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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 521 KB, 1150x764, Screenshot 2023-03-12 at 10.46.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54076325 No.54076325 [Reply] [Original]

>another economic collapse

Millennial bros....we can't catch a break...

>> No.54076361
File: 281 KB, 1080x1920, 20E2E461-9E79-4521-8A1D-97B0F1980150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can and it's called ponz- I mean crypto
Jews are about to destroy the shit out of america, but we can make it this bullrun. After this I foresee a depression

>> No.54076384

>listening to weaklings crying about how 2008 was SOOOOO SO SO SO SO AWFUL...
You fags are gon' get BUCK BROKEN, KEK.
Imagine Mad Max but unironically.
Human organs for sale on the streets, a Mercury dime being enough to buy an entire once-well-to-do family's HOME.
Millennials have NO idea what's to come.


>> No.54076386

Buy GME gmillennials

>> No.54076433

zoomers are terrible at baiting lmao. enjoy your thigh high socks though man

>> No.54076475


>> No.54076501

Millennials had access to basically the greatest stock market bull run in history from 2008 to 2020, they need to cope and seethe

>> No.54076512
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Last I checked, line only goes up.
Show me where this "economic collapse" is, anon.

>> No.54076518

>all buzzwords
>every other word is all caps
>reddit newspeak

>> No.54076525

they had access with their eyes. millenials were wagecucks through the entire fucking run.

>> No.54076526

based silver stacker, I can't wait to shit on millennial crypto cucks.

>> No.54076551

i like the part where he says "hey look at us"

>> No.54076583
File: 108 KB, 1200x630, tom-hardy-bane-the-dark-knight-rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny shill
You can't hide from me

>> No.54076599

Why do these "millennial" memes keep showing gen xers? Are millennials that fucking stupid?

>> No.54078846

Paul Rudd is jewish, just fyi

>> No.54078855


Except all their career options were dead ended.

>> No.54078872

Silver won't do shit, I promise you. Silver nerds are the lowest tier of libertarian.

>> No.54078890

This, we were like 18 at the time and had zero money to invest. And the really unlucky ones had -$60000 net worth from the college scam

>> No.54078896

This is the same collapse as 2008, they just dragged it out for 15 years with the money printer.

>> No.54078913

>being libertarian

>> No.54078920
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sorry to burst your "bear bubble" but if an economic collapse was in the making, it would have happened already. Banks collapsing don't rely on the fucking schedule of the stock market you bozos

a recession is almost certain but this isn't going to be the event that kicks it off. Honestly don't be surprised if a stock rally happens tomorrow morning

comparing SVB to Lehman is very inadequate. Lehman failed due to losing a game of hot potato with the other investment banks. when the recession does begin, it's not your bank accounts that are gonna get nuked - it's your day jobs

TLDR nothing spectacular is going to happen and you are not michael burry from the hit movie "the big short"

>> No.54078944

You first worlders have no idea what an economic collapse is. 2008 was a slightly bad year.

>> No.54078958

2008 was shit, so was the next ten years after. Went from 108k a year, industrial job, to training my gook replacement, after we trained these chinks, they closed down and shipped them over seas. Those jobs have never cam back, lost 300k in my 401 at 25, went homeless, wife divorced me, never found a job over 50k since then. My 'experience' and passion is not available in this country anymore, went to school for two years for tech, lost my money as the teacher told me they wouldnt hire me for what I went to school for due to a criminal case when I was 18, 60k of school for nothing, paid that off in 2020. Fuck them all and fuck you. See you in the mad max paradise that is soon to be, ive been waiting for 15 year for this moment. Youve never seen a savage demon like me, so I recommend stay away from me, this dog bites.

>> No.54078959

>get phd
>live at home
>collect 20k a year
>put just a fraction of it in crypto or tsla
>have enough to retire before your dissertation defense

>> No.54078987

>lost 300k in my 401 at 25

>> No.54079001


>> No.54079046

Had 300k in my 401, after the 2008 collapse, it was worth 8 thousand which I had to cash out to pay bills before a chapter 7, got 1,500.00 back on haha, three people on my shift Nam Vets about to retire and 'we' millinials take over, snuffed themselves due to losing everything and having to work in this kind of work until death. They werent having it. One was a car in the garage gassing, one was a bullet to the head at a lake (we liked to watch the sun come up night fishing), the other slit his throat. Company matched us 3 dollars on every dollar, of course we signed up, you know how it goes --investors do YOUR investing... obviously, they all fucked us, what did we know about finances we were just miners. But yeah, I dont think 2008 was a joke, it ruined and killed many families and friends of mine who unlike some faggot bitch, worked hard as white men to raise their based families.

