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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54255328 No.54255328 [Reply] [Original]

So the US is officially a dead country now. Time to leave, or die with it.

>> No.54255374

>broken, rotting country that can't conquer a shithole barely the size of Texas wants to trade in yuan
Hegemony shattered, Chinese Century confirmed, death to AmeriKKKa

>> No.54255392


>> No.54255399

XRP won.
It fucking won.

>> No.54255716


>> No.54255744

>broken, rotting country that can't conquer a shithole exactly the size of Afghanistan seethes

>> No.54255760

>time to leave it, or die with it
or help build the new in the shell of the old

>> No.54255774

What are the odds China invades Taiwan this year?

>> No.54255777



>> No.54255780

>conquering was never the plan seethe

>> No.54255781

did we trade much with russia?

>> No.54255800

The US did conquer Afghanistan, they just couldn't handle occupation.
Russia can't even conquer Ukraine, which is right next to it's border and not on the other side of the world.

>> No.54255807
File: 192 KB, 1500x333, 2BE10D5A-402D-46C6-A699-463C2151D882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, a yuan just drove into my house at full speed… everything I’ve worked for, gone.

>> No.54255814

With jews... YOU LOSE!

>> No.54255819

How do I convert all my usd to yuan?

>> No.54255824
File: 74 KB, 600x800, 9e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I support the latest thing
>House owners bad
>Glory to Jewkraine heroes <--------
>Putin le bad
>Rocket man bad
>Unvaxed will all die of air aids
>Drumpf bad
>Hillary will win
>Obuma good

>> No.54255827

>muh goyim dee pee
lol glowie

>> No.54255836

>our currency undervalues russia and overvalues california
Which is why they are switching to the yuan.

>> No.54255840

>he believes the gdp meme
>he doesn’t know gdp includes deficit spending

Lmao, fucking retard

>> No.54255853

It’s a war of attrition that Russia will inevitably win. Ukraine has the backing of the entire western mafia. But Ukraine will eventually lose when they run out of goyim to through into the meat grinder.

Russia has vast access to resources that have real, tangible value.

>> No.54255854

if biz becomes a fucking state sponsored propaganda forum like pol im gonna be sad

>> No.54255873

Russia was our greatest geopolitical rival for nearly a century. “Le latest thing”. Rot in hell. I look forward to curb stomping your commie ass

>> No.54255877

>be ivan
>get bamboozled into takings of yuan from zi
>try to use yuan to trade for chinese goods
>stupid ivan, we no want funny money. we want dara
>now tries to pawn yuan off to other third world shit holes instead

>> No.54255885
File: 79 KB, 1024x666, clinton_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, what’s the matter mongoloid vatniks? Got laughed out of /pol again?

>> No.54255891

kek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Afghan_War

>> No.54255909

Bullish for the dollar
Lol fuck REDFOR scum

>> No.54255910

Nothing has happened to USA. We are still strongest country on earth. Only thing that changed is Russia became a bottom tier country. Russia is literally a Chinese vassal state now. Why the Russian people don't riot I will never understand.

>> No.54255924

At least China doesn’t teach its own children to become trannies.

>> No.54255937

they've been cucked to death sadly. Putin murders anyone remotely challenging to his admin

>> No.54255950

LMAO even

>> No.54255956


>> No.54255958

PETER ZEIHAN--joe rogan--january

>> No.54255962

East Palestine, that you?

>> No.54255984

/pol/ website
Stay mad

>> No.54255991

gdp is a meme stat. moscow is more first worldy than los angeles and san franscisco

>> No.54256002

Instead, china teaches its children to piss in buckets full of boiled eggs so the adults can eat the boiled eggs soaked in urine. I’m not making this up, it’s a Chinese delicacy. Look it up.

>> No.54256007

Thanks Russia. No really. The insanity in universities in the fifth column entrenched into our university system by the Soviets. It’s had enough time to gestate to the point where all of the young professors they got on board are now in leadership. Your le based ruskies sowed the seeds of this shit.

