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File: 7 KB, 352x197, coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54336266 No.54336266 [Reply] [Original]

>Coinbase: Please let us sell illegal securities
>SEC: No
>Coinbase: Please?
>SEC: No
>Coinbase: ThE sEc iS rEfUsInG tO cOoPeRaTE wITh oUr bUsInEsS
Can someone explain how coinbase expects to win this upcoming case?

>> No.54336284

but how are they illegal? coinbase has a securities license

>> No.54336285

bitcoin maxis joining hands with the SEC will be seen as the pico-nadir of the bitcoin arc

>> No.54336288

the securities themselves are unregistered which coinbase is selling.

>> No.54336293

They're a public company lmao, they had to get SEC approval for the IPO.

>> No.54336300

I'm guessing they'll go a bit beyond the 2014 Reddit sarcasm speak meme

>> No.54336301

The SEC let them launch an IPO and public company knowing full well what their business model is. They look like retarts cracking down on them now.

>> No.54336303

double check
too bad the sec is full of clowns that won't register anything that hasn't been pooped out by jpm
people are trying they just don't want to do their job

>> No.54336310

They are heavily invested in ETH. Brian Armstrong hates BTC and loves ETH.

>> No.54336311

Checked. This literally is the argument Coinbase is trying to make.

>> No.54336316

I don't get it are the SEC stupid?
There are other exchanges overseas are you telling me America wants to lose its competitive edge in this market.

Is America really wanting become an irrelevant country of the future.

>> No.54336323

is my coinbase wallet in danger?

>> No.54336328

They are not securities though.

>> No.54336338

Holy shit. I hope the US doesn't fall behind in the Ponzi Scheme Gap. When will the SEC relent and and legalize these illegal securities so its citizens can get competitively rugpulled?
We're going to fall behind Japan at this rate.

>> No.54336342

the sec literally cant even define the word security to them or tell them which of their listings are illegal. they just keep vaguely telling them to remove the securities and then when asked which ones those are they have no response

>> No.54336345

yeah that's it, they're protecting investors KEK

>> No.54336359

No - this has nothing to do with insolvency.

>> No.54336364

> The term "security" is defined broadly to include a wide array of investments, such as stocks, bonds, notes, debentures, limited partnership interests, oil and gas interests, and investment contracts.

Crypto currency are none of these, its like claiming the shiny rocks we personally hold in our hand securities.
They are not, just because they are online doesn't mean they they are securities.
What don't the SEC understand?

Are the SEC Jewish?

>> No.54336367
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>illegal securities
What is a legal securities?
Only those approved by Goldberg and Friends?

Funnily enough I didn't hear any kvetching about FTX selling """""""illegal securities"""""" despite both exchanges selling the exact same shit

>> No.54336375
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>yeah that's it, they're protecting investors KEK
>Holy shit. I hope the US doesn't fall behind in the Ponzi Scheme Gap. When will the SEC relent and and legalize these illegal securities so its citizens can get competitively rugpulled?
>We're going to fall behind Japan at this rate.

>> No.54336380
File: 64 KB, 750x501, Youll-Own-Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America hates business and businesses that aren't Kosher

>> No.54336383
File: 423 KB, 865x682, reddit moment epic edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic reddit moment but you're a dumb nigger and the way you framed everything is stupidly wrong, let me help you out

>hey we're going public so we're going to need the SEC and other regulatory commissions to clue us in on whether anything we're doing is illegal or off-limits and how we can fix it because we want to protect our shareholders
>maybe you're good, maybe you're not :^)
>ok but just tell us because we're going public
>no :^)
*Coinbase goes public*

>NOW we'll tell you... this stuff is actually all illegal! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!

it's getting very silly at this point. You can't just keep making regulatory decisions after-the-fact using case law. The SEC or other regulatory commissions are going to have to start giving better guidance, or else we'll need the fucking retards in the Legislative branch to put together some real regulatory guidance

>> No.54336386

It's obese goblin amerimutt monkeys like you that make me happy knowing your shithole will collapse and you and your family will suffer by the hands of negroids

>> No.54336389

They're covering their own ass. The SEC would look pretty stupid claiming that SHIB is a sensible investment you should put money into, wouldn't it.
Coinbase is trying to do the Uber technique. Basically setting up and operating an unlawful business while pretending it is perfectly lawful. Then trying to let regulation catch up.
This worked for Uber. The SEC, however, isn't going to bless the legality of the sort of pump and dump rugpulls that Jordan Fucking Belfort went to prison for operating.

