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54291815 No.54291815 [Reply] [Original]

Are girlfriends actually better than porn ?
I’m 23 and sceptical. Especially after the saying can’t miss something you did not have
Even oldfags agree

>> No.54291850

It is healthier, but they also cost more time unfortunately

>> No.54291873

they are better and worse.
porn is like the USD (slowly going to 0)
girlfriends are like a shitcoin (quickly going to zero, but extremely volatile)
you need to find an ugly wife. an ugly wife is like gold (slowly rising in value forever)

>> No.54291893

the fact you are asking this means your brain has been destroyed by pornography
many such cases

you can heal your brain but it's gonna take some effort

>> No.54291896

i mean depends on the porn if you are straight male woman are not worth the effort

>> No.54291910

The way I see it is that the only relationships that actually work out is masculine man + feminine woman. Anything else usually ends because of infidelity/insecurity/incompatibility, and those types will get into 5+ relationships that are exactly the same because the dynamic strayed from the aforementioned core tenet of masculine man and feminine woman. Then once they're completely burnt out from it all they say "just stick with porn dude".

>> No.54291956

27 here i dont agree you will look back in a few years as you start approaching 30 and feel like killing yourself for spending your 20s in front of the screen with your dick in your hand

>> No.54291973

>can’t miss something you did not have
by that logic you should just stay in your room from the day you're born

>> No.54291981

> Are girlfriends actually better than porn ?
Only in the first few years when they fuck you every time you want, and have fun doing so. This gets less and less over the years, until porn is the better option again until the next one.

>> No.54291998
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No. Women are always a bad investment.

>> No.54292000

Those aren't the only two options. I like getting into short little relationships with multiple girls where we mostly sext and occasionally fuck. No responsibility, but you get to fuck and stroke your ego

>> No.54292007

My wife can
>Tell jokes
>Do other inane things I don't want to do
And later
>Incubate children
>Raise children
What does (((porn))) do besides give you mediocre orgasms?

>> No.54292009

women & porn are biggest gain goblin

>> No.54292019

35 here.

Not really, but it could be because I had a shit mother and a shit gf. If you have toxic women, that's way worse than porn can ever be.

It all just depends on the quality of gf you have.

>> No.54292034

Take the hooker pill

>> No.54292069

Based. Coomers spiral downwards into deeper and deeper degeneracy, next thing you know theyre trans, then in a casket

>> No.54292082

Porn doesnt spend money faster than you can make it

>> No.54292104

Porn is certainly way easier than dating, but if you’re well-adjusted and healthy it gets old really fucking fast. Shit sucks. I fucking hate playing shit-test roulette with women but actually sexing a woman you’re attracted to is straight money.

>> No.54292115

Yeah;, but she can ditch you anytime she wants and take the house, the kids, the dog, etc. In other words, she has the ability to ruin your life.

>> No.54292126

28 here, I've been feeling this hard recently. I unironically have not spoken, touched, or otherwise engaged with a girl in over 11 years now. I got pity sex once with the school whore when I was 17, but that was it. Every day I want to kill myself and go back to my highschool, meet a proper girl and not be a antisocial brooding faggot

>> No.54292187

My wife is pretty low maintenance and I manage all the money so this is not a concern for me

Such is the risk of wanting everything and depending on another person for that. The risk:return has always seemed right to me.

>> No.54292206

>I'm 23
It's unironically over for you. Go find a hobby instead.

>> No.54292220

I met up with this girl
I hugged her, it felt great because it was the first time of my life. Felt great for like a day. Later she ghosted me

I lost complete interest, the whole getting to know phase is so lukewarm, and you have to meet up with another bitches to make the initial ones jealous

>> No.54292223

They are, my exes were either crazy fun or potential wife that i fucked up with and regret losing to this day tier.

Despite that they were good company, but one thing is certain, women, like pajeets, only come when your bull market has started and your growth % is at maximum, but unlike pajeets they know when to sell.

I'm fortunate enough to only have been a dumped on once.

>> No.54292240

Human connection is for normal people. You are a dead ender, a loser.

>> No.54292249

Mitigate the risk by having a digital job that you can transfer overseas. Also have a second passport for you and your kids for when you eventually kidnap them.