>> No.54079073

I'm glad you didn't rope, fren. Keep stacking what you can during the dip/crash. On the other side it will all be worth it.

>> No.54079171

>Youve never seen a savage demon like me, so I recommend stay away from me, this dog bites.
you should get a fiverr jeet to make this into a tshirt graphic and sell it on redbubble

>> No.54079206

you sound like you operate forklifts

>> No.54079224

I had one made years ago that said, I aint wright.

>> No.54079234

Actually, I dont want to dox myself to hard, but I did explosives underground mining. Never operated a forklift in my life.

>> No.54079266

Im happy now, you know what they say 'mirth is king' ;)

>> No.54079290

By lying on 4chan

>> No.54079311

>a zoomer knowing something
would be a rare first

>> No.54079326

I hate boomers and zoomers equally much.
Boomers caused me to lose my fucking awesome job back in 2008 when the economy collapsed. If I still had my old job I would have moved the ladder for sure. It was all basically cast in stone. But fucking kikes did some sheeny things. Now after 15 years I once again have to go through another motherfucking depression. Im only in my late 30s you fucking jews. Just fuck up my shit up completely, you fucking kikes.

>> No.54079339

This also. It was artifically pumped anyways. The global economy died in 2008.

>> No.54079372


>> No.54079627

Glad to see you weathered that storm lad. Hoped in the time since then you have done your own investing and are capable of handling your retirement because you know better than most (who are now figuring it out) that your paying them to gamble with your money.

>> No.54079646

>wife divorced me,
nobody told you to invite the state into your personal relationships cuck

>> No.54079711

In all fairness some of ya niggas pushing 40

>> No.54079724

Yeah im doing fine, now, actually looking at buying real estate cash when the market slumps just a bit more. Have a diversified portfolio, I re-built up, have two businesses starting up this spring should generate 30k- 60k each --well im hoping anyways. So life is good regardless of everything, but when people say 2008 wasnt bad, I dont think they take into account the people who didnt make it out alive or what people had to go through (of course this isnt everyone, but some of us). Godspeed to you and let Mirth guide you!

Hahaha, that has to be bait, or someone that hasnt had two ex-wives like me and 5 kids. Youre funny!

>> No.54081015
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, O&A - _Racist_ Buffalo Man vs. Baffled Reporter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i turn 35 in 3 months...

>> No.54081074

You weren't even working age for dot com or 9/11 like I was. Gen-X has been getting fucked every 5-7 years since I graduated college

>> No.54082295

You didn't have to mention this, your post reeks of so much zoomer that we can tell.

>> No.54082328

30 is still young, r-right?

>> No.54082375
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comrades, now is the time for revolution

>> No.54082662
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>> No.54084022

I was a Bush Republican in high school. Now I want universal healthcare.

>> No.54084059
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Millennials are the worst generation.

>> No.54084103
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God you are pathetic

>> No.54084109
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Isn't it actually the third or fourth? Or 5th?
>1990s tech crash
Technically if you're an 80sfag you might have lived through BLACKED monday too. But that might be more of a gen x one.

You are literally 18, shut the fuck up faggot holy shit. How can one generation be so fucking retarded yet always act like they "know what's coming".

>> No.54084115

Like a videogame, right? So smart.

>> No.54084132
File: 1.02 MB, 1112x1082, 1676476771977735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just know that TSLA is going to 100x it's that easy
How the fuck do people like you exist kek. Tell me what's the next 100x dipshit, surely you know.

>> No.54084136

back to /pol/, dumb zoomer mutt

>> No.54084162

2008 was nothingburger

>> No.54084181

>But yeah, I dont think 2008 was a joke

it wasnt, it was very real.

>> No.54084208

>You fags are gon' get BUCK BROKEN, KEK.

cant wait to have my zoomer neighbours that disturb me begging me for food and me saying no

>> No.54084216

It didn't die but they fundamentally fucked up by directing their printing at boomer pensions instead of at propping up millennials.