>> No.54256009

hahaha you are a complete fucking idiot
/pol/ is worth so much more than /biz/ which is 95% pajeets shilling their latest scam
stay here--you're too fucking retarded to come to the best board

>> No.54256010
File: 165 KB, 714x998, demc5zj-ed55a3a4-48e4-4d2a-9a0c-fb71ea106db3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le Soviet union collapsed over 30 years ago. Have fun eating dog and bats when china invades.

Lets see who won't be fighting to save America.
>Millions of niggers who hate who their own country
>Millions of gays and trannies who hate their own country
>Millions of obese fat yanks slurping their corn syrup
>Your army of mutts and trannies who do want to fight will flee once they realise you'll be called a man when at the front
>Your zoomer generation has been programmed to oppose war and embrace delinquent culture thanks to based chink social engineering via TikTok.

It's over, embrace the chink life.

>> No.54256011

eat the dog boi

>> No.54256033

in fact: MOOOOODS

>> No.54256034

I think LA and SF scores good on the Globohomo Depravity Program.

>> No.54256051

You might want to read up on the misadventures of Russia in Afghanistan in the 80s.

>> No.54256053

i meant clean and better infrastructure

>> No.54256058

California is literally mostly non-White and ten trillion in debt lol.

>> No.54256073

western combat has been video gamified beyond belief, your cute regimented chinese lines will be hellfired into oblivion by fat trannies and mexicans sitting in a warehouse thousands of miles away eating pringles

>> No.54256092
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work hard and save anon so that your dollar can go to 0

>> No.54256098

Maybe the US is fucked. But at least there’s a non zero chance a roidtranny will cudgel you to death for worshipping the CCP wumao

>> No.54256107

Imagine getting killed by a US military diversity hire, mongrel, enlistee. The ultimate humiliation.

>> No.54256121

Double posting to ask where the fuck this narrative minorities won’t fight came from? Screams of the “US Germans won’t fight us!” cope. Have you looked at the armed forces? Blacks died for lesser causes in the war on terror.

>> No.54256139


too late this place is infested with chinks, jeets, vatniggers, all kind of BRIC subhumans

>> No.54256148
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>BTFO in the Korean war by, surprise surprise chinks coming to NKs aid
>BTFO in vietnam
>Thinks it won in IRAQ cus it terror bombed civilians
>Ended up coping and seething and left Iraq
>BTFO by goat fucking, flip flop wearing goat hurders in Afghanistan
>When air support no longer worked, yanks coped and seethed and left Afghanistan

.cope lol. Embrace the dog and bat food life.

>> No.54256179
File: 49 KB, 640x414, 1A676DB5-BDAA-4966-AB0B-724292395619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the matter, Richard? Time for your high heels?

>> No.54256181

Man I’m really gonna be that merishart that cries about muh KD in asymmetrical combat and US political will drying up. Only one I won’t argue is Korea. That was US leadership being greedy idiots and overextending. If it’s any consalgion for the US of A the CCP’s marine Corp got deleted so Taiwan became a no go after the war so. Small victories.

>> No.54256187

You forgot
>wins cold war for global supremacy
>uses victory to push own population to self-castrate and hang themselves

>> No.54256201
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>thinks DeShawn, DeMarcus, Andre and the other homies will sign up to fight for whitey.


>> No.54256211

Heard it already. He’s a retarded cia shill.

>> No.54256219
File: 456 KB, 2000x1331, 38204EA8-0C5D-422B-85F6-652DCA45E335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet the that will vaporize Chang and Vlad using a joystick in an air conditioned trailer in Nevada.

>> No.54256226

>Russia loses cold war
>Country collapses
>Becomes aid ridden shithole full of 89 IQ alcoholic retards

>America wins cold war
>Becomes depression ridden shithole full of 89 IQ opioid addicted retards

What was the point of all of this?

>> No.54256232

My concern is our Cold War politicians are dying out and I seriously doubt the new wave of politicians can even comprehend global politics. That’s the thing I’m most doomer about as a red blooded patriot. Our young politicians strike me as… naive? And have been raised to refuse and scorn all advice from their elders, so I doubt there will be any knowledge transfer.

