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54391097 No.54391097 [Reply] [Original]

>Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Brunei Thailand, Philippines Vietnam Laos Cambodia Myanmar
USD sisters.... did we get too cocky??

>> No.54391105
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KILL THE FED NOW (figuratively in Terraria!)

>> No.54391109

West has fallen?

>> No.54391111

So is holding cash bad?

>> No.54391112


>> No.54391113
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whoopsie, I forgot Timor Leste. Can't forget that one.

>> No.54391128

checked and yes, get out of cash and into assets, preferably hard assets. this doesn't just apply to USD, all cash is crap.

>> No.54391129

Oh wait, those are all literal whos. Nvm lol

>> No.54391138

Suck dis dick

>> No.54391199

combined GDP of ASEAN countries is 10 trillion(half of US) and they are growing at a 5% rate. It will only take about 20 years for ASEAN to equal the US in economic power. Faster than that if the USD loses international reserve status.

>> No.54391216
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ok, but I won't accept USD as payment

>> No.54391293

The fed did this. If the fed didn't print like a retard during covid this wouldnt have happened. Fed's actions are fucking up economies of every single country that relies on the USD so obviously they want out. Either they trade in their own currency or they submit to a new overlord which China wants to be.Only idiots will pick the yuan though seeing as China is wracked with financial instability.

>> No.54391312
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>> No.54391320


>> No.54391335

>fed did this
it was a long time coming, recent fed actions + covid panic only accelerated the trend

>Either they trade in their own currency or they submit to a new overlord which China wants to be.
what if I told you there was a third option? a trustless and decentralized option.

>> No.54391354

>a trustless and decentralized option.
Which is exactly why it won't be adopted. Governments cannot resist oppressing their citizens.

>> No.54391377
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>> No.54391406

governments that oppress their people fall off and become irrelevant, usually collapse as long as they aren't Korean. The trick is to move out before full totalitarian emigration controls kick in. And if you waited that long and still haven't fled then your basically cattle and probably deserve the government jackboots stomping your face.

>> No.54391433

I swear to fucking god if this jeopardizes my ability to coom in Thailand I will do something terrible

>> No.54391436
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Holy fuck, the sanctions really scared the non us elites to desperation.

The west is truly exposed this time, if the boomers fuck up the stablecoin adoption half the world will put capital controls on the dollar.

Don't assume it will be a weakening of the usd, since most debt is denominated in usd we will see usd scarcity leading to the dxy higher.

If the usa boomers fuck up with stablecoins backed on treasuries (only thing that can bypass capital controls), and you will see the dxy going up with us inflation going parabolic in the most bizarre financial effect in history.

I warned these retards for years and most us shills post aircraft carriers when you tell them this crap, the worse shit is that if it's synchronized as it's appearing to be and most nations will rugpull the usd with capital controls just to defautl their debts by inflating the dollar away.

Meanwhile this stupid boomers handle them capital controls in a silver plate with financial regulations, tax data exchange treaties, and by making the usa financial system very close to foreigners.

This is not the west has fallen type meme, but the dxy going up with inflation going parabolic will put most countries in the position were they will be forced to rugpull the usd to get away from dollar denominated debts that are unpayable due to lack of usd circulating.

>> No.54391440
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Based SEAmonkeys shitting on amerigolems lmao

>> No.54391459
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Most likely posibility is this bizarre one:

1_Dollars outside the usa will go up as nations stop trading in usd

2_Nations still buy usd to pay usd denominated debts but it's impossible to pay the interest due to lack of usd

3_Burgers dump usd internally due to inflation going parabolic

4_Most nations end up in the position were they will want to rugpull the usd to evaporate these usd denominated debts.

The only way the usa outmanouvers this shit is with fucking stablecoins backed on us treasuries, otherwise the entire world will put capital controls of the dollars just to "nationalize" any usd entering to pay debts in usd.

>> No.54391474

What do those countries even produce that they might need from each other other than rice shortages

>> No.54391504

SEC is killing USD stablecoins, the future will be other currency denominated stablecoins (EUR, GBP, SGD, etc.) or better yet a basket like SDR. Fully decentralized stablecoins also prevent regulation from retarded mutts. In conclusion, USD is fucked even in DeFi.