If you look at the 80s/90s it worked out well because Reagan and Clinton funneled money to the boomers, which caused a rapid growth as boomers and genxers were entering the economy and working at a rapid pace. The same thing could have happened with millennials, as the largest living generation, causing the US gdp to blow up to 40 trillion and benefiting boomer pensions anyway. Instead they siphoned off the excess for themselves, bought a new boat and screamed that you should be happy making 15 dollars an hour and that if you work real hard you can make 100k in 20 years, but it's been 15 years and 100k now is like 60k in 2008 so you're waiting even longer to hit your stride.

Investment by debt doesn't work if you're literally investing in old people who are just going to spend it on bullshit instead of young people who will invest in actual stuff that grows the real economy. They could even still do it, most millennials are 25-41, just go for it and it'll all work out. But they won't because boomerism means killing the young to feed the old.

>> No.54084239

Anyone who understands economics and what caused the last collapse would know that repeating the same mistakes and bailing out the bad companies will just make the problems bigger and make the economic problems even worse when it inevitably collapses again.

>> No.54084253

>explosives underground mining
White men still make 200k+ kangaroo bucks/year doing this in Australia. It’s FIFO too so they can work another job on their weeks off.
Maybe you should’ve just gotten a better paying job lmao

>> No.54084289

I want to be in your cannibal mutant gang when the mad max times come. The horror will end when they give us our shit back.

>> No.54084314

Shiet. I turned 31 two mo ago. C'est fini
No shit. Many of us were still in HS

>> No.54084316

>commie comes to /biz/ because he wants to be rich, but also wants to be a retarded commie
Good thing california has medical, you can move there

>> No.54084319

>Y2K bug nothing burger
>sea level rise nothing burger
>peak oil nothing burger
>about 10 deadly virus nothing burgers
And some Millennials still took the vax

>> No.54084364

>cant wait to have my zoomer neighbours that disturb me begging me for food and me saying no
Zoomer males are all femboys. Castrate them, make a femboy harem, use them until they hit the wall, and then feed them to your pig farm/methane production facility. The ROI is superb.

>> No.54084369

>lost 300k in my 401 at 25
No you didn’t. You said you went to college so at best you were working for 3.5 years. That is multiple times the legally allowed max for 401k contributions and no company is giving 100% match (especially to a new hire). You need something ridiculous like 100% stock returns YoY to get to 300k.

Also unless you’re retiring soon your 401k balance doesn’t matter. It’s much much higher now because of the years following 2010-2011

>> No.54084396

But lets be real. If you are a 30 year old Millennial how exactly are you supposed to make any money? No matter what you do, stocks, EFT or anything else. You just get assrailed over and over again

>> No.54084419
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>> No.54084428

The 2008 recession quite literally ruined my family.

>> No.54084445

>another economic collapse
oh boy the chuds are riled up once again over nothing

>> No.54084447

Lying. It might seek daunting but you can do it too.

>> No.54084476

Bitcoin. That's it. If you don't get it yet... It's possible you never will.

>> No.54084510

You would think that you would learn the first time, two kids by the same woman but I don't think that I'm going to enter a binding contract with her and the government.

>> No.54084530

according to him his company match was 300%

>> No.54084535

you want 400 million people world wide to invest into bitcoin? okay

>> No.54084568

Unquestionably based

>> No.54084582

>Zoomer males are all femboys. Castrate them, make a femboy harem, use them until they hit the wall, and then feed them to your pig farm/methane production facility. The ROI is superb.

not gay or anything but that sounds fun

>> No.54084592

I didn't understand why people hated him in the early 2000s, now I want a world for Whites only.

>> No.54084627

>I was a Bush Republican in high school. Now I want universal healthcare.

when you get to my age you become right wing and dont want free anything for anyone.

the fuckers can go and get a job like i did

>> No.54084638
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it's one economic collapse that's been going on since 2000 and they've just been kicking the can down the road

>> No.54084843

You're helots.

>> No.54084860

That’s like $130k in real-ish money and you’d have to live in Australia. Pass

>> No.54085140

By then the boomeroids are either 6 feet under, human popsicles or drooling potatoes.

>> No.54085207

Doesn’t matter. If with that (which I don’t believe) there are still legal caps on total contributions. In 2005-2007 it was $42k, 44k, 45k. That’s only $131k. Let’s be generous and give him the 2008 max also of $46k. Now we’re up to 177k. Where is the other 123k? He’s averaging over 70% returns for 3-4 years? Bullshit.

