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54137946 No.54137946 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't he just come out and say he fucked up and immediately cut rates back down to 0? Anything short of that is going to result in the destruction of the entire global economy.

>> No.54137965

>just let the dollar hyperinflate now bro
>please bro
>it would be so haha funny
>it doesn't have anything to do with me buying Bitcoin at $60k

>> No.54137979

because doing that would result in the destruction of the entire global economy lmao

>> No.54137985

There is no hyperinflation retard. We're pretty much on an irreversible path to deflation right now if he doesn't change course soon.

>> No.54137997

>There is no hyperinflation retard.
Because of the rate hikes.

>> No.54137999

Sometimes overleveraged idiots need to fail, anon. Killing everything to create a perpetual megapump is not the way.

>> No.54138019

No, because every bank is about to go insolvent and everybody's money is going to disappear.

>> No.54138034

Too much money still sloshing around, kid. Have you seen the market cap of all those vapor coins? Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.54138035

.... because of the rate hikes.

checked. degenerate gamblers should have worse treatment than poors.

>> No.54138068
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>B-b-bruh ignore the all time high food prices
>Ignore that bread used to be $.50.
>Ignore that a shitshack in 06 was 40k, it's now valued the same as an 06 mansion at 400k+
>Ignore that Gas is still above $3 nationwide when the norm for decades was ~$1
>The past 20 years weren't hyperinflation, I swear bro
The Prices are coming DOWN Peak Purchasers

>> No.54138071

So you think having another great depression where half the population is unemployed and living in abject poverty for the next 10 years is better than what we have right now?

>> No.54138082


>> No.54138084

He will cut rates. But he has to pretend to have a good reason besides panicking. They will make up the March CPI number they need to justify a pivot.

>> No.54138158

There's the small problem of inflation since over a year, maybe you've heard about it

>> No.54138159

Lol - lmao. Yeah, I can't wait to pay £10 for a loaf of bread.

>> No.54138172

>Bruh we won't have a depression if he cuts rates
>Source: Trust Me
We had near zero liquidity AT near zero interest rates. He can even go negative rates and it MIGHT buy us a couple of years. Incredibly doubtful though as the educated banksters and rich will immediately flee everything.
Nobody cares that you bought peak bullshit, nor your squeamishness. There is objectively nothing that can be done now, better. Than what the Fed is doing.

>> No.54138192
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Jerome only obeys one master.

>> No.54138206
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unequivocally, but it should be accompanied by a new homesteading act and a global infrastructure campaign aimed at opening the northwest passage 20 years early, both to prop up interest rates with massive increases in shipping efficiencies, but also to realign the interests of the arctic nations, Asian manufacturing, European nuclear and London insurance houses. Who cares if the dollar sucks if we all got gardens and barter is great again, 4th turnings historically are met with infrastructure projects.

>> No.54138215

Yes, not everyone makes it anon

>> No.54138231

>Anything short of that is going to result in the destruction of the entire global economy.

>> No.54138244
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> 4th turnings

>> No.54138313

Jesus fucking christ this is like talking to some kind of death cult. How did this subculture of suicidal doomers who want to see everything burn come to be? What the fuck went wrong in your lives to make you this way?

>> No.54138320

fuck yes
hopefully it will spark uncle adolf 2.0 but I don't have my hopes up
the alternative is perpetual slavery forever
do you realize what happens if they start the money printer again now?
they'll just kick the can down the road another 1-2 years
Oh don't get me wrong, that's most likely what's gonna happen. But again, the answer to your question is "fuck yea absolutely".

>> No.54138340

Nothing around us is worth preserving. It's fake and gay garbage pushed by people who might actually be agents of Satan.

>> No.54138391

As opposed to half the population being employed and living in moderate poverty anyway?

>> No.54138411
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You dumb fucks better get on board with Tom Lungo (Twitter @TFL1728), right soon. Then you'd avoid running around like headless chickens without understanding the big theme:

JPow has declared war on the communist EU/Davos-types, including the ones in the American government. Along with their member banks, the Fed is actually kind-of putting America first for once. They and their ilk will rape and kill busloads of catholic school girls if it would protect their USD printing privilege for only just one more day. Do you retarded fucksticks think the likes of JP Morgan and the rest will just voluntarily relinquish power and get replaced by CBDC's any time soon? No, they'll fucking fight to death to keep their power firmly entrenched.

