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54293608 No.54293608 [Reply] [Original]

We're are gonna make it

>> No.54293636

why does god test his weak creations, why not just put them in paradise from the beginning, it seems like he enjoys torturing people

>> No.54293777

Thomas Aquinas makes very good points about Islam. Im an apostate and I got rid of my Saudi citizenship. Fuck Islam. Investing in stocks or any security is Haram too so this shit should not affect crypto

>> No.54293800

What points does he make?

>> No.54293810

to know who the real once are.
simple as

>> No.54293893

>to know
he knew everything before creating you ( according to islam)
come again

>> No.54293914
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based. wa alaikum assalam

>> No.54293922

Islam never once spread through faith and alone like Christianity did. It spread by coercion and by the sword. It promises endless sex in heaven which is sinful as fuck. Allah supposedly favors Muhammad over all of humanity and made the world for him. He can have as many wives as he wants while the rest can only have 4. Non believers, if they are women, get to go to heaven regardless of whether or not they believe, they get to become the sex partners of Muslims in heaven. Basically Muhammad is a desert warlord who deceived coomers into joining him. Its an incel uprising of sorts.

>> No.54293931

Wasn’t Ramadan like in may

>> No.54293939
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Salam brothers, I hope you are having a good fast, I am a fat westerner and attempting that would drive me insane. We are all frens here

>> No.54293960

Every single word you just wrote is bullshit, how is that not surprising

>> No.54294009

Kek. Muhammad the accursed leads 1.6 billion lost lambs straight to hell. Maybe read the Quran and then read the bible, see the difference. You will immediately be able to tell, like I did, that Muhammad is a liar.

>> No.54294023

There is absolutely no way you read the Quran.

>> No.54294032

You never read the Qur'an anon, if you're interested though, I can recommend a good translation

>> No.54294057

And neither of you have read the bible. Save yourselves from deceit. Abandon the hadiths. I pray for you.

>> No.54294137

So you haven't read it? I guess you have outed yourself as a liar. Cool.

>> No.54294539

>Christcuck pretends people were not actively oppressed for not being christcucks after his cuck emperor converted

>> No.54294570

>Christianity spread naturally and not through force goyim!
>That's exactly why we had to kill off half of Germany's population through the reformation wars goyim!

>> No.54294579

Yes brother. May Allah bless you

>> No.54294606

I've read both and they both basically teach the same thing

>> No.54294729

Read the Quran and Hadiths from a neutral position, without assuming it is the word of god or Mohammad is a prophet, and you will realize how bullshit, fake and contradictory it is

>> No.54294997

Now do the same with the bible and report back

>> No.54295147

There's nothing wrong with polygamy

>> No.54295201

Fucking based and blessed by Kek

>> No.54295228

I seek forgiveness from god and i can vouch, all of this is bullshit. educate yourself:

>> No.54295237
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oh you're an apostate? how many rakahs in the shahada?

>> No.54295284

only God knows the answer, maybe when we die we can ask. So be thankful

>> No.54295294

just because islam is false doesn't mean christianity is true.

christianity has better morals but it was just invented by some jews trying to take down the roman empire

>> No.54295335

ooof do you worry about death? I would, just imagine if you're wrong? If your right (no chance) then youd never know. Theres still time

>> No.54295334

>teach the same thing
>therefore this warlord with sex slaves is actually the true prophet and didnt just copy off of the bible
Whats his prophecy? Did he perform miracles infront of witnesses?

>> No.54295345

Inchallah brother

>> No.54295412
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Ramadan kareem bruv, wagmi

>> No.54295418

>Islam never once spread through faith and alone like Christianity did. It spread by coercion and by the sword.
Christianity became mandatory by death in the Roman empire from the 3rd century, Charlemagne and many other christian kings converted Christians by force.

Forced conversions were really rare in the history of Islam.

>> No.54295560

Christianity is no more false than Islam. Like I said, at bottom they both teach and preach the same things

>> No.54295585

God does know everything, but imagine being punished before doing anything wrong. Where is the justice in that? This is why God “tests” people so that way they can be witnesses to themselves for what they’ve done

>> No.54295727
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yeah they're alright, also i'm pretty sure they were the first to take the dogpill

>> No.54295762

Oh, what a nice little book you got there. It would be a shame if someone were to burn it publicly….

>> No.54295793

Cue the ottoman empire

>> No.54295893

What brand of Christianity do you follow? Hopefully not the one that worships another human being

>> No.54296060

After our King was convinced to switch to Christianity they threatened to kill anyone who didn't change from norrøn mythology to christianity in Norway too. Word of mouth my ass, it was by the sword.

>> No.54296295

I bet you love Israel and jews.

>> No.54296320

fml what were the crusades

>> No.54296606

i have a question for you muslim bros
when do you plan to retake jerusalem?

>> No.54296750

>Muhammad is liar
>bible is not
single digit IQ there

>> No.54296869

He did.
Eve sinned.

>> No.54296890

Holy shit, I didn't realize there were fuming muzzies on /biz/.

>> No.54296913

yeah, imagine knowing god chose you to live among humans as a brown, in your one life. you'd have to concoct all manner of narratives about why you'll have a better life after death, envisioning angelic beings who are in reality those europeans, only real.

>> No.54297095
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National Socialist here, let us come together and defeat the great Satan.