>> No.54256237

And Americans abort their babies, boil them down, and eat them as “natural flavors”. Thanks, bill Gaye’s!

>> No.54256264

Lol is Zoomer a banned word now?

>> No.54256277

>there are still people cheerleading america in 2023

How much more does your country need to violate you in the ass before you start to change your mind?

>> No.54256305

Better than BRIC trash.

>> No.54256352

zoomed zoomer
boomed boomer
doomed doomer
coomed coomer

>> No.54256405

Cope, Richard. You will suck that dick in jail, and you will like it.

>> No.54256435

Maybe I’m a crazed nationalist but I’m dead set on wanting the best for my country even if it’s currently lead astray. Shoo shoo fatalist.

>> No.54256454


>> No.54256477
File: 75 KB, 1256x792, Russia_China_Locator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they merge together it'd be the biggest, most resource rich, populous country by far. With nada a brown or black face.

I don't actually want it but it'd be one helluva country

>> No.54256498

Russia and China are able to have bullet trains. The US however seems to find this impossible to pull off. Fucking trains, high speed trains- the US is literally not able to into this while countries that were hellscapes just a few daces ago have them all over now. Let that speak to the fact to just how broken and utter shit the US is.

>> No.54256507

There isn’t anything to fight for anyways, fight to preserve the nigger states of America? Nah
It’s Rome all over again. It might be a slow death but it’s an inevitable one.

>> No.54256512
File: 207 KB, 582x446, 1679454316545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ website
>Stay mad

>> No.54256546

>Our young politicians strike me as… naive?
They're not sending their best, look at how retarded the average congressman is now -- blue state brown women of ambiguous sexuality who can't actually accomplish anything, and red state literal clowns pandering to social media *only* elected to "own the libs" by cucking on everything (and cut taxes for globohomo corpos :DDD )

There are no statesmen in any branch of government. Especially coming from the MIGApede alt right meme movement

>> No.54256555
File: 859 KB, 1860x2810, 6669A5CB-4EC3-4A5B-8A19-9675AC18E1A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cold War tards enacted the social policy that got us here. We lost the Cold War in a round about way.

>> No.54256559

Russia's GDP is industry and resource production. You don't really have a good GDP if you count loans and Uber deliveries as GDP. If you exclude services as part of the economy, Russia has a bigger economy than Germany

>> No.54256591

Maybe when half the pacific fleet gets sunk (if Taiwan goes hot and we get involved, win or lose people I don’t think understand It’l be nasty) we’ll wake the fuck up.

>> No.54256607

>nothing has happened to the usa
Yeah its business as usual, just an israeli vassal state filled with men cutting off their dicks and women tearing down their monuments.

>> No.54256634

BRICS superpower 2030.

>> No.54256658

BRICS superpower in current year + 10 repeat forever

>> No.54256675

So what happens? Hyper inflation?

>> No.54256679

>if you think US policy is stupid you must love China
Jilted teenage girl logic.

>> No.54256695

think about it
2 more weeks
1 more week
3.5 more days
1.75 more days
0.875 more days
0.4375 more days
.21875 more days

no matter how many steps you take, you'll never actually get there
ergo, nothing ever happens

>> No.54256885

Pure cope

>> No.54256940

If you’re playing defense for Xi or Putin then you are pro China, which is by definition anti American

>> No.54256971

learn math

>> No.54257100

More cope lul

>> No.54257117

Npcs are ngmi

>> No.54257322

That is what you sound like to normal people.
What is actually going on here is that you bought into covid fanaticism, which made you look retarded, and are now going full blown cold war 2.0 to cope and rationalize that the people criticizing you are the real retards.
The reality is you are a dipshit tryhard who has been allowed to delude themselves into thinking they are smarter than they actually are. That's why you get used by powerful people: delusional people are easy to manipulate.

