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File: 539 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230316-193024_rif is fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54159106 No.54159106 [Reply] [Original]

Why are boomers like this? Not even judging this guy in particular but if even half of them carry this psychological profile they're going to cause immense damage to humanity as a whole the next 15-20 years.
> $11M Net worth
> $5.2M house, 500k condo, 100k boat.
> Bunch of equities
>Gets $2.5k from social security monthly.
Put daughter through college for 200k but spends 35k every month on sugar babies. Contemplates reverse mortgaging his house to keep up this lifestyle. You could unironically put a literal 15 yo broccoli hair zoomer in his position that would act with more wisdom. What the fuck...


>> No.54159199

>society grows great when old men plant trees in which their sh-ACK

>> No.54160027

>$35k a month
Holy shit on fucking what? At that spend rate the revers mortgage money will last 12 years at most.

>> No.54160049

Boomers are unironically living in a different world from Millennials. We can't even fathom it.

>> No.54160098

They earned it.

>> No.54160145

He says its for travelling, sporting events, boating, and women. At his age his dick doesnt even work so he just wants to pay sugar babies to get ego boosts regularly as women pretend to fawn over him. This is a 63 year old widower who is leaving his daughter destitute.

>> No.54160284
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Got it. Classic case of rags to riches to rags in three generations. There's irony in him giving all those woman money vs his daughter.

>> No.54160298
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>> No.54160337

Easy come easy go, boomers lived in the most prosperous time in human history and they all will piss it away as times get tough.

>> No.54160362

Probably young whores, expensive gifts and restaurants.

>> No.54160373
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>She owes him nothing
Then I assume she doesn't need to visit him in the hospital?

>> No.54160374

fake reddit ragebait

>> No.54160439

Boomers are scum but doctors of any age are outright sociopaths, especially anesthesiologists and anyone else who works in operating theaters. Can't judge them all by his whore-addled mind.

>> No.54160443


>> No.54160460


>> No.54160483

Let it be known that I am seething

> t. poor 30 year old Millenial boomer

>> No.54160576

Everyone ITT is going to shit on the boomer for burning through his wealth and not giving (more) to his daughter without considering the other side of the coin.

Odds are his daughter is an absolute cunt whore, brainwashed by an ivy league school, who treats her dad like shit ever since
>her mom poisoned her against him post-divorce or
>someone at school convinced her he was bad for being rich and not giving all his money to minorities
If kids want an inheritance they should treat parents with respect, even despite ideological differences.

that being said I hate boomers, they have destroyed America, but this particular boomer seems kind of based.

>> No.54160613

based catherine

>> No.54160633

this lmao. rich girl put thru college by daddy? No way shes not an irredeemable cunt. If anything her privilege makes her more politically militant to make up for that guilt. And guess who women take that out on? rich old men like her daddy

>> No.54160669

>Odds are his daughter is an absolute cunt whore
Also his fault.
Plenty of young women hear all kinds of vitriol about men in school, but if they have a good relationship with their father they can usually sustain the cognitive dissonance of thinking that way about 'other' men while still having an impeccable view of daddy. If he didn't have the force of personality to demonstrate that to his literal daughter - being the one man with whom she spent most time during her most formative years - then he also deserves to never feel her love in return.

>> No.54160685

Dads fault and now drugs and woman are the cope.

>> No.54160690

It’s a good thing he paid for college because there was no way she was qualifying for any financial aid.

>> No.54160751

His daugther gonna hate him for life

>> No.54160780
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>Also his fault.
>Dads fault and now drugs and woman are the cope.
Irrelevant, even if he did a shit job parenting (or more likely, the cunt ex-wife poisoned her against him, many such cases), the daughter should be nice to him if she wants an inheritance. She obviously chose not to.

What would you have him do? Leave an inheritance to a shit daughter who hates him? Better to give it to whores who (pretend to) love him. The whores are smarter than the daughter here.

>> No.54160809

You're reading the man's own words and you know he's a retarded cunt.

>> No.54160834

>monthly spending of $35,000
This has got to be a fuckin troll post.
Do you have any idea how hard I would have to ball every single day to spend $35k a month?

>> No.54160851

assuming his kid absolutely sucks, i don't see any plausible option for him besides what he's already doing.

>> No.54160852

>its mens fault when women do bad things
tradcucks are so braindead. Women broke the old social contract and now men have been stripped of their authority and sense of responsibility over their women. You can either keep day dreaming about the good old days or adjust to the new world you live in, and that includes being more self serving because thats what women are doing. Simple game theory. This plebbit post is probably a larp but this goes without saying.

