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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 227 KB, 1073x1907, Based. So fucking based. BASED..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54094409 No.54094409 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Based: >>53998818 #


>Based CEO collab

>Developer of Based and BASED DBI:


>Based & Based Powell

>Based WinkleBased

But there are other Based crypto influencers/personalities behind The Basdd Dev & BASED DBI

>Based Held
659k Based followers, including: Based, WinkleBased twins, Based, Basedmining, Based Saylor and multiple Based.


>Altcoin Based
1.3M twitter followers, 1.29 youtube followers

ft @IncomeSharks (382k followers) https://twitter.com/IncomeSharks/status/1617889078309183489

1M twitter followers

ALL of the above follow The Based Dev

60k twitter followers, Executive director of @Based. Followed by Based AmBased, Based Powell, Based WinkleBased, Based Bas, Based Basedlor...



DBI will be used as a spearhead by Based to start the next Basedrun.

The Based promised to take this coin to the top Based.

Keep based'

>> No.54094467

First post based post

>> No.54094612


>> No.54094682

Fuck yeah bros. We didn't really need to pump anyways because uhhh it was .0005 a month ago haha. It being the ONLY FUCKING COIN TO NOT PUMP is proof how FUCKING BASED it is

>> No.54094757
File: 9 KB, 359x116, Used Cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking christ even Used CUNT is up 10%

>> No.54094881

Minutely reminder that I am so unbelievably fucking BASED right now

>> No.54094916

ohhhhh linkieeeeeeeeeee

>> No.54094967

The steam has gone this coin is dead already

Considering selling my 300k stack

>> No.54095070

I just bought PAW and oDoge at the current tops just to further show how fucking BASED DBI is when BTC pumps again tomorrow

>> No.54095100

What the fuck happened to the volume bros?

>> No.54095165

It died after whales dumped on newfags each time token crossed 20c. They will do that again.

>> No.54095214


>> No.54095294

Show me a coin that performed worse than this today

>> No.54095323
File: 289 KB, 1553x765, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Against ETH chart looks even more based. Incredibly based and bullish. Also, verification not required.

>> No.54095450

OP has gone schizo from crabbing

>> No.54095476
File: 429 KB, 1080x2099, It's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God I'm about to BAAAAASED
Top fucking kek i went on The Dev's twitter to find copium and I get this and a 2 more weeks till monkey jpg video

>> No.54095494

I'm just absolutely amazed how I manage to hold the only fucking coin that didn't pump in the last 24 hours

>> No.54095501

Crabbing? Lol this has been pumping weekly with minimal breaks. Crabbing go look at XRP. You guys are clueless.0rtgs

>> No.54095535

that's pretty cool, I might get one on my asshole so people will know who FUCKED me in it!!! down 30% on this cunt!

>> No.54095560

It's like 2020 all over again where I laugh at dogejeetshitbonk coin but CHECK THE CHART TOP KEK ITS HAPPENING AGAIN

>> No.54095579

Same here anon
I'm the anon that sold blur at 70c to buy this and I'm down bad in ETH ratio

>> No.54095699

After they dropped 20%, except for BTC most are lower than last week, wtf are you talking about. We'll reach another ATH soon

>> No.54095747

Have a Bump for Honor!

>> No.54095760


Look at that production quality, think bigger.

>> No.54095764

>there were people who thought this was going to 1b mcap


>> No.54095767
File: 128 KB, 1080x1420, Heh, yeah..I'm thinking we're back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, stupid whale I tricked you into thinking I was financially ruined. Looks like i win again

>> No.54095786

try not buying the top? IDK.