>> No.54257647


>> No.54257676

>le California
>SVB Collapse
Top lel

>> No.54257685

Just watch, faggot. Xi meets with Zelensky next. He is going to broker a peace between Ukraine and Russia, and lock the US out. Ukraine is then going to do an about face and ally with Russia and China, and laugh at the West as it runs off with its money and weapons. Don't you fucking understand? We've be scammed, and once this happens, the rest of the world will see how weak the US is and jump ship to join the new order. Europe will change sides, India, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Latin and South America, Africa. The US will get royally butt-fucked. This whole fucking war was a fucking trap, and the ones in the US orchestrating this know it and looted as much as they could before the hand-off.

>> No.54257688

>he thinks hitler shot himself

>> No.54257775

China has been trying to capture the dollars market for literally years. The actual time to post this was when China signed their agreement to launch many RMB traded futures on the SHFE with the option to convert them to gold in 2017.

While gold is a trash investment the west has solved, China is actually still a developing nation and much like a developing human makes subpar decisions due to not having enough historical accuracy, decisions like trying to sign their oil futures in gold to try and sway the Arabs.

Anyway back to the main point, we theoretically still exist in a petrodollar paradigm, China has only captured about 20% of global oil futures with this stunt, nearly 70% is still traded in USD, and they’re investing into our sloppy seconds in the Middle East so good luck.

If you were ever concerned that overthrowing China completely and totally was not a major long term goal of the United States military, please do remember that both Iraq and Syria were invaded for selling oil futures in Euro.

>> No.54257841


>boasting about conquering a country of goat herders with basically no standing army

the absolute state of mutts

>> No.54257871

Good question. I almost envy the forgotten in between nations like Kazakhstan that just do their own thing and will continue to do so.

>> No.54257945

Until Russia eventually loses this war this place will be a huge /pol/ fagfest

>> No.54257977

Currency was always a very transparent sham.

>> No.54257989

> If you were ever concerned that overthrowing China completely and totally was not a major long term goal of the United States military, please do remember that both Iraq and Syria were invaded for selling oil futures in Euro.

They weren't part of the cartel so got smudged out to make way for Africa 2070, same with Libya. The China situation is unironically part of the plan it just makes Americans seethe since they cant dictate terms at gunpoint anymore.

>> No.54257993
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Do these morons realize the Yuan is pegged to the usd?

>> No.54258005

>wall of text
Cope faggot

>> No.54258024

If by “The Cartel” you mean they weren’t a nuclear capable nation then yes. Such blatant abuse of the dollar reserve system knowing that you’re protected by MAD however does not go unpunished. The only plan is the one to let China guide themself to ruin. The SHFE gold signed contracts are a major transgression by them.

>> No.54258032

yes US dead because muh GDP
not because of pedo trannie AIDS niggers running things.

>> No.54258040
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If you know, you know.

>> No.54258043

They'll just start drafting fags like you to feed to the meat grinder and there's nothing you can do about it. I can't wait for the western male population purge in Ukraine because I'll stay home and fuck your widows and take your jobs.

>> No.54258087

financial suicide
apple market valuation is higher than GDP of whole Russia as a country, imagine bragging about wholesaling your natural resources for 70% discounted rate on 30 years term for soon to be devaluated currency like yuan.

>> No.54258105

When this schizophrenic bullshit doesn’t happen you will abandon it and move onto other stupid shit. You people are hilariously pathetic.

>> No.54258126

This is out of necessity, not some move against the dollar.

>> No.54258141

Good. I want want pure misery here in jewsa.

>> No.54258142

>literally a dumass with cnn brain-chip installed
lmao. my expectations were low but HOLY FUCK

>> No.54258146

why so scared, little jew? is the big bad putin not letting you have a second israel?

>> No.54258178
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Americans deserve everything that's happening to them + worse.

What's funnier is that they simply CANNOT resist the urge to flag-wave and boast about muh superior murica. Black trannycock imperialism is now the defining spirit of america, and that's exactly what flag wavers are celebrating.

>> No.54258179
File: 1022 KB, 1154x605, quislings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the US is officially a dead country now. Time to leave, or die with it.

>> No.54258192
File: 45 KB, 167x170, 1653076368406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans deserve everything that's happening to them + worse.
>What's funnier is that they simply CANNOT resist the urge to flag-wave and boast about muh superior murica. Black trannycock imperialism is now the defining spirit of america, and that's exactly what flag wavers are celebrating.