>> No.54160884

he spends $12k/mo on his houses, the other 24k is "balling". Less than $1k a day. Assuming he eats at nice restaurants and gets hookers a few times a week, this is easily doable. A dinner at a nice restaurant with drinks costs $300+.

On top of this consider obviously, a car payment, insurance, and other normie things.

>> No.54160918

Don't dramatize, a fancy restaurant and a fuck is $2000 easily. Odds are he's not banging 6/10 Stacey's who work at Starbucks, he has the money to blow for premium hookers, who don't call themselves hookers.

What nobody in this thread mentions, because you're all a bunch of dirty kikes, is that those hookers and sugarbabies are also someone's daughters, probably with much poorer parents.

The boomer literally FUCKED the millennial and zoomer generations and their poor parents are cuckolds watching through the glass.

>> No.54160936
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Not what I said. I don't care that this is his relationship with his daughter. That's his problem. But my point still stands. His life is over. What's done is done. There is no going back, so yolo drugs and pussy 24/7 till the end it is

>> No.54160962

Also just remember guys this guy is doing his part to stimulare the economy while virgin chudcels refuse to spend their money

>> No.54161004

His daughter is probably some dumb bitch so i dont really care

>> No.54161120

Straight up whores rather than sugar babies. He's trying to delude himself. Thats one major sign of his mental retardation.

Fact he is hunting sugar babies and has a bad relationship with women in his former family, shows signs that he wasn't exactly an involved father. Chances are he was hounding after the daughter's friends. I have serious doubts.. Boomers are cancerous degenerates.

>> No.54161266

>the daughter should be nice to him if she wants an inheritance. She obviously chose not to.
What makes you say that? Do you think if she was nice to him he would change his lifestyle? Does he seem like that sort of person?
>Women broke the old social contract
Boomers broke it, and women have continued to break it. My point is only that this old guy could have been a decent father, but chose not to be. His daughter is probably also a whore anyway, but he could at least have tried to play some role in preventing that.

>> No.54161310

>Do you think if she was nice to him he would change his lifestyle? Does he seem like that sort of person?
>What makes you say that
life experience

>> No.54161316

This dude has god money and still is willing and able to blow it all for some pussy. Imagine being able to set up your entire genetic line for 100 years and still being miserable.

>> No.54161359

Women broke it first, boomers were just complacent subhumans and let it happen.
if he had a son instead of a daughter she wouldn't have said a thing.

>> No.54161453

>cunt whore daughter
Yeah, he did everything right.

>> No.54161469
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Boomers were born into the broken contract. Frankly I even know Greatest Generation who got wrecked by the new contract and shut out of their children’s lives.

>> No.54161526

What a fucking nigger

>> No.54161532

Lmao niggas seething over how someone spends their money after setting his daughter up for success FOH

>> No.54161607

The boomer existence is just sad, frankly. They’re mentally children, with the solipsistic attitude to match.
This guy has maybe 10 operative years left tops, but wants to act like he’s still 21. But yet is going to die alone, burning through deathcare funds to watch TV for a bit longer in hospice.

>> No.54161622

>spend 35k a month
On what?

>> No.54161656

listen kid getting older doesn't change anything. this guy was probably same when he was 30 as well. why he should try hard to leave something to his daughter, she can earn her own money.

>> No.54161673

Remember when we all locked down and devastated the economy just to save Boomer lives?
Yeah, that shit won't happen again.

>> No.54161699

Literaly says sugar babies

>> No.54161700
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Covid didn't do enough

>> No.54161702

It's none of your business, commie.

>> No.54161712

The daughter would blow through any amount given within 1 year on a nonstop bbc safari.

>> No.54161729

The only thing that will save us now is a vax die off and that isn't happening fast enough.

>> No.54161943

if it's a troll post he has the obnoxiously unaware boomer persona down pat. even the username is spot on, self-identified by his profession and location.

>> No.54161996

My dad says things that are so unreal.
>It's always a good idea to look at house during different seasons to see what it's like when it's wet, how much shade during the summer, airflow in the winter, etc
Dude is used to a world where houses stayed in the markets for MONTHS.

>> No.54162082

Boomers are so fucking funny. They have no idea how the world works and it's so obvious.

