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54263528 No.54263528 [Reply] [Original]

i'm better and wealthier than you

>> No.54263552

>frog needs suntan lotion

>> No.54263575

>I hold 2 bitcoin (ticker: BTC)
Assertion rejected

>> No.54263596

Nice bro. Do you smoke weed?

>> No.54263647

Is this really what neet aspiration looks like?
Nigger I have 7% in BTC 33% in Gold 21% in housing 9% in ART physical and digital and the rest 30% in divided in options, futures and regular currency markets
I am working on getting funded on 3 separate proprietary funding firms and will finally make my first 2 mil by 2024. I am not just better than you in absolutely every single imaginable aspect but the fact that you think this is the wealth ceiling and an aspiration is absolutely beyond hopeless and pathetic for the entirety of the human race. Millions of years of evolution and this is the best you can offer. Go look in the mirror you ugly, pathetic creature. Wash your face and x100 your goals you dumb nigger.

>> No.54263706

You’re not but whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart.

>> No.54263715

Plus. I'm literally about to short all altcoins to hell and make even more fucking money, off of retards like you. Go learn basic economics, do something with your life. It's absolutely unbelievable how much easy money there is in crypto because of dumbasses like you that are either holding onto or long on shitcoins. It should be illegal to take money away from you, I want to say I feel bad but I don't. Thank you for your contribution to MY aspiration

>> No.54263740
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good day at the keyboard anon, lambo won't pay for itself

>> No.54263781

Go away schizo faggot.

>> No.54263800

I don't need a lambo, chances are I literally live JUST LIKE YOU and am more wealthy in every single way.
And the best part about it, I literally do absolutely nothing most days. I chart once a week, watch currency reports and read mrci.com/catalog/ once a month. You are not just not wealthy. You are the opposite of wealthy. Stupid, lazy dumbass that traded his freedom for measly worthless garbage. Learn to make your fictional 1btc to work for you at the very least so maybe you can actually be on a paid vacation off of it instead of saving and posting stupid frog pictures.

>> No.54263837

fake news

i don't, but you do you

cope seethe D I L A T E

>> No.54263858

hahahah I dont need to cope my friend
I can afford to waste my life however I want!!! can you? of course not you're the one that's coping here 24/7, that's called projection
1btc lmao I hope you at least have that little and its not a larp

>> No.54263861
File: 1.74 MB, 2181x1880, Bringing your girl to the tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP, I guess being rich and decadent means you rage at the first person to talk to you though
Try to take it easy, Dr Rich

>> No.54263895

youre all the same on this board, I just joined a few hours ago and cant believe how truly stupid most of you idiots here are
youre literally going long on ALL OF THESE jesus christ may god have mercy on you I dont know what else to say, I kept hearing how oldschool and elite 4chan is this is just pathetic

>> No.54263945

and the thing that ticked me off was the sheer arrogance of it, what example are you giving out to the rest of the sheep here
none of you know what youre doing, youre all clueless retards. ONE measly bitcoin is some proof of superiority? my god you are absolutely clueless

>> No.54263965

Based ngl

>> No.54263975

You're talking to a methhead schizo with no teeth
ask him to smile, he won't.
He's also an ID switching nigger that needs to kill himself for the bullrun to begin.

>> No.54264046

>Fake news
2017 newfag here. Nice to meet you. I started with 1k and traded up. Caught Raiblocks pamp. Stayed in stables most of 2018. Nibbled some LINK and ETH. Made decent gains. Got caught in 6 figure hell. Tried to leverage trade my way to one million. Got account blown, only left with a bunch of shitcoins in metamask. Put them on a cex and converted to BTC. And now here I am. What's your story?

>> No.54264154

>hit buy bitcoin (ticker: btc)
>sent it to cold wallet
>that's it

hope you're doing well anon

>> No.54264174
File: 134 KB, 778x868, 1624720392388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, i hold 4 bitcoins

>> No.54264178
File: 590 KB, 802x722, edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your meds, schitzo

>> No.54264202

Thanks, fren. 21MM club stronk

>> No.54264215


>> No.54264292
File: 14 KB, 400x225, 2020-03-26_15-33-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a one-coiner is stupid unless you have enough other investments to have a diversified portfolio.

>> No.54264407
File: 2.08 MB, 2944x2208, The fuck did he mean by this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>methhead REEEE smile REEEEE kill yourself REEEEE
Ohhhhh stinkkkkiiiieeeeesss
Didn't read, too busy being me

>> No.54264734

>i'm better and wealthier than you
I hold 50k tether yielding returns via SpoolFi and I'm better and wealthier than you.

>> No.54265356

I have 1.2 homie.
I'm going to buy everything I want with the 0.2 and leave the remaining 1BTC for my kids and grandkids

>> No.54265563

Where'd Dr Rich go?

>> No.54266062


>> No.54266439

It’s this retard again holy schizophrenia

>> No.54266494

>rug platform


>> No.54266506

Nah bruh he got mahneys. He does coke