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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54349609 No.54349609 [Reply] [Original]

>keep losing money on crypto instead of making
how do you fags have millions? i keep losing money

>> No.54349620

>he still didn't realize that 99% of posts on /biz/ are CZs chink bot army

>> No.54349625

it was a prank bro, dont tell me you actually bought crypto

>> No.54349650

bots are not real

>> No.54349823 [DELETED] 

Pro tip: get a well-paying job and DCA into Bitcoin. No one [i.e., (you)] makes it on $100 and smelly pajeet coins.

>> No.54349830

They make money becauase you lose money

>> No.54349925

bots ARE real you fekkin botphobe

>> No.54349942

nah i dont belive in them
prove me they real

>> No.54349964

Nobody on this board has millions unless they made it from sources other than crypto. This board is filled with nothing but ESL third worlders larping as rich Americans so that you’ll buy their bags and make them a $10 profit (one month’s wages in their country)

>> No.54349966
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beep boop

>> No.54349979
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That's because you're doing it wrong. You're not shorting where you need to short and longing where you need to long. Grab any coin you want, think about $VINU, it's a memefi token, you grab it, buy it, and then long long long until you see it reaches peak then its short all the way down and voila. 26 k made so far in the span of a month and a half because i was patient with the coin i was investing. Now imagine doing that with any other coin (bc lemme tell ya vinu is the easy mode)

>> No.54350009

DCA into Bitcoin, a top 20 coin, and then throw a few $100 into some micro caps.

Don't touch Bitcoin or your top 20. Take profits on your micro once it pumps and don't look back.

That's my advice, anyway

>> No.54350027

>26 k made so far in the span of a month
exactly 1 month ago i started trading with 600 usd
i brought it up to 1900 in one week then lost it all when btc crashed because of silvergate
got liquidated on 300 usd
the shorted and silicon valley bank died then it sky rocketed again while i was in short
yeah now i have 7 usd left

>> No.54350079


99.9% of traders fail. So this is probably a larp. The most sure way, is the most boring way, OP

>> No.54350143


>> No.54350202

Bear markets rape you but you can make the money back and more quickly. Here's my path
>Put in $8K cash at the top in 2017 (lmao)
>Made up to $20k at one point, lost a bunch, eventually bunkered down in link with an 11k stack
>Portfolio dwindled to about $3k in the bear market
>Mismanaged my Link selling most in january 2019 (Fuck.)
>Took the remainder of my Link, went all in on GRT when it released, portfolio $100k at this point
>Then made massive gains on FTM and KDA
Right now my portfolio is $300k, have cashed out about $150k (that money got raped my stock market and the tax man.

>> No.54350229

arbitrum airdropped everyone here $12k+ (more for people with several addresses)
how do you lose money?
are you part of the binance/telegram shitcoin diaspora? if so, that's your answer
quit the penny stocks and invest in real crypto

>> No.54350258

This is just completely wrong. Some guy made 30 fucking million in XRB (nano). He posted a recording of his wallet and verifiable proof. I'm not sure if anyone has made that much since then, but coins like FTM and LINK minted many millionaires here (probably less than $5m total but still a nice nest egg).

>> No.54350261

Most people here are just lying to farm attention because they're losers

>> No.54350279

>just predict the future bro

>> No.54350285

Sounds like you just made a bunch of random decisions based on reading biz, got lucky, got unlucky and got lucky again.
Did you learn anything..? What made you go all in on GRT, FTM and KDA

>> No.54350293

Nigga please.
Majority of /biz/ has less than 1k money.

>> No.54350307

This is the entire stock market though.
It's all fucking fairy dust.

>> No.54350340

I do make decisions based off /biz/. The big thing is only buy coins that have based. The only one I really gambled on was GRT when it released, but the mcap was so fucking low at the time it would be impossible to dump, I think it was $80m or so.
>FTM was at 2 cents forever, no downside, infinite upside
>Link was shilled for years around 40 cents, little downside
>KDA was based well, good token distribution, super shillable, etc
You can't make money in big mcaps (>$500m). The best tokens have a good distribution and are shillable. This isn't to say I haven't missed, a couple include MINA, ALGO, HOLO. When you buy a flat chart though it's fucking hard to lose a ton of money.

>> No.54350464

most the portfolios are larps, you can enter whateve you want into them

>> No.54350471

>how do you fags have millions?
Rich family. I'd guess I'm one of few here who has money and I haven't made money trading crypto. This place seems to be mostly be shitposting and attention seeking faggots.

>> No.54350532

Most people lose. A couple people win big.
Losers don't post. Winners gloat.
You're seeing a case of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-selection_bias

>> No.54350556

buy low, sell high

>> No.54350625

i didnt use arbitrum
friend got 20k token

>> No.54350662

You are how they are making money. Welcome to the ponzi

>> No.54351229

>how do you fags have millions?
kek, imaginary millions in degeneric larpers head, you can do it too, just visualize it and voila! There it is.