That is the most generous scenario and it’s not remotely plausible. Maybe if he worked for a tech startup and invested all into company stock or something that did take off, but that’s retarded. You don’t invest your retirement into the company you work for unless you control it.

The far more likely option is he’s lying.

>> No.54085234



>> No.54085392

let's get real, how do we profit from this ?

>> No.54085457

Hope it burns all the way down this time. Larry Fink is not my president, neither is Jacob Rothschild. Hope those fuckers do a flip.

>> No.54085497

No refunds. Don't forget to pay your student debts

>> No.54085572

I graduated in 2014, only got a full time job in 2016. There was no way I could've done anything. By the time so has a decent amount of money there was not much I could have got, if I had bought BTC I may have been a millionaire tho.

>> No.54085700

>BLACKed Monday

I only know what that is because of watching hundreds of hours of UK political documentaries on YouTube and I’m not British in the slightest

>> No.54085873
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We got this, bros.
>Also, you forgot about 87, and 01

>> No.54085903

hot ones is so boring
they don't even finish the entire wing and just have a little tiny drop

>> No.54085971
File: 507 KB, 1649x1541, 1678237115534792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone really ever eaten an entire bone in wing? I think that was one of the tasks of Hercules.

>> No.54086007

you don't eat the bones?

>> No.54086087

They have to be hot, so that they're easier to bite into and get the delicious marrow out.

>> No.54087036

bruh... niggas i'm literally ukrainian, stop whining bitches

>> No.54087244

Zoomer pussies are all talk. I'll be living off my land and you'll be a sex slave for some bbc

Millennials were born in the darkness, literally spawned in and watched 9/11, went through middle school and witness financial collapse, grew up and got slammed by a global pandemic, and you think this will make millennials quake?
Millennials are going to be the first generation of truly hardened humans since WWII

>> No.54087315
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Millennials are 30-40 years old now. A generation is 20 years, so 2 crashes is possible. In fact it just happened. It's joever.

>> No.54087346

I'm just going to start squatting in empty cottages

>> No.54087513

Fucking THIS

retards ACTUALLY, ACTUALLY thought the world would collapse. after they spent the entire weekend spamming the internet with le imminent collapse. it was 100% known that the world would collapse as soon as monday came, everyone knew it! it was a sure thing!

Jesus Christ I hate people

>> No.54087556


>> No.54087965
File: 2.16 MB, 480x658, zoomers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers are literally retarded

>> No.54088394

you cucks, don't make me laugh. You have no idea the average suffering the zoomer male has to endure on a daily basis. I have stacked silver and gold in anticaption of the coming crisis.

>> No.54088660

Copium inhalers apparently haven't heard of the 6 other banks that were taken into regulatory control this morning, at the open, lol.

mfw apparently you forgot the contagion from bank failures takes days/weeks to be realized, as JPM et al directors frantically call Warren Buffet et al to bail out their 1:1000 DTI

"some small banks failing won't cause systemic risk"

Hello, the derivatives market would like to speak with you.

>> No.54088807

Were you saving up for your tranny operation?

>> No.54088850

kek baggie

>> No.54088876

kek I've been stockpiling 00 buck for decades
it'll be fun on the bun

>> No.54088920

I don't think we will be in a much better position, being Cassandra does not help if we have not made our own preparation, and Zoomers overall tend to be either braindead or purposefully sticking themselves into video games to ignore what is to come.

>> No.54088942

The job market was absolutely FUCKED until 2013-2014. Nobody except boomers had money to buy the bottom

>> No.54088966

It's all so tiresome...


>> No.54088983

no way that isn't edited

>> No.54089119

Does anyone young actually like right wing economics? It feels like people only cope over it if they feel social issues matter more, or are concerned they can't pay for left wing economics they still want.

And I'm saying this as someone who socially regressed from being a social democrat to a medievalist; In terms of economics I'm probably more left-wing however.

>> No.54089181

Fuck off dunkie

>> No.54089215

what collapse? crypto is mooning

>> No.54089290

Stack cash for the next year or two and get ready for housies to panic and sell and we can finally buy those 2 bedrooms for under 500k

>> No.54089428

this is the 3rd crash OP, get it right, plus covid, plus mandatory nigger worshipping, plus a $7.50 minimum wage in my state

boomers entire life revolves around torturing and cannibalizing millenials

i wouldnt be surprised if millenials eventually become full blown maoists and destroy everything

>> No.54089492

Voting patterns have nothing to do with age and everything to do with the level of shit on a persons skin.

