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File: 276 KB, 2048x1365, espressomachine-ascaso-2048px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54228479 No.54228479 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking what espresso machine should i buy with my arbitrum airdrop?

>> No.54228731


>> No.54228776

You’ll be lucky to afford a $20 coffee pot with the arb drop my friend

>> No.54228802

I'm going to buy a Baratza virtuoso+ and an espresso machine

Not with my airdrop though, I just have a ton of money and never buy anything nice and am tired of living like a peasant

>> No.54228844

financially speaking im just going to starbucks every day now

>> No.54229397

why are you spending 1k+ that will sit on your counter collecting dust? they take 15 min to heat up. Just get a pour over and be done with it

>> No.54229417
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>Baratza virtuoso+
good call anon, that's what I use for my moccamaster drip

>> No.54229431

Coffee? Good luck going Bald

>> No.54229444

I had one and the pump seals blew, pissed water everywhere

>> No.54229472
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Not espresso, but still comfy.

>> No.54229513

I love these but they're annoying to clean

>> No.54229539

i'm based in europe and my machine has been very reliable up until now after three years. had a krups machine before and that was absolute garbage

>> No.54229563

Yea mine was bought second hand so i think i got their lemon.

>> No.54229587

buy 5 stainless steel ones and clean them in your dishwasher

>> No.54229590

>he doesn't use the inox variant
i pour cold water on it and its as if its brand new. been using it for years now. best decision i made same with an iron cast skillet. the jew fears the percolator chad

>> No.54229617

thanks fren, I've spent at least 10 minutes on Amazon to figure this out. I have a v60 pour over that I love so first step is the grinder and maybe later an espresso machine. Also need a new mattress mine is 21 years old and not comfortable anymore.

aaaaaa I'm consooooooomingggg

>> No.54229640
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>> No.54229656

>buy with my arbitrum airdrop
this sounds like when anons bought a PS5 with their uniswap airdrop

>> No.54229681

Yeah but a normal coffee maker I can keep putting on pots throughout the day or if people come over. I'm not trying to run a dishwasher everytime a make some

>> No.54229711

Interesting will look into

>> No.54229721

you don't need to clean them, dummie

>> No.54229832

I have this one
It's ok. Not really a coffee cunnysseur.

>> No.54230071
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>aaaaaa I'm consooooooomingggg
yes, but dabbing on tea cucks is based

>> No.54230193

If you but espresso into it you need to take it out anon

>> No.54230245
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If you’re serious and have a little money.

>> No.54230311

so is this the new ps5? whats the cost of a expresso machine?

>> No.54230318

Get a manual drip filter for 10 bux, find a cheap coffee grinder (I got an antique one in a flea market) and learn to brew your own proper cup. Way, way better and far cheaper.

>> No.54230367

OP slurps on big black coffee

>> No.54230451

i have a sage barista express, which is fine, won't complain, the built-in grinder isn't the best though. i'd generally recommend to spend some time on finding a good grinder.
if i'd have to buy a new espresso machine today then i'd probably go with this one:

>> No.54230761

Rancilio silvia

>> No.54231018

this guy fucks

>> No.54231083

I have a Gaggia gran Deluxe espresso machine and a Cuisinart DBM8U burr grinder. Probs not sold in yanksville but they do the job here in UK

>> No.54231173

kinu phoenix and rancilio silvia should be your bare minimum expenditure, probably 1k total

if you're gonna drop 5k on a machine there's no reason to get anything other than a decent

>> No.54233781

If you want to go cheap the best answer is a Hario grinder and a french press.

>> No.54233829
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Lelit PL91T Victoria or if you’re in Europe you can spend less and go with the PL81T Grace.

>> No.54233838
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Reddit thread.

>oh my gooood cofeee is sooooooooo good!

>> No.54233878
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Coffee is good, it’s just like outside Italy it sucks ass so bad it’s not even fun.

The straight white man has two choices: espresso or moka pot.
Both of them are excellent.

>> No.54234788
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Save your money, this is all you need.

>> No.54234925
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>cuck press


>> No.54235793

had to use a Jura for awhile and went back to this
it was just quicker and easier

>> No.54235823

buy yourself a hot tub anon. you won't regret it.

>> No.54236687


The decent looks ugly, was written in fucking TCL, has tons of components so it's bound to break in a year.

Also most good profiles are based on lever machines so why not go with that? I'm going with a Londinium soon probably.

>> No.54237754
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>toxic bean soups

>> No.54237778

>he can't tolerate the bitterness

>> No.54237782

Tea is the white mans drink. The British conquered the world on tea. Coffee is a nigger drink that makes people dehydrated and makes them want to eat more Jew sugar slop. It’s literaly half the reason the West is Obese.

>> No.54237814
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>not a single post about cold brew
I've been sharing my presence with uncultured savages i see

>> No.54238366

bitter means toxic you absolute slave https://rumble.com/v1q7xu3-coffee-tea-alcohol-health-or-toxic.html
milk and fruit juice is the white mans drink

>> No.54239078

it literally makes you eat less sugar because it releases dopamine so you don't need sugar to do the same you stupid fucking dunning kruger mongoloid

>> No.54239367

Tea is just 1/2 of coffee
also both make me not want to eat anything

>> No.54239388
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the west is obese due to seed oils

>> No.54239410

Green tea > everything

>> No.54239457

If the first thing that comes to mind is cashing out this airdrop then this coin is going nowhere

>> No.54239483

People need to go back to using animal fats like butter, lard, and beef dripping. Before crisco and other shit oils took over the food industry heart disease rates were much lower.
Also fuck corn syrup

>> No.54239500

Why do you say this? I got a decent 10k out of the uniswap airdrop so yeah i could have bought a PS5
(Except that it has no games)

>> No.54239503

Get a basic saeco

>> No.54239528

The linea micra the best home machine on the market but that you need a app to change settings sucks. He should get a good grinder and a Lelit Elizabeth.