>> No.54095802

You're right bro. Line went up and now I feel better. Based but unironically

>> No.54095828
File: 180 KB, 1080x1938, Based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it bros. We beat the bankers

>> No.54096272
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x1574, 1678735289223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i bought a reality tv show coin

>> No.54096341

>almost breaking the seal gets you banned
What did jannies mean by this

>> No.54096516

Anyone else really fucking sick of nitwit jeets having a public conniption whenever we don’t pump 30000% in a 12 hr timespan

>> No.54096570

You could have bought any coin 7 hours ago and then traded it back to DBI for easy 25%+ DBI count

>> No.54096615

"the dev" is going 2 prison and so is the crew bhind this coin. i kno everything

>> No.54096699

>makes cross country trip
>shills jeetcoin with bugman and 2 clones and b rated Kurt kobain
>goes to Mexico for infinite hookers and blow
Fuck not again

>> No.54096754


go ask the dbi peoples in their chats who is a guy called "lenny" and who is a guy called "whiskey" and I bet they will ban u bc they know these 2 people i just named are criminal fraudsters with records that prove it. they think they are immune to law but they have been rugging since august 2020. the clock is ticking on them wait and see ok

>> No.54096894

The only lenny here is your limp whiskey dick. How’s weather in Calcutta today?

>> No.54096920


this one is angry bc he knos the truth too

>> No.54097004

Any proof?

>> No.54097046

Post the “records” that prove it then. Oh, you can’t, because you just pulled the nonsense fud right from your ass, Suresh.

>> No.54097071


go 2 their chat and ask about the 2 people i did mention in my post and see. like i said go and see then return

>> No.54097091


this one is a paid dbi biz poster indeed yes indeed

>> No.54097101

Whoever talks with numbers in their sentences should be shot. You sound like a fucking nigger.

>> No.54097153

Lol. Agreed.

>> No.54097175


could b im typing in a different way as 2 not make ne ez recognizable patterns. but ur 2 low iq to think of smth like that yes yes you are indeed yes

>> No.54097272

You’re not getting lower entry, Ranjesh. You know, the fud with Chinese shillers ordered by Andrew had some class at least, what you are doing is just some curry nigger low effort bullshit and when Dev runs the country people like you will get the rope, don’t forget he came from Dixie

>> No.54097421

Lenny and Whiskey. Is that the best you can come up with. LOL!


>> No.54097557


evry shitcoin evr "buy now! lowest entry!@!" they should demote u, ur a terrible shill poster for 4chan biz board

>> No.54097578
File: 472 KB, 1052x1335, Is this a cult yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>87 IQ anon tries 2 blend in

>> No.54097587
File: 689 KB, 1440x1244, 1678738827292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the secret crypto bank coin didn't pump when traditional banks collapsed

>> No.54097651

>gas is 26
>it's dumping
Alright whatever I'm a shibafag now

>> No.54097688

you never held a singular DBI

verification not required

>> No.54097743

in what world is it dumping?

>> No.54097793
File: 25 KB, 1080x223, Fucking Bulgarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is the 1/4th remaining stack after waiting 4 hours of crab to profit $30. Epic bullrun thanks Dev

>> No.54097885

How long do you think it takes for Bitcoin pumps to trickle down lol

>> No.54097888
File: 89 KB, 1080x360, DBI vision goggles. Everything looks the same .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topkek check shiba price since 30 minutes ago

>> No.54097916

>dbi team are criminals
You've been saying this shit since day 1. Try coming up with something new already

>> No.54097938

>waiting 4 hours
the absolute sate of /biz/ these days

>> No.54098043


> not accumulating at 0.02 floor
> not holding until whitepaper release
> not holding until nft release
> not holding until "next crypto gem" tv show


>> No.54098086

if 500 is that much to you just sell and go pay rent or whatever poor people do

>> No.54098124

You are all fucking trolling niggers look what bitcoin did today and then kill yourself

>> No.54098146
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 875785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think big names are suicidal
>selling before cex
100% ngmi

>> No.54098148

It just pains me that I already went all in with what I had onchain and missed out on cost opportunity that could've been used to increase my DBI stack
Don't even wanna sell now because my 600k stack will rekt the price

>> No.54098156

I know this retard, he's one of the telegram trannies in Whiskeydick's (king of scammers) inner circle. They're gonna dump the shit out of this.

