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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54393998 No.54393998 [Reply] [Original]

>$2 trillion trade surplus missing from 2020-2022
>$150b/year capital outflow
>460k companies shut down
>800m people in debt
>Foreign companies slowly moving manufacturing out of China
>Failed to coup the Micronesian president
>Failed to install a military base on Solomon Islands
>Philippines installing more US military bases
>Alliances strengthening not just in Europe, but Asia as well
>Birth rates at all time low
>Lost 41 million workers in the past 3 years
>Netherlands blocking asml exports to China
>Belt and road projects falling apart already
>Protest in Kenya over Chinese businessmen undercutting the local traders
>Demographic crisis, lowest birth rates ever recorded, no immigration
>Mass brain drain to the west
>Elderly protesting due to social security cuts
>Real estate bubble
>Evergrande still $305 billion in debt
>High speed rails $900b debt, approaching 1 trillion
>Losing their developing status in 2 weeks (voted 415-0 in the US) which means no more free shipping
>Tiktok banned soon
China is collapsing

>> No.54394088

it will be a slow death anon. Nothing sudden

>> No.54394123

In nary a fortnight the Orient will be finished!

>> No.54394155
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>> No.54394166

The only counter point is that they’re about to colonize Russia, which is flush with raw material.

>> No.54394174

Jack Ma will be next president after She PingPong
China will be OK

>> No.54394187

I really don't get how people get so riled up about China.
There's no way in hell they take over the US' spot as the world's preeminent superpower.
The US has had too much of a headstart during the most pivotal point in human history in the information age.

China is now a dictatorship with Xi appointing himself president for life.
Their demographics are falling off a cliff because of just one of their retarded policies 40 years ago.
Their currency is bullshit
Their labor is more expensive than Mexico's and half as talented.
They're totally dependent on the US for trade, yet Xi continues to poke the bear because he has no one around him to tell him he's a moron.
They import more food and fuel than any other nation
Their population was urbanized way too fast
The list goes on and on, yet talking heads keep going with the narrative that China is a legitimate threat
Their navy is a joke and so is their army.

It's going to be fun to watch their demise and how all these traitorous hedge funds are going to lose their money in the process

>> No.54394209
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>Losing their developing status
Holy shit have they been considered “developing” this whole time?!
Fuckin hell cunt.

>> No.54394234
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mutt cope absurdly high

>> No.54394238
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the east has fallen

>> No.54394263

People are just worried about the inevitable chimp out when it all goes wrong, they'll start blaming the west, it's reminiscent of Japan/Germany prior to WW2.

>> No.54394285

How did you think they were shipping things for less than it costs within your own country?

>> No.54394289

I keep thinking about how they will grind through the 51 trillion USD in debt. That is 40% more than the US. The exchange rate has to adjust but that is not nearly enough. And Russia is not able to pay for it even if you turn the whole country into a concentration camp. What is the adjustment going to look like lads?

>> No.54394309
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They're fucked.

>> No.54394327
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>> No.54394335
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Ok its glowie thread

>> No.54394341

Who believes this shit? Kikes tell you China is finished so when you go to war to kick the rotten structure down you’ll be “organically” dethroned into new world order. They told Germans Soviet Union is on the verge of collapse but they didn’t tell him it also produced 40 thousand tanks.

>> No.54394350
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>muh cyna collapse

>> No.54394373
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who the fuck is they? you're so dumb that you're suggesting hitler took advise from jews. you fucking retard really shouldn't be paid a single yuan for your shilling. i'm just glad that by now most of 4chan realized what a dumb fucking retard campaign you guys are running. dumb fucks.

>> No.54394427

The collapse of China is over-exaggerated. At worst they'll just see a protracted stagnation. China is at a crossroads where they have to transition from a manufacturing economy to one driven by tech research and consumerism. And the Xi admin has been doing a fairly poor job of raising labor productivity, but it's still largely inconclusive to assume they'll just collapse or stagnate.

It's quite unlikely that they will escape the middle-income trap due to low levels of education which will derail China's transition into a high-skill, high-wage economy. A large population of uneducated workers was not a problem when they moved from low to middle income. Unskilled wages are much higher in China now, and the lure of cheaper labour elsewhere is rendering low-skilled workers redundant. Hence why the government employs so many unskilled workers for megaprojects and infrastructure that aren't profitable.

High school attainment among the youngest cohorts in the labour force is close to 80%. But hundreds of millions of less educated people will remain in the labour force for the next 30 years. The government will face huge challenges trying to either retrain the workers or provide a safety net. All of this while their age pyramid is among the worst in the world due to their 1-child policy, and they're losing 10s of millions of workers a year. The relatively small younger generation are going to be slaving for peanuts if China has to provide a huge safety net to a massive aging population. Not to mention the skilled workers who migrate to the west for better wages, this will increase if there are better opportunities overseas which is likely considering their current trajectory.

