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File: 186 KB, 1160x773, 20200311-wall-st-ap-773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54193422 No.54193422 [Reply] [Original]

Why weren't there more arrests after 2008?

>> No.54193442

Mods delete this anti semitic post immediately

>> No.54194383
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Holding anyone accountable for anything has become nearly impossible post 9/11

>> No.54195007
File: 28 KB, 380x355, Screenshot_20230312_191856_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple. They didnt need to. Glowies introduced identity politics. This whole BLM, stop Asianhate, LGBTQIA+ movement. It all came right during the occupy wallst.

>Protest, Goy! But only for the things that don't really impact our financial system.

Oh and also don't forget to bankrun this week.

>> No.54195089

Arrests? Haha. Hahaha. All Occupy Wallstreet wanted was basic ass regulation, mostly a return to what had been either gutted or not enforced during the Dubya administration. That was it. Asking for some basic regulation post 2008 got you:

-Tear gassed and arrested by police for what their undercovers and informants did as agent provocateurs
-An endless stream of hitpieces by the corporate media aimed at making Occupy Wallstreet look stupid because they'd only air interviews with the most clueless schmucks that they could find at one of those protests
-The "sudden arrival" of a Liberal fifth column who wanted to derail a popular social movement for banking regulation into identity politics shit. I remember the first time I heard a lecture about "the progressive stack" from some faggot from Berkley who showed up and acted like he should be in charge because he went to Berkley.
-Some mixed advice from actual anarchists about how we shouldn't have leaders because they'll immediately get targeted by COINTELPRO. They were right, but it made it easier for the media to keep making Occupy look stupid to the average citizen with their non-stop propaganda.
-Constant arrests of protestors by police under the flimsiest of pretexts, and sting operations run against virtually every local organizer in an area. Turns out the anarkiddies were right on the money with that one, but they just went after local leadership instead of national leadership.

That's what you got for just asking for the banks to be regulated. Arrests? Mass arrests of people who violated the weak laws on the books for corporate profits? They'd shoot you like JFK/MLK/Malcolm X for that shit.

>> No.54195133

Oh, and I left out the Tea Party movement. A controlled opposition anti-banking movement spawned by the John Birch Society, the Heritage Foundation, and Koch bros money designed to channel outrage about the failure of the banking system into a takeover of the local Republican Party apparatus by an extreme fringe who were seen as being more easy to manipulate, which paved the way for puppet rightwing reactionaries to be elected to office for over a decade since.

No anti-banking populism allowed unless it's astroturf shit controlled by megacorps, glowies, and think tanks.

>> No.54195134

What this guy said.

>> No.54195147

Because you can buy your way out of trouble if you’ve got enough money. Just donate to the right campaign and you get a nice reset

>> No.54195200

Congratulations of your correct understanding of the situation. I'll add some other funny tidbits from OWS such as the proto-SJWs flooding the protests with mentally deranged homeless people who started raping and sexually assaulting everyone and people getting into fights about pizza toppings, legitimately grinding the movement to a halt over pizza toppings.

>> No.54195219
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Ill give you one hint

>> No.54195228

go back to /pol/

>> No.54195245

Oh and don't forget the hilarious and jarring heel turn of guys like Jon Stewart who suddenly started blowing fire and brimstone all over a movement that was allegedly right up his alley...until you realized his brother Larry Leibowitz was the COO of the NYSE. Oops! It can't be emphasized enough how much that shit was the last gasp of the air of reality before the Matrix activated in full force to control all of the stirring peasantry.

>> No.54195247

I remember the homeless people, but I don't remember the pizza toppings. I 100% believe it though.

>> No.54195273

And then 15 years later their own poison pill comes for them in the form of SVB... ironic isn't it.

>> No.54195315

A lot of "left leaning" people have gone full on mask-off since that happened. Elizabeth Warren turning out to be controlled opposition shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did in retrospect.

A "bank run" started by a billionaire instructing his cronies to pull their money out isn't the chickens coming home to roost. It's some other fucking thing that's probably sinister as fuck, it always is with these people.

>> No.54195470

Understanding what happened back then and will happen again in the future is essential for understanding where to place your future investments. Or do you only want to hear:
>Hurr Linkies are the future.
>Monero is the future against all glowies durr.
>GME will moon, just 2 more weeks huck.
>Tesla will save the enviroment! Trust me!

>> No.54195544
File: 530 KB, 2768x3151, 1677590432049400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Understanding what happened back then and will happen again in the future is essential for understanding where to place your future investments. Or do you only want to hear:
>>Hurr Linkies are the future.
>>Monero is the future against all glowies durr.
>>GME will moon, just 2 more weeks huck.
>>Tesla will save the enviroment! Trust me!

>> No.54195585

Why would they arrest themselves?

>> No.54195590

Because everyone was more or less in on it. Millions of people lied on their mortgage applications and everyone in the financial industry and regulatory institutions and governments turned a blind eye. So punishing some midwit at bear stearns was not really a solution to any problems.

>> No.54195637

People do forget that part. I remember in the lead up to the collapse everyone was:

-Living on credit cards
-Buying stupid shit like hummers
-Buying houses just to flip them because even an idiot could sell their home for more than they paid for it six months later
-Buying a new car, then trading it in a few years later for another new car at a substantial loss
-Everybody was a real estate entrepreneur, even regular middle class people with mediocre salaries was trying to buy properties and flip them, and an ass ton of people got stuck underwater
-McMansions popping up right and left in every neighborhood

It wasn't just the banks getting greedy. Everybody was stupid greedy on borrowed money. Turns out that given the opportunity average people are just as bad as rich people.

