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54363123 No.54363123 [Reply] [Original]

This is definitely an attempt to distract people from the $40 million SBF spent on the US midterm elections. Why accuse him of bribing Chinese officials with the exact same amount of money? Why does this happen to coincide with the SEC's recent charges against Binance?

>> No.54363158

Yep. Fuck legacy media, always.

>> No.54363175

that's what they do. accuse you of doing what they've done

>> No.54363225

No, not the media. It's the US prosecutors who are trying to cover up campaign financing corruption in 2020 and 2022.

Al Jazeera is not a part of the US propaganda machine. They are the only large media outlet that covers the Israeli occupation and forced resettlement of the west bank.

>> No.54363231

bump. don't let them forget.

>> No.54363276


I still cant help but feel bad for him bros. I mean i've looked in his eyes and could see that he was just trying to help and make the world a better place. He even donated a f*ckload of his money too. But yeah, people also lost alot of money because he was being reckless so he should at least apologise or even in another way make up for it. But it's a shame what happened gave crypto a bad name

>> No.54363289

Jews are very smart and they know how to manipulate the goyim with our media. Cope and seethe harder

>> No.54363316

you mean the CIA and their qatari clients run a limited hangout on the israeli occupation through their mouthpiece al jazeera.

al jazeera hasnt been independent since the US wiped out their head office with a jdam and then took over the organisation during the second gulf war

>> No.54363332

i worked on campus with a dude from Egypt whose mom works as one of their chief editors. Al Jazeera is the tits when they want to be, like Vice.
And isn't that Sam's money? I think he's allowed to spend his money on campaigns of his choosing. Bribing the Chinese though? Last I checked they don't even allow crypto over there. Am I wrong?

>> No.54363370

>feels bad for a curly-head cabalist with inroads into legacy weapons-manufacturers and pro-war democrats
>feels bad for a guy who grew up in Hillsborough, California and had everything his entire life at his finger tips
>feels bad for a guy who is never going to face a single consequence of his actions that affected millions of others because the government directed him to nuke crypto at this specific time
>feels bad for someone who is part of the plot, an integral part, at that

You know who I feel bad for, anon? It's you. I feel bad for you.

>> No.54363432

hi /pol/ !

>> No.54363446

If we're finally saying the quiet part out loud, I'd say calling them "Chinese officials" checks out imo.

>> No.54363480

HOW THE FUCK IS THIS A POL POST FAGGOT? POST HANDS RIGHT NOW. Everything I said is factual and verifiable by anyone. He is from Hillsborough, checked, he funded pro-war democrats exclusively, check, he funded pro-pharma bipartisan fags, check, he is part of a cabal through his mother, check. Yoou're literally a JIDF aren't you? kys.

>> No.54363519

>And isn't that Sam's money? I think he's allowed to spend his money on campaigns of his choosing
just up idf poster it was literally - not - his money he was spending. Did you miss that entire happening?

>> No.54363533

>Al Jazeera is not a part of the US propaganda machine.
It is, kek.

>> No.54363648

We should be doing the same thing. It's time.

>> No.54364317

kike hands typed this

>> No.54364406

le /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.54364475

>why would the US want to make China look bad right now
Gee, I don't know, anon

>> No.54364478


>> No.54364615
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>I mean i've looked in his eyes and could see that he was just trying to help and make the world a better place.

>> No.54364659
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Wasn't SBF Modus operandi like this tho?

>> No.54364686

>It's the Chinese!
>It's the Russians!
>Its actually US lol

>> No.54364735

Yes, it was. Which is why the Twitter screenshot in the OP is meant as a distraction from what FTX really funded. It's also very coincidental that post-FTX collapse several US institutions have been going hard against crypto.

>> No.54364756


>> No.54364768

They want a fight with china

>> No.54364796

Everything is a red herring to distract from their draining of our wealth.

>> No.54364822

And I'm getting news that China wants to unban crypto trading for all citizen on June.
We may see the dawnfall of usd this time
And ww3

>> No.54364890

later we'll probably start hearing that FTX was a ponzi,
and that somehow led to the broader financial crisis,
because of bribes to China or something.
the petro-dollar cannot fall.
it's just not something we'll allow to happen.
that's why we get WW3.

>> No.54364941
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>the media have prosecutorial powers

>> No.54365198

>the media have prosecutorial powers
not that retarded of a statement.
the media can run a circus and make it impossible to have a fair trial.

>> No.54365272

Dunning kruger

>> No.54365359

They just reported the charging documents dumbass.

>> No.54365382

Are we the baddies?

>> No.54365401

They have tons of genetic disorders and look hideous

>> No.54365492

alright, be honest.
how much money did you park at FTX?

>> No.54365508

Zero. Stop trying to change the subject.

>> No.54365525



>> No.54365534

always have been

>> No.54365575

He's just a kid bro, stop reminding people he donated billions to the democrats (and a smaller amount to neocons, so faggots like op could go "n-no he's not politically biased")
Stop mentioning it. Just dont.

>> No.54365590

I’m only now beginning to really realize this.

>> No.54366044

Just to repeat its not cool to spread this. We need to let this thread fall off page 10. Which is why I'm doing the sega thing

>> No.54366749

Maybe China was ONE of the Middle Man between the Democrat Party, and FTX, but implicating the Ukraine in the pervious / FTX money laundering scheme, would undermine the current money laundering going on via the US Gov?

>> No.54367743


>> No.54367871

easy to get caught up in the "it's the jews" echo chamber on this site, but no, it's just greed and it applies to all races and religions in the upper echelons of society. i've falllen into this trap and it leads to nowhere in terms of your clarity about how the world actually operates.