When it comes to paying young peoples salaries they're the cheapest pieces of shit on the planet. They justify it in their minds by thinking "hmm well I made 30k at my first job so this millennial should feel blessed to receive 40k". They ignore the fact that they got that 30k job straight out of high school, of course.

Then they turn around and look at the value of their assets being fucking MILLIONS and don't understand that this is obscenely overvalued and unattainable with current entry salaries. They again delude themselves into believing that this asset value is just a reflection of how well they invested or whatever fucking nonsense goes through their addled brain. Reality is it's just a simple result of kikes printing cash. They basically borrowed money from the future to finance the boomer era. Then when the house of cards seemed like it was coming down in 08, they printed more. Covid, print more. Bank collapse now, print more.

Like how the fuck do they not realize that they're destroying their childrens future? Are they really this retarded?

>> No.54162121

He’s based

>> No.54162139

Yes they are and I hate them for it.
The addiction to tv encouraged this.

>> No.54162175
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>Like how the fuck do they not realize that they're destroying their childrens future? Are they really this retarded?
They do not care. They got theirs and inherited the rest from the greatest generation. Their public school raised kids are on there own. Remember this is the generation that was known for kicking their sons out at 18, while complaining how the chinks were doing so well.

>> No.54162282


They simply do not care. Ask a boomer about the gas shortages in the 1970's and they'll tell you of the abject horror that comes with having to wait in line and pay 86 cents per gallon, then justifying it by saying they only made $7/hr.

Boomer nightmare vision goggles are a literal improvement. You'd slip them on, look at gas prices, and they'd be about 10-15% lower.

>> No.54162328

itz da booomers mommy left me out of my inheritance waaaaanhhhb

>> No.54162351
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> Have $3 million liquid
> Own a $2 million house, $3 million beach house in Naples FL, $2 million log cabin in the Smokies
> Daughter went to UVA out of state, Son went to Carnegie Mellon and graduated Summa Cum Laude
> Have a $3 million trust fund ready for my grandchildren when I die

Honey, I worked HARD for my money. All you "millennials" or whatever the hell you're called are so entitled and don't want to work anymore. I got a master's degree from Vanderbilt, and I married a doctor from Emory University.

>> No.54162361

the whole world is in their own little worlds. thats why the world is fucked it wasnt just ur parents. i swaer the whole anti boomer meme is a hebrew psyop to shift blame and divide

>> No.54162373
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No poltard I don't hate my own.

>> No.54162390

the outdated mindset thing is mostly true tho. just walk into tech company and speak to the manager and say im here for a job, eye contact firm handshake bootstraps

>> No.54162436

tbf none of us have the power to change anything. we all just live in the banking dystopia our forefathers and peers put up with. looks like theyre going for the cdbcs this year. we are being bound for another 3000 years. nice knowing ya

>> No.54162450

>anti/pol/posters on 4chan are angry baby boomers
You know... that actually explains a lot

Of course, not like right wing baby boomers are any better, is it even worth making ideological distinctions to them why they are so universally awful?

>> No.54162456

addiction to internet/s0ishual media is many times worth. think tv in ur brain nearly 24/7

>> No.54162500

no one cares, cant take it with you loo

>> No.54162515

>are so entitled and don't want to work anymore
Pot calling the kettle black. We learned it from you.

>> No.54162735
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>> No.54162862
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we really gonna go bankrupt paying entitlements to retards like this aint we fellas

>> No.54162995

And niggers

>> No.54163010

If he's spending that much on women his daughter should get plastic surgery so her father can't recognize her anymore and fuck her father. That's what I'd do.

>> No.54163196
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A few weeks I was flying back home when a boomerette was sitting next to me and trying to small talk.

I humor her and tell her I'm basically unemployed, got fired, etc due to corporate politics.

Basically get a sermon about how that's not possible and if things are really bad I should work for lockheed or raython like she did and make bank. Literally go up to them and ask for a job like she did.

Told her that's practically impossible nowadays.

She was adamant this will work. I am just not trying hard enough or shaking the right hands. It worked for her after college and got a cushy job at lockheed and worked herself up as top mgmt ordering underlings along to do marketing even though her major was completely unrelated.

I ask her for advice and she just tells me "just be honest, anon and keep pounding the pavement. Something will work out."

Fellas....I'm surprised things have gone as long as they have and we haven't devolved into minecraft hunger games yet....

>> No.54163222

The mod on that sub is a faggot like 95% of reddit.

