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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 27 KB, 680x350, bobo-crashes-market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54197729 No.54197729 [Reply] [Original]

I don't need to tell you what's coming
you already know

>> No.54197747

Ancient Apocalypse

>> No.54197756

we all can feel it

>> No.54197762

big poomp

>> No.54197769

I honestly don’t pretend to know anything and wouldn’t be surprised if it dumped to $0 or if it pumped to $100k by tomorrow. Who even fucking cares anymore?

>> No.54197779

we care
why won't you care?

>> No.54197790
File: 83 KB, 190x193, 1679019014186936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine if people started believing in election fraud or COVID coming from an NIH Wuhan lab leak..


>> No.54197804

don't push your virus theories
viruses are not real, never been proven

>> No.54197848

I suppose HIV is just a dream then, go and shag some prostitutes with HIV if you're so certain.

Let us know how you get on.

>> No.54197852

We are in the most outlandish clown parade of a world I could have possibly imagined. Literally if people were dressing up like clowns and fucking each other in the streets honking their noses I would think that less absurd than what we have created. “Influencers”, retards at the helm of every country, absolute game genie tier economic policies running the entire globe, and people are more worried about some fags dressing up like girls than the fact that we are all eternally wage slaved and have taken everything good from us by a bunch of narcissistic power hungry pieces of shit. Everyone just sits around on their asses like zombies burying themselves in their shitty streaming shows.

BTC goes up. BTC goes down.

Fuck it.

>> No.54197878

already done
not real
why are you not profiting from this mess?

>> No.54197892

the game has changed bobo. the winds are shifting. there is a new music filling the air

>> No.54197894

Seriously? What crystal ball do you have? Every week it’s bobos crying or bobos laughing, mumus crying or mumus laughing. You don’t know fuck all about what will happen, why kid yourself?

>> No.54197930

>there is a new music filling the air
we can clearly see we're going down
>What crystal ball do you have?
you need some more time in the market

>> No.54197954

I'm not here to debate the shape of the Earth or anything retarded, glowie. Don't change the subject. The point is there is another market manipulated dip coming like Op suggested. Only the insiders will be able to profit from it. We're on to your tricks and the next insurrection will make 1/6 look like a gender reveal party.

>> No.54197994

Dead in 10 years.

>> No.54198008

>lol anon you can’t just guess the direction on your trades to achieve a guaranteed 51%+ success ratio?
Show your fucking billions then, retard. With $100 invested at 51% ratio it would take you just a few years to reach a billion. So fucking show it.

>> No.54198017

Small pullback followed by an immediate V-shape recovery? Yeah we know

>> No.54198021

30k eow

>> No.54198065