>> No.54098197

>look what bitcoin did today
i am stunned.

>> No.54098270

He’s so dedicated to scamming that he got a fucking permanent tattoo just to rip off a few thousand from biztards? Damn

>> No.54098308

I just want a pump and dump to acoomoolate

>> No.54098363

Yes and the dump will be eaten in seconds. Pussy

>> No.54098441

If the white paper doesn't say what the coins secret utility that /biz/ promised me this coin has then I'm dumped my entire 10m stack onto the market immediately and bringing this thing back under a penny.

>> No.54098455

Do it faggot

>> No.54098459

>bringing this thing back under a penny
Please do

>> No.54098469

you can fuck crack whores and pay with $DBI

>> No.54098502

Too bad I didn't buy this a month ago. I think I will get in after the first rug.

>> No.54098571

lol my thoughts exactly. I thought this being on ETH would keep the jeets away

>> No.54098596

I topped myself off to 600k. Once the whales are done offloading we're going up. They've shown they're not comfortable with the floor under 2 and I used BTC's pump today to get a little more DBI. My logic is that BTC reversing means people's confidence will return in the medium term for crypto and that's all DBI needs to skyrocket. And we've got very smart whales that don't dump when they take profits. We're not getting many opportunities under .02.

>> No.54098761
File: 249 KB, 1080x1259, Screenshot_20230313-134638_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Cramer

>> No.54098777

I feel I am a bagholder in the making.

>> No.54098844

I will never understand how a man who, for literal decades, was held as this pinnacle of financial analysis, can be so fucking bad at even basic finance

>> No.54098928


>> No.54099037

I'm nervous holding this shit, I've got a bad feeling we're going to giga crash

>> No.54099083

I was too. Not anymore.

>> No.54099106


>> No.54099366


>> No.54099453

What a stupid nigger tier argument
>haha you only held 2k worth during BTC going nuts
Alternatively what? I'm supposed to hold 20k into it? 200k? Into a fucking stablecoin?

>> No.54099574

God I hate this board. Can't read any threads without seeing anons talk about steakgurtbonk gains

>> No.54099731

the amount of cry baby coping im seeing here is incredible!
"omg why isnt it pumping harder today?"
"omg btc did this and it only did that"

lmfao - I mean I get it, you had a dopamine overload on the 600% pump in 2 weeks and you expect it every other day now... but chill. wash your hands if they are so clammy...

we got a massive dev nft mint coming thats partnered with HASBULLA...
we got big name crypto accounts parlaying with the dev every other week
and we have a steady growth in followers and holders every single day. ZOOM OUT.

Weak clams wilt in boiling waters, but boiling waters make strong clams. Strong clams prosper in cool ocean currents, but calm waters make weak clams.

>> No.54099751


>> No.54099865

Random question, but does any one associated with dbi use the word "cat" a lot when talking to people?

>> No.54099908
File: 1.83 MB, 2521x1009, 32454365645322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where ?

>> No.54099964


I fucking love kitties

>> No.54100110

Where we at dicapribros

>> No.54100156


>> No.54100235

Someone give me evidence Snoop Dog is actually gonna shill this.

>> No.54100247


where is the source for the hasbullah nft collab, theres nothing on the twitter or telegram about it

>> No.54100354
File: 732 KB, 1117x2045, E09F7405-549D-404D-884F-938DE34589A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like to be spoonfed?

>> No.54100427

>a midget or baby shilling nfts will pump our meme coin to 10 dollars

>> No.54100461

I have a six figure sui stack and some wl spots. I also have eth gains to spend. Should I buy more of this, or scale into wait?

>> No.54100539

Please do it now-. Do it naoooo
i want cheapies. You can buy back later with me.
Just domp et nigger

>> No.54100576


>> No.54100621

Some midget Arab that normies love.