>> No.54391572

Sweatshop labour. So a huge percentage of the global fashion industry. The low paying percentage, but still it would take a lot of work to relocate it all

>> No.54391612

>you can tether a stablecoin to something that isn't USD
I think I've been psyopped into not thinking about this. a basket would probably be more stable than the USD and wouldn't have an entire cabal of washington DC jews trying to destroy it. at least not in the immediate future.

>> No.54391683

1. It's a hissy fit and will calm down in 5 years with the new president, more careful diplomacy and loans and such.
2. Americans guarantee world trade... Well until they don't but they are still the big boy and very good to be on friendly terms with. But not too God so they push diversity with Cia spooks and NGOs
3. What else would others use? I would not mind Euro or Swiss Franc
4. These are still just people saying stuff. We would need to se an actual deals being made in non usd currency for a year or two and it would need to survive one economic crash

>> No.54391697

>also yen, euro, pound
You should be a journalist. It's a great not-a-real-job for people like you.

>> No.54391705

>CNN says we are solarizing
>then fox news
>Brazil china trade
BRICS still use dollar isn't it. What will happen when news drop from them next

>> No.54391728


>> No.54391818

The problem is futures market is still settled in USD. The most we can do is converting sidelined USD into other currencies.

>> No.54391821

It's well known that the USD is THE world trade currency so it will be impacted the most if ASEAN switches to their local currencies.

politicians are all mealy-mouthed pussies so they use words like that. pay attention to the subtext, even announcing something with weak words like that is basically declaration of war on the US financial hegemony. and they aren't just talking about the dollar, but also cutting off Visa and Mastercard.

>Indonesian President Joko Widodo has urged regional administrations to start using credit cards issued by local banks and gradually stop using foreign payment systems. He argued that Indonesia needed to shield itself from geopolitical disruptions, citing the sanctions targeting Russia’s financial sector from the US, EU, and their allies over the conflict in Ukraine.
>Moving away from Western payment systems is necessary to protect transactions from “possible geopolitical repercussions,” Widodo said.

It's over for the USD and they are even using Ukraine sanctions as the casus belli. how embarrassing for the glowie cabal called the State Department, that now they are going to have the collapse of the USD's pinned on them. stupid glowie faggots! I want to see heads roll. Victoria Nuland's head would look really good on a pike.

>> No.54391828

Cant move out if I cant even make this month's rent.

>> No.54391904

very underrated post
>the worse shit is that if it's synchronized as it's appearing to be and most nations will rugpull the usd with capital controls just to defautl their debts by inflating the dollar away.
if the motivation for USD inflation is self-interest, as you are saying, countries deleting their own USD debt, then it sounds very likely to happen. a coordinated attack on the dollar would be hard to pull off, but many self-interested entities just doing whatever is in their self-interest is just going to happen, even with pushback from the US. it would be like herding cats.

>> No.54391971
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>they will be forced to rugpull the usd to get away from dollar denominated debts that are unpayable due to lack of usd circulating.
Correct. However, this is bullish for western nations, and buttfuck-ville for anyone not in their good graces.

>> No.54392006

Indonesian here. Does this mean I get to finally be the sex tourist and have sex with white girls all over US and Europe? Doing sex tourism in Europe and US has been my ambition since 19yrs old. I'm 38yrs old now.

>> No.54392161
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If the SEC kills stablecoins backed in treasuries then it's over for the dollar.

Imagine argentina case with dollar debt and now it's bigger trading partner brasil trading in yuan.

There will be a shortage of usd in latin america which will force argentina to seize usd bank accounts and turn them into pesos at a fake rate just to pay the interest on the fucking debt.

Capital controls on the dollar will go parabolic and if the sec goes against stablecoins backed in treasuries you will see a massive global synchronized campaign of nations outright banning the usage of the us dollar by force simply because it will be the only way they have to service the usd debts they have.

>> No.54392290

Where to is the question, isn’t it. I do think citizens of BRICS countrys might be better of giving a timeframe of a few decades. But it will be harsh time wherever I suppose and it’s a hard pick with an abundance of uncertainty. The west is turning totalitarian distopia, that’s for sure. Where did you go to or what’s your opinion on possible archs.

>> No.54392344
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>as you are saying, countries deleting their own USD debt, then it sounds very likely to happen. a coordinated attack on the dollar would be hard to pull off, but many self-interested entities just doing whatever is in their self-interest is just going to happen, even with pushback from the US. it would be like herding cats.

