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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54357143 No.54357143 [Reply] [Original]

We need to address the influx of /pol/ threads on /biz/.

>Influx of doomer posting
>Influx of schizo-like fud (project X is run by jews! project Y will defeat the jews!)
>Influx of twitter screen-cap threads (90% of /pol/ is twitter screen-cap threads)
>Influx of chud/incel bait threads

I propose a new rule to be made that bans any pol related topic posted on biz. Biz is about crypto and finance, not politics. Save this board before it's too late.

>> No.54357168
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> We need to address the influx of /pol/ threads on /biz/.

> >Influx of doomer posting
> > >Influx of schizo-like fud (project X is run by jews! project Y will defeat the jews!)
> >Influx of twitter screen-cap threads (90% of /pol/ is twitter screen-cap threads)
> >Influx of chud/incel bait threads

> I propose a new rule to be made that bans any pol related topic posted on biz. Biz is about crypto and finance, not politics. Save this board before it's too late.

>> No.54357174

We are at the end of Kali Yuga, it all makes sense now why everything went to shit and people became so retarded.
I was once a wise man and now my wisdom is ignored.
Of course it literally makes perfect sense.

>> No.54357263
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Jews must be fought on all fronts.

In Finance-Banks and Crypto the most these days.

>> No.54357282

The masturbatory machines gramps. That's all. Just one story.

>> No.54357294

pol chuds get the rope

>> No.54357296


>> No.54357303
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go back to antiwork kike

>> No.54357327

To some degree politics and finance will always be related but I would also be in favor of doling out three-for-frees and escalating from there for anyone being a dick and making /pol/ posts of either side of the ideological spectrum. That means banning communist trannies and turbo chud nazbols equally. Granted, shit doesn't actively get banned unless it's reported, so I guess the real solution would be people clicking arrows more often instead of just bitching about the problems. I spend a solid 15-30 minutes most days going through the catalogue and reporting shit /pol/ posts and offtopic nonsense as well as the usual advertising grifters.

Also, everything anyone posts here is logged permanently and google directly scans every post made and changes peoples algos accordingly. Push an agenda somewhere it doesn't fuck up yours and others "social credit scores" thanks.

>> No.54357417

I don't get this. Why would an anti-work commie post on /biz/? It's like youre just spamming some shit you found on /pol/ without really understanding what it means

>> No.54357427

The machines. Spare no detail

>> No.54357516

I'm so sick and tired of these fucks shitting up the board, everytime I enter a thread and see someone bitching about jews or women I immediately exit

>> No.54357553
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>influx of /pol

>> No.54357559

Indeed, jannies need to ban. Will it happen? Doubt it. Worst part is /pol/cels claiming this is their board. They shit everything up.

>> No.54357568

I agree. Too many chuds and incels on here who
1. Have no financial advice to give,
2. Do not seek financial advice,
3. Are clearly broke bitter losers who contribute nothing.

>> No.54357574

Yeah, I hate when anons endorse communism, get upset at business related racism and defend the jews. We really need to tone it down with the leftist politics around here.

>> No.54357611

Understanding the JQ is integral to any discussion of finance or crypto. Imagine how many cucks could’ve been saved from (((Celsius))) and (((ftx))) if only they’d understood this simple problem.

>> No.54357626

So many 1BTIDs, sad.

>> No.54357668

I don't know what the fuck is going in the us that people struggle to get by even with a hundred thousand dollars.
It's starting to look like a rogue hermit country. Is like everyone just bailed one day and now the country is bag holding and on the verge of collapse. Even north Korea has more friends than the us right now.

>> No.54357696

I say we ban any discussion of crypto on biz, we're here to make money, not create equality.

Philanthropy is for retards that don't want to see their peers die one by one. What boring assholes are they, how else do you know if you've made it?

>> No.54357711

Dead internet.

>> No.54357719
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