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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54203967 No.54203967 [Reply] [Original]

People will look back to this moment in a few years and say "Wow it was so obvious that bitcoin would pump to the new ath from here. It was way to oversold, the halving was just 1 year away and the fed started qe again".
Yet we still have beartards in total denial about massive amount of doomercels here posting dailying about something mystical black swan event, as if black swan events can be predicted.
To all my mumubros I hope you will make it this time and get the care and love you deserve.

>> No.54204977

Well, in either case I finished all of my accumulation goals to like everyone else here did, right anons??

>> No.54205281

Thanks for the comfy mumu feels, fren. WAGMI!

>> No.54205356

why bitcoin isn't useful

>> No.54205375

People will look back at this moment and say, wow the entire financial system was on the verge of collapse and deluded idiots though they could be saved by a speculative gambling token called Bitcorn.

>> No.54205377
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shut up mumu

>> No.54205669

>it has to go to 10k. why??? it just does okay!!

>> No.54205751

...because we're in just the beginning of a QT, layoff, and loan default cycle? duh

>> No.54205764
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>> No.54205775

I admit that I do not feel bad for people like this that still refuse to get it even as it is staring them right in the face. You'll take your USD with you to the grave.

>> No.54205820

We will all make a nice chunk of money this year, but it's nothing compared to what you'll make in 2025.

>> No.54205822

The fed showed their hand. they are not going to drastically reduce their balance sheet only talk about doing so

>> No.54205826

Checked and yea but who knows if I picked the right horsies

>> No.54206393

I'm all about precious metals retard, your Bitcorn will dump to zero

>> No.54206491

how is the 25% return that gold did in the last 10 years treating ya?

>> No.54206530

I buy Gold for preserving wealth in the case of hyperinflation. Which it is proven to do. When things come crashing down (and it will) your Bitcoin will be absolutely worthless and so will your "gains".

>> No.54206647

dont get me wrong i also hold gold to preserve wealth and i dont hate gold but if you believe for a moment that bitcoin will crumble and become worthless you are delusional
bitcoin will reach 100k before gold will even hit 3k

>> No.54207686

then take all your money and put it in Bitcoin then since you believe that.

>> No.54207973

why would i do that? ever heard of diversification?

>> No.54208035

Boomer rock maximalist can't fathom that you can own multiple assets

>> No.54208044

surely it will go just as you think, goy

>> No.54208110
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>AI is invented that can do 50% of white collar work in seconds
>"the mother of all economic depressions is coming!"
predicting a depression now is like predicting a depression right after the cotton gin or the steam engine was invented

>> No.54208165
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based, fuck bobos

>> No.54208199


>> No.54208204

I've stacked as much as my funds can carry on BTC, Eth, Kda, Ride, and ICP. The rest will be on daily trades. I'll be here no matter what.

>> No.54208219

>AI is invented
no it isnt

>> No.54208237

I want my old life back. I was very wealthy for almost 2 years, living in SEA with my fiancee enjoying my best life before she left a year ago (unrelated to finance).

The last year everything has gone to shit, I lost literally everything. My money, my relationship, and my dad got diagnosed with a brain tumor. I have nothing and having has much as I did would require a 12x.

I don't see it happening. I am destined to be a failure. I'm gonna be that delusional pizza delivery guy who talks about how he used to be rich and no one believes me.

I'm 28 now, my hairline is starting to go, I can feel my age. Woman my age look like shit and have fucked 10+ people and can't pair bond anymore.

I feel like im running out of time. I need to make it again to leave the US and find a good wife and have kids. But it just doesn't seem like that can happen any time soon, or ever.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.54208459

Chin up anon. You will find the love of your life eventually and the money wont matter so much. Just be positive and forget about the past. You will be happy again. I promise

>> No.54208857

You've missed the bottom anon.
Everyone was calling for <12k and as always you all got frontrun

>> No.54209122
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>To all my mumubros I hope you will make it this time and get the care and love you deserve.
same to you fren

>> No.54209182 [DELETED] 


>> No.54209190

>Fed Chair Powell said this month that interest rates are likely to head higher than central bank policymakers had expected: “We will stay the course until the job is done.”
please keep buying bitcoin lol

>> No.54209226 [DELETED] 

based daddy JPow giving me more time to acoooooomulate

>> No.54209320

>all this bitching
>im 28

Fuck off, you literally have your best years ahead of you. Start over.

t. 35

>> No.54209901

I dont want to be 30+ and start a family. I also don't want to be way older than my wife. I will not marry a woman older than 27.