Yea i wonder if the push against stablecoins is actually being financed by russia or something weird like that
These retards are being herded into thinking trading outside of usd = weaker dollar = less debt problem & sanction risk

Instead it will lead to the dxy going higher with less dollars circulating to pay debt, and if the boomers fuck the stablecoin backed on treasuries adoption shit they will have capital controls on the dollar on a silver plate (which they will be forced to use to pay dollar denominated debts).

So if there are no stablecoins circulating, they will put capital controls on the usd which will make the problem things worse until everyone is forced to default at the same timeframe.

If it's a plan then it's 200iq 4d chess

>> No.54392525

Can someone explain to a brainlet why stablecoins would fix this, and exactly how the US would switch to them with all the dollars and dollar debt still in existence?

>> No.54392563

2 more weeks

>> No.54392577

How will less demand for dollars, or anything for that matter, raise its price?

How will collectively putting capital controls on the usd increase its value?
In the event that yuan or ruble appears as somewhat stable then people in those countries will just switch. It's not like the 1970s when America was the unquestionable world leader.
It's clearly gonna upset those countries economies in the short term but will make them more independent of American trade in the long term.

Also, using their own currency to trade with each other allows the weaker country to print and the stronger to set its terms. It will allow for further embedding of the weaker country in the sphere of influence of the stronger one.

You also don't take into account that it's best for everyone if the relationship between lender and debtor is civil. Both the lender and the debtor are to lose if this relationship becomes more difficult.
How does the future of America look like when the number of vassals progressively shrinks?

>> No.54392593

I bet at least one of these countries in this axis of evil has weapons of mass destruction

>> No.54392602
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They won't fix it but they make capital controls irrelevant and increase demand for us bonds.

The problem is that if nations start to trade in yuan example brasil now, there will be less dollars in latin america.

So Argentina will see less dollars entering which means it won't be able to service it's debt which means it will be forced to nationalize bank accounts in usd and seize them and outright banning usd usage just to finance the fucking debt in dollars.

Now thing globally what effect this will have of nations not being able to pay the usa debt all at the same time.

Stablecoins patch this by bypassing such future controls and prevents them from even being enabled and allows for usd to entering these nations preventing this effect to a probably higher degree than any other tool currently existing.

If the plan is to cause dxy and usd inflation going higher to cause mass defaults of dollar debt then it's 200iq points, it may also explain why brics only include nations with high ammount of commodities.

All you need is a few nations to cause strategic shortage of dollars in certain regions to cause mass defaults in usd denominated debt.

>> No.54392674
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>How will less demand for dollars, or anything for that matter, raise its price?

Most nations and long term contracts today are in dollars, if big players in regions like south africa or brasil start to trade in yuan there will be less dollars circulating in those regions causing local deflation in dollar terms and making debts unpayable.

>How will collectively putting capital controls on the usd increase its value?

It won't the capital controls will be something that nations will be forced to put on the dollar due to the fact that internationally it's going to be higher due to scarcity in regions.

>In the event that yuan or ruble appears as somewhat stable then people in those countries will just switch. It's not like the 1970s when America was the unquestionable world leader.

I disagree i don't think people will trust the yuan or the ruble as they do with the dollar.

>Also, using their own currency to trade with each other allows the weaker country to print and the stronger to set its terms. It will allow for further embedding of the weaker country in the sphere of influence of the stronger one.

Not if it forces them to default on debts in dollars because they were baited into using another currency for global trade.

>How does the future of America look like when the number of vassals progressively shrinks?

This is why if this is the plan of china then it's 200iq, by being baited into not using the usd they won't be able to pay debts in dollars which they will have to default literally becoming vassals of china.

If us boomers attack stablecoins and give these countries capital controls on a silver plate that would be the cherry on top for china.

It would be a global synchronized debt default in usd due to dollar scarcity while the dollar goes to 25% inflation internally in the usa.

You can't make this shit up

>> No.54392703

Wow ok. But how would a switch to stablecoins actually occur in the US? Would I just wake up one day and be told my dollars are all USD coin now? Or would everyone be told to download an app?

And who the heck would own the wallet?

>> No.54392735

ok, no more real money, who gonna trust this people? I mean we all now all this countrys are first worlds with hightech industries in all areas. So what could go wrong here?