>> No.54138413

Have you ever been outside? Do you realize how brutal and unforgiving nature is without the comforts of modern civilization? If you want to live like that why don't you go live with some backwards African tribe and see what it's like?

>> No.54138429

everything is already burning
we want for the burning to stop at some point
the khazar satanists that own everything are about to throw us into permahell slavery

>> No.54138443

Don’t be so dramatic, even another Great Depression wouldn’t mean a literal return to the caves retard

>> No.54138454

Good, keep kicking the can down the road. Not everyone a doomer who wants to watch the world burn.

>> No.54138455

lmao cut rates down to zero then go to the store $20 for bread its $40 by the time you get to the cash register

>> No.54138482

Have you seen society lately?
Being a man is evil.
Being white is evil.
Constantly get told you are racist.
Accept unlimited rapefugees, or you're racist.
Accept degenerate behaviour (LGBTQLMNOP+).
Accept that women are men, and men are women.
Obese women think they're 10/10 and deserve nothing less than chad thundercock earning 100k.
Garbage woke culture.

Lol, lmao. You must be a woman, or a zoomer, or both.

>> No.54138486

>cut rates back down to 0?
What kind of retard are you? Don't you realize that is the reason we have this problem at all? Interest rates should basically never be zero, yet we kept them at zero for Obama's whole presidency and Trump's.
The mistake is ramping up too slow. Jerome needs to to off the band aid to fix the economy before the end of the decade

>> No.54138498
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>> No.54138503

Better than Hyperflation

>> No.54138514

All of these are things you can completely ignore and still live a happy fulfilling life in the modern world.

>> No.54138523

Shut the fuck up faggot. I hope you get raped by a pack of coons.

>> No.54138539

Yes, me included. If that’s what it takes to heal this broken nation then so be it.

>> No.54138541

the world is ALREADY BURNING
if you had a time travel machine and could go back to the 60s and transport someone there
if you could show them what the world has become
they would be horrified
nobody would have thought the future would be so fucking shitty 60 years ago, yet here we are
everything they loved and relished is already dead or has been transformed into a crude mockery of what it used to be
someone from the 60s would think america has lost the war and everything good about it is dead
the world is already burning

>> No.54138549

It doesn't matter what pessimistic doomers or, more importantly, deluded permabulls think about jack or shit. Powell has his marching orders.

>> No.54138555

Not him but yes, seriously.
Americans are spoiled and out of touch. A bit of sincere poverty is the fastest way to snap back to reality and throw things like the trans movement and nigger lives matter strait out the fucking window.

>> No.54138574

Absolute fucking mongoloid

The INFLATION rate right now is estimated at 6% annually. That means every year we inflate the economy artificially another 6%. There is currently ZERO risk of the economy "deflating". All Jerome will be able to do is slow the speed at which we inflate. His goal is to get it to 2% annually, the standard.

Remember, we're still at 6%, we started at 8%, and we're going to 2%.
It's really not that complicated

>> No.54138576

>No, because every bank is about to go insolvent and everybody's money is going to disappear.

The irony is that crypto assets can't be taken or frozen. Sure it might be difficult to off ramp for a little bit but I'm comfy.

>> No.54138584

Destruction is what's going to happen anyway, they engineered it to be this way, but they need a crisis now to bring in CBDCs as the savior. So he won't be saying anything until shit completely hits the fan. Problem > Reaction > Solution

>> No.54138592

> oh why does the overall state of society concern me
> just live your life weirdo
There was a smuggie like that, I've seen it around

>> No.54138610

>just be a mindless consoomer
kill yourself

>> No.54138640
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based bobo bro

>> No.54138660

I'm gonna eat you nomnomnom

>> No.54138665

Someone that gets it
The hegelian narrative just works wonders on the normies with goldfish memories
They have created the problem, they will offer the solution. CBDC are coming. (((Journalists))) will make sure to let the normie know that they're the best thing ever. No more bank runs. No more crashes. Now you can buy goyslop and watch football again without interruption.
Fuck I hate them so much.