>> No.54258219

>everyone that disagrees with me is a kike

I disavow the Torah, but I disavow you being a huge fucking faggot even more

>> No.54258220


Conquered and occupied for 2 decades retard. The US military won every armed engagement with the taliban, even the ones where they were outnumbered. Did u think they were going to make the place a state and stay there permanently? Lmao. Is this the only cope u polcels have left whenever someone laughs at the Russia’s ukraine debacle? Retarded faggot

>> No.54258231

>broken, rotting country that can't conquer a shithole barely the size of Texas wants to trade in yuan
it's over

>> No.54258274

The single largest investor in teh EU is the USA the single largest investor in the USA is the EU. The worlds number one and number two food exporters are the USA/EU or EU?USA depending on the year. The vast majority of EU members plus teh UK and Norway are in NATO as are the USA and Canada. NATO is the single most powerful and successful defensive military alliance in history. The combined economies of the EU and USA dwarf everything else on the planet. Europe and teh USA are economic, military, diplomatic energy and food partners and share a great deal more such languages, dna, religions etc etc. I have never read a greater pile of shit yet in 2023 than your post, Wherever you are from, it is a small squalid bitter and worthless place that instead of thanking the west for the vast improvements in medicine, technology including agricultural technology as well as the endless foreign aid and development charity sits in a squalid shithole making retard posts. God Bless the USA and EU. They are the lights of civilisation along with their friends nd allies in Japan, Australia, Canada, the UK, South Korea and many others. Where ever you are from whatever squalid worthless tyranny with a tin pot dictator, you deserve it. It is your fault and seething at the west won't help your miserable condition which is the product of your own society, culture, nation and dna.

>> No.54258314

No niggers. But they have almost as bad people. Dumb fuck russians and indoctrinated dumbed down communist chinese. They are also about to receive a lot of africans (which aren't as bad as american blacks but there's still a lot of really dumb and really violent blacks in africa). Most of their people are slave workers who work for their masters (oligarchs, communist party members, and few good entrepreneurs which ultimately are owned by either the russian duma or communist party).

>> No.54258416
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Your kids will be groomed by trannies, and your city will be annihilated by floydies that are immune to the law. Your dollar will continue to be drained of all worth by wall street et al. Big pharma will continue to cull your communities with mind obliterating drugs.

Salute the flag, mutt! You have a lot to be proud of.

You wasted $300 million a day during the occupation and also failed to globohomo afghanistan's shit up. During that same period, america has declined decayed beyond all recognition.

Can't wait for another floyd riot, baby. I want to see you drones kneeling amongst your own ruins again.

>muh wholesome chungus eu+usa partnership

Lmao, remember when you bombed europe's gas pipelines? Get fucked, mutt.
You're a cancer on this world.

>> No.54258468
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Whoa you replaced the Talibans by the Talibans. Great achievement. Makes you wonder what would have happened if you lost.

>> No.54258490

Entropy will take us all. Other empires will rise, one day.

>> No.54258497
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5 rubles ($0.0005) have been deposited to your glavset account ivan

>> No.54258501


>let China guide themself to ruin

So China will somehow punish themselves for using gold to woo the petrostates and undermine the dollar? Smells like copium famalam.

>> No.54258512


>> No.54258520

Man Russia is pathetic, and China refuses to give them military aid outside of ARs, so China is just as pathetic since they are too scared to move in on Taiwan.

>> No.54258545

>Falling for the chink tether scam
Many such cases

>> No.54258611
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>broken, rotting country that can't conquer a shithole barely the size of Vietnam wants to trade in dollar

>> No.54258616

usa strong

>> No.54258720
File: 2.63 MB, 820x820, 1668536272459414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more vatnick

>> No.54258795
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>> No.54259349

And you pink slime and deep fried coca cola. Give me the piss eggs any day tbqh.