>> No.54292250


>> No.54292253

How do u even find a gf nowadays. Im 23 too. Im white, decent looking, /fit/, make 6figs altho im 5’7. only like 10% of the dudes i know have a gf and half of them are fat and ugly

>> No.54292262


>> No.54292268

An average woman will do nothing of that for me

>> No.54292276

Ah great thanks

>> No.54292331

>Much cookerinos
>Muh cleanireenos.

I cook for myself because of my special diet and it only takes 10 minutes to clean the room im in. People really overvalue their wives and I think it's a massive coping mechanism. All the food my mom has been cooking tastes like shit and was completely unhealthy.

What is value in a woman is the money she brings and the attention she pays to her own health as well as mine.

>> No.54292345

Depends on the girl.
Most are high maintenance and cause additional stress to your mental health and pocket book. They'll earn minimum wage (if they work at all) and keep all their earnings for themselves, expect you to pay for niceties, and expect free housing.
But there are women out there who are valuable partners. They'll put in just as much effort as you. You'll end up sharing household responsibilities, combine incomes, and have an overall easier life.
My girlfriend is great. Logical, low maintenance, independent. I handle all the finances/budgeting and our shared expenses are only about 10% higher than what they'd be if I lived solo since housing and utility costs are shared. Mostly just a higher food budget. We both currently work (may change when we have kids), so our shared income is about 35% higher. She gives me $600/mo towards our expenses. It's basically like having a roommate that I love and sleep with.

>> No.54292397
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Porn is more stimulating, if that's what you're asking.
It's lacking all those other subtleties that keep you sane, so if you get to a point where you're addicted to high-stimulation, and can't appreciate a real girl for all the other benefits (even just the sex with her) you're gonna end up depressed, there's no going around that.
95% of women are absolutely not worth it, and if you're in the US you might wanna move before you start a LTR, but it's the only way to win in life. Pick wisely and deepen a relationship with one woman, anon. Also try to have many kids, you will not regret it.

>> No.54292414

That sounds awesome anon.

Like I said earlier in the thread, it's all about avoiding toxic women. Problem is many people here are incels that can't distinguish between the two.

>> No.54292416

Now that I'm over 30, I realize this is the truth. Hot girlfriends are a luxury/status symbol, like driving an exotic car, but only if you can afford it, willing to put up with the maintenance, and can stomach the depreciation.

It's all pink and wet on the inside anyway. I want to find an ugly, low maintenance wife that makes over $100k (I also make over $100k) so I can live life on easy mode.

>> No.54292468
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Everthing is better than watching porn for me. Celibazy/nofap, wanking to memorys, erotic hypnosis, whatever Fuck, im so disgusted by that shit. Really cant wrap my head around how somebody could watch porn, movies and netflix. Not joking. Just seing a pornsite for a sec repulses me beyond believe. No idea how you can go true with this and actualy literally click on one of the monstrosities. My gf on the other hand is the best thing ever in my live. By far. And everything ppl say on 4chan about women is a lie. Just so you finally realize this: this site is populated by incels who have literally ZERO clue about real life. My gf never took a penny from me, never was a hustle, never ever ever did she a thing that crossed me. Always ignores her needs and wishes. She has one thing in mind and thats to care for me as best as she can. I hear ppl complain their gf refuse sex... thats so weird. This gf are def not in the relationship for YOU. My gf begs for it. Says pls daddy i want you insyde of me and things like that. Inb4: diffrent experience... your gf didnt love you thats why it was different. Not my concern. Stop being so needy and degenerate that you settle into a relationship before the women is deeply in love and attached to you.. whats so fucking hard to understand about this?