>> No.54239569

Diet coke is the white mans drink

>> No.54239621
File: 52 KB, 992x558, bes870bks_ps_fv_espresso_machine_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best <$500

I bought one last year and love it

>> No.54239627

Financially speaking, you should quit caffeine and stop wasting your money on coffee.

You're buying a subscription to fake energy.

>> No.54239914


>> No.54239951

I bet you dont even eat poop because you cant tolerate the bitterness and poop you dumb little bitch, I and other poop eaters are superior to cowards like you

>> No.54240133

Only a cuck would pay for a machine and waste their money.

>> No.54240519

Can confirm, had mine 4 years now and it's the GOAT. I've had all manner of coffee machines before this, from cheap delonghis to built in Bosch bean to cup machines, they are all shit, all break, all have serious design flaws.
This one makes THE best coffee, has replaceable parts and holds up to abuse, 5 coffees per day for 4 years so far.

>> No.54240537

Shit's only a few to several hundred. If you like espresso it makes sense to buy it. For everyone else there's basic shit like the Hario v60 so niggas can save up for an espresso machine once they make it.

>> No.54240665

Way to out yourself as a neet.

>> No.54240841
File: 29 KB, 688x446, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive increase in the amount of fat consumption

>its da seed oils guise! Eat more butter!!

It couldn't just be that fat intake IN GENERAL is way higher than it was 20 years ago, and tracks perfectly with obesity rate, no sir. We need a bunch of convoluted theories about the specific types of fat that are causing obesity.

Sugar and carbs don't make you fat (alone) ; fat makes you fat

>> No.54240910

I've had my De'Longhi Magnifica 20.110.B for 7 years or so and it's still going. I only drink espresso though. It's really good. They still sell them for around 300€.

>> No.54241777

Think investment wise anon. Sell the airdrop to USDT and lock them via SpoolFi for rewards. After five years, you will find yourself in the book of whales. Easy!

>> No.54241815

I bought a 7$ mocha pot and make Cubano coffee with it. Am I doing something wrong.

I also have a venturo nespresso machine for coffee

>> No.54241828
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Is this britbong machine here good enough? It seems suspiciously cheap, but I have my eyes on it and about to pull the trigger. I'm a poor third worlder and can't buy anything more expensive.

>> No.54241842

Sugars make You fat, but sugars and fat combined makes You triple fat, thats the problem

>> No.54241847
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>> No.54242077

What model? Barrista express?

>> No.54242300

>butter that has been for 3000 years old is le bad
>fat not divided into categories
nice chart faggot

>> No.54243027
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>milk and fruit juice
This. I love making my own milkshakes with fruit. However I do drink coffee and tea though.

>> No.54243355

Well im in university studing slowly but it basically feels like neet thats true. But it gets payed here to attent university. And yes i dont know ful time working people that dont drink coffee. Ful time work is slavement

>> No.54244172

see the post above yours

>> No.54244610
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I got a 2 or 3 decade old La Pavoni Pub off craigslist for $200. It's a small commercial machine that was purchased for an italian restaurant. They cost 4 or 5k when new although my particular model has not been produced for a long time. The solenoid was cracked but I repaired it for free by soldering it. The pressure valve was dead but I found an OEM value for like $30. That's the total of work I've put into it and it pulls excellent shots every morning.
Feelsgood being a plumbed in chad and not constantly filling a gross plastic water reservoir like a pleb, or having to empty the drip tray.
For grinding I use a $150 1zpresso hand grinder. Beans are home roasted in a little shitrigged mesh drum over my propane weed burner.

All told I reckon my <$400 setup, with single origin beans, green for $4.50 / lb, is pulling superior shots to the average reddit fag who's several thousand dollars deep and has a $50/month coffee bean subscription
Pic related (not my photo tho)

>> No.54244635
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i meant the pressure gauge, not valve

>> No.54244734

That because its made by SAGE, decent machine.

Rancilio Silvia, is the best in any price range.

>> No.54244977

I thought redditors went for latte

>> No.54245017
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I'm getting a Londinium R24 and the Weber grinder for $10k or so. Idgaf I want the best of the best. I want the endgame equipment as my entry level. Watch me.

>> No.54245158

Fuckin larp or whale spotted. Looks like HEX still got some magic and it's on my radar alongside ZPAY and RIDE which are building in the bear market.

>> No.54245613


Pulsechain launch has already pumpes HEX 8x and it'll keep pumping until Pulse launches. Richard is making this play ouy perfectly.

>> No.54246255

>sounds like when anons bought a PS5 with their uniswap airdrop
Fags depending on PS5 as investment. My Uniswap airdrop were all sold to USDT which I later invested via SpoolFi for interest. Until this day, I'm still reaping the returns.