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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54312090 No.54312090 [Reply] [Original]

Mods, how do you want people to "not discuss politics" on this board when the current financial issues of the day are whether or not capitalism is going to collapse.

It is an inherently political financial environment. And finance is, even in normal times, inherently dependent on political winds such as regulation.

You're staring down the barrel of a possible collapse of capitalism. It's objectively due to deregulation of banks (much of which happened in the Trump administration) wealth inequality. Greed. Etc. All of the usual political trappings of the capitalist economic system.

Beyond that, you have the greatest emerging financial markets in the east in communist nations.

So you have a situation where capitalism is collapsing and communism is rising.

Get fucking real, you salty butthurt pieces of shit. You inherently cannot have a real and meaningful discussion about finance and business, or any financial market, in modern times without discussing the dichotomy between capitalism and communism here.

I know you wouldn't make any issue about it if someone was posting about pro-capitalism sentiments, or if they were blaming "the jews" but really. Sorry, you utterly biased and censorship happy fucking idiots. The impending financial collapse of capitalism is, obviously, duh, inherently tied to discussions about the collapse of capitalism

>> No.54312124

I'm not reading all of that.
Because people see the word politics and think /pol/ and everything becomes a discussion on blacks and tiny hats
People discuss capitalism and communism here all the time

>> No.54312134

Because it will almost instantly devolve into a /pol/ shit flinging fest as soon as mods budge. Same thing happened to /k/ with the war. /pol/ is cancer that looks for any possible excuse, no matter how small, to completely invade, and subsequently destroy a board.

>> No.54312137

nice reddit spacing you braindead crybaby, back to /pol/ with you

>> No.54312140


>> No.54312174

/pol/ website, cope.

>> No.54312179

emotionally invested /pol/ incel chuds like OP will remain poor for putting politics into their financial choices

ngmi, bet he doesn't have sex as well

>> No.54312186
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>> No.54312191

Back to plebbit marxchud. Trump admin had nothing to do with it and biden fucked it further.

>> No.54312201

Anime website you fucking retard. Eat shit and go back. You’ll never have money.

>> No.54312203

you forgot to say
>(the preceding paragraphs and attached image are unrelated to the rest of this post.)
>do you guys think bitcoin will go up or down? financially speaking, of course.

>> No.54312207

xsg has been derailed for ever by name faggots that came from pol and mods refuse to do anything about it.

>> No.54312217

t. Zoomer
This is an anime website first and foremost

>> No.54312219

Stare regulations and central banking are the problem, not less. But of course you wouldn't blame the consequences of regulation on regulation but on deregulation and capitalism

>> No.54312235

I rest my case. Clean it up jannies.