>> No.54100790




>> No.54100838
File: 150 KB, 440x448, 1678749064030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54100938

>that normies love

>> No.54100955

The 2.2 -2.4 cent sell wall is temporary. Whales are trying to swing and buy back at 1.9 cents. They're gonna lose money from one giga candle soon. The rest selling off their stack very slowly aren't here for the long run.

>> No.54100979

Based. We Devving again

>> No.54100990

Why is that so bearish

>> No.54101027

The dev is no longer devving

>> No.54101034



Verification not required.

>> No.54101039

Volume doubled in 12 hrs, sign of something to come?

>> No.54101041

>t. the kind of newfag who mocks you for calling out the jewish cabal

>> No.54101061

Isn’t this guy best friends with Khabib?

>> No.54101142

this midget have insane connection

>> No.54101174

Meta killing nfts is extremely bullish for dbi cause nfts are going to be released in 2 weeks, so until then it can pump for some other reasons.

>> No.54101495

Why would he no longer dev?

You need to leave the Snewp Dogg and Habbibula bullshit to the jeets. We all know celebrities will never pump your bags

>> No.54101544

To add on, the devs connections to CZ and Kraken are 10 times more bullish than retard pump and dump celebrities

>> No.54101855

sure those dumb celebrities not gonna pump our bag, but they' can bring more awarness on the project by having millions of followers...

>> No.54102069
File: 147 KB, 1280x730, 1678753478382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do we go from here

>> No.54102098


>> No.54102572

Sideways, I think we are done for now, everyone involved understands the potential but there just isn't any new buyers at the moment at this stage of the market.

>> No.54102581
File: 49 KB, 512x640, 334845489_926361861828219_1052564786846290508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.54102604

Down. Because BASED

>> No.54102703

Thank you for playing

No refunds

>> No.54102856

“Mom look I posted it again”

>> No.54102978

you little idiot, if this is the case, we will be going down. people will be swinging their money elsewhere to catch the next pump

>> No.54103372

I'm still waiting for some dip to swing and grow my stack but this token has strong holders.

Impressive, very nice

>> No.54103647
File: 51 KB, 538x360, 330320251_504335971901497_2730329478645240411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm baked
>sorry i'm fudding for a better entry

>> No.54103732

>t-the token is deflationary!
>only burned 23,000,000 tokens for the nft
>there's a 1.4 billion supply, all circulating
>no other burn mechanism to the token it's decided by the teams whims
Reminder moonboys that chainlink only made it to 50 dollars because there was only 1b supply and only 500m of it was circulating. Are you expecting the dev to burn a billion tokens?

>> No.54103964

Holding 300m, if this doesn't pump in the next 30 seconds I'm dumping

>> No.54104005

Sold. Fuck this scan coin

>> No.54104223
File: 566 KB, 1047x639, h47h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chainlink only made it to 50 dollars because there was only 1b supply and only 500m of it was circulating
>implying we'll at least get to $18+ with a similar performance.
>more burns are coming
This is some kind of...anti-fud tactic.

>> No.54104904

Your $10 will be missed

>> No.54105083

I only need 1$ to make it, which will be a no-brainer for DBI.

>> No.54105271

I need $3 to make it...

>> No.54105540

Check the chart mumu

>> No.54105673

Everyone else that only needs 50 cents to make it will dump on you. And even if you do make it... What about the majority of this thread that needs 10 dollars to make it?

>> No.54105762

Why do you have abused animal pics?

>> No.54105764

For them it will be just a matter of time

>> No.54105791
File: 177 KB, 1080x1716, Screenshot_20230313-213003_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good considering btc just crashed down to 20k, Based

>> No.54105955
File: 150 KB, 1280x584, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54106072
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 2207331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a medical trial.

check out picrel lol

>> No.54106342

Deeplink fagz

>> No.54106382

you living in the past bro?

>> No.54106385

This seems like it’s gonna head down to test the low.

>> No.54106386
File: 145 KB, 2048x1265, Fq897PTX0AErOVl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for an upgrade, meet K9 the third and final form of dog memes.