>> No.54091380

What do you mean. This is at least the 3rd. Dotcom bubble, 2008 and now this.

>> No.54091452
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Hey pals

>> No.54091514

People having faith in this fool is beyond cringe.

>> No.54091518

I listen to goretrap and like it. Can i be one of you?

>> No.54091537

That would make millennials 20-40.

>> No.54091546

I have faith in him for fucking everything up.

>> No.54091584

It's real.

Most wise zoomer. The answer is that a lot of zoomers seem to be boomer brained and assume that millennials were uniquely fucked. In reality it's a big shitvalanche rolling downhill since the 1990s with each crash being worse than the last. Gen X ate shit, millennials more shit and zoomers even more with gen a being the final shit.

>> No.54091655

are death squads conservative?

>> No.54091808

Millennial here got into real estate right after covid, things are looking up so far.

>> No.54091813
File: 69 KB, 750x1000, peps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you say this is a big deal but the president responded to it in a day but he still hasn't visited Ohio after the disaster.

So why isn't this a big deal?

>> No.54091870

oh fuck off I lived through 87, 00, 08 you unbearable fucking nigger shit. hang by your faggot assed neck.

>> No.54091897

So you lost over 99.97% of your 401k? You are a retardedly bad investor or full of shit. Nobody lost that much.

>> No.54091919

I don’t remember 2008 because I was busy getting shot at in Iraq

Fucking faggot zoomers

>> No.54091925

If you're old enough to remember 2008 and you still haven't bought crypto in light of recent events, then you might be a retard.

>> No.54091973


>banks working with crypto fail
>no refunds goyim

>> No.54092019

Yeah but the MIllennials born before like 1988 were the last generation that could actually go to college, get a nice paying job, and afford their own homes. Everybody born after that was pretty much fucked.

>> No.54092045


>born in 1985
>graduate into financial crisis
>choice between being NEET or delivering pizza
>could afford a house

yeah no

>> No.54092095

>i suffered so my countrymen should suffer as well instead of having a better life
This is why the right will never win. You don't have a model for a better world. You are the party of misery and suffering.

Rightfags see a difficult problem and fold. They don't try to solve it or improve things.

>> No.54092096

Broke: Buy these packaged mortgages that surely can't fail because everyone is getting approved to buy a house.
Woke: Buy these cyber coins that surely won't fail because they've got a monkey picture on them. Here's a white paper

>> No.54092132
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So you're at the lying stage because you're misrepresenting what he said. Next you will double down as per the NPC programming.

>> No.54092907

WTF is the problem?
>economy bad - I consume less
>economy good - I consume more
Really is that simple

>> No.54093073

The govt hates normal white people.
East Palestine was close to 90% white if I remember right.

>> No.54093115

Cope. all the houses the boomers are holding will go straight to investment firms or their Gen X kids and neither will ever sell.

>> No.54093148

Let's fucking go!

>> No.54093254

Wouldn't matter if the brown waves never happened.

>> No.54093771

Millennials born in 1988 were 20 when the financial crisis hit. You needed a 4 year degree back then for a nice job.

>> No.54093857

America's economy would be even deeper in the shitter if we weren't brain draining the rest of the world with our H1B "brown waves". The fate of this country depends on whether China will be able to attract foreign professionals after they recover.

>> No.54093920


>> No.54093940


Nobody actually expected some 2008 crash today, retard. QQQ closed the week down 4 fucking percent. CPI tomorrow will be the nail in the coffin. The DXY is down 3% in two days. And we haven’t seen a single 3% down day. Good luck with your “rally” tomorrow betting on a 3sd move for the DXY

>> No.54094028

Millennials are a lost generation, as a Gen Z’er I always used them as an example of what not to do as a kid. I think many people my age did the same, otherwise we would all be getting liberal arts degrees and calling for brown people to lead us into socialism like they want. Fucking fat retards.

>> No.54094054

Well at least you are not living through a war you caused, bastards.

