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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 375x366, 1512720124668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5431295 No.5431295 [Reply] [Original]

This board is a literal shithole.
I came from /pol/ a while ago and I thought we could all just be happy friends helping each other to get rich. I mean, it's not like we're all getting along on /pol/, but at least anons on that board actually care about you.
/biz/ is nothing more than a bunch of faggots looking for the best ways to fuck you over, just for some gains.
You can go fuck yourselves. I'll figure out how to get rich by myself, I don't need your retarded board.

>> No.5431507

>I came from /pol/
yeah this board is ruined

>> No.5431977
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>I came from /pol/
Calls \biz a shithole...

And posts a Hitler image.

* sigh *

>> No.5432011
File: 1.86 MB, 530x300, shit_thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty b8 m8 no r8/8

>> No.5432068

Hitler was one of the greatest men who ever lived, sorry you're too brainwashed to see it. There's a reason why bigwigs read his book.

>> No.5432082

gtfo white /pol/ pajeet

>> No.5432126


Back to your safespace, sweetheart.

>> No.5432207

Lol just stop, hitlers book is trash and is universally accepted as trash. I like Hitler desu but that book is like trying to read a Healthcare bill

>> No.5432253

how about /pol/jeet

>> No.5432256

Some people are wolves and others are sheep. OP you are the latter.

>> No.5432278

Not my fault you can't tell genuine anons from pajeet scammers. Quit bitching stupid nazi faggot

>> No.5432286

We just need flags. If we had flags we'd get rich easy.

>> No.5432303

>/pol/babby gets a lesson of real life
Retards adhere to specific ideologies and political beliefs. The true winners of the world exploit the retards.

>> No.5432315

go back to pol you fucking fagget

>> No.5432331

/biz/ is sick - it's devolved into a state of nature, everyone behaving like pajeets in a bucket

>> No.5432357

>claims to be /pol/ack
>bitching about bantz
go back to plebbit

>> No.5432359

Yeah Hitler’s speeches were next level but his book sucked ass

>> No.5432413

This board gets my boi clitty trembling. So much testosterone my boi pussy is literally dripping

>> No.5432418

Old fags on /biz are pretty redpilled anon, but just like /pol, there has been a normie invasion and tons of redditfags posting here for the past couple of years.

>> No.5432443

>le turgid prose
this is a hackneyed Jewish meme

>> No.5432475


>> No.5432488
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fuck off faggot

>> No.5432523

His manifesto was gibberish

His artwork was below standards of even MSPaint!

His athletes were beaten in the olympics, by the race he was trying to exterminate.

He was crap at War.

Hitler was a nonce.

>> No.5432536
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>> No.5432541

I had similar opinions. Treat this as an ANTI-signaling group run by pajeets and chinks. Every once in awhile someone will shill a decent coin and their thread will quickly be buried.

You're right you don't need this retarded board, just browse and use it to sell your bags. Everyone here is a dirty cutthroat.

>> No.5432674

bye faggot

>> No.5432713

/pol Übermensch get repeatedly fucked in the ass by pajeets, like Hitler got fucked in the ass by nigger athletes. must be bad being you

>> No.5432730
File: 1.48 MB, 1057x947, polmeetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came from /pol/ a while ago

Sorry this board is whites only

>> No.5432783
File: 109 KB, 413x395, uhhHaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Bazinga did you buy OP

>> No.5432866
File: 77 KB, 702x335, bizmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites only
I hope that's sarcasm.

>> No.5432927

You the pajeet shilling monaco and bzc? I have a request. Can you kys?

>> No.5432975

>he was crap at war
Look m8 I'm not going to spend 30 minutes explaining it to you but he wasn't. He had some of the best generals around him and listened to their advice, which is why they made the moves he did, until Hitlers snake oil doctor literally turned Hitler to insanity, he became paranoid, etc etc the rest is history. Same thing happened to Stalin.

>> No.5433012
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>I mean, it's not like we're all getting along on /pol/, but at least anons on that board actually care about you.

>> No.5433034

>I come from the board who unironically wants large scale genocide and doesn't give a shit about the weak
>Also u a big meanies wahh mommy

>> No.5433114

>everyone calls /pol/ racist nazis
>most diverse board on 4chan with evidence to prove it

Everyone else btfo

>> No.5433145

Back to the oven chaim.

>> No.5433168


Fuck Hitler. He betrayed South Tyrol for an italian ally who was good for nothing. The the spaghettis and fuck Hitler.

>> No.5433199
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Get your coat

>> No.5433248
File: 209 KB, 780x1024, 1513472460928m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of greedy rat kikes on this board senpai. What did you expect?

>> No.5433286
File: 46 KB, 590x525, Hitler-stupid-smiling-276417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls us a shithole

Holy fuck is this real?
Is /pol/ actually just a bunch of self-hating hapas?

>> No.5433304

Hitler literally attacked successful European countries for no reason, bombed historical white cities and destroyed Europe's global empires and gave parts away to countries like Japan.

>> No.5433312
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Best post!

>> No.5433335

All the while going into immense debt and burning the money away on a losing war.

>> No.5433353
File: 176 KB, 1023x768, americansonpol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but his image actually is a /pol/ meetup

>> No.5433356

My ancestors were tall strong white men. The Dutch. They did horrible things to my ancestors. This wasn’t about race purity. It was greed plain and simple.

>> No.5433366 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1024x413, 1512151480251m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Universally Accepted))) fuck off jew rat

>> No.5433387

t. never read Mein Kampf and just heard propaganda saying it's unreadable gibberish

>> No.5433438

Non-whites weren't even allowed to migrate to the Netherlands before WW2. There were literally racial policies in place preventing that. So it obviously wasn't about racial purity.