>> No.54106521

fuck off you silly jeet

>> No.54106588


>> No.54106701

Fake and gay

>> No.54106765

Heh, it's slurping time

>> No.54107106

Whales have this coin fully manipulated.

>> No.54107775

Looks like I made a good call dumping 3/4th of this garbage

>> No.54107800


This token is dead. Whales are dumping exactly at 0.0021, every fucking time. I decide to exit, so whales can carry each others bags.

>> No.54107840

Comment section looks like jeetland

>> No.54107850

w-we're just early

>> No.54107863

>Whales bought it from 0.00000001$, or free airdrop dumps

kys nigger, dumping, will dump more. price will be 0.0013 when i finish dumping.

>> No.54107907


Seriously. Are we like super early or is the crypto world not realized this exists. It's unironically the weirdest thing I've witnessed in crypto.

No views. No comments. Even if we get rugged right now no one will even know it.

>> No.54107955
File: 701 KB, 662x708, 1678783305864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no engagement. We bought the Milhouse of crypto.

>> No.54107963

Dump it all retard. I sold at a loss 6 hours ago

>> No.54107967

and we bought it after it already pumped... How did we fuck up this bad bros?

>> No.54107971

Comfier than ever. Noodle handed jeets get the rope already. NFT mint incoming. Hasbulla has blessed our journey.

>> No.54107977


>> No.54108004

>a reddit board that doesn't even have A (ONE) BOT to inflate active users
Top kek it's like purgatory

>> No.54108047

Fucking Legend lmso

>> No.54108088

Imagine thinking russian degenerate halfling will pump your bags.

>> No.54108099

I'm amazed he's getting 100 views after having 3 different CEX talking heads on

>> No.54108114

Like I'm supposed to believe we're early with 3.4k holders and only 3% are viewing his videos? The fucks going on

>> No.54108147

think they said the marketing will start after the nft release, probably in line with the rebrand and whitepaper. his twitter's growing nicely though, it's got good interaction as well. seeing as I haven't really moved up in the holder rankings given the recent relatively poor performance, I think we'll be fine

>> No.54108165

>brown badge, brown hands
Twitter is the primary platform and the only official. Everybody watches the videos on Twitter. Youtube, Reddit, TikTok… are only community ran channels. They will be useful later. Main engagement happens over Telegram and Twitter.

>> No.54108219

I am unironically concerned about that. Not a FUD, bought a 1M stack throughout early march, still green as long as we're above , but I am kind of concerned.

Please tell me about the rebrand and White paper. Two weeks for the NFTs, right? I've noticed that too - despite our relatively low rank on Coinmarketcap, we're still experiencing steady (although concerningly slow) growth in number of holders and we're holding steady around .02. Not great, not terrible.

Even the Dev's channel on Youtube?

>> No.54108227

*as long as we're above .013.

>> No.54108238

Exactly, I am in the first 200 holders and keep the same position since the last week. Meaning it’s mostly sub-1M pajeets paperhanding and jumping on other pumps only to get burned. We had the same in December, pajeets swapping millions of DBI for BC (already rugged shitcoin called Old Bitcoin) and so on. I am comfy.

>> No.54108255

Yes. Even the youtube is managed by community/telegram members.

>> No.54108259

It is not holding 20c, that is the thing. Without ETH pumping this would be at 17c....
Whales who bought at 0.0001 need more tards to buy now, so pls buy.