>> No.54336399

OP is from reddit, the cringy caps are reddit.

>> No.54336402

Seethe. We're comfy and you dumbfucks will miss us when we're not running the world for you.

>> No.54336404

The art of the self own.

>> No.54336407

>The SEC would look pretty stupid claiming that SHIB is a sensible investment you should put money into, wouldn't it.

But Silicon Valley Bank is a sensible investment?

>> No.54336419
File: 18 KB, 646x655, 1F2356E3-36E1-4985-8D81-6C6F2DB093CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seethe. We're comfy and you dumbfucks will miss us when we're not running the world for you.

>> No.54336422

The sec APPROVED their business in 2021 when they went pubilc
This is government despotism you jew

>> No.54336441

>I didn't hear any kvetching about FTX selling """""""illegal securities"""""" despite both exchanges selling the exact same shit
And what event occurred that may have caused a reaction to stop doing it?

>> No.54336442

No, of course not. It was providing banking and investment guidance for crypto.
That business was clearly too retarded to exist.

>> No.54336452

checked. how it is that people spend more money on their electricity bill and pay tax on it and still think they will end the FED with illegal securities like BTC?

>> No.54336471
File: 471 KB, 1238x1320, Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 7.35.13 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the SEC are claiming cryptocurrencies are securities when it is factually incorrect is an indication of fraudulent activity.

We need to go after the individuals who are abusing their position in the regulatory body as they are wilfully engaged in market manipulation and are using the SEC as a cover to pursue their own financial interests.

>> No.54336475

I would prefer every government in the world that currently exists to run the world over the usa

>> No.54336483
File: 169 KB, 1283x1116, sam bankman aka ironman saves the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jewish mafia state lost it's golden boy and are now seething and want to wrangle control of the only the exchange left in America that can compete with Binance so they can continue to launder money into Khazaria(The country formally known as Ookraine)

>> No.54336494

From the very beginning, Coinbase was selling things which should have been registered as securities. Just because BuyMyCoin.com tells you that Coinbase was fighting le good fight against the Joo SEC, it doesn't make it true. Coinbase were blatantly trying to bypass security laws to sell their shit. Coinbase knew exactly what they would have to do. They would have to register things as securities. Doing this would be disasterous because it would mean audits which would mean the scam is over. There's no tipsy-toeing around it. They are trying to play the victim by going "my poor company, we are left in the dark" when they know what regulatory rules they would have to follow. They would have to follow the same regulations as everyone else. They tried to bypass this and the SEC told them to fuck off

>> No.54336497

>Basically setting up and operating an unlawful business
Why did the SEC approve their business?

>> No.54336505


So one exchange mismanages customers' deposits and goes under because of it, so your reaction is to go after what people would consider to be the most trustworthy and transparent exchange in the business?

It's even more hilarious when you compare how hard regulators have come down execs and others at crypto companies that fucked up, meanwhile banks like SVB fail due to poor management and they get to walk away scot-free because it's a "legitimate" in the eyes of old boomers in government unlike crypto.

>> No.54336524

>From the very beginning, Coinbase was selling things which should have been registered as securities
Are you ready to prove that in court? Ethereum has been around since 2015. Is Gary Gensler prepared to shake up $400,000,000,000 of market equity from Ethereum/defi/all the rest, potentially causing a systemic collapse of crypto (and every crypto-affiliated bank) in the process?

>> No.54336537

They are albeithoughever

>> No.54336551

>From the very beginning, Coinbase was selling things which should have been registered as securities

Ok, but then why did the SEC give them the go-ahead to go public?