>> No.54292505

ONLY if you have genuine feelings. If you force yourself into a relationship, you're gonna have a bad time

>> No.54292514
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P.S. Also, a lot of men here are discussing their gf's incomes.
Reminds me of a sad truth about modern life.
Ideally women should not be concerned about income, because that's going out the window once you start having kids (unless you sacrifice your kids' happiness for some useless careers, which is moronic).
But the women that are worth dating are the conscientious types who end up in offices.
Those who don't care about income would not care enough for their kids either. They're never taught to give it their all, and it applies everywhere in life.
Your best bet is to convince a high earning chick to become a stay at home mom. It has been done before, but it's a challenge. Crypto usually helps, it sure helped me do this exact same thing.
YAGMI anons, just remember that if only 5% of women are worth it, then you should become a top 5% male, otherwise you're wasting time on this planet.
>t. oldfag

>> No.54292530

Lmfao this logic is garbage
>only relationships that actually work out is masculine man + feminine woman.
This is a FACT

>> No.54292547
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I'm 36 and I'm a friendless KHHV NEET. I only know about male and female relationships through media and anonymous shitposting over the internet like anecdotal stories and articles on clickbait sites.
From my point of view Sex could be a government or alien truman show tier hoax/conspiracy to trick me. I have never seen naked boobs or vagins in real life, not even accidentally. I cant remember the last time I talked to a woman and dont think any of them that I had ever met like in school or internships ever had any interest in me. idk relationships seem impossible to me, something I will never have. I will never know what love and affection and intimacy feels like which are allegedly some really basic human feelings that everyone seems to get but me. all I have is porn as an outlet for my urges.

>> No.54292568

>95% of women are absolutely not worth it
Also fact. Only a small percentage of women are genuine wife material and even among those, there's no guarantee of there being chemistry.

>> No.54292603

Just be fat and ugly, bro

>> No.54292607

Unless you have a rare gem of a gf (no tattoos, no stds, virgin, wants marriage and family soon, can cook, gets along with her parents, is loving) you are not missing anything.

>> No.54292631
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I can think of one reason. Higher age of women = more body counts = higher divorce rate. Ideally you want one with 0 body count as just one makes the marriage into a coin flip. Literal coin flip odds.

>> No.54292806

yes gfs are better than porn you fucking mega retard. they give you feels. porn gives you depression. fucking moron get off this board cunt

>> No.54292859

Literally me. If you tell me you had sex you could tell me you can fly just as well.

>> No.54292875
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>> No.54292957

>fucking moron get off this board cunt
you are the one who does not belong here. All just freaks, coomers, desprerate incels and fat hatefull losers on here. I don't say that to be mean. Its actually well meant advice. I can't stand it anymore here. I know I help some guys on here but people here are so jelly and full of spite I got tired of it

>> No.54293116

I would like to try having a gf
Sucks if you get ghosted tough
And it’s not uncommon

>> No.54293177

Porn is unironically better than modern women.
It's sad but it's the truth. Modern women are complete trash. Drugged up cum dumpsters larping as men.

Of course having a hypothetical 10/10 loyal trad anime-tier waifu who twirls in a wheat field all day would be the best, but good luck finding one of those.

>> No.54293241

True. America is done. You'd have to go to another country to find someone like that. I've met like 2 chicks that were diamonds here though. One I had no chemistry and the other was gorgeous, but she was taller than me.. I mean they exist in America. Just rare as FUCK. Even the christian ones aren't actual christians.

>> No.54293256
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just go to church, anon

>> No.54293266


>> No.54293301

Not only are they rare there is fierce competition for them because every man knows they are the only women who still have actual value. The chances of you finding one, and then finding one who is still single, are incredibly small.

>> No.54293327

sex is just one thing , living together with a women is a design from God , you will grow with a woman as a men

>> No.54293334


>> No.54293399

today is the first day of the rest of your life, nigger. And tomorrow too, and the day after tomorrow too. Just start improooooving 1 day at a time. accept setbacks and fails, but never stop, it's that easy. It's never too late.

>> No.54293407
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>> No.54293414
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100% this, in public walking around campus and at the grocery store I see ugly people all around me. Fat landwhale women and ugly weak men who have never entered a gym. You think that fat landwhale cares for the man? You think they have good sex? Of course not, they’re both low-quality bottom of the barrel “””people””” who both settled for each other l, NOT because they truly love each other. I’m /fit/ white rich and have only had good gf’s. Well one was a crazy borderline but I should have never dated her.

Basically impeove yourself and decent women WILL find you. Got a shitty gf? You’re a shorty person and deserve her LMAO

>> No.54293416
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