>> No.54108283

God damn you Bulgarians are silver tongued just like that I feel OK holding my remaining $500 (490 now. B A S E D)

>> No.54108390
File: 44 KB, 295x640, 61692A27-E6D6-4C31-BCE5-3225068A4E3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54108712


>> No.54108765
File: 58 KB, 882x342, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54108787

Plz enlighten me

>> No.54108801

It means if every viewer buys 1dbi, link marines might stop laughing at us

>> No.54108878

Wow we're reaching BASED mode again

>> No.54108881

>It's unironically the weirdest thing I've witnessed in crypto
It is. The dev himself might not have a lot of followers or views, but the people who he interacts with do, so it's all pretty strange. I suppose "DBI" isn't being shoved in people's faces, despite the fact that it's obviously tied to the dev (for anyone who looks into him anyways), but people of today are brainfried and require everything to be spoonfed to them. Who knows.. There are lots of early holders who have exited completely and there are still top wallets that are continuing to slowly shrink in size. Eventually the dumps are going to slow down or stop completely, so it's only a matter of time

>> No.54108934
File: 58 KB, 848x342, BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like 13 or 15 days you think? Maybe somewhere around there?

>> No.54109072
File: 1 KB, 64x64, 1678791313688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nervous about the logo change. If it's the devs face and the white paper is nothing but meme and honor posting I'm dumping my entire stack immediately.

>> No.54109086
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1678791422651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54109160

if it's the dev's face I'm honestly buying more. It probably will be, the NFT thing is all his face too.

>> No.54109380

You are idiot. It‘s 26 comments on a comment with 57k of views, not the original post. Really loosing patience here with you filthy pajeets.

>> No.54109520

I warned you all

>> No.54109546

kind of agree about the logo, certainly hope its not his face and is actually something at least vaguely creative.

dont really give a shit about the whitepaper tho, i almost think it would be worse if all of a sudden they have some revolutionary WEB3 AI CHINA PRIVACY bullshit

>> No.54109560

Sorry sir for not mastering the pump and dump platform known as twitter

>> No.54109604
File: 255 KB, 1080x2065, DBI vs 4k bitcoin pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated graph, even more based. I didn't think it was possible to pump even harder while btc remained at 12% growth, but look at it go

>> No.54109630

>looking at 15M chart on smallcap

>> No.54109657

>not looking at 1m chart on DEX coins during parabolic movement
Lmao @ your life

>> No.54109802

i buy, I hold, I capitulate

>> No.54110330

We need some news, this gamble is looking worse by the minute

>> No.54110868

Only news you need to hear are very old news. Smart money sells when hype is at max and stupid money is providing liq for their exit....so yeah. Tnx for playing anons.

>> No.54111244

not gonna lie, I lost 3 eth betting on this. that is, if I cash it back into eth. fuckin hell mates, when is it ALTS turn

>> No.54111451

Maybe that last 10 eth sell was you...

>> No.54111515

>18 posts by this id
Yes ser we will feed the village for many moons now ser

>> No.54111516

>btc pumps to 26k
>this shit dumps from 0.022>0.018
What the fuck

>> No.54111733

Priced out jeets seething, desperately trying out to invent new fud, while we pumping.

>> No.54111737

lol if you sold, smart money still holding big news, nft, cex coming

>> No.54111741

Someone picked up $50k worth just now

>> No.54111819

cex confirmed

>> No.54111941
File: 54 KB, 991x672, Money apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're just fashionably late. That's all.

This transaction? https://etherscan.io/tx/0x70f31fdfacee32fb4c57489e0cad7d23469409aa1e965b9cfaf2d30572cb6e30

What makes you say that? They'd need much more than that for a liquidity pool IMO.

>> No.54112022

Yes. There is a second transaction minutes later for $13k to the same address. This individual knows something

>> No.54112054

announced just before >>54111741
what about liquidity we'll start burning soon

>> No.54112115

I'm so fucking glad I dumped this last night. I'd be schizo posting 50 times if I missed a 2nd 4k+ btc pump

>> No.54112141

Things getting really interesting now… feel pity for all those priced out jeets and swingers.
No, not really, no pity, get rope and fuck yourselves jeets. Swingies get rope.

>> No.54112170

It pumped below what it was at before btcs pump. YESTERDAYS PUMP. Fucking cope retard

>> No.54112282

Hahahahahahahahahshshsj dbi will pump well above 100m in the least expected moment. Just 8d ago Dbi was at 18M and you are complaining because is not following btc rally?