>> No.5433464

Funny that you mention his athletes. After the war the Nazi exercise regime books were burned. The Germans had far more endurance than any other soldier in the war because of their exercise regimes, which was very efficient and built muscle mass and strength in a very short frame of time.

>> No.5433471

>we could all just be happy friends helping each other to get rich
>free market
haha dumb fuck, you either swim or drown, this is the real world, not some safe space for you. Ill scam and shill anons all day long till I get every last penny they have.

>> No.5433470

did you see that black man?

>> No.5433489


>> No.5433522

Dirty pajeet with no honor detected

This is why your people are all aids infected street shitters

>> No.5433530

Deluded faggots.

>> No.5433533
File: 100 KB, 374x400, 1465608773830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhh /biz/ didn't spoon feed me moon missions, this is a much more hostile board then /pol/ where we all suck Trump's cock in harmony
Git gud faggot, the crypto bull is sending neets into the stratosphere while you sit there too incompetent to dyor on coins shilled here. You're never going to make it.

>> No.5433543


You forgot to blame the jews.

>> No.5433560

>crypto bull

Cuckold detected

>> No.5433568
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1514021550106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the reason why your country is a shithole

>> No.5433588
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maga pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quitting /biz/ is the first step to making gains

You're on the right path faggot

>> No.5433594

>Hitlers snake oil doctor literally turned Hitler to insanity

the absolute state of pol

>> No.5433607

You had to make a threead? What didnyou expect a going away party?

>> No.5433646

Just making sure the newfags passing by know they can't trust you sick fucks.

>> No.5433661
File: 42 KB, 992x546, 10lookingupPIC-992x546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love poor people, you're probably those poor schmucks in these roll/begging threads, hoping someone throws you a bone.

>> No.5433680

You missed the boat faggot. Notice how you only got interested when news of the wealth got outside of /biz/. Do you even know how cheap shit was just a year ago?

>> No.5433771
File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1441969369059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't ride the bull
Do you hate money? have fun getting shredded by by the bears faggot.

>> No.5433821

Kek I'm not poor by any means you stupid cunt

>> No.5433874

why don't you make a thread about it? hahahah

>> No.5434222

>I came from /pol/
/pol/ can't even comprehend buying digital pokemon for sick gains

>> No.5434237

He did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ look it up

>> No.5434258

His athletes were beaten by Jews?

>> No.5434269

>I will literally suck any dick that has Hitler written on it

>> No.5434276

>/biz/ is nothing more than a bunch of faggots looking for the best ways to fuck you over
Must feel like home for you /pol/ack

>> No.5434360
File: 35 KB, 518x280, 1493651885906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5432207 >>5432359

The reason some versions of it sound awkward is due to the poor quality of many of the early English translations which used mostly literal translations of words, idioms, etc.
This gives it a bad rep among those who don't look into it or who want to dismiss it due to their biases.
It in fact IS one of the greatest works of all time on a hand full of subjects and is filled with quality insights as well as striking an emotional tone in the story.

Truly essential reading along with the rest of the classics; don't miss out!

>> No.5434383

lol retard spotted you have to actually read things other than image macros on here you dumb nigger gonna blame it on the jews next?

>> No.5434587

there's a reason why you act like this - you are a fat virgin with fat ugly parents with bad health problems and you have a less than 5 inch penis

>> No.5434842

THIS IS /BIZ, take your cancer discussion to /POL

>> No.5435332

jew here.......totally agree :(

>> No.5435425
File: 781 KB, 952x535, c5cb2b6c174db7f66e9a635351a273f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao... What are socialists doing on a buisness board? Go play with your twigs on /pol/

>> No.5435488

>The Germans had far more endurance than any other soldier in the war because of their exercise regimes,

They were amongst the best, and tactically as well.

I cannot disagree there.

At the Olympics, before the war started, it was the 'colored" americans who bet the German athletes to take Gold, to Hitlers embarrassment.

>> No.5435608

typical /pol/
>everyone I dont like is jews!!

sage goes in the options field guys

>> No.5435660

>I came from /pol/

I bet you're one of the fags that obsess over your IQ too. I bet you bought high and sold low, so much for those online IQ tests huh?

>> No.5435674
File: 488 KB, 1000x1050, polmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came from /pol/

Fuck off back there then brainrent.

>> No.5436002

You sound like a child. I'm not even being ironic, this literally sounds like something a stereotypical child would say after not getting his way. But your probably better off in some ways, there's so much shilling here, it's on par with /pol/.

>> No.5436550


Shitposting saged

>> No.5436711
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>> No.5436999

Hitler was nothing more than a paranoid right wing peabrain.

>> No.5437095

ayy lmao, your country is irrevelant

>> No.5437101

Anon, it's Christmas Eve. Have a beer, eat some nice food, and talk to your friends. I'm guilty of being an angry contrarion shit most of the time, but fuck it we need to take a break from it at least one day a year. Enjoy yourself.
Happy Christmas, Faggot.

>> No.5437328
File: 453 KB, 2048x1536, 7a0a8a9c2f951d259f4ea63908dc72fb9433b0d98df7c66f9fd9aede3b02ab74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came from /pol/

>> No.5437863
File: 292 KB, 855x1200, asuka nazi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good man

>> No.5437884
File: 242 KB, 400x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is bad art

>> No.5437933
File: 140 KB, 960x851, 1510943831116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats my nigga

>> No.5438137

>Le Hitler was Jim Crow meme

>> No.5438248
File: 50 KB, 450x511, tumblr_niujquSHFb1u19hiso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been deemed a heretic by the imperial inqusition. It should be obvious what happens next.

>> No.5438249

Germany dominated the gold count in the olympics.

>> No.5438380

Wow, everything you said was wrong. Literally everything.

Jesus Christ how did you manage that? You're a special kind of retard.