>> No.54394536

China doesn't have friends. They don't even have allies. They have a few short-sighted African partners that were foolish enough to give them their ports. The colonial characteristics they think they hated the whites for have been replaced by Chinese. If one didn't know better, one might wonder if these mistakes were being allowed to happen in order to make a larger point.

>> No.54394745


>> No.54394860

They have been talking and 'implementing policies' to increase consumer demand since 2012. It has not worked in 11 years. Instead they have had Japan 1980s style debt explosion. Debt is 300% of GDP, only Japan had a higher debt to GDP ratio in human history. How do you see the adjustment process?

>> No.54394874

China's being "actually finished" for a while now yet is still there. I'm never listening to these fags again.

>> No.54394929
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China bros it is over.

>> No.54394984

>Hitler took advise from jews
I didn’t say that you pilpuling dumbfuck. Hitler was under the impression Soviets were weak so clearly someone was feeding Germans false information. The same is happening here.

>> No.54395010

What world are you living in? China, Russia and MENA all hate Us and Europe which are being destroyed by kikes on purpose. I’m sure private tranny will save the west

>> No.54395192

>Debt is 300% of GDP
>China Government debt accounted for 20.8 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Sep 2022

>> No.54395199

soviets were/are weak there are just a lot of them and they are willing to throw their infinite hordes at you until you lose or surrender.

>> No.54395265

>half of their population is over 50
>literally all their economic leverage is cheap goods churned out by their youth
>AI-powered manufacturing is starting to emerge
Yeah, i'm not really worried about china.

>> No.54395273

>Hitler was under the impression Soviets were weak so clearly someone was feeding Germans false information
Yes partially buit also look at that
Translate it i guess
The red army concentrated over 200 divisions on the border to germany right before the german attack and it literally says the deployment was planned to finish at 10th july. Many of them paratrooper and tank divisions. There was something big going on. This info is also only available in german.

>> No.54395342

>soviets are
>weak nations have tons of heavy equipment and can throw millions into meat grinder without collapse
Did they though? I have my doubts about this and wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t a ruse to push Hitler into two front war when Britain was about to be crushed in Africa.

>> No.54396436

You really think the west will manage to sweep the banking issues under the rug?
You really think eastern countries will forever remain submissive to USA?

America is weak right now and about to get even weaker, China has their own problems but they have always used the external funding as a net positive, you can't export shit directly, they absorb the western ideas, technologies and with their own experts, they can think and develop by themselves.

I'm more concerned by the west right now.

>> No.54396455

No idea what exactly went on during that time, reminder the second man after Hitler flew to England.
But the red army for sure had MASSIVE troops on the western border, german vetarans confirm it also how would germany be able to kill most of the airforce in the first days if they were not deployed in the west?
>In the first few days of the invasion of the Soviet Union, the Luftwaffe destroyed some 2,000 Soviet aircraft, most on the ground, at a loss of only 35 (of which 15 were non-combat-related)
Also here the battle at the borders in the first two weeks had soviet numerical superiority and this is only the central front. They did not deploy these troops in a few days, even the opposite they retreated

>> No.54396456

>China is now a dictatorship with Xi appointing himself president for life.
You believe the 2020 US elections were legitimate

>> No.54396558

>China Government debt accounted for 20.8 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Sep 2022.
>Source: China Government.

>> No.54396778


>> No.54397636
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>mfw i realized this thread glows in the dark

>> No.54397918

I feel pretty good about this but I actually called China's top/peak about two years back - just before Covid when everyone was saying China number waaaan etc. Its like a shitcoin - euphoria means its over.

>> No.54398389

lol the cope is unimaginable. There's just no way ok! They HAVE to be lying, you don't understand, because... because they just ARE, ok!?!?!?

>> No.54398441

Why do Chinese people I play with on CSGO have 50k worth of skins?

>> No.54398458

Been seeing this since 2000.
Anon, this is a cover story for (((bankers))) to continue to divest from the US in real dollars, while you hopium.
China's explosive growth may be over, and it's possible that their draconian policies will actually piss off enough to see something change.
But without internal upheaval, China is a global player.
The rest of the world can mitigate its influence, and should, that's reasonable for all nations to consider. Their social credit score is horrendously illiberal.
But "collapse," has been, as I said, screamed from someone somewhere for the last 20 years.
Two more weeks.

>> No.54398466

Read through all of these and literally not a single point is true, go back to /pol/ for wasting my time.

>> No.54398475

They're spooks.