>> No.54211396

Just stop caring. Dying alone is fine too. There is no High Score screen after the end of your life.

>> No.54211441

>wanting to marry

Imagine being double digit IQ like this Anon

>> No.54211584

kek. And I own physical gold and silver. People just don't get it. You don't put 80% of your liquid net worth in gold coins. You put like 5%. 10% is not unreasonable given the macro situation, but that's too much for me.

>> No.54211607

You don't have to get married. Just geo arbitrage down to south america and bang 18 year old latinas until the day you die.

>> No.54211620

not only that but actually WANTING a used up roastie
what a fucking retard

>> No.54211676
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this is clear mumu larp before the big finale. if you don't see it, your IQ is probably below average

>> No.54211741

>started qe again
what if (i said IF) fedfags decide to qt during the halvening?

>> No.54211778

Metals in the digital age and calling other people retards. There is no hope for you my friend.

>> No.54212924

I already boughted at 40k, 30k, all my alt poorfag stacks. just waiting for the moon.

>> No.54213428

Good for you! Accumulation is a dynamic process for me; keep buying as the opportunities come. Stables will keep doing the background work and earn yields while we await the buy opportunities.

>> No.54213835

Y'all still confident enough to keep staking stables? Don't you learn or was the USDC saga just a dream? Don't come crying here when it starts crashing down.

>> No.54214105
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I went all in on alts and got justed, I'm going to miss this bullrun...

>> No.54214137

Thanks brother! Good post
Macro has changed and mumus know it

>> No.54214149

It will just crab for years again

>> No.54214258

>Don't you learn or was the USDC saga just a dream?
Last time I checked, USDC is pegged at $1, so what exactly is the problem? Plus there's USDT and DAI. When you're privileged enough to leverage on a well structured Defi platforms like SpoolFi, you'll understand why there's no need to panic even in the face of a seemingly terrible market situation.

What alts did you go all in on?

>> No.54214693

What structures are you referring to? Would it have stopped the de-peg if it eventually went down further?

>> No.54215004

SpoolFi is structured to mitigate risk from it's properly structured risk diversification process. Funds can never be lost 100% on it and that's a feature that most Defi platforms are lacking currently.

>> No.54216323

It is useful for buying cocaine, guns and a tweed suits.

>> No.54217299

>You don't put 80% of your liquid net worth in gold coins

For what return? 4% in 5 years? I would rather have my assets in stables and earning yields across various pools via SpoolFi than settle for this.

>> No.54217315

It's more useful right now than a PC in 1989.

>> No.54217329

I'm not against gold. I'm going to buy a major leaguer style gold chain with my bitcoin gains.

>> No.54217343

I really wanna start acquiring BTC but I'm so fucking broke, one bad options play wiped me out.

I need to flip some alt coins and get at least 1 BTC.

>> No.54217887

If you intend on going all in on alts without diversifying a bit into bitcoin you might be en route to losing it all.

>> No.54217948

40%- BTC, ETH-10% and then you can get low cap alts with the other 50% suggest6 you select the ones with working products.

>> No.54218052

>suggest6 you select the ones with working products.

One of my major criteria for selecting projects to invest in, and it helped me get a good return during the last bear market.

>> No.54218123

Charlie Munger we know it's you no need to hide you old fag.

Maybe it's time to leave those shitcoins approach of mine and try something new.

>> No.54218190

>Maybe it's time to leave those shitcoins approach of mine and try something new.

Couple of projects with working products on my radar include NXRA, YFDAI and OCEAN.

>> No.54218251
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Gold is dead shit. BTC isn't going anywhere. If anything, the current bank brouhaha has helped in adoption, plus new crypto narratives. Let's not forget NFTs and their roles. Fags will learn soon.

>> No.54218273

>earn yields while we await the buy opportunities.
Based. Passive income isn't fading anytime soon taking market situation into consideration. MyS makes it easier with busd LP pair. Time to slurp and watch market from the sidelines.

>> No.54218295

I'm fomoing

>> No.54219039

Those are great low-cap projects with products. But honestly, my PF Isn't balanced without MyS of Magic yearn since users can take advantage of arbitrage opportunities and make a profit from price.