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54160274 No.54160274 [Reply] [Original]

I have in my possession three (3) viagra pills to strategically deploy on future bumble dates. Do you think they will notice?

>> No.54160310

Thorazine. Now.

>> No.54160319

I get torqued for hours if I even hug a girl

>> No.54160323

yes. i popped them and tried to stall so it would work. turns out they were fake and penis was small anyway so she made me drive her 40mins back to her dump of a house.

>just make sure they're real

>> No.54160332

I get chubs just talking to female cashiers. It's been so long bros.

>> No.54160340

i fucked this pepe

>> No.54160360

how do you even get dates on dating apps?
>matched with 1 qt on bumble but no chat
>1 landwhale gave me a rose on hinge
>1 Ukrainian on tinder probably swiping right on everyone looking for a greencard
deleted all of them after 3 days

>> No.54160378

I have Cialis research chemicals I use every day. Just started using their Viagra variant for just working out and it feels insane.

>> No.54160402
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What's that in his mouth?

>> No.54160419

fake? this nigga doesn't buy his pharma from india online

>> No.54160423
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this is degenerate behavior seek god

>> No.54160445

>he uses fumble

>> No.54160487

>viagra pills
Just lose weight bud

>> No.54160500

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54160527

Im an expert on this topic.
First of all, what mg are we talking about?

I used to buy 100mg, split the tablet into 4 pieces using a sharp knife and sometimes even 8 pieces since 12.5 to 25mg is all you need to get diamond hard if you are otherwise healthy.
The best part about it is the confidence boost it gives you and shorter refractory period.

Lastly, the only side effect I had to keep mind of was face flushing (looks like I ran a mile or something) and body temperature being higher. These are all during the act within 30-45 mins of taking the pill.
hours later though i got a stuffy nose and occasional minor headache, but thats it.
boner effects ended up lasting 12+ hours although decreasing gradually.

>> No.54160612


>> No.54160632

Also, if you must use fumble and fuck take some garlic nigga. 2 cloves minced or ground and you'll get hard as if you were 19 again.

I have some weight to lose myself but that shit is magic. I can be raging hard without even being all the turned on, financially speaking.

>> No.54160654

based, its like that usually on these apps.

>> No.54160768
File: 78 KB, 132x234, angeryBob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every top tier girl there is a HORDE of goblinas, whales, OF thots, single moms, roasties, trannies, and the occasional gay guy that slips through.

Online dating is quite honestly a losing game for non-chads and I say this as an average dyel guy who gets plenty of matches on apps but none are top quality.

I literally only want to wife someone, house and kids scenario but it's over in todays climate. Either people want one night stands, commitment issues or are just using apps as entertainment.

>"What are your hobbies?"
>"umm I don't know...netflix I guess"

I can't wait for the collapse.

>> No.54160835

Yes, of course they are going to notice. If you spike some dude's drink with boner pills he will certainly have a hard time ignoring his unrelenting erection. Baka

>> No.54160894

From experience if you can't lock down a date the day of a match give or take an extra day then it's over. Girls have no follow through or the attention span to keep up.

It's a balancing act. Can't shoot your shot right away but can't devolve into just chatting for days and not getting anywhere with them.

>bumble: girls don't even know how to use this. the amount of times I've seen them say they won't talk first is astounding. What was the fucking point of this app then?

>hinge: supposed to be for serious relationships. Everyone has commitment issues. Not to mention the app has been paywalled to hell

>tinder: unless you're a gigachad, ngmi here. Majority is bots, OF thots, or girls trying to dunk on simps

>> No.54160963

it's unironically over for the west

flying to a 3rd world village looking for a 18 yo virgin might be the best play here

>> No.54161460

Maybe they'll just think you're super hot and that's why they want to rail you all night long

>> No.54161492

I’ve been getting laid regularly since I was 17 (I’m tall and good looking) but god DAMN I want to go to SEA and slam some 18-year-old Thai pussy

>> No.54161494

Who’s the lucky guy?

