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5419553 No.5419553 [Reply] [Original]

Present your arguments for and against it

I think it’s a stupid concept. It’s centralised and will not work.

>> No.5419623

Comfy as fk with bzc

>> No.5419638

AFAIK Segwit is needed for Lightning Network. 10% have adopted it which is abysmal so if they can't even agree on Segwit then how the fuck are they going to get Lightning Network to go through?

>> No.5419648

what's up with asking people to pay upfront to use it? It's bound to fail

>> No.5419663

That’s completely irrelevant

>> No.5419676

Agreed. The whole bullshit channel system is a stupid idea. Why would I want to keep my BTC in the lightning channel between me and a coffee shop

>> No.5419925

Relying on lightning for BTC to scale will deter adoption of BTC as a blockchain secured currency. Paying first 100-1000USD to send USD to your wallet, then the same amount again to open a payment channel to a big hub that can at some point suddenly deny you service so you have to open another channel.

Third worlders can't afford and won't adopt this. First worlder normies who aren't very well-off won't prioritize this.

They'll end up buying "bitcoin credits" from a LN hub that also acts as a bank, and then we have something like the current system all over again, except the rich can opt-out.

There's also the risk of governments disallowing hubs to be connected to hubs they don't like and specific wallets/people and demand KYC, which is likely considering current payment processor and banking laws. This can split the network and leave people or countries stranded.

Small blocks + LN is a betrayal of the economic liberty and decentralized security that bitcoin promised to the world. Bitcoin Core has pretty much betrayed humanity. A few of the devs are too stupid to realize it, some of them might be threatened by (((them))), but many of them are scum that know exactly what they're doing and deserve to be killed as the traitors to humanity that they are imo.

>> No.5420009

Excellent arguments. Just curious, what coin do you believe will dethrone bitcoin?

>> No.5420047

Yes it will fucking fail, it relies on segwit adoption which is currently at 1%... so there's 2 layers of potential failure. There's only one way it could work but it relies on another small unknown tech, there's a small discussion going on about it right now https://discord.gg/D6gmgCY

>> No.5420209

how can they fix bitcoin then? or are you saying it needs no fixing?

>> No.5420222

The goal of Core was always to make it the new banking system, this time with even more control over us than the fiat system

>> No.5420384
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> be me
> LN tester
> contact with Core Dev
> reading ton on LN
> watching multiple YT on LN
> developed solid understanding after being confused for weeks how this actually works
> realize there are propably not that many people who get the concept in full cause its rather hard to initially get into (same level as blockchain or quantum computing)
> setup own LN Node with Eclair Alpha to see this shit in action
> works like a charm
> solves not even congestion but is better than bitcoin ever was before (faster & cheap fees)
> “wow this is fucking awesome!”

> go on /biz/
> see some idiots ranting on LN
> read through their arguments
> realize these guys dont know what they are talking about or got it only 50%
> mfw

>> No.5420428

Agreed pretty much entirely, except for the core are traitors part. I don't think there is a way to save BTC, and some other coin will have to serve as currency. Core knows this. Ver is using that SatoshiVision™ schtick to gain sympathy for his power grab.

Core is not the answer but Cash definitely is not either. We need something else.

>> No.5420434

Hi Anon.
Dont mind them
Any info on how I can setup my own test LN node?

>> No.5420444

So when will it be ready?

>> No.5420448

Can you take some time to explain where they're wrong?

>> No.5420466

I would like to as well.