"The SEC allowed Coinbase to go public in 2021, he wrote, including after reviewing its disclosures that 'clearly explained our asset listing process and included 57 references to staking.' Coinbase shares debuted on public markets on April 14, 2021." - from the WSJ

If they're doing something wrong, then tell them right away. If you're going back and forth about whether they're selling securities, don't let the company go public - bring the lawsuit in 2021 or at least say "you have to fix this and this before you go public"

The current administration's SEC is purposely timing lawsuits and even less regulatory guidance in an attempt to muddle the waters around crypto regulation and you're a fucking moron if you think it's anything else

>> No.54336661

Sure they did.
But crypto currencies aren't securities this is a fact.

>> No.54336700

Jews are bullying Coinbase to get them to pay up. This is just a submission ritual. So long as Coinbase gives money and power to Jews then they’ll be allowed to exist. Happened to every company that gets big that isn’t Jewish

>> No.54336823

>Stop selling unregistered securities
>Okay, which ones are you talking about?
>I don't know yet, just stop

>> No.54336892

>The SEC let them launch an IPO and public company knowing full well what their business model is.
Exactly. The regulatory scrutiny of an IPO is far beyond typical "its decentralized crypto, bro" nonsense. SEC will get fucked. At any rate, they're only doing it to suck off big banks for more campaign donations.

>> No.54337066
File: 573 KB, 638x477, Screen-shot-2011-04-07-at-11.43.34-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've seen as well.
Have you noticed the America has anti boycott laws around Israel.
If a country or a business operating globally refuses to do business with Israel, then America sanctions that business or nation destroying them in the process.

Its really time to stop listening to the US government, they are an illegal occupation anyway, the fact that the US has a surveillance state means that the government have broken the social contract, rendering the current government as illegitimate.

The constitution is supreme law and these kikes believe themselves to be above the law while also simultaneously using laws to crush the people and business owners that are not Jewish. The Zionist occupied government of America can get fucked.

They are illegal and illegitimate bastards.

>> No.54337079

If the SEC lost against Ripple they have no chance against Coinbase, who ironically delisted Ripple.

>> No.54337106

>Can someone explain how coinbase expects to win this upcoming case?
They don't. Coinbase has tons of advisors who have already told Armstrong that he made wrong things and will pay a severely high price for it.

And the punishment will be harsh and exemplary.

The SEC will not go suing all crypto projects. That's a lot of work. They will just attack the behemoth, which is Coinbase.

Once this happens, crypto is over. You've had 14 years to make it.

>> No.54337149


You’re right chain link is not a security.

>> No.54337271

Crypto is here to stay.
Crypto currency is not only about "making it" its about building a better world free from (((their))) Usury.

Sorry you're on the wrong side of history bigot.

>> No.54337306

>its about building a better world free from (((their))) Usury.
Yeah but in the meantime keep paying your taxes and keep the usurer informed about every crypto trade you make lol

You will not escape the system. It's for your own good.

>> No.54337316

Checked and truepilled
Its like OJ simpson complaining that the US government wont make spousal murder legal

>> No.54337333

Ted Bundy: no one stopped me from killing all those other women so how can you arrest me now?

>> No.54337378
File: 2.30 MB, 288x360, australian-piggy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look we all know the only reason why Jews hate cryptocurrency is that it is a debt free monetary system.
Being debt free means that they cannot restrain your nations economy and reduce you to a state of abject poverty like they do in the south American countries.
When a country fails to capitulate the the Jewnited state of America, they can manipulate the exchange rates of a country, we all know by now that all their fiat is debt based and so by controlling the interest rates you can use the debt to bring a country to its knees, forcing their people into a state of poverty manufacturing revolutions or all types of civil unrest, this is also how they loot the natural resources of developing countries for pennies on the dollar. There has never been a more tyrannical system in history than the USA.