>> No.54094112

This. Mostly Gen X capitalized on it. Boomers not knowing computer and stocks made their investments with buying up all the real estate

>> No.54094114

>be born after 1992
>make a single sound
>immediate 200+ frothing seething (You)s
the power of BZC (BIG ZOOMER COCK) is unparalleled

>> No.54094142

>23 (You)s and counting
I'd say zoomers pretty fuckin good at baiting

>> No.54094248

We were rugpulled by the jews. We have been forced to pay for boomers retirement and we were completely undercut by 3rd world labor brough here by the boomers, and we were priced out of real estate by chinks brought here by boomers. All at the same time. We have been fucked harder than any generation in the past 200 years, and it was done to us by our own parents. Every zoomer I see is a scrawny, stupid, weak, lazy faggot. Or a tranny. In the case of females they are even bigger whores than genx or millenials, and they act superior because they feel superior because zoomer males are pathetic simps that cater to their every whim while fucking anything that has a dick. As fucked as millenials have it, zoomers are about to have it much, much worse. And you deserve it.

>> No.54094322

all the people in east Palestine are retards for not publicly executing the people responsible for the spill.

East Palestine proved that most Americans are actually passive as fuck and all they do is bitch and moan and complain about things that don’t matter, but when a catastrophe that destroys your whole lively hood happens what do Americans do? They submit a formal complaint at the Town Hall.

What they should’ve done is taken the Norfolk Southern execs and blown their heads off on tv.

>> No.54094326
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Its doubtful it'll get to full yugoslav wars level of collapse (though it doesn't hurt to be prepared for it) but we're staring down the barrel of something that could make 2008 look like firecracker.

>> No.54094331

At the same time, the world is in fact collapsing, but at such a slow pace that most people keep believing everything they see is the 'normal' state of things.
>climate change gets worse every year, nothing substantial is done about it, normalfag thinks the forest fire and the almost imperceptibly more expensive veggie is nothing to be alarmed about even though change is cumulative and exponential with time
>the financial system has never been more unstable over an extended period of time as it has been in the 21st century, also you can hardly afford housing anymore, the rich are richer than in any other period of history and wages are stagnant, you can still eat food though so everything's fine right
>the digital era has had unprecedented effects both on social order and individual mental well-being, the world is experimenting unparalleled levels of anxiety, depression, isolation, narcissism traits and so on, and the onset of these conditions is happening at earlier ages than ever before, sometimes affecting children when they are barely entering their teens, but nothing is going to be done about it, parents would rather let the phone do their jobs and the economy only care about profits, the problem will only keep getting worse
>humanity is actively developing its own replacement through AI and advanced robotics research, the breakthrough could happen next year or it could be in a hundred more, but eventually it's going to happen and it'll destabilize society even more, you can throw dozens of ethics committees at it to attempt to make its impact as benign as possible and it won't matter because money always wins in the end
Society as a whole is blind to its own demise. It's like looking in the mirror, thinking you look the same as yesterday, and letting that trick you into believing you haven't gotten older, that you aren't one day closer to certain death.

>> No.54094362

Also, genx women are bottom of the barrel cokewhores in 99% of cases. Thye pushed the fetishizatiom of niggers too. My point being that your mother is an actual trashbag whore and you should imagine daily the miles of dirty dick she took in the years before you were born.

>> No.54094436

The decline is correlated with the rise of nonwhites.

>> No.54094506

Yes they are cucks and I’m sick of all the normalfaggots.
Hope the banks keep failing and shit gets worse. Either they finally learn after having their nose rubbed in it or they die and are out of the way for real change.

>> No.54094715

Yup gen x women are a fucking dumpster fire, I have not ever met a woman born between 1965 and 1975 that did not have at least one cluster B disorder
I havent responded to a single "your mother will die in her sleep tonight" thread since perhaps 2014 but the bitch keeps fucking kicking
t. ass end of '99 zoomoid

>> No.54094718

nobody except all of /biz/ and twitter

>> No.54094816

Craziest bitch I ever fucked was 1968, much older than me, absolute lunatic. Hid her mental issues well for years before I ended up fucking her and all the crazy started coming out. She is now crippled from driving her nissan xterra into a hydro pole shitfaced and high on pills on xmas eve, knocking out power to half the neighborhood. Fucking cunt.

>> No.54094826

>implying most millenials had enough money to make any significant investments

>> No.54094911

>what you're expected to read from that graph
>what is actually happening
I just want this evil society to burn faster (accelerationism).

>> No.54094935

Pretty sure he's not a jew.