>> No.54259351

First of all, I don't share DNA with niggers who are turning the US into South Africa slowly but surely. Neither do I share religion with muslims that are outbreeding natives in the EU.
Second, the elites who currently rule the West on both sides of the Atlantic are pretty much openly admiring China, their CBDC, their social credit system and are on the path of trying to recreate the same totalitarian system in Western countries. The EU bureacrats are bassically commies who believe in top-down control of everything in socieaty and a centralized planned economy. Private-public partneship IS FASCISM, the EU is turning into a comunist/fascist shithole. They are plannig to kill small farms to replace it with bug farms and lab-grown meat owned by bigcorp, kill small banks and replace it with one central bank that emits CBDC, so instead of real money you'll have slave tokens with negative interest rates and personal carbon limits programed into it, so no healthy animal proteins or gas to travel for you goy, oh btw, so'll live in 15-minute cities btw (that is OPEN AIR CHICKEN CAGES FOR HUMANS) so you won't need to travel anyway Small enterprices will be killed with climate lockdowns and replaced by a few megacorporation that can afford to buy carbon credits. Everyone who doesn't comply with ESG investment guidelines will be economic roadkill, they said it.
There are no systems or countries anywhere on this planet to admire today. Your choices are shit, shittyer and horribly godawful shit. The West is an oligarchic maffia structure, the same as Russia, they just have more money and better PR. They are better at hiding it. China is a fucking commie shithole, if Chinese people get the chance, they flee with their money to less opressive countries. Now Western people do the same to escape from their distopian future home, the mega rich are building bunkers in New Zealand, the less rich are moving to Dubai, Eastern Europe or Thailand to escape high taxes&diversity.

>> No.54259387

>along with their friends nd allies in Japan, Australia, Canada, the UK, South Korea and many others
You seem to have forgotten your greatest ally mutt.

>> No.54259402

The point was we aren't speaking german and made money for the elites along the way

>> No.54259566

this is the uncomfortable truth. there is nothing in the west worth preserving. the last thing that mattered was family and now they took that from us too. what is there left to protect?

>> No.54259594

Russia was dropped from Stripe so what fuckin choice does he have

>> No.54259614

eastern pondwater drinkers seething at this post

>> No.54259645
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>Russia is literally a Chinese vassal
>but no, we cut off the ukros and salvs should cope,riot and be a US vassal instead !

single-digit iq mutt right here

>> No.54259703

>Russia switches to Yuan
>US dead


>> No.54259745
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It's getting awfully shilly in here.

>> No.54259781



>> No.54259796

Nigga we goin green and pioneering AI. You are mentally priced out. Enjoy living in a commie block in Siberia.

>> No.54259833

>What was the point of all of this?
Making jews rich

>> No.54259858

This kek

>> No.54259871

*hellfires your mechanized brigade while drinking monster and eating cheetos in Arizona*

>> No.54259885

amerifats in denial ITT

>> No.54259916

> it's all over n just 2 weeks
Fucking useless faggot, at the very best this is just the beginning of a new cold war, the petrodollar is still alive

>> No.54260108


>> No.54260177

If you are low iq enought to fall for russian propaganda just because it opposes western propaganda, you might be too dumb even for 4chan.

>> No.54260199
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Your right it is.

>> No.54260266

this will end like Libiyan golden ducat

>> No.54260646

Funny, because the russians couldn't take over Afghanistan in the soviet days

>> No.54260650

Source ?

>> No.54260679

/pol/ needs to leave. cringe virgin and broke

>> No.54260904

Sooo, what's gonna happen with our debt, now that the world is slowly moving away from dollarinos?
We just don't talk about it?

>> No.54260997

Easy. Inflate it away while outsourcing inflation to the colonies. Works like this, you print money and you drop a ton of money on local consumers and businesses. The one who gets fucked is the consumer in the colonies, he didn't get helicopter money, he just got USD inflation. USA can easily survive this, but the colonies need to die

>> No.54261014

>USA can easily survive this, but the colonies need to die

Sounds like Britain in the 20th century

>> No.54261022
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Checked based, and absolutely correct. (((America))) is a scourge. Americans are cowardly goycattle. A new age is upon us.