This is why they hate crypto currency its a free market on the money, the jews are always saying how a free market is necessary, but they always ignore the currency games that they currently monopolise.
Freedom means we the people can use our own crypto currencies free from the forced monopoly that uses violence to secure its debt based system.
Look at what these vile kikes did during the covid lockdowns, because we use a debt based monetary system they could use financial governance to force the people to take the vaccines, their mortgages will strip away years of work if they cannot work and so these kikes made illegal rules that if you want to keep your job you have to take the vaccine.

Forcing billions of people all over the world to capitulate to the demands of a small ruthless parasitic group of bastards

>> No.54337391

secure deez

>> No.54337411

Don’t care.
>muh securities
No one cares faggot
Fuck goybase, fuck the sec

>> No.54337462
File: 2.81 MB, 480x270, covid-australia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already escaped the system anon, almost 7 years ago.

But sure you can send the ZOGbots to enforce the laws, but with every action you weaken your control, because each time the more people wake up to the world that has been pulled over their eyes.
Try and enforce mask mandates again, see what happens, you will be surprised just how much control you lost.

>> No.54337497

>Its like OJ simpson complaining that the US government wont make spousal murder legal
>Ted Bundy: no one stopped me from killing all those other women so how can you arrest me now?

this is nothing like either of those two scenarios you fucking 0 IQ schizo. I could not think of a worse, more retarded comparison if I tried

>uhhhhhhhh it's just like when someone killed someone and criminal law trial

what the fuck are you even talking about you retard lmao

>> No.54337566

that's not what happaned though. Brian has came at sec multiple times to set straight guidelines for everything crypto related, instead the SEC just gives Sam a freepass for everything and start suing and giving everybody else fines, still, without any clear guildelines.
so it's more like
>can you tell me how i'm allowed to operate inside the us, mr sec sir?
>no, just do your business as usual
>ok mr. sec
>offers staking
>but, mr sec i asked for guiidelines
>tough luck chud see ya in court
america is so backwards it's emberrassing, what a clown fiesta, not to mention your politics

>> No.54337608

That's now what happened at all though.
>Hi there Mr SEC are we breaking the rules?
>Read the rules and we'll get back to you if you're breaking
*Breaks the rules*

Imagine if you went up to a cop and said
>Hi Mr Cop, how do I not break the speeding rule
>Read the rules and follow them
*Goes 80 in a 50*

>> No.54337610

>reddit spacing
>seething that his heckin magic internet moneyrino is going to be worthless when the sec finally cracks down on ponzi schemes
Kek. I cant wait for the mass tranny suicide and this place returns to actual business and finance discussion

>> No.54337625

>>reddit spacing

You should show respect when you see reddit spacing. That means you're talking to someone who makes money from shitposting. That's a considerably higher IQ than yours.

>> No.54337661

what specific rules are being broken?
> UUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shut up see you in court!"1!!!
there are no set guidelines for crypto, which is what Brian has been asking the SEC to provide. why all of a sudden is everything a security? why wasn't everything just labeled a security before coinbase went public? why is a company allowed to go public if everything they offer is illegal?

>> No.54337680

I remember when I first saw someone call me out for "reddit spacing" I was confused because I'd never even been to reddit and literally had no idea what they're talking about

confirmation that only redditors actually call out "reddit spacing" because anybody that was on 4chan long before reddit would have no fucking clue what "reddit spacing" even means. It's the most reddit insult of all

>ponzi schemes
>returns to actual business and finance discussion

you're continuously outing yourself as a nigger redditor. Just get the fuck out of here you absolute retard. But before you go, let's hear another one of your "This criminal trial and murder situation is JUST LIKE what Coinbase is doing with regard to SEC regulation!" comparisons. Maybe try one with George Floyd this time or something. Come on retard, give us another one

>> No.54337748
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The specific rule is selling an unregistered security. It's not the SECs job to explain that, it's what your lawyer your company has on retainer is for. Any halfway decent lawyer could tell that their shit fails the Howie test and they went forward anyway.
>why all of a sudden is everything a security
It's the government you retard, they take forever to do anything. Wesley Snipes didn't pay taxes from 1999 to 2004 and didn't get popped until 2010.
You're not going to like my answer so I'm just going to go ahead and preempt your next post by telling you to cope and sneed and dilate.