>> No.54095058

Anglos are Jews,

>> No.54095771

He didn't insult your mother, no need to say he's an anglo.
Words are hurtful, you know.

>> No.54096284

We want 400M people worldwide to form a parallel economy based around Bitcoin.

>> No.54096325

The markets are all green even with bank stocks tanking. What is even happening here?

>> No.54097406

>1968, much older than me, absolute lunatic. Hid her mental issues well for years before I ended up fucking her
Do you expect a 40+ year old childless woman to be sane? Women are emotional wrecks anyhow. Childless hags even more so.

>> No.54097477

considering that 99% of all trades are completed via bots located within a couple square blocks in new york, id say there might be a bit of tomfoolery afoot

>> No.54097694

Remember when the stock market went green during lockdowns?

>> No.54097911
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Kek soilennials are obsessed with Z-Chadz, but it's understandable I guess, some of these born losers feel they need a way to cope and absolve themselves of responsibility for their failure.
Such is life :)

>> No.54097967

I'm betting this is gonna make the 2008 recession look like child's play

>> No.54097983

no no no you don't understand see millennials are so busy having sex with 4,000 zoomer girls at the same time that they don't have time to make reasonable decisions in any other area of their lives. they also are NOT balding and are NOT poor

>> No.54097989

No I have no knowledge, just making an uninformed bet

>> No.54097997

It looks like the banks are all saved. Nothing is even trending anymore on twitter for banks or SVB. Normies moved on after the Nothingburger Nothinged out.

>> No.54098026

oh, had me worried for a bit

>> No.54098091


>> No.54099308
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when in boom do as boomer do
grill some Steaks

>> No.54099375

I was born in 1952 and I EAT STEAK
I DONT eat organic food like you sissies
I DO eat red meat and LAUGH when millennials say its bad for me
LOL LOL LOL ILL NEVER STOP EATING STEAK OR MAKING FIRES IN MY YARD my neighbor can eat shit and die he always complains about the economy and how we ruined America for his generationSHUT THE FUCK UP JIM AND EAT SOME FUCKING STEAK LIKE A MAN

>> No.54099476

96 is the last millennial year you mouth breathers how many times do I have to say it

>> No.54099636

2008 fucking up your prospects for post graduation and your future.

>> No.54099902

Less than 100 years ago my grandmother dug holes in middle of the night, 3 miles from her home in Canadian winter snow, to take a dump. She had 17 siblings, two of whom died at or near birth. Her grandfather used to beat his daughters and actually killed one at 2 months old, and faced no prison sentence. Her father was an alcoholic who nearly put his own kids in the grave. Grandmother failed 5th grade from lack of attendance, had to stay home in a wheel chair all year from polio. If her mother wanted to protect the kids, she had no rights so that she could divorce and buy a home of her own, literally not legal. My grandmother survived off of potatoes. Some nights she didn't eat. She only finished grade school, had to work on the farm. High school cost money and only the eldest boys went. She was doomed to shitty labor jobs and to get hitched to the first violent loser who could give her any status as half-human in the world. This is a pre-industrial, white Christian world. No different than the savages of the middle east.

This generation is far more empathetic than generations prior, who thought they could do no wrong simply because they would tout the bible. If there is no recourse of how we treat the environment within the next decade, we won't live to see AI. If all the coral reefs die, so do we. They don't grow back, and they're almost gone. I hope Jewish elites genuinely have a plan to eradicate most of the world's population soon. Hopefully with eugenics w/quality people in mind, but knowing them, I doubt it. The world would be a less cruel place if the low IQ shit skins and sedentary porn fried know-it-all white men just croaked. A Kabballah world based on the scientific pursuit of knowledge and a small populous of engineers and physicists, where machinery they invent produces the food instead of turdworlders sounds like motherfucking PARADISE. Only those afraid have had privileged lives to idealize such a shitty past.

>> No.54099999

you forgot the part where the entire time we were getting cucked the boomers kept telling us to stop eating avacado toast and drinking lattes

>> No.54100045

Schizophrenic post
Meds advised

>> No.54100070

I do but I am the only one of my generation who stacks gold and silver that in know irl.

>> No.54100088

If you hate women, stop fucking them het fags. No one with self respect subjects themselves to who they believe is beneath them. It's why I don't associate with niggers. Control your primal fucking urges or you're less than them.