>> No.54138667
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debt based fiat money doesn't manage scarcity by adam smiths invisible hand. When you centrally dictate interest rates, you set the cost of capitol, which sets all prices. This climate follow toquevilles rule where the people of the present conspire to steal from the people of the future. You get cities only livable with a car, you get the Deepstate shutting down nuclear energy because it disendears nations from the petrodollar. You get a situation where one group of people is consuming 8 generations worth of resources and launching forever wars on the other side of the planet to keep it going. The only saving grace of fiat was its supposed bust cycle to bring back real price levels, but toqueville keeps winning and the present keeps on pillaging the future (and the middle eastern oil fields) Look at the daily commute pictures, the obesity rates, the culture of make work jobs, the suicide nets on chinese factories, the violence levels in the unbanked world. I see it as taking responsibility, Hiawatha says 7 generations, the true death cult wants too keep burning crude and pretending their windmills made with cheap chinese coal will save the day

>> No.54138726

What if the vaccine actually does its job and saves the day?
They took it willingly. It would be the most honest cull ever.

>> No.54138759
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The economy is resilient, anon. The young are hard workers and have an unbelievable zest for life, nothing can keep them from achieving their financial and social goals. This is known.

>> No.54138797

If 5% interest rates end the global economy, it's time for the global economy to end.

>> No.54138820

> be boomer
> watch the jew fuck everything up for decades
> sells his kids future for a cushy easy mode life
> refuses to elaborate
> dies without living one day through the mess he allowed to be created, fully believing he earned every second of it and it's all the youngsters' fault cause they don't want to work hard like he did (he never did)
must be awesome

>> No.54138851

You deflation tards fail to understand what actual non smooth brains tell you about deflation. There will be deflation, but in the form of a short term deflationary crisis, then inflation runs hot again. Inflation is still the bigger issue, unless you are good at shorting and can predict a short deflationary crisis.

>> No.54138892

>an irreversible path to deflation
As a treasury bill chad, this sounds pretty comfy NGL desu

>> No.54138897

I'm most concerned by the lack of desire for redemption of the crime if true. In Nazi Germany racial casting became about hair colour, than eye colour, its the human condition to be morally relativist save a constant worship of an objective morality. The survivors didn't learn how to manage scarcity, they will likely just take the new surplus and burn it 100x faster. Now that these culls have been normalized a new georgia guide stones calling not for 500 million but 50 million gets constructed, and the new psyop becomes even more pernicious. For that reason i'm against it, and would go in exile in protest of the crime, or try to steal some warpships, go back a hundred million years, seed some earthlike planets with life, and try to do an exodus

>> No.54138903

man this board is financially illiterate. muh inflation, muh deflation, they have you retards trained

>> No.54138924


>> No.54138931

Saving should be rewarded again and young people want buy houses. The only thing that makes a nation great is potential for upwards social mobility and that can't exist in a debt slave economy.

>> No.54138974

Allah willing this is the case.

At first I was furious at the global elite for the Vaxx mandates (because it personally inconvenienced me), but now I see it for the beautiful thing it is.

The Vaxxcull can’t happen soon enough.

>> No.54139005

They will de facto forbid you from saving. Accumulating (or owning) anything will be impossible
> The only thing that makes a nation great is potential for upwards social mobility and that can't exist in a debt slave economy.
They're betting it all on AI to allow the (((chosen ones))) to implement their prophecy. They're betting on not having to need the goyim. They're probably correct in their assessment.

>> No.54139018
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>> No.54139021

I also hold the same Bitcoin I purchased a decade ago, you dingus. Doesn't change the fact I recognize I benefit from a stronger dollar as well as the things having reserve currency be your own state currency, what that means in terms of accumulating more scarce Bitcoin. Get fucked, over-assuming and presumptuous know-nothing.

>> No.54139035

Two more weeks.

>> No.54139055

How the people that pushed this for 2 years have not yet been dragged in the street and flayed alive is beyond me

>> No.54139088

Excess mortality is already starting to get into the "fuck this is scary" range
WWIII and the financial apocalypse will cover that up, at least to a point

>> No.54139154

Turns out that losing everything isn't that big of a threat when you don't have anything.

>> No.54139199

Because most countries got a 80% (some even over 90%) vaxx rate.

That’s an overwhelming majority of the population with a vested interest in Covid being a potentially world-ending plague and the vaxx being 100% safe and effective.

No amount of reality is going to let them stop believing what they desperately want to believe about the last 3 years.

>> No.54139236

Indeed, hopefully it is only two more weeks.

>> No.54139255

>last month CPI 6% inflation
>hahaha bro it's like deflation if you think about it some other way dude

>> No.54139289

The credit market falls apart and people realize they have nothing to lose, and you tell a bunch of young and dangerous men to own nothing and be happy?
I want swaps on you not making it out of this thing, honestly

>> No.54139326

>irreversible path to deflation

god i wish

>> No.54139339

Fucking based

>> No.54139342

I mean, ideally you disarm the population, right? We saw that tried during the Great Depression and already still dealing with atf autism over it.

