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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 302 KB, 1828x854, Wojak Bitcoin Crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5431263 No.5431263 [Reply] [Original]

How low will it go? Is crypto dying?

>> No.5431289


>> No.5431312

...to me

>> No.5431321
File: 172 KB, 442x509, 1513973189653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even kidding sell your fucking bags! You will regret not selling.

>> No.5431366

Basically this. On Tuesday when futures trading opens it's going to be a fucking slaughterhouse unless some magical market force pushes it back up to 14,500 by then.

>> No.5431385

Where you think it will end up

all the way to 2k ?

>> No.5431404

It's hard to say. There's a shitload of buy orders pending at 12,000... So the high 12s and low 13s are probably about where we're looking at for today.

>> No.5431446

I do agree on this one.


>> No.5431448

It's probably dropping back to 11.5k. Holidays aren't over and normies need cash for parties and presents.

Expect 20k again in early February

>> No.5431462

unironically 1000

95% from the top

>> No.5431464
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another normies dont know what the christmas crash is episode

>> No.5431478

maybe not as low as 2k, but below 2.2k for sure.

>> No.5431489
File: 116 KB, 487x376, luigi's chinese cowboy impression is so offensive that mario's stomach ulcer practically explodes and he is unable to ask luigi to stop being so fucking racist..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks anyone with any significant amount of wealth leaves investments during christmas

>> No.5431524

You're right, this shit is crashing down to $400. SELL NOW, THE BUBBLE HAS BURST!

>> No.5431539

There's a giant greenwall at 11111.0USD
So it's not crashing below that point any time soon. Although there's nothing stopping those people from cancelling those orders.

>> No.5431560

>up 100% in December alone

>> No.5431570


>> No.5431598
File: 61 KB, 453x335, fgdg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wall will stop this

Sell now

You have been warned

>> No.5431615
File: 1.84 MB, 480x360, Fleeb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw can finally short this without worry.

The Bitcoin futures grace period is over, here comes the 50% collapse.

>> No.5431648

The volume of the 11111 greenwall is like 3500 coins. The Futures for january delivery is only 2300. I'm still calling a crash. I'm just saying. There will probably be another bull trap in the low 11,000s.

>> No.5431650

DYOR but according to my analysis we have strong support at the low from 10th/11th December. If it crashes that (closes couple candles below for confirmation) next stop is 8500-7500 USD range. If it crashes that well...

>> No.5431687
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1504282900482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many coins will BTC take down with it?

>> No.5431697
File: 551 KB, 1888x934, TA12-24-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see jew zone

>> No.5431744

Hopefully to $1k so I can buy the dip

>> No.5431747

Probably all of them. Crypto was supposed to shield money from the usual bullshit (including massive market manipulation). And look what happened. Blockchain is died.

>> No.5431807

>How low will it go? Is crypto dying?
8-9k stop being a knob.

>> No.5431847


>Is crypto dying?


>is bitcoin dying?


>> No.5431920
File: 84 KB, 1134x774, Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 10.43.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin hit 10k LESS THAN A MONTH AGO

Chill the FUCK out. Go outside. Drink a beer. Enjoy the holidays.

>> No.5431922

Testing 10.8 again tonite. Breaking through.

>> No.5431943

who knows. but this is why they wanted to open futures on it in the first place. short it down to an actually decent buyback for all the big money crooks who have been getting jealous of all you NEETs massive, undeserved, and unchecked gains.

first, the big bank types pumped it BIGLY back in march or whenever that was. then they hyped the shit out of it, and got all the normies to put in their life savings, then made THEM pump it to new highs. then they open futures and start hacking away at it. eventually an actual downtrend starts, all the normies who bought in two weeks ago that have room temperature IQ start panic selling. it tumbles over a long weekend. then tuesday, futures opens again, and it gets shorted down into nothing. all the NEETs who have been hodling for years eventually start to panic, as they have yet to actually experience a real serious continuing downtrend. eventually it drops to some absolutely ridiculous low, and then they, themselves put tons of money into it and buy it back. but the difference here is that the money that these bank types are willing to risk dwarfs whatever NEETs had when they were all buying in. it will rise to historic new highs that make last week look miniscule by comparison. all the idiots will get in again too late and then the cycle will begin again.

they will do this as many times as possible until either all faith in crypto as a market is shattered, or the currency itself is broken. you didnt really think that they were going to just let all of you get away with your money, did you? they want it gone, but first they have to suck every single last drop of wealth that is contained in it

>> No.5431967

Roger Vers scamcash did this

>> No.5431984

i know you can do it cutie

>> No.5431987

This. Expected to be lucky if it hit $10K by EoY.

This normie enthusiasm disrupted its natural rise.

Just make sure you’re invested in the best alts as well

>> No.5432006


Homeboy how are you supposed to keep up with the market when you want to go out and party? Of fucking course you cash out at Christmas. They do the same thing around lunchtime in the NYSE and in Christmas.

>> No.5432023

Lol it was just 5k just 53 days ago.

The recent price explosion is insane, I feel sorry for every normie who bought above 10k

>> No.5432029
File: 8 KB, 300x168, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless some magical market force pushes it back up
I see what you did there.

>> No.5432031

this is what happens when a bubble pops.. its actually a good thing for the currency to go back to being a useable currency in the long run. we honestly should be back at like $1250 to keep with the average... its a long fall and the smart money finds more profitable things to invest in right now.. maybe even look for the next market to bubble up and profit from that, this time you will maybe be a little wiser, sell and not be too greedy.

>> No.5432033


>> No.5432038

Monero by 10k next year. Fucking watch. I will personally eat my own feces and post it to /biz/ if I'm wrong. Screencap this.

>> No.5432138

Used to daytrade nasdaq the last 4 years before joining this shit. This man speaks the truth

>> No.5432177

i have been hurting myself watching this negative growth
i hope you're right, anon :(
all of my friends have gotten into xvg in the meantime and made actual gains even with small investments while i'm left behind with small gains. i'm too impatient for this yet i can't bear taking my money out off monero, since it's actually being used online. i've seen it.

>> No.5432341



>> No.5432350

Just watch. Monero will be the winner, or I'll be saying otherwise with corn in my teeth.

Volume trader or did you actually write heuristics or actual strats?

>> No.5432377

>BTC just crashed
>I am expecting a crash

>> No.5432525

Pls crash further, I'm all in tether since 17.5k and am up +71% in satoshi.

>> No.5432631

>I hate the free market

I want communists to leave.