>> No.54392750

The usa does not has to switch to stablecoins it needs to enforce a framework so usdc or any future stablecoin backed on treasuries work well.

Making online companies accept payments in stablecoins that are backed on us treasuries would also empower this strategy.

>Wow ok. But how would a switch to stablecoins actually occur in the US? Would I just wake up one day and be told my dollars are all USD coin now? Or would everyone be told to download an app?

It really does not has to happen in the usa, its more of a tool that needs to exist so other countries can't put capital controls on the usd.

Imagine you put capital controls on the usd on banks, now every zoomer can use usdc to bypass them and these nations can't say shit it gives the usa arbitrage power that the kosher banking system does not.

>And who the heck would own the wallet?

You are overthinking, giving companies like circle or paxos a good regulatory framework is all that's needed, all these companies have to do is being forced to buy us treasuries for liquidity and now the usd is capital controls insured for the next 50 years.

>> No.54392760

Stablecoins functioning as some sort of international exchange.
In this case, the exchange is no longer controlled by the US so geopolitical power of the US will drop. What the dollar itself does depends upon monetary policy. But if geopolitical power somewhat drops then currency could follow.

So it's a case of the dollar losing a little of its value in the medium term while in the long term it's gonna depend on American productivity relative to other groups/nations.
The dollar loses a lot of its value.

It could spike while it tries to find its new floor but I don't think it's gonna stabilize higher that what it is now.

>> No.54392829

>In this case, the exchange is no longer controlled by the US so geopolitical power of the US will drop. What the dollar itself does depends upon monetary policy. But if geopolitical power somewhat drops then currency could follow.

No because you can create the framework to connect stablecoins to the banking system so you can top up and withdraw from a bank account usdc or any legal stablecoin.

This would make offshore banks in dollars worthless as they would be like cefi shit companies that went down last year were you could deposit to get interest but not withdraw.

If your legal bank allowed to cash in and out in stablecoins backed on us treasuries and your offshore bank would not, who the fuck would trust these offshore banks?

It actually gives the usa massive soft power but these boomers are ludites so they don't get it.

>So it's a case of the dollar losing a little of its value in the medium term while in the long term it's gonna depend on American productivity relative to other groups/nations.

i think it depends mostly on the us stablecoin strategy from 2023 to 2035

Russia and china have bad demographics if they want to make a move it's now and if that move is baiting everyone into leaving the usd which will unironically force these nations to default usd debt then it's actually a pretty high iq plan desu.

>It could spike while it tries to find its new floor but I don't think it's gonna stabilize higher that what it is now.

I am actually not sure even if nothing ever happened what would happen with the usd with peak globalization, the suburbia model is not very compatible with reindustrialization so i am not sure how well the us dollar would work even if it was a soft peak of human demographics and smaller markets afterward.

>> No.54392843

lmao if we combine together 20 different shitholes we almost can add up to USA!!!

>> No.54393069

>It actually gives the usa massive soft power but these boomers are ludites so they don't get it.
It does give the US a lot more power than the other scenario. And given some fast dissolution of internal problems could allow for the US to make a comeback as world leader.l
Not mentioning that it allows the US to lead in crypto while others will be imposing capital controls.
It would also pump all crypto to never before seen levels.

Crypto always did compete with offshore banking for market share. If it doesn't kill it now, it will in the future.

>> No.54393121

Yes but most of the us boomers are very ludites when it comes to tech they have been baited into thinking crypto le bad due to exactly evading capital controls aka "muh travel rule", meanwhile it's the biggest tool of soft power they ever put their eyes on yet they don't see it because as first world boomers during the usa golden age they never seen something such as capital controls.

It's hillariously retarded they have the stronger tool of soft power in front of them yet they refuse to use it because muh compliance while france a supposed us ally is now using yuan to buy repackaged russian gas from china.

You really can't make this shit up.

>> No.54393168

>new president, more careful diplomacy and loans and such.
lmao even

>> No.54393203

What about australia and AUD. or is our money already a crypto maybe?

>> No.54393651

>heh governments will surrender their currency controls to either shiny yellow rock or BIGOING
>maxis unironically believe this
You can only afford your lolbert fantasies because of the strength of the western currency you were born with taking advantage of thirties.
Be fucking real, nigger.

>> No.54393672


>> No.54393733

alright, I mean, this news makes me nervous.
enemy countries want to drop the petro-dollar, yea, makes sense, and we'll go to war with them.
but all of southeast asia dropping USD for trading?
things are getting a little out of control...