>> No.54367971

go suck another baby cock, inbred kike

>> No.54368064

while greed is indeed a universal at a certain level of society, it is only one culture that has made it a foundational aspect of what they believe. going as far as to codify who is acceptable to fleece

>> No.54368099

Hows the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.54368133

fuck media period bro mainstream crypto media is worse and the paid influencers are even worser than that

>> No.54369426

They are going to use the Binance terrorist money laundering allegations and this as a new avenue to go after crypto and shut it down (or try).
>Sorry, your institution has been essentially laundering money for terrorism, your assets are now property of the US Government.

>> No.54369466

based. As a BTC miner and a Sovereign Citizen I do not pay tax on my electricity bill so I am ending the FED Binance unironically not needed frens just keep paying your bills and watch the government and the banking kikes seeth!!!

>> No.54369517

Can you imagine the number of people told him to do something shady and they were like "It's fine, you won't get in trouble, don't worry".

Of course he is going to listen to that bullshit, thats how rich people raise their kids, "do this for me, do that for me".

Plenty of promises that he would never see trouble, confidence building over the years. How do you not think this is a false reality in this scenario? how do you not end up just doing something ridiculously stupid?

>> No.54369539

based us gov sometimes the good guys really do win

>> No.54369557

Not all women are psychotic, not all men abuse women, not all trans shoot and rape others, not all gays are paedophiles, not all jews are bankers, etc, etc.

Waste of time honestly. You're just going to get tricked by an individual in the groups that you do trust.

>> No.54369876

>The Wolf Of Wall Street: Jordan Belfort (frauds over 100 millions ; Belfort was born in 1962 in the Bronx[3] borough of New York City to a Jewish family.[6][7][8]): played by Leonardo DiCaprio (goy)
>Boiler Room: Michael Brantley based on Jordan Belfort (see above): played by Tom Everett Scott (goy)
>The Big Short: Mark Baum based on Steve Eisman (Jewish, emerged from the financial crisis of 2008 with millions in the bank), Jared Vennett based on Greg Lippmann (Jewish): played by Steve Carell (goy) and Ryan Gosling (goy)
>Wall Street: Gordon Gekko based on Michael Milken (Milken was born into a middle-class Jewish[10][11][12][13][14]) and Ivan Boesky (Boesky was born to a Jewish family[1][2] ; both sentenced for insider trading): played by Michael Douglas (g... Jewish?!)
>Margin Call: John Tuld based on Richard S. Fuld (Fuld was born to a Jewish family in New York City[10] ; filed for bankruptcy while pocketing 500 million for himself), Lehman Brothers chairman (Henry Lehman,[13] the son of a Jewish cattle merchant): played by Jeremy Irons (goy)
>Too Big to Fail: Richard Fuld (see above): played by James Woods (goy) ; Ben Bernanke (Jewish[8]): played by Paul Giamatti (goy)
>Billionaire Boys Club: Ron Levin (stole 4 millions dollars from a Ponzi Scheme group ; third son of a Russian-Jewish immigrant): played by Kevin Spacey (goy)
>Mad Men: Don Draper based on Albert Lasker (Lasker was born to a Jewish family[1] ; considered to be the "father of modern advertising", helped sell American Tobacco's Lucky Strike brand to women by promoting it as a weight-loss method): played by Jon Hamm (goy)
>The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff (born in Queens, New York, to Jewish parents ; largest Ponzi Scheme in history: 65 billion): played by Robert De Niro (goy)
>The Smartest Guys In The Room (doc): Andrew Stuart Fastow (chief financial officer of Enron Corporation ; He grew up in New Providence, New Jersey, the son of middle class Jewish[5][6][7])

>> No.54369925

lmao are you serious?

>> No.54370050
File: 11 KB, 240x210, 1680004310112015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Sam being taken down but they let the fucking girl who caused the entire mess go free?

>> No.54370053


>> No.54370056
File: 2.22 MB, 827x2102, 1679540031821640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is "conspiring to bribe Chinese officials" a crime in the US? Gee, Uncle Sam's really looking out for ye old Chinese government. Mighty nice of them -- that's some righteous concern for the moral integrity of the Chinese political system.

The propaganda is so retarded that it doesn't even make sense anymore. The low energy, low intellect bureaucrats who commission these articles are now just throwing out buzzwords and hoping something hits a nerve. It's not even social engineering anymore -- it's aimless and meaningless. They have nothing left to prop up the illusion. They have no creative energy remaining. This is how we know that it's almost over.

>> No.54370074

Despite being .2% of the global population jews make up 41% of the 1%

>> No.54370076

She's testifying against him. >>54370050

>> No.54370227
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Nothing personal, bank boy.

>> No.54371530

>This sets off my psyop meter

East Palestine.

>Can you imagine the number of people told him to do something shady and they were like "It's fine, you won't get in trouble, don't worry".

some 99 year old grandmother will fall on the sword for him and die in prison 2 months later. (((they))) are already shifting the narrative.

>oi vey it was his mothers bad advice

>his mother got the advice from her grandmother

>she pleads guilty to all charges

>we're sorry, judge, she can't serve any prison time

>....she's too old.

>> No.54371559


>> No.54371665

We are the best. Suck my big fat circumcised cock faggot

>> No.54371717

I really wish it were the case, but Jews are caught in an endless self-fulfilling prophecy of their own creation and destruction. The Jacob v. Esau story in the Torah is the foundation of their beliefs and to them Esau/Edom must be always be destroyed. The problem arises that they are always autistically inventing a new Esau to fill this role when an old one like Czarist Russia falls with whoever foolishly invites them into their nation. Western Civilization/Christendom is unfortunately in that role today. They can’t help it, it’s in their nature.

>> No.54373346

good point