>> No.5420480



Use Eclair, they even offer a Windows Version. It runs on top of BitcoinCore Client, they communicate via RPC. You will need to adjust the user/pwd and ports in the .conf files of eclair and bcore. there’s more info on the git

>> No.5420483

>i watched a podcast on LN and ran a transaction in a browser testnet


>> No.5420569


When you run the trnsactions on testnet it works cause THE CHANNEL IS ALREADY OPEN. Try that in the real world, having to open a channel (which requires slow and expensive as fuck on-chain transaction), put a bunch in it like a deposit, and using that channel to pay in ONE place.
Wanna go to a different restaurant/shop/bar? NEW CHANNEL! This is true unless Bitcoin is to become COMPLETELY centralized with massive nodes acting as reserves.
So the options are either:
>decentralized Bitcoin, but you have to open (and close?) a new channel every time you have to make a transaction with a new receiver
>LN Bitcoin, super fast, low fee transactions, but CENTRALIZED AS FUCK. Why even bother with it then, just use your debit card.

Pls tell me where I'm wrong.

>> No.5420645

im being straight honest: no one knows for sure.
my personal opinion: sometime 2018.

my “best guess”: first half of 2018, best case 1st quarter 2018, worst case 3rd quarter 2018. i deem it highly unlikly it will need to extend to 2019 - its just already too far progressed and they are in the late stages. even with a team of inbred retards or any new serious problems it wont take that long anymore. its the final stages now.

also dont forget its three different teams that are releasing three different clients that work on one agreed on standard (BOLT). maybe the french team with eclair releases earlier than the other teams, no one knows. they are for sure active and working on it, if you check eg acinq’s git they have a last commit not older than a couple of days.

>> No.5420695

You still haven't countered any arguments made against LN.

>> No.5420745

You're not wrong. Cryptocurrencies in general are Rube Goldberg machines.

>> No.5420772

Thanks, too bad they wont do a blocksize increase in the meantime since it will be needed anyway

>> No.5420816

You still haven’t addressed any of our points.

>> No.5420832

no, one channel is enough. LN will aggregate multiple channels and use them to route the transaction, similar how the internet does it. eg you only need to open up one channel somewhere and you will be able to use that channel everywhere to pay at eg a coffee shop or the cinema at the same time.

> this multi channel routing is not even the deep mechanics stuff with key exchange or timelocks but a very early entry concept into LN.

>> No.5421090

you don’t need massive nodes for LN.
Eg a small node with a 0,01BTC funded channel can use that capacity many times a second, given that its balance swings back and forth as other peoples payments run through it. so it can sum up in total throughput already quite quickly, eg that 0,01 BTC channel can funnel 10-100 BTC per day or even more. you can just let LN run on top of your regular BTC node (which, i guess, most nodes will likely do).

if you want to pay through your channel the algo will seek a cheap path among the network and a small fee amount will be given to any node the transaction travels through.

even if your channel is spent/empty you can leave it open and relay payments from other users if you have one or more other channels open.

the idea is that you leave LN channels open as long as you can and make it expensive to close/open them (which is good).

i cant explan you all the details here cause its really extensive but the tl;dr version is:

> LN is really smart
> It’s fast, cheap & safe
> It will be easy to use

>> No.5421118


Thanks for the answer.

>> No.5421236

More Segwit adoption is coming in 2018,if everyone used Segwit the fees would go right down

>> No.5421239

>Excellent arguments. Just curious, what coin do you believe will dethrone bitcoin?


LN was baked in at the end of november after PoS vote - true governance coin

>> No.5421265

I don’t think LN will be used for 1 time transactions ,but bigger entity’s can use it for micro transactions which will relieve a lot of pressure on the network

>> No.5421657

Agree. Although they don't actually have LN yet, they did a fork to make Decred compatible with LN. They're currently porting the Lightning Network daemon (lnd) to Decred, will probably be done in a few weeks. Then they'll integrate it into their official wallet, probably being the first altcoin to do so.

>> No.5421832
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Has this been debunked?

>> No.5421882

No, it is not incorrect

>> No.5422091
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First comment read it read it carefully anon

>> No.5422129

they're bots dude

>> No.5422351

>Present your arguments for and against it
>I think it’s a stupid concept. It’s centralised and will not work.
Segwit+LN is the FUTURE! » https://streamable.com/qnjon