Ramadan Mubarak

>> No.54297230

How did Charlemagne christianize the saxons, how did the christians christianize scandinavia, how did they christianize south america, how did they christianize the philipinnes etc etc?

>> No.54297611

He makes a good point. Jesus preaches about forgiveness and was crucified by Jews and Romans. Muhammad slaughtered his foes and took the best looking daughters as wives while his followers were allowed to enslave for sexual reasons the rest.
>it was a different time!
Jesus was some centuries older than Muhammad.

>> No.54297641

Just want to say all religions are scam. Faith is fine but if you're religious you're a retard and a schmuck who deserves to be scammed by the charlatans.

>> No.54297940
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ramadan mubarak akhis

>> No.54298129

No sex with yazidi slaves for 30 days. kek.

>> No.54298686


>> No.54298815

Based, ramadan mubarak my friends

>> No.54299015

kys sandniggers

>> No.54299575

All true. Based.

>> No.54299591
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Get off my board muslim sandniggers
Mohammed sucks dicks

>> No.54299707

Same and i'm somali

>> No.54301132

Wasn't Muhammad a pedophile that fucked little boys?

>> No.54301182

>Jesus is God
>Jesus is the son of God
>God killed by his own creation to absolve us of our sins
>God rose back up from the dead
>”omg why are so many people leaving christianity for Islam?!”
All the same repeated fud about Islam is falling on deaf ears anon. Use your brain to think about it all

>> No.54301184


>> No.54301238

حَدَّثَنَا مُعَلَّى بْنُ أَسَدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا وُهَيْبٌ، عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم تَزَوَّجَهَا وَهْىَ بِنْتُ سِتِّ سِنِينَ، وَبَنَى بِهَا وَهْىَ بِنْتُ تِسْعِ سِنِينَ. قَالَ هِشَامٌ وَأُنْبِئْتُ أَنَّهَا كَانَتْ عِنْدَهُ تِسْعَ سِنِينَ.

>> No.54301297

Post some top nasheeds

>> No.54302056


>> No.54302603

>faith is fine without religion
What does that even mean? What’s the point of having faith in a higher power if you don’t follow any guidance by said higher power?

>> No.54304000

Were your parents cousins?

>> No.54304199

Sup bros, paki reporting in, why yes I am a Ramadan Muslim how could you tell

>> No.54304317

>Musnad Ahmad 16245—[Mua’wiya said]: I saw the prophet sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)

>> No.54304361

Tongue kissing a little boy is normal in that part of civilization.
Just not that different from a rabbi kissing and chewing a baby's foreskin.

>> No.54304415

Bulbhead shitmali

>> No.54304457

Islam is for retards like any other religion

>> No.54304467

>Sunan Abi Dawud 5224—AbdurRahman ibn AbuLayla, quoting Usayd ibn Hudayr, a man of the Ansar, said that while he was given to jesting and was talking to the people and making them laugh, the Prophet (ﷺ) poked him under the ribs with a stick. He said: Let me take retaliation. He said: Take retaliation. He said: You are wearing a shirt but I am not. The Prophet (ﷺ) then raised his shirt and the man embraced him and began to kiss his side. Then he said: This is what I wanted, Messenger of Allah!

I've seen Billy Herrington videos less gay than this

>> No.54304628

i don't give a fuck about islam or allah anymore , i tried all i could being faithful and praying all that faggotry only to get more pain and suffering in return. I still fast during ramadan though kek

>> No.54304676

Salam brother, happy Ramadan.

>> No.54304808

The fuck is wrong with you. The state of this ummah. You're fasting for Allah else you're just making yourself hungry for the day, stop deluding yourself idiot. Water fasting is far better for losing weight if that's what you're trying to do.

>> No.54304853
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Kys worthless sandniggers. You will never be white. You will never be respected. Your holy place will never not smell of feet

>> No.54304911

get a load of this retarded fuck thinking that water fasting is more efficient at losing weight long term than food fasting. Go neckrope you and your faggot of a god.

>> No.54305114

why would you want be white in 2023? white men are the most cucked feminist men on earth, who would becoming trans if it's progressive

>> No.54305221

inshallah wagmi

>> No.54305334
File: 945 KB, 1080x2232, Arabs became white in 1909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arabs have been white since 1909

>> No.54305574

Fucking idiot, it's true idgaf what you do, you can't even be honest with yourself you faggot bitch

>> No.54305668 [DELETED] 

>dear diary
You’ll blame anyone but yourself for the shit life you have. That’s not a religion problem, that’s a (you) problem. Stop being a basedfag and man the fuck up. You’re problems are not unique to you

>> No.54305705 [DELETED] 

>dear diary
You’ll blame anyone but yourself for the shit life you have. That’s not a religion problem, that’s a (you) problem. Lay off the onions and man the fuck up. You’re problems are not unique to you

>> No.54305832

>>54304911 #
>I prayed to God for a Nintendo switch but got an nes mini instead. Mein kampf!
You’ll blame anyone and anything but yourself for the shit life you have. That’s not a religion problem, that’s a (you) problem. Your problems are not unique to you. Man the fuck up

>> No.54305922

How many of you are Pakis in the UK or Morrocans, Algerians etc in France and the Netherlands itc

>> No.54306392

>being this delusional
kek no wonder you still believe in allah you imbecile

>> No.54306488

Cringe religion based on the jewish foundation myth. Part of the jewish egregore.

>> No.54306638

Your prophet raped a 6 year old girl and you keep a god out of fear.