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File: 528 KB, 715x841, Cypto Chicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5434577 No.5434577 [Reply] [Original]

Neckbeards love to think they are superior to women. But think about it. Who would be better. The best investor or the actor who gets the investors profits? Women might not understand crypto. But they will end up with all the gainz.


>> No.5434626

>still relies on a man for income

>> No.5434641

I can't wait for superior 2D dominatrix to run the world.

>> No.5434668

great, nobody on this forum gives a fuck. Try Reddit, maybe will care.

>> No.5434741
File: 1.17 MB, 1203x950, twitchroastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are superior
my argument is just that beta orbiters are very inferior

>> No.5434789

yep numales that have way too much money
most of these twitch donators are oil sandniggers btw

>> No.5434817

>this broadcast made possible by contributers like you
lol, what, she's sitting there playing video games. even if she needed a computer, just one of those donations would cover it, a tenth of one of those donations would cover it.

but no, it wouldn't be possible without her many contributers. lol what.

>> No.5434834

Neckbeards like to think they're superior than women as a defense mechanism caused by knowing deep down women don't need them for anything and don't want anything to do with them.

Gazorpazorp is the future friends, and you know it. Men have been dumb fucks who've made too much of a mess and in the end there will be a flippening as blowback.

>> No.5434849

Women have the best buisness sense and the best tools to make money. As soon as a woman gets unbound by ethics and the female idea of conformity to the norm/stability she excels.

>> No.5434883

>and the best tools to make money
i paid a woman $600 for her moneymaker tools just last night, fampai. the escort service wouldn't accept crypto, though; i asked.

>> No.5434889

nobody cares, honestly

>> No.5434905

>humans r superiurh!
>still relies on their reptile bosses for income
Laughing all the way to andromea cuckboy

>> No.5434939
File: 128 KB, 856x1200, 1502356965870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the end there will be a flippening as blowback
already happened; fucked everything up.

>> No.5434943

>billionaires with literal harems
Let me guess, you think lack of facial hair like a boy is more masculine?

>> No.5434976

gazorpazorp isn't possible for human women. because on earth, men do almost all the inventing and building and: thinking.

so good luck building a futuristic supercity without men

also, every workplace needs males to supervise the women. if you have a workplace of mostly women then you need at least some men. because when there are no men around, women don't work. they don't. any workplace without men falls apart, go ahead, find me an all female workplace that is still standing, you can't. without men around women just tear each other apart and don't get anything done.

men objectively are the superior sex, everyone knows it, women especially know it. so fuck off

>> No.5434990

the masculinity of the beard is in the shitter, mate. try again in 10 years

>> No.5435017
File: 825 KB, 1560x2744, roastieshelpless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gazorpazorp is the future friends

>> No.5435048

is whoring considered superior behavior now?

>> No.5435060

What kind of a fucking cancerous nigger do you have to be to enjoy this "Financial Domination" thing, can't these worthless fucks just off themselves already?

>> No.5435062

Thats the shittiest picture Ive ever seen

>> No.5435095
File: 70 KB, 676x800, womenssuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument

>> No.5435221

The secret to life it to just take what you want. Blackmail, Kill, etc. Someone pisses you off? Kill them, Want something someone else has? Download their HDD and blackmail them. Want a cutipie but she doesn't want you? See above. Cucks.

>> No.5435280

Men spend their lives wage cucking while the aforementioned woman just relaxes and reap the fruits of their labor.

They play along with the whole "men are superior" because it keeps them placated and happy being slaves.

>> No.5435313

I have a friend who does sex work, all of her customers are either sugar-daddies or finsubs/paypigs. one is "give me .1 BTC and I'll let you come in my ass" and the other is "give me .1 BTC, I'll call you a disgusting paypig, THEN let you come in my ass" it's just a nuanced and very expensive form of run of the mill whoring. good on her for exploiting dumb ass men with too much disposable income, but for as much power as she claims to possess over these idiots, they're still the ones holding the wallet and thus in control.

>> No.5435534


>so good luck building a futuristic supercity without men

don't worry. we'll destroy the ponzi scheme of a society men created soon enough with WW3, and from the ashes of the collapse men will be the underlings.

>> No.5435592

Because woman have such a great history with flooding into open positions of power? Lol. Do you really think woman stand a chance in a post apocalyptic world? How has that ever played out?