>> No.54195651

>lets do identify politics for the goys hahaha

>> No.54195668
File: 53 KB, 640x512, 1499332677071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Living on credit cards
>-Buying stupid shit like hummers
>-Buying houses just to flip them because even an idiot could sell their home for more than they paid for it six months later
>-Buying a new car, then trading it in a few years later for another new car at a substantial loss
>-Everybody was a real estate entrepreneur, even regular middle class people with mediocre salaries was trying to buy properties and flip them, and an ass ton of people got stuck underwater
>-McMansions popping up right and left in every neighborhood

this all sounds very familiar

>> No.54195727

Fuck off communist asshole. Go suck Putin dick in Europe and enjoy your 40+% income tax.

>> No.54195734

but obama killed osama

>> No.54195753

imagine being stupid enough to actually believe this

>> No.54195776
File: 119 KB, 471x1024, 1679022323914440m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Iceland there are still people going to jail over the financial meme of 2008.
Notice i said "still", after all these years how can it be? Is the court system that slow?
No, Iceland has 2 functioning prisons (3 if you include women)
However they are full to the brim, 85% of all inmates are immigrants (nogs and polish, basically the same) therefor for non violent criminals (banking) there is a waiting list to start your sentence.

Peak clown world
>pic unrel

>> No.54195794

What does osama has to do with 9/11?

>> No.54195799

he literally got on tv and said he did though

>> No.54195848
File: 267 KB, 900x675, 1678909166462657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stock market and economics in general is a breeding ground for corruption, obviously crashes and booms and busts and all that will continue happening forever, that's just how it is. There will be another recession, if we aren't in another one already, and there will be another boom or whatever you want to call it fueled by new technology and companies flooding the country with money and excitement and optimistic speculation, and this will happen again and again, just like it has been happening since the first stock exchange opened in amsterdam hundreds of years ago.

>> No.54195926
File: 162 KB, 1233x338, ECCE9A90-F45B-4EE9-ACDC-8838F34BBEB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screenshot taken 3 days ago
I fucking hate /pol/, dumb fuckers can’t even get Basel right. They have to hold CASH, this is why fed deposits are through the godamn roof, with trillions flowing into RRP still even after that.

regional banks that don’t do business with foreign counterparties and don’t care if they’re not holding enough cash reserves to meet Basel III LCR. I mean look at this balance sheet for fucking sake, what these guys had 200 million in interest rate swaps to offset their 100 billion in MBS? The fed lowering the reserve requirements to 0 only effected banks like SVB, who don’t do foreign transactions, which is why they’re the ones getting cucked by this.

Dumb dumb, /pol/ had their shot and blew it on getting an orange boomer elected.

>> No.54195961

/pol/ website

Stay mad

>> No.54195966

The government can’t arrest itself

>> No.54195981

Nah. If you weren't around for it then you can't imagine it. Today's economy is nothing like the economy in say 2006.

>> No.54196055

We’ve been in a recession for 14 years.
People don’t realize because they changed how we measure it by fucking with the money supply and cpi. Index etfs are all way down in money supply.
Still, lots of opportunities in recessions too, but the elite will always print more money to ensure no other people become the next elite.

>> No.54196078
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, A552BBAC-6C0A-4CF5-A61B-38150DB92147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.54196122

Too big to fail, too big to jail.

>> No.54196147

This time it'll be too big to save

>> No.54196150

CITIBANK hand picked Obama's entire cabinet

>> No.54196171

at citibank we will meet accidentally
we'll start to talk when she borrows my pen

>> No.54196240
File: 34 KB, 673x364, ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even try to arrest people and show them as an example because, just because. Next thing is people would want people arrested over 9/11 when all the perps clearly died that day so no one alive could possibly held accountable.

>> No.54196366

This is exactly what happened. Everything they psyoped us with over the last 15 years was to run cover for 2008. They won and they know they will continue to win. That’s why Klaus is openly bragging about it and the globohomos are laughing in our face.

>> No.54196438

svb, signature and silvergate are orchestrated attacks on crypto-to-traditional banking integration, specifically with regards to US based institutions. it has also had the added bonus of scaring Americans away from community and regional banks and concentrating capital inflows to wall street. win-win for them

>> No.54196485

I don't think they give a fuck about crypto. They can pressure and control the exchanges, and crypto lets them do all kinds of fun shit like negative interest rates on deposits. They aren't nuking banks because crypto is some kind of threat to them.

>> No.54198094

it should have been the other way around

>> No.54198520
File: 33 KB, 333x499, 1673928323768843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK vatnick, in the west we actually try to hold people responsible.

>> No.54198540

Oh great more >1pbtid bots

>> No.54198583

Wish I could, but its the steam spring sale & I'm run down.

>> No.54198663

non violent crime

>> No.54199838

>Tear gassed and arrested by police for what their undercovers and informants did as agent provocateurs
Hmm, where have I seen this recently? Something something January something something, """storming""" .....

Occupy wall street was co-opted into the LGBTQ++ agenda.

>> No.54199962


Somebody was in the trenches. He's right, too.

>> No.54200106

He sent some marines to kill a bunch of random people in a house. They also crashed their expensive helicopter

>> No.54200140

blackpill here: obama is osama shaved