>> No.54393788

You people say this every thread different countries are mentioned. Your ignorance of anything outside of America is the reason people have to say they’re Canadian because they’ll be confused for being an uneducated piece of garbage like you.

>> No.54394032

Dollar debt is a complete nothingburger.
The usa doesnt export shit.
Other countrie will get more thenenough dollar by exporting to the usa
And then dump the dollar
Its over for mutts

>> No.54394054

>Most nations and long term contracts today are in dollars, if big players in regions like south africa or brasil start to trade in yuan there will be less dollars circulating in those regions causing local deflation in dollar terms and making debts unpayable.
Asia gets billions of dollar every year by exporting to the usa

>> No.54394079


>> No.54394090
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>> No.54394163

How tall are you?

>> No.54395433

A war with China would fix this. Which would be more profitable to those who the most dollars right now, a shift to stablecoins or a war with China?

>> No.54395739

Weimar 2.0 here we go. The current inflation would look anecdotal compared to this. And the political implications would be huge.

>> No.54395740
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>> No.54395955

>things will change when a new president gets elected!

>> No.54396215

>12 trillion in usd denominated debt held by foreign non bank entities
>the second largest exporter in the world doesn't export shit
how come so many people on this board are incapable of doing basic economic research?

>> No.54396606

They are mega strong but they should use yuan, damn edgy aSEAns

>> No.54396698
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>1. It's a hissy fit and will calm down in 5 years
I wish I had a gif of bugs bunny laughing from his 4th diaphragm (balls) to post as a reaction to this braindead take

>> No.54397015

They should unite and make a union currency. I can only imagine the correlation with rice prices and western discretionary money for sex trade kek. What a bunch of no ones

>> No.54398460

>just 2^8+4 weeks until this hissy fit calms down

>> No.54398835
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>lmao russia
>lmao chaaaaayyyyna
>lmao camel fuckers
>lmao frenchie frogs
>lmao if we combine together 20 different shitholes we almost can add up to USA!!!
(you) are here
>lmao if we combine together 50 different shitholes....
>lmao if we combine together 100 different shitholes....
>lmao if we combine together all the world

fucking lmao seeing the panic seething of burgers itt
Ticktock motherfuckers the time is running out

>> No.54398863

based catto

>> No.54399161
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Third*, and with a huge balance deficit, mostly with Europe and Asia.
Only sudacas and negros buy shitty american cars, machinery and planes.

>> No.54399375

>if we combine 20 shitholes we can match 50 other combined shitholes

>> No.54399505

>What else would others use? I would not mind Euro or Swiss Franc
There's no diversification value in using europeon currencies, because ultimately uncle Sam still has control over it. See Russia. Other alternatives are for example dirham or yuan, or local currencies, or an ASEAN equivalent to SDF, bancor or euro.

>> No.54399653


>> No.54399682

To be fair, it's more like 5 shitholes carrying this mega shithole.

>> No.54400953

Nah there is no way Malaysia is dropping USD in any way. This is the first time we had an actual USA vassal as a Prime Minister, he won't fuck up his masters and tenure that easily.

>> No.54402106

It's not the 2000s, the US can't pull this as easily, especially not in China's backyard.

>> No.54402981

Explain what you mean by rugpull here. How exactly?

>> No.54403136

Cambodia has been phasing out the USD for the past couple of years.

>> No.54403165

When you realize the USA is just 50 shithole mini countries joined together.

>> No.54403240

>Indonesian here. Does this mean I get to finally be the sex tourist and have sex with white girls all over US and Europe?
Yes, white girls are easy and like exotic foreign brown men.

>> No.54403332

this but unironically

>> No.54403344

Dropping it for what? All of their currencies are dog shit and none of them would accept their own currency to peg debts.

>> No.54403451

maybe they could develop some kind of decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to make transactions secure and trustless.

>> No.54403809
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We’re not worried at all

>> No.54403908

Never ever.

>> No.54404007
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>Rome will never fall
good luck with that buddy

>> No.54404227

Good thing the USA isn’t like rome.

>> No.54404230
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if most countries are baited into trading without usd there won't be usd to pay the debts around the world which means they will rugpull their debts in usd which will rugpull the usd.