>> No.54263126

These new WEF-groomed 'young global leaders' only know one thing: to double down.

>> No.54263180

The US did just fine long before the dollar was the world's reserve currency. I say we just sit nice and cozy in North America and let the rest of you cope.

>> No.54263269

it already did. You haven't noticed the changes since the bank failures started?

>> No.54263311

>60 million people WASPmerica is the same as the 340 million people Weimerica

>> No.54264278

Nobody wanted to conquer Ukraine, swedish trannoid

>> No.54264333

>Fake country with fake money who made up their own salaries and profitted from war thinks it's rich
You are rich on groids and that's it

>> No.54264821

he's not wrong though

>> No.54264845

>Hegemony shattered, Chinese Century confirmed, death to AmeriKKKa

Glory to China. Can't wait to see them sink those faggot carriers.

>> No.54264876

Of course im anti american(anti zog) and i hate weak willed coward betamale nigger worshipping knee bending, low iq sõy faggots like you.

America is just that, a useless shithole full of niggers and degenerates commanded top to bottom by a weird jewish man from israel rofl

>> No.54264899

>America is just that, a useless shithole full of niggers and degenerates commanded top to bottom by a weird jewish man from israel rofl

Americans are scum who will soon be licking the boots of mighty China.

>> No.54264969

>I say we just sit nice and cozy in North America and let the rest of you cope.

your trade deficit with the rest of the world is close to a trillion dollars a year you insufferable spastic.

>> No.54264970

Someone’s been on /pol/ too long

>> No.54265004
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someone's not accepting the truth

>> No.54265215


Wow, someone that understands currency and isn't a fuckin retarded liberal that goes on about MUH ECONOMY while America is literally crashing.

>> No.54266408

kek this

>> No.54266663

kek, how embarrassing for judeo ideology, literal genetic dead ends

>> No.54268559

the bravado of third and second worlders is a bit over the top

even if america is infested with blacks and mexicans, we'll still survive, we'll still prosper in the end, as for the political situation in china and russia and the innate instability of these countries, honestly I wish them the best of luck, I don't have any ill will towards them I just think the hatred of america is getting to some of you here and maybe your Venezuelan shithole is just because you're really an inferior race, nothing wrong with that, but believing of all things that china will become a world superpower and be perfectly stable even in the next 20 years is laughable

>> No.54268718

it's not much different, as long as you aren't in the inner city, the federal government is losing power, which will lead into a more prosperous period for local and state governments, it's funny how the worst they could bring us down to is a recession, we have the highest food stability on earth, we have the best farmland on earth, similar to how you can't truly destroy russia even after all they tried with the soviet system, it has inherent strengths and resiliency

>> No.54268763

more like Russia just became Vassalized by China

>> No.54268905

nothing russia does right now matters

>> No.54269812

>America will reign Supreme no matter what

>> No.54269992

Where can I buy bug currency?

>> No.54270055


>> No.54271942

t. shitskin subhuman

We will rope you well before that, leave our continent or face the consequences.

>> No.54272378

This thread more than any other has highlighted the truly unbelievable level of stupidity of most people. There is no way you people are anything other than either 14 year old edgelords or paid shills. This shit is mindbogglingly absurd.

>> No.54272447

Good one, polack. Just remember to start boot camp training. We don’t want you to die too easily like hohols.

>> No.54272503

the goal was regime change (i.e. put in a jew controlled puppet) and america failed
stupid cunt

>> No.54272526

>y-you're stupid!
great comeback

>> No.54272573

Currency exchanges. It might be the most safe bet against the dollar. I’m going to make an appointment and report back some time later on biz.

>> No.54272601


Death to Russia
Death to Chinks
Death to Jeets
Death to BRICS

>> No.54272727

impotent thirdoid rage is always amusing when they'd trade everything to live in the west if they got the chance.

>> No.54272889

Seethe more trannylover

>> No.54272900


>> No.54272903
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I can hear the garment tearing and kvetching.

>> No.54273941
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>> No.54274852

The china lead Eurasian economic sphere is becoming a reality. All the signs are obvious. And that’s where all the big growth is happening.