>> No.54100124
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>> No.54100172

>East Palestine
jesus christ mutt education can't be THAT bad
it's called ISRAEL and it's not on your cursed continent. Remember the name, goy

>> No.54100228

The start of the zoomer is debated. Some places say 92, some say 94, some say 96

>> No.54100310

im not even capable of giving a shit anymore.
just take everything i have and give to elon, bezos and all the other jews.
im fucking done. im gonna go smoke weed and play vidya if anyone needs me

>> No.54100364
File: 15 KB, 480x360, AriseChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitepaper? Is that some sort of financial voodoo or something? Do they draw sigils on a piece of paper and have people coom over it or something?

>> No.54100504

A lot of boomers literally fucked their own kids as well, as in raped them as small children.

>> No.54101468

What do you mean "second"? 2001, 2008, and 2023 are just the big ones, and we've had several smaller ones in between. Literally every time our generation starts to get on its feet, during the most critical period of our lives for accumulating wealth (20's through early 30's), the boomers crash the system and fucking kneecap us all again.

>> No.54102076

>t. my gf left me for a 33 year old

>> No.54102141

Why are all the other millenials so fucking retarded? I was 13 in 2008 and the GFC was a literal NOTHING BURGER. The only people who lost their jobs were FUCKING MORONS IN ADULT DAYCARE. I don't know a single person who killed themselves and everyone got their jobs back at different companies by pulling up their bootstraps. Most families are much better now than they were back in 2008 because they actually know how to leverage their assets. We millenials are the most crybaby generation to ever exist. You're always punching down on zoomers who literally did all the same shit we've been doing on the internet. At least kids these days don't sit around talking about killing themselves and never fucking doing it like you lot of fags did at that age.

>> No.54102283

Fucking kek, zoomer absolutely btfo

>> No.54103193

>13 in 2008
>he only people who lost their jobs were FUCKING MORONS IN ADULT DAYCARE
>I don't know a single person who killed themselves

>> No.54103233

you dont know shit

>> No.54103307

it's okay, things will get worse

>> No.54103313
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>2nd crash

You can tell people are getting their outrage programming from twitter when they forget stuff like the dotcom bubble

>b-b-but that didn't affect me

2008 didn't really affect you either you drama queen. You probably still lived with your parents. They had to do the heavy lifting.

>> No.54103333

zoomer taints and genitals are shrinking every year due to lack of sunlight and excessive seed oil consumption. Zoomer micropenis detected

>> No.54104807
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>> No.54104817

That is mostly because of endocrine disrupting chemicals in plastic and it's not their fault. Also your test and sperm is likely lower than it should be too so you don't have much room to talk man. This is the lead paint of our time

>> No.54104854
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>> No.54104877

2008 wasn't bad for me, I didn't lose my job. But I remember when the Senior VP came in and laid a bunch of people off by phone call. This time around I'm in a much worse position and the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet.

>> No.54104887
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>> No.54104960
File: 91 KB, 1024x1147, 5dd73d420f0b0.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made $240K in 2016 before getting laid off. I've never made anything close to that since. I was probably overpaid though to be honest.

>> No.54105226

Imagine being completely wrong you're entire life.

>> No.54105240

funny zoomie

>> No.54105391

zoomers are too busy cutting their dicks off and getting groomed on discord to do shit
you lot are getting psy-oped by the weakest most degenerate millennials

>> No.54105430
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x1067, 1668831180916715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90s bank crash over here that wiped my family out completely
>2000 Dotcom crash
>2008 not so significant for us Finns but still felt the ripples
>2019 corona drop
>2023 apocalypse in process

Being a millenial is like living the greatest growth period in human history backwards.
Eventually I said fuck it and dropped out of society ago and started drawing furry porn for a living, because all employment prospects were so shit.
I'll be far better off catering to degenerate coomers than trying to work in this fucking clown world.
I should have started this at 16 years old and I'd be making 6 figures by now. Thank fuck for zoomers ultra degenerate hedonist lifestyles. I'll never run out of customers.

>> No.54105914
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This is truly a happening this board is getting slid HARD.

>> No.54106227

how many synagogues in that area?

>> No.54106550
File: 803 KB, 729x550, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life won't change at all.

>> No.54106553

kek i've come to peace with being broke
i'll just wageslave in a relatively comfy job and accept my crumbs and do the best i can do with it