>> No.54163305


You were supposed to humor her marvel at how inspiring her story was, and then ask for contacts at the org. You might even be able to get a reference out of the deal.

Maybe, maybe not. Yes, I get how dirty it feels to suck up to these people. Financial security has a way of washing away that filthy feeling once you get there.

>> No.54163362

Firm handshakes

>> No.54163374

Not an entirely bad play although it is EXCRUTIATINGLY difficult putting up with boomer nonsense.

>"Just ask them! If HR says no talk to a manager to get a 6 fig job. It's that easy anon!"


>> No.54163378

you can be productive on a computer and waste your day away too, old man

>> No.54163398

By cutting interest rates every few years

>> No.54163460

Then we should cut interest rates

>> No.54163474

Most people attribute their success to themselves and their failures to exterior factors (including other people). This is not specific to boomers but everyone.
You need a good amount of humbleness, imagination and gratitude to be honest about it.

>> No.54163510

His daughter got a 200k education and likely a wealthy upbringing from her parents. Most get canned food, formula, abuse, and take out loans for a degree. The boomer is a fucking glutenous moron but his daughter got a top 0.01% shot at life.

>> No.54163533

No he isn’t. Based is surrounded by loved ones, watching your children and children’s children grow and develop. Chasing pussy in Miami is a fleeting pleasure, one that never brings fulfillment.

>> No.54163619

Did you get her number? I’d grind on her for connections and make her admit things aren’t the way the used to be.

>> No.54163797

I know who this person is, his daughter used to date a black guy and that's the reason he is now a widow (he killed her for using the n-word), they are no longer together since the negroe impregnated her but she is still constantly going off about blm and such. Not only that but she is now dating a jewish guy who is constantly trying to get the father to invest in his banking endeavors he calls it effective altruism as he is trying to combat antisemitism and end the wage gap.
The boomer is in the right here.

>> No.54163900
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>Cake day
>March 16, 2023
Your bait was very successful, OP. You got the redditors and now you are baiting biztards as well with this LARP account.

>> No.54165872

uh that's a little judgemental, dont you think?

>> No.54167414

so he's spending $30k/mo to turn other men's daughters into whores
why not just cut out the middleman and pay his own daughter $15k/mo?
at the very least, let her hang around him while he uses the other girls, so at least his own daughter can learn a marketable skill for after he leaves her with nothing

fucking rodents have stronger family instincts.
exterminate the human species.

>> No.54167665

Selling land is not based this is why most America is poorfag.
He should rent his home, rent and the condo. And buy a new place.

>> No.54167683

>the future family members all suffer

>> No.54167840

too obvious lol but i will award a point for simplicity in your b8

>> No.54167849

Lmao how do you spend 35k in a month? I guess I just have a poorfag mindset. Also can amerifats explain how someone with 11mil is eligible for welfare isn't social security welfare?

>> No.54168009

Groceries are now almost $200 a week due to Jewflation. I’m just going to continue speculating on shitcoins with all my savings. Most of us can’t afford boomer toys like boats and travel trailers

>> No.54168032
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>> No.54168046

>not just putting everything on rent , taking a loan on the house and buying a small place.

>> No.54168073

Boomers are like this because they worked their whole lives and never lived, chasing the dollar and psyop of enjoying retirement. Only to retire and realize how old they are, and chase the dragon of feeling good for the remainder of their pathetic lives. They are jealous of their own children who are more awake to the nature of wageslavery and focus more on enjoying their youth than careerist BS.

They hate their own children and choose to leave them nothing. It's pure boomer envy, selfishness and greed.

>> No.54168074

toaties roastie!

>> No.54168371
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>11million net worth
>still eligible for 2.5k pm social security
what the actual flying fuck

>> No.54168390

>She owes him nothing!
>BTW darling you are planning to pay for my retirement home right?

>> No.54168418

he should just go all in for $4.2mil in IEP stock and slurp that sweet $650k+ a year in divvys.

>> No.54169834

You can’t retire with $11m, that should gonna last him like 6 years max with the way werewolves depreciating money exponentially.

>> No.54170061
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They're a trip. You've got the most fortunate generation in history but they want to be junkyard scavenger vultures and stuff like that. It's like overcompensating for something they had not something they didn't have. Or is it a lack of a soul?

>> No.54170181

Everyone hoped Covid would cull the boomers but they got out even more resilient and stronger than ever, even God fears boomers now.