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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54143856 No.54143856 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54143875

Good to see that they're not cowards like Americans

>> No.54143882

Markets aren't allowed to crash, chud. Biden is based, Zelensky is based, Trump lost.

>> No.54143884

How many crises will it take for you to understand that they are all just games of brinksmanship to achieve political goals? They have literally an infinite supply of imaginary money to plug any gaps with.

>> No.54143886

The SNB is incredibly wealthy. It's on par with the Norwegian sovereign fund in term of equity holdings, to give you an idea. They could probably buy the whole of Credit Suisse without turning on the printer.

>> No.54143894

I can also say things and decide to not do it at the last moment because additional unlucky things happened which I didn't pretected

>> No.54143975

>SNB is incredibly wealthy
SNB is the peoples bank it's money shouldn't not used to bail out CS - if push come to shove, SNB should simply fire leadership and buy up the entire bank...

>> No.54143995

Don't you get it? The point of markets is to reflect trade of goods and services, this is effectively making the market schizophrenic, at the end of this Africa is going to have a higher standard of living than the west, the manoeuvres required to make this happen will lead to even the top 1% being impoverished.

>> No.54144024

I was assuming that the liquidity would come in exchanges of shares in the bank. But yeah now that I think about it it's a bit dumb. Of course it will just be a loan.

>> No.54144055

what does "provide liquidity" mean in non jewish terms?

>> No.54144068
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something's going on.. I don't know what exactly just yet but this definitely is not normal

>> No.54144083

lending money (at lower rates that what the market offers obviously)

>> No.54144126

I am surprised people haven't caught on yet. The new system will be implemented in a way that poor people don't feel completely cheated, crabs in a bucket. Common thinking in certain n00g0parts of biz.

>> No.54144159

Exactly what is the issue here?
>provide instant liquidity
>assets get sold
>liquidity gets paid back
be more concerned if they get a free line of credit

>> No.54144182

its simply new QE

>> No.54144193

You're both wrong and cringe

>> No.54144196

The issue is that they don't manage their bank properly but don't have to deal with the consequences, and are still getting rich. Meanwhile if the average citizen can't pay a loan he is fucked beyond measure.

>> No.54144221

The poor and middle class won't feel completely cheated, but there will distinct winners in this... and it they will be really hated for it and no it won't be just some top dogs. Those who have hedged against this will come out on top too

>> No.54144253

and you're a shill so who gives a fuck what you think

>> No.54144368

Oh gosh look at me, I just printed a trillion dollars, wont worry bank bros I will provide liquidity anytime :^)

Everyone is being robbed with consent anytime a bank gets bailed out

>> No.54144437

Why are the Swiss doing this though?
Their branding as a safe currency is completely antithetical to this.
It's like when they sided with the West Vs Russia by withholding Russian accounts despite their historical neutrality.

>> No.54144544

The Jew cries out in pain as he invests your cash deposits in negative yield mbs

>> No.54144779

No, they're just doing their jobs to make sure the economy doesn't collapse.

>> No.54144825

lmao, this reminds me of that hilarious retard from earlier today who was calling Switzerland a libertarian dream, a "right-wing libertarian capitalist example for the entire world"
I seem to have forgotten that part of libertarianism and capitalism where central banks bail out huge corporate banks that are in bed with nation states, giant corporations, and other connected individuals

>> No.54144858

not with consent, but at gunpoint
remember that nation states have all the military firepower, and the pigs as well

>> No.54145098


>> No.54145165

>standard reddit bot response
Please neck ur selfs

>> No.54145187

At least it settled the question which shitfiat will rug first, CHF or EUR.

>> No.54145643

It's quite entertaining to see this bank-level whack-a-mole game being played
All to prop up an entirely fake market for a limited amount of time
It doesn't matter how many deck chairs they rearrange on the Titanic, the ship will eventually sink

>> No.54146305

>The economy has had no issues in the past 15 years
>It's gonna collapse any day now!
>2 more weeks!

>> No.54146356

We got to prop up these tech zombie start-up companies some how!

>> No.54146770


>> No.54147241

fiatcels don't learn

>> No.54147562

They're shifting things to a command economy in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.54147729

>trusting a bank literally called SUS
It’s like you normalfaggots don’t even matrix