>> No.54404240

true, it won't last nearly as long kek

>> No.54404271
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Yeah, a democratic society with a merchant elite is just like rome.

>> No.54404321

the common tie between empire collapse was never form of domestic governance. British, Romans, Mongols, Americans are all completely different. The common theme is expansion, over-extension, complacency and resulting contraction. America is somewhere between complacency and contraction.

>> No.54404352

The current pax americana late stage is shockingly very similar to the decade before the crisis of the third century started.

In fact the elites are proposing the same kind of shit that roman emperors put before the crisis of the third century inflationary loop started, like wealth taxes.

>> No.54404372






You even have the trannies getting out of control, you really can't make this shit up it's incredible similar.

>> No.54404386

EU isn't a country retard

>> No.54404425

And don’t forget GDP is a dumb fucking statistic. The real economic value of the US is literally just in its stable currency.
Except they’ve only discredited it in the past 20 years…

>> No.54404446
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>tfw you realize Riencourt was right all along

>> No.54404464

It’s not all Russia is from closer to rome than the United States is.

>> No.54404476

They had to pay for the pandemic. Had they not printed up that money then the pandemic wouldn't have worked.

>> No.54404481


>> No.54404495

But what currency is more stable? People already saw the Eurozone as less stable before the war and resource shortages. China has a history of manipulating its currency to benefit its exports. Rouble, rand, rupee and real are not serious contenders. Commodity backed BRICs currency is nowhere to be seen
I just don't see the changes people are implying happening anytime soon

>> No.54404524


>> No.54404557

>I just don't see the changes people are implying happening anytime soon
I was thinking the same thing, it is a gradual process that will take time, but at the same time is happening surprisingly quickly.
The swift sanctions accelerated it
just this week you had
1. The first LNG trade denominated in yuan (between France and China)
2. Asean announcing the intention to decrease trade in western currencies
3. Brazin China announcing trade in local currencies

>> No.54404564

There is no cyclical nature to history.

>> No.54404594

The largest development in my mind is a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Given the bad blood between Shia and Sunnis that's a huge deal in my eyes. If that lasts then things really are starting to shift, even if it takes longer than most expect.

>> No.54404796

It'll happen quicker than most people think because of the speed of technology. Just like the bank runs that tanked svb, were electronic.

>> No.54404842

the human organism has evolved very little in the last 10,000 years. Human organizations past and present are therefore formed from the same exact constituent parts and we should expect them to behave in very similar ways and see similar patterns of behavior. And we do see patterns all throughout history. I don't see this changing unless you modify the participants whether that means significant DNA editing or adding sentient AI into the mix.

>> No.54404848

Palm oil for your fried chickin my negro

>> No.54404883
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 12CF8FEA-DB12-4A20-B779-9D60C5E0D61E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i need to say more

>> No.54405313

Kasi spin

>> No.54406036

Neither is the US. It's a trading outpost with a merchant fleet.

>> No.54406079

100% more close, but the us system is the global system, with peak demographics it will also mean the same problems than rome had.

>> No.54406120

Nobody bet on rome vs Carthage during the first two wars either. I hope russianbros make it.
They do need a younger more visionary dictator though. Putin is at the end of his rope.

>> No.54406127

indonesian tuh kayak bukan orang, subhuman, indonesian tuh kayak manusia setengah monyet dibanding orang amrik, kotor, kulit berminyak, jidat item
najiiiiissss cuiiiiihhhhh
piece of shit

>> No.54406138

these are just countries sperging out and squirming as their debt is getting too expensive to pay with the rising rates
>if you don't lower the rate we will ditch the dollar
see you next fomc you horde or shitskins, tropical shitskins and sandniggers

>> No.54406443

Russia has literally destroyed slavic civilization, just as the demographics of the post soviet collapse were going up monke starts war to get banan.

I am not making this up the current slavs dying in that retarded war are the ones of the demographic recovery of the 2000s

>> No.54407028

Tanginang yan

>> No.54407112

Ok, you're polish, we get it. You faggs are imposing yourselves more than trannies lately.
I don't condone what Hitler did to Poland in WW2, buuuut I'm starting to understand what edged him tbqhf.

>> No.54409518

BTC will solve this, but I guess that they are not yet ready to adopt crypto payment.
It would be nice to see the US government embrace web3 payment since we already have projects like Alchemy pay, Coinremiter, and others that make paying with crypto easy