>> No.5435649

are you a newfag or what
i said MOST of these donators are sandniggers (the high donations) if i would find a funny black liquid in my garden id be rich too
they are insecure faggots that have to donate twitch whores to get validation. most of the low level donators 10-100$ are numales.

t. was in vacation in dubai loads of times and i see how these faggots live trust me nothing to be jelly of

>> No.5435650

I don't get it ...?
$23000 dollars can buy you a lot more hookers that are at least 9/10

>> No.5435716
File: 416 KB, 800x726, 14b1c7f35d3ed1d9052c61696ded8d39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litterally going to buy out the politicians with sex trade Bitcoin and change public policy as a whore.

>> No.5435717


>How has that ever played out?

we've never had the tools, technologies, or educated women we have now. they're held back by the remnants of the old guard occultist illuminati that remembers when women were property used for power, but from the wreckage of our dying society women will be the winners.

women are naturally more social, and more capable of organization. they permeate social media, and make up most of it. they're the event planners, the note takers, and the ones who will fight most ferociously if you fuck with their groups.

the 20th century was the war between socialism and capitalism. the 21st century will see the era of social-capitalism come into shape, and women have more social capital because they're naturally more social. when the fiat systems have broken down and capital isn't measured in debt backed IOUs, women will become the new ruling class.

>> No.5435786

Men always have and always will hold all the power, Woman always have and always will rule behind the curton. Nothing changes, all is an illusion and you fell for it. in the end, men always have the final say in anything, Even if the woman behind them are the ones in control.

>> No.5435848


>Woman always have and always will rule behind the curton

my point exactly. the curtains of the world are coming down. the strings of power are becoming more visible. the social contracts of olde are falling apart. and as society collapses under these realizations, the middle men will be cut out once we hit bottom.

>> No.5435918

Here, have some homework. We've seen the curton come down before many times in history, your assignment is to go find them all and tell me how every single one of them has ended. When men are bad leaders, many just accept it, or are replaced by another man. When woman are bad rules, and it is discovered to be the case, Civilizations cease to exist. It's can't work. No matter how much you may want it too.

>> No.5435943

The curton must stay in place* for any sliver of a chance.

>> No.5436045

She didn't earn anything really, it was just given to her by pathetic men. If she was ugly or if she was a man then she wouldn't be able to do this.
Men are pathetic and women are leeches, that's all

>> No.5436065


>> No.5436081

>"This women who goes by the name Theodora"
>My fucking sides.jpg

This has to be fake

>> No.5436102

>Women have always been property
>This will change due to some nonsensical idea of 'social capital'

Oh, you. Shitty trolling.

But really, I'm hoping for a gender war too. Because as it is, I have a million natural impulses telling me to rape and pillage and burn and dismember women, but I have no reason or justification for it. I'm BEGGING- legitimately BEGGING- for women to give us a reason. I'll be the dog of war and I can't fucking wait.

tl;dr- women won't know true cruelty until they're at war with men. They thought rape culture was bad? Wait for war culture!

>> No.5436141


First rule of markets: past profits do not guarantee future profits

Society has changed since we last had real collapse and replacement. Technology has changed. Insight into the nature of reality has changed.

In all past collapses women were a subjugated class used as property. Society was also cursed with the ignorance of religion and the limitations it enforces on individuals.

These artifacts won't be limiting factors next time around. The next collapse is going to look entirely different from every previous collapse. It could end in males seizing power and dragging us into a dystopic shithole once more. But we're already nearly bottomed out and this time we have the tools to see a revolution play out entirely differently.

Its like watching ebbs and flows in a chart that naturally decline but then you see it crossover in the charts and know its about to start climbing. Male dominated society wrests its progress on quicksand and has been rapidly declining for decades. If males once again seize power when shit hits the fan, we're going through the floor. If women seize power, we have a chance of pulling up and taking back control from the power hungry cretins that have inherited it.

>> No.5436393


> Male dominated society wrests its progress on quicksand and has been rapidly declining for decades.

You mean those last few decades after the 2nd wave of feminism? Yeah, I agree, we messed up there allowing them that much cultural influence. That def. a mistake, But blame the kikeish media for changing the culture through propaganda back then.

>> No.5437024

Femcunt Fantasies
Warning: Not for people under 400 lbs.