>> No.54161580

-in which the moment you get all the citizenship paperwork done after five years she slams your ass with a divorce and collects her child support/alimony. She will then proceed to get in the long line for the cock carousel. Thanks for playing :^)

>> No.54161617

OP, whats wrong with your dick? I get hard every time I make skin contact with the GF. Are you ok?

>> No.54161653

Why are you guys taking boner pills? Why cant a neked lady get you hard. I don't understand. There are mostly young men on here. WTF. Whats wrong with vagin and bob?

>> No.54161682

i want some

>> No.54161723

i can get hard masterbaiting and presex but once the condom goes on it's a ticking timer to stick it in before it deflates.. (especially after 1 drink or so)

viagra is unironically a godsend for "better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it"

>> No.54161742

>Why cant a neked lady get you hard
the 4chan demoralization is designed to solve the problem of having a sex drive, anon

>> No.54161783

instead of viagra you can stop watching porn and get together with someone you're actually comfortable with
sex becomes much more enjoyable

t. someone who did tinder/viagra but is now in a loving relationship

you're just digging a hole bro, this ain't it
to actually get somewhere you need to man up, be brave, and expose your genuine self to someone. The only way to happiness.

>> No.54161799

based take, there's only one semi decent app (meme arrow), but its very much international and its getting stupider post covid. Used to be decent.

>> No.54161802

Boner pills get you unnaturally hard. Literally BLACKED hard. You can fuck for hours too because at higher doses it makes it harder to cum. Your stamina increases because of the increased blood flow as well so you can just pound away for ages.

t. insane coomer whose only self worth is tied to his ability to fuck girls until they piss themselves.

>> No.54161819

totally useless
you can fuck a tinder thot during 30 minutes and that's more than enough
fucking incel

>> No.54161828

I got really red eyes. Haven't touched them since.

>> No.54161855

>HIV riddled escort start peeing so chud stop touching her

>> No.54161876

That sounds horrible. Good sex is close (like chest to chest), and slow. All that pounding shit is porn. There are very few women who want to be pummeled for hours like you're describing.

>> No.54161878
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>Doesn't get sex
>Gets told to act as chauffeur
>Loses 80minites of his life for no pussy

>> No.54161897

honeslty ive always been able to do this without pills or anything. i like to fuck my gf, cum in her and just keep going. ill be like 80% hard for a couple minutes but then back to 100% pretty quick. sometimes i blow three times before i stop

i can also edge tonporn for literally hours, blow a huge load, then get hard again and edge for a few more hours lol. should i get a job as a porn star or something?

how do i profit from this?

>> No.54161915
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>itt virgins who beat their dick so hard to some degenrate Hentai shit so much that they need viagra at 25 years old

>> No.54161940

Anon, I... I have some bad news

>> No.54161966

25-26 is when libido and erections start going downhill, once you have sex a few times you realize it's not as intense of an experience as you made it out to be in your fantasies since childhood and dick doesn't get diamond hard just because a girl rubbed her forearm against yours in the store

you may think you have 0 problems with erection quality, until you take sildena/tadala-fil and you realize you haven't had this grainy hard erection since 13yo

>> No.54161989
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Cialis >>>>>>>>>>> viagra
Cialis, one pill and ready to rumble all weekend even if you drink / drugs
Viagra is just too much inconvenience

>> No.54162008

Lmao, ok cumskin

>> No.54162019


You're right, but it can pay to dig a little deeper. Everyone's just trying to give safe answers and expose only surface level information about themselves. Ask what shows, and see if you at least get an enthusiastic answer about one of them.

Pain in the ass, but it is what it is. Nobody knows how to socialize or be honest, and doing so is risky anyway. Once you get something specific to them you can dig deeper and see if there's any substance to the person. You might be surprised. (I said might, don't get your hopes up)

>> No.54162023

Nah, tons of women like to be pounded hard. Some find slow sex boring too. As long as you don't go hard before the vagina is slippery enough, it's not a problem. It also depends on the size of the male's dick. If you're huge, fewer girls will like it hard with you. A 14 cm dick like mine can go pretty hard without issues. Also don't forget that some women only like clitoris stimulation. That's one of the point of keeping the same partner, learning what she likes.

