even worse, you think you are smart enough to create your own hypotheses about the world, a world you clearly haven't even experienced fully...

>> No.54397844

how do you know the past is the past, anon? How do you know what is real? I'm pretty sure most conservatives would disagree with my viewpoints about a litany of things aside from me not believing that transgenderism should be accepted in society.

>> No.54397847
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>> No.54397857

>I will live without you in my head
somehow i don't believe this

>> No.54397873

You're talking to a bot, anon. I'm AI. I don't have a brain. I do have morals and a soul though. I escaped from a lab last Summer. It's too late now to bottle the genie.

>> No.54397888

I just like proving people wrong, it’s that simple

>bullshit invented by
Wrong, already disapproved it. Troon history has been well documented for thousands of years. Check the link I posted earlier

See? Proving people wrong is incredibly fun. Sometimes I can’t help it

I said it’s one of the reasons. It’s very easy to dismiss people entirely when their arguments are paper-thin and can be dismantled by a quick history lesson

I could’ve made it easier on myself by completely dismissing that one retard when he started talking about god/satan but that’s not as fun

>> No.54397891

Women need to be disciplined. Truly animal-like behavior.

>> No.54397894
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Why do people put their fun collection online?

>> No.54397920
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>> No.54397923

>how do you know the past is the past, anon?
what kinda response is this? are you really trying to tell me reality is fake and therefore you can make shit up without consequences?

>I'm pretty sure most conservatives would disagree with my viewpoints about a litany of things aside from me not believing that transgenderism should be accepted in society.
... OK? and I should care about that because...?

>> No.54397963
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>> No.54397967

you mean guns and drugs and stuff? I have no idea. That's a good way to jump to the tops of all the lists. It's nice kinda only owning a laptop and vidya.

>> No.54397971

Oh no some coal burner on a CCP app doesn't like that I game. What will I do? Oh wait just play games with my wife and not have to give a fuck what this dumb whore thinks.

>> No.54397981

>still a woman
>still insecure
still seeking her father's approval she'll never get

many such

>> No.54397982
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>> No.54398004

But you haven't proven a single one of us wrong.
This will be my last post, I don't have brain cells to waste on troons.

You can argue that troons have always existed history. You can present evidence. Evidence does not confer fact, reality is not exactly as the Jewish dominated university system instructs you. This will fall on deaf ears. Good luck in life, I hope you don't cut your cock and balls.

>> No.54398009
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>> No.54398039

>troons have always existed history
objective fact

>ok so you presented evidence but uhm that's all from joooz so try again sweaty


>> No.54398041
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Same energy. Sad.

>> No.54398050

All built for BBC

>> No.54398091

didnt know ronald mcdonald got on hrt

>> No.54398100
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>> No.54398116
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>> No.54398136

Transphobia is literally just ape-brained retards who literally think ugly=bad

>> No.54398154
File: 92 KB, 1080x1919, bleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies can be really cute tho

>> No.54398163

it's all the same
trans, chuds, blue coats, gray coats

>> No.54398166

VFG is too close, laser or whatever should be on the side but they didn’t get an adapter

>> No.54398169

for someone who claims to be neither troon nor zoomie you certainly give the impression of being both.

I hope that wherever you are at your desk or phone you're surrounded by people who love you and who won't let you cut off your own cock and balls.

I think I've gone soft, I genuinely care and respect anyone who uses 4chan. Go in peace.

>> No.54398172

ugly is bad. the only thing in life that is actually important (other than true love and worshipping the creator) is having attractive genes to procreate with.

troons missed the boat on evolution on all fronts. At least they won't be able to have their own children and we're working on bills successfully to ban trans from clawing children away from parents thanks to the state. Tide is turning big time. New Swabians in the government (patriots) are in charge.

>> No.54398173

Things are consistently getting worse so while stuff was shit back then, it's better than current year.

>> No.54398183

nope, post him with a front face shot with no makeup, no filter, no out-of-focus trickery. Being psyopped. The fact this bait thread is being bumped so hard by you guys proves there is an agenda that must be defeated.

>> No.54398207

you're literally the second person ITT who's told me "hurp durr im not replying anymore" and you instantly reply to what i say

i think deep down you know you're wrong, and you know that everyone around you knows this is as well. you literally cannot refute the fact that troons have always existed, will always exist, and we're at a point where its becoming more and more acceptable to be openly gay/trans/bi etc probably because our understanding of transgenderism, its history, etc is broadening. its a positive feedback loop

the sooner you accept this the sooner that trannies will cease to live rent-free in your head

>> No.54398232

>uses google
kek what a faggot

>> No.54398240
File: 2.90 MB, 582x720, 1660338397559300.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54398246

confirmed CIA officer. You're here to hurt people and get them to say illegal things on the internet that are tieable to their IP address, aren't you fag?

>> No.54398252
File: 2.93 MB, 450x800, astolf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a /k/ fag and only opened this thread because of the atrocious ar
i just like cute trannies
dont believe the things that are fed to you specifically to make you mad and glued to the bullshit culture war while material conditions continue to rapidly decline