>> No.54337840

nope, everything you say is wrong. There isn't a clear set of rules regarding crypto yet, that's why the SEC can't go out and officially say anything regarding it, all they can do is sue and fine. Coinbase wouldn't be operating for 11 years if they were selling illegal securities. They took down Arthur extremely fast when bitmex refused to obey the jewish rules. If coinbase was actually offering illegal securities, SEC would have no problem at all to go public with a statement like that, but they haven't, and they won't, because SEC doesnt have any authority outside of giving a fine

>> No.54337892

Oh I see you're just retarded. I'll explain this for a sub 70 IQ retard like you:
>There are clear rules around unregistered securities. Just by calling it "crypto" doesn't change that. If you tell a cop who pulls you over for speeding that you weren't speeding because you were using a new thing called "driving extremely fast" that doesn't have clear rules around it like speeding does, then the cop would laugh and give you a ticket for speeding. Much like how Coinbase will be receiving more tickets for selling unregistered securities.
There you go buddy, hope I explained it better for you <3

>> No.54337964

what's with the midwits in this thread and treating the Howey test and other securities case law like it's some sort of statutory law or the equivalent of criminal laws

>looks, you're wrong because I came up with some retarded fucking awful comparison to [murder/speeding/criminal action] sooo yeah, you're wrong!
>umm the Howey test from 1946 case law is perfectly clear, unambiguous and obvious oh and it's just like a criminal statute. Trust me, I'm a retard!

impossible to even argue with midwits like this, they're not smart enough to understand how fucking stupid they are

>> No.54338154

why isn't eth declared a security then? stupid mongoloid, there are no clear strict rules set in stone for crypto. You can't just toss a decade old rule on a new technologoy and asset class, which is why there are still ongoing law battles for these commodities/securities.

>> No.54338330

This is probably the dumbest post I've seen all week. Congratulations retard. All crypto can fuck off and America and its citizens will be mostly unaffected because crypto is just funny money wealth transfer schemes. If you think otherwise you're literally ngmi.

>> No.54338487

>crypto is just funny money wealth transfer schemes

Did you know just because you say something doesn't make it so.
Crypto is about freedom and liberty to create financial systems free from central authorities, its about providing the next generation of web3 infrastructure that will provide an incubator for the fourth industrial revolution.

Small minded people cannot see it because they are mostly illiterate and others who inherited their position in this inorganic heirchy want to cling to power or turn the world to ashes if they cannot win.
America will become a third world shit hole, if it decides to limit the peoples ability to engage in the 4th industrial revolution.
You already have the 3rd world immigrants you're half way there at this point, good luck faggot.

>> No.54338591
File: 32 KB, 440x538, 440px-James_Madison(cropped)(c).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not knowing that data is a commodity in the infomation age that control Artificial intelligence and then imagine not being able to see why the people need the freedom to have decentralised architectures that protect data integrity that cannot be shut down from central authorities.

Do we want to AI to be in the hands of the coorporations or to give the people the freedom to create their own by providing cloud computing and systems of wealth transfer that are in the hands on the people and not private corporations that fund war, poverty and death of those that do not capitulate to a small group of parasites.

Its really quite simple, I support the founders vision and so do the ideas of blockchain and yet the current SEC and many in American government want to bend the knee to tyranny it is an absolute fucking disgrace.

You defile the memory of your fallen who lost their lives providing a hope for those living under tyrannical systems of oppression.
You're all fucking shameful degenerates.

Maddison wrote, among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed union none deserves to be more accurately developed that the tendencies to break and control the violence of faction.

But yet here we are with the central banks a monolithic constructed union where no efforts have been made to break and control the its ability to produce violence in the form of its funded war machine.

The central bank is the enemy of liberty and the people should never capitulate to such a system of injustice.

>> No.54339054

Last November all my crypto in coinbase about 2500 dollars worth was withdrawn without telling me
Or telling me where it went
Coinbase has yet to tell me what happened and why and if I can get it back
Fuck these guys

>> No.54339270

Not your keys...