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54155931 No.54155931 [Reply] [Original]

>Cripple your own family financially.

>> No.54155953

4 out of 5 people shouldn't exist.

>> No.54155982
File: 178 KB, 675x900, FoZyaEDX0AEebc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leeching off your family and providing nothing for nobody is... le based!

>> No.54155997

Boomers are the Jews of generations.

>> No.54156015

they often keep the rent payments and give the funds back to the kids when they do move out

>> No.54156032

money that could've been invested but instead was just there losing purchasing power

>> No.54156038
File: 271 KB, 709x357, 1678759650729582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you still living at home as an adult yuropoor?

>> No.54156057

Kek, do they really

>> No.54156085
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No they don't , stop lying.

>> No.54156861

lol no, my boomer mom is basically a Jew with money. I also take after her. I also have a somewhat big nose so there must be some Jew in me I don't know about.

>> No.54156963

That really depends

For people that don’t really have money I think it’s retarded too. But sometimes kids are leeches and if they need Tom learn some responsibility and get out of your house making them pay rent isn’t a bad idea.

Some of the dumbest shit I ever heard from lower class plebs when I was in my early 20’s in my first jobs was solidly middle and working class people saying shit like
>at 18 they are OUT OF MY HOUSE
>my parents kicked me out so I will do the same

Way to doom your kids and yourself to a perpetual life of middle class serfdom instead of helping your kid get a leg up and then they in tune help you as they make more money.

I’ve come to realize 80% of people being poor or rich is just being a dumb short sighted idiot or not

>> No.54156986

leeching? the room in the house already exists. nothing actually happened when your child turned 18, other than you becoming more jewish.

>> No.54157010

that's what mine did

>> No.54157097

>there must be some Jew in me I don't know about.
anon, this is a SFW board.

>> No.54157191

ever heard of rich people and how they treat their children? stop being inhuman just because you are poor

>> No.54157399

My dad not only had me paying rent but so wrote but whatever I failed to pay him as debt that he expected me to pay back. At one point I owned 10K usd to him. At one point he actually said

>Don't think I'll be nice to you just because I'm your father

I don't talk to him anymore and he genuinely tells people I'm a petty person over doing so rather than pay off the rest of the money I owe him.

>> No.54157463

How does not paying rent = leeching? You can still help do chores, make dinner, buy groceries, run errands, etc.

>> No.54157501

If they're grown ass adults who are capable of working.

Never heard of parents charging children or teenagers for rent anywhere.
NEET-enabler parents deserve their loser fuck up progeny

>> No.54157535

That's a boomer trait and will likely stop once that gen is gone.

>> No.54157582

those are things a child does in exchange for not paying rent.
An adult lives somewhere free only if they're a woman in which case they do chores and provide sex.

>> No.54157631

When he needs money to get into a nice retirement home, tell him he shouldn't think you'll be nice to him just because you're his son.

>> No.54157633

When I was living at home, I helped pay utilities, food, and did the chores I did before I went to college like mowing the lawn, taking the trash out, vacuuming, and cleaning.
Boomers parents never asked and appreciated it. Total cost came to like $125 a month and I was pulling in $2500 which went to paying off student loans and debt.

>> No.54157646

no it wont, I'm a millennial and if a kid of mine asks to live at home I'm not even taking his rent and just throwing his ass out.
Most people of our generation are of the same mindset who aren't basement dwelling neets themselves (won't be having kids anyway so their attitude won't be passed on)

>> No.54157690
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kek, based goyimpost. Remember this thread 60 years from now when you're in a nursing home and M'wambe's fist is slamming into your face repeatedly.

>> No.54157770
File: 479 KB, 2500x1563, 1673916335005809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad sent my unpaid rent to a debt collector. now every month I get a letter in the mail saying I owe 3k to unifund collections inc. so now I'm paying rent plus my credit score is fucked.

>> No.54157864

>niggers abuse the elderly therefor you should let your adult child live free of responsibility, like a nigger
Yeah because my basement dwelling loser will totally take care of me when I'm old instead of sending me away as soon as possible to take over my house.

>> No.54157950

>you had 18 years to prepare your child for adulthood
If you have to kick your kid out, you failed as a parent

>> No.54158033

Agreed, but I also know from experience that people can get their shit together if they really want to.
Enabling their neet shit destroys the chance of that ever happening though.

>> No.54158057

man, you're all mentally challenged, I swear
why would you procreate if not to continue the bloodline and grow the family?

>> No.54158127

I honestly wish my parents had encouraged me to get out quicker or even forced me. I would be in a much better spot financially/socially today.

>> No.54158417

I was a socially retarded shut-in all through out high school, then as soon as I turned 18 I moved out and lived in college and worked to pay rent off-campus with some friends I made, turned me around 180, ended up being way more social, even joined a fraternity towards the end of college, went from never talking to girls to fuckin different chicks weekly.
Now have my own home, job, and longterm gf.
It freaks me the fuck out sometime to think how differently it could've been if I had just stayed living at home