>> No.54139345
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>> No.54139352


He needs to go Volcker, 10% rates

>> No.54139417

>you get the Deepstate shutting down nuclear energy
You've one more black pill to swallow I see

>> No.54139462

Hey look it's another childless zoomer.

>> No.54139478

either a jew or a retard
it's like all the politicians in the last 5 years:
>we are in danger of deflation
while real estate has been goin up 20% a year since like 2014
they just don't want you to realize how worthless your currency becomes

>> No.54139498

The cracks were already there homeboy. Old Jerome is merely shining a light on them.

>> No.54139533

This fucking retard let the pump go on for a full year too long and that's what we're suffering for now. Giving up now just means more pain down the road (see: Argentina)

>> No.54139588

You wouldn't have to worry about any of this if you focused on yourself and were physically attractive, have you considered that?

>> No.54139657

What drove them to do something so disturbing?
Is it a burn pit to make fertilizer?

>> No.54139665

What? How's that?

If you mean re women, I already have a gf.

>> No.54139852
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what is that? nuclear doesn't actually exist and its all atmospheric energy based on Ancient egyptian hieroglyphs and the only real innovation of petrol was to transport and distribute this energy without handing everyone and their dog trivial access to orbit breaking energy from the vacuum?

>> No.54139891

are you a retard

>> No.54139982

I'd pay good money to see goku kamehameha vs vegeta's galick gun with vegeta as mumu and jpow as goku
with kaioken powerups replaced by raising interes rates

>> No.54140140

I’m living in Argentina at the moment, it’s actually pretty good here, as long as you have your wealth stored in something stronger than the Peso.

Hyperinflation is unironically good if you’ve got tangible assets that can’t be printed by the government.

It’s also worth pointing out that inflation/deflation is all relative. While there’s been crazy inflation here in Peso terms, prices have actually been deflationary in USD terms.

>> No.54140154

Because the excess mortality for 2022 preceded the boosters being widely available by about a month, so everyone believes these extra deaths are caused by Covid

>> No.54140215

> as long as you have your wealth stored in something stronger than the Peso.
Like what, real estate
Taxed to death here
Same, the second you try to convert it
I guess BTC? Is everyone in BTC in Argentina?

>> No.54140225

This, either crash now and deal with a year or two of pain or hyper inflate and watch as the entire usa evaporate

>> No.54140331
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Hilarious seeing nazi board clamoring for usury

>> No.54140335

your retarded you think muh apocalyptic scenario will change your life when in reality youll be more of a loser than you are now, youll be sucking dick for a loaf a bread

>> No.54140471

I wish everyone here were into BTC (because I am).

Everyone here converts excess pesos into USD. They then hide $100 bills under their bed. That’s literally how they save.

Almost no one uses banks for anything anymore.

If your currency is already the USD your best bet is probably gold and/or bitcoin.

>> No.54140506

It might wake the noborders blm psych-medicated pozzers right up (or just purge them, either or).

>> No.54140573

Yes mistake wasnt raising rates. It was cutting them to begin with. Once rates are cut, it encourages people/companies/governments to take on more debt that they can only afford because rates are low, therefore any attempts to normalize rates will crush them.

>> No.54140624

are you actually retarded or looking to be spoon fed?

>> No.54140647

Yo are a very silly man.

>> No.54140733

>wealthy people shrieking and begging for bailouts again to fund their useless bullshit tech startups that go nowhere but gouge customers
>every normal person is tightening their belts and dealing with it
If you're not elite and sitting in cash like you've had since December of 2021 to do (fed announces free debt party is over), you should be buying bonds and laughing as these people you complain about are getting justed and busted. Anyone against this is a bootlicker "republican" driving around in their doulie with a confederate flag and parking it infront of their double wide. Stop being a golem to the elite.

>> No.54140762

>Why do poverty zoomers want to not be priced out
Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.54140795

It was a scam cut! Like muh scam wicks in crypto.

>> No.54140867

We’re bored faggot. Plus conflict is good for humanity.

>> No.54140940
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>irreversible path to deflation

>> No.54140943

Gee maybe these banks might start paying us interest to hold our Savings.
Wouldn't that be a strange and crazy thing?!

>> No.54140955

This was a lot of words to say "in my head rent free"