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File: 626 KB, 1093x799, 1677566769564323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54207694 No.54207694 [Reply] [Original]

>be sitting on my pc
>watching the markets
>reading the news & biz
>sudden loud knock on my door
>oh its the police
>can we come in
>uhh ok
>both of your parents have been killed in a car crash
>uh what
>a truck blew a read light and t boned your parents
>i've just come here from the scene of the crash
>oh uhm ok
They just left. The two people who unconditionally supported me when I quit my job to trade crypto are dead. The two people who I could sit and talk to for hours about different coins and who would happily sit and listen showing genuine curiosity. I bought a 40k car off my crypto and they were so proud of that. They would tell everyone that I was a professional crypto trader. What the actual FUCK HAS JUST HAPPENED IVE JUST LOST THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY FUCKING GAVE A SHIT ABOUT ME WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW THEY GOT CRUSHED TO PIECES

I asked the guy did he see the bodies and he said yes and he said it was very quick as soon as they saw the truck they would have been dead afterwards it went over their vehicle

>> No.54207713

Now you are free

>> No.54207724

Never happened. But it should have.

>> No.54207732

Buy some SHIB, it's going to the moon!!!

>> No.54207739

use your inheritence to buy BTC

>> No.54207746
File: 38 KB, 267x623, 1647439291247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at dinner my parents told me they don't believe the moon landing happened
luckily for me not as bad as your story but still

>> No.54207752


>> No.54207774

Post proof

>> No.54207785

just walk it off

>> No.54207791

based parents
want to switch?
mine are shifltess obese communists who believe donald trump aka hitler the 2nd is the worst person in history

>> No.54207800

They deserved it lol, dumb frogposter. Theyre sucking cocks in hell, also nobody asked

>> No.54207823

I'm sorry for your loss, OP. As hard as it will be to deal with this, you will pull through. Stay strong, at least you can remember they were proud of you.

>> No.54207826

Is that what hell is like? Do you think I can go?

>> No.54207839

Im very sorry for your loss OP. Dont be afraid to grieve but do not let it control you. You will need to move on. But take some time to process these emotions. Seek comfort in Jesus when you feel you need it

>> No.54207849

Thank fren for this depressing larp

>> No.54207869

I don’t know if it’s sadder if larp or it really happened

>> No.54207880

This board is now full of pieces of shit of the worst kind.

>> No.54207899
File: 104 KB, 937x850, 1672965835637206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moon landing is a perfect example of the midwit iq curve meme. A bunch of hillbilly inbreds cling to it being faked because a guy at work told them. All the midwit normies are sure it happened because TV said so. But people who actually do research and look at the events leading to it can easily see it was likely staged.

>> No.54207922

its a LARP, retard

>> No.54207959

>But people who actually do research and look at the events leading to it can easily see it was likely staged.

you fucking retard

>> No.54208001

he's not wrong
literally the fakest bullshit ever

>> No.54208020

Fuck you

>> No.54208066

this gets posted all the time newfag

>> No.54208093

if it's true I'm sorry anon, that's probably the worst thing that can happen in anyone's life. At least you get to inherit something and make bank with the impending bull run.

>> No.54208352

I highly doubt if your parents were just killed you would come here and post your gay green frog to your other imaginary friends, if that truly was your first instinct then you need to fucking get a life, do it for your parents' sake

>> No.54208410

>inbred frogposter projection


>> No.54208455

gpt frogbot thread

>> No.54208582

I hope this is not true. But if it is, I’m so sorry this happened. I can’t begin to imagine the pain you are going through. Sending you a big virtual hug and healing thoughts. You can make it past this. Please allow yourself to feel the emotions and mourn them however much you need to. Let me know if you need someone to talk to, seriously

>> No.54208612

how much inheritance though?

>> No.54209290
File: 32 KB, 689x473, 1522462784751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all in this together, fren