Is there a functional difference between cialis and Viagra ?

>> No.54162047

Read my post, I'm 38. And honestly if someone faps less or not at all and quits porn, then it would be a long time before they're desensitized.

Not that I would do either of those, but the constant overstimulation is a thing,

>> No.54162054


Their hormones are in constant flux. They're really only receptive a few days to a week out of the year. Slow roll it beyond that and they window closes and they simply don't find you attractive anymore. Even Chad is only in peak demand at ovulation.

>> No.54162067


>> No.54162092


Not true. Love is dead. Deep and hard makes them stick to you.

>> No.54162251

Viagra get you an uncontrolled erection no matter what for a few hours. You could fuck a corpse if you want
Cialis needs sexual / visual stimulation and longs a couple of days. This one is better if you are not 60yo with a dead penis.

>> No.54162345

OK so if I only want a small boost to please madam I can only take a quarter of a cialis pill, that's right ? I'm quite tired because of work these days and I feel like I'm getting older (not enough exercise), so the last sexual intercourses we had were not that great.

>> No.54162394

Yes. Cialis was made for your situation.
Pills are 20g, I take half and I have enough to please madam after a full weekend of alcohol and no sleep.

>> No.54162399

It depends on if you have any of the other symptoms and they are familiar. I came out of a breakup and my dick was absolutely fucked. It would be rock hard and then soft as fuck any time I thought of my ex, which was often when your mind wanders during sex. So on a date with a chick I took one just to be sure I didn't end up having that humiliating talk. It worked just fine and she didn't notice, but my face was more red than it would usually be, which she attributed to us both drinking heavily.

I still have a bunch that I got in a single pack. I haven't had to use them since I realized my ex is a huge cunt and now my cock works fine.

>> No.54162406
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True. Women have times when they're 'in heat' so to speak, and some other times when you're just an annoyance to them. That's why men struggle to understand women, they're far more cyclic than us.

>> No.54162425
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OK bro thanks for the advice

>> No.54162432

Tadalafil is better

>> No.54162501

Good sex is animalistic and intense. There is a difference between love and lust. I have made love to my wife and I care for her more than anything, but the best sex I have ever had was with a psychotic bpd bitch while both of us were blitzed out of our minds and rutting like fucking animals.

>> No.54162896

Is this what you tell yourself?
>watch black trans midget trannies fisting eachother for years
>or some weird hentai tentacle rape incel niche fetish shit
>wtf why am i not excited to bang this normal girl in my bed
imagine thinking taking some jew pills is the solution. Youre only digging yourself deeper, if you start fucking with viagra you'll train yourself to be dependent on it and wont ever be able to get hard without taking drugs. At that point youre just another pharma slave like trannies

>> No.54163001

ty anon. I get what you're saying and I've done the honest approach and it's blown up on my face more times than I can count.

>"Nobody knows how to socialize or be honest, and doing so is risky anyway"

Beyond brutal but the truth. I'm always upfront about my intentions and hobbies but girls on these app always play it too safe or "sarcastic". Like, where both on these apps to meet someone and hopefully start a relationship. If I wanted sex I'd just get a cheap escort. I don't understand the delusions of these girls thinking I just wanted sex when my hand does the same thing minus all the drama and expenses.

>> No.54163032

I never watched any weird or hardcore porn, I only ever watched solo or lesbians, the point I was making was that once you turn 25-30 there will be a slow decline in both libido and erection quality, there are exceptions but they're just that, exceptions, for some it may be test going down with years, or simply more stressed out life compared to being a teenager where you don't have to care and worry about anything, or most likely all those things combined
I guarantee you everyone who takes 50mg of viagra or 10-20mg of cialis will notice a massive difference, regardless of how healthy, fit and well rested they are, and it's mostly not because of fried dopamine receptors from weird ass porn