Once dust settles, shitcoins will start to pump and this one is in the head of the spear

>> No.54112320

Don't care. I spent a 2 weeks holding this shit just to miss out on a guaranteed BRRRR pump. Every coin was massively green yesterday. Every coin is massively green today

You are the blackest gorilla nigger I have ever seen

>> No.54112387

You don’t diversify your shitcoins?

>> No.54112417

Not enough. I fell for The Dev doing videos with half the crypto space. No CEX means what the fuck was the point

>> No.54112461

>I´m making others responsible for my decisions!
no one pointed a gun at you and told you to buy. You gambled and lost shortterm , it is how it is.

>> No.54112570

nope, we're all just gambling

>> No.54112580

This threads got to be full of shills. 4 hours ago you niggers were giving me shit for only investing 2k, now it's "bro it's a gamble deal with it"
Lmao fuck this board

>> No.54112671

Eventually. I know this sounds like muh two more weeks, but CZ and Jesse Powell aren't going to publicly support some random shitcoin without any prospects - in their line of work, reputation is everything.There WILL be a CEX listing in the near future. I'm pretty butthurt about missing out on today's pump too but we'll both just have to live with it.

>> No.54113026

>i am missing muh dopamine on muh pump

>> No.54113076

One small problem. Jesse and CZ never publicly supported this random shitcoin. And they would be retarded if they have done it.

>> No.54113214

Have fun holding a coin that drops twice while bitcoin goes parabolic

>> No.54113529

I don't see a problem with the logo, I like the current one.

KYS retarded nigger, fuck outta here.

Jesse has vids in person with the DEV, retard.

>> No.54113544

I am holding bitcoin, I am fine. Now go sign up for jeet rehab, your hands are thin paper.

>> No.54113774

Why is this shit not pumping?

>> No.54113845

we came up with that term, don’t come here and use it like you know what it means faggot

>> No.54113892

is this a bot or esl retard?

>> No.54113894
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>> No.54113920

I asked why it’s not pumping, not why it pumped two weeks ago retard

>> No.54113943
File: 24 KB, 295x640, 3E4887B0-E8EB-464C-9A70-453A6DE51D4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54113963

Bullrun confirmed. Btc and Eth are running and look to hit 30k and 2k respectively. All shitcoins besides the cex pumping stalwarts (Cardano, Fantom, Avax, Shib ) are going to fall quite a bit. IF this does not, then that says a lot. I would say that means a Cex is supporting it. So I’m watching with my small stack (right now).

>> No.54113981

It practically did x10 in just one month.

Do you really think that it’s possible to pump from 3M to 100M in just one month without pull backs or keeping steady for some days?

>> No.54114002

Nigger this is equivalent to selling Bitcoin at 19.5k and holding USD, stop coping

I have a 600k stack but I'm fucking tired of how he don't even follow the market via triangular arbitrage through the LP
If it at least went up like that I wouldn't complain but faggot whales keep on selling to push us under .02

>> No.54114030

>pulled back and kept steady for some time already
>ignored massive bullish news and pump
>hurr 30x in a month?
you’re a retarded newfag

>> No.54114038
File: 60 KB, 1200x444, 4576542565221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next binance

>> No.54114072

>without honor what do you have
apparently more than 344 views

>> No.54114106
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>> No.54114142
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>> No.54114165

>5m chart
This is the new low here, nobody had been bigger retard than this. Congrats.

>> No.54114190

You realize it’s a fresh new tweet?

>> No.54114270

Actually its a 5 day chart. Retard.

>> No.54114286
File: 163 KB, 430x525, 924762972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its 5min

>> No.54114293

Yes, enjoying living in the richest european country, while you are some midwit from midwest with no health insurance, american education and not being able to speak any foreign language, maybe with exception of basic Spanish which you picked up during your shifts of washing dishes in restaurants with illegal aliens to make your living. Maybe you will make it in your next life, mutt.

>> No.54114352
File: 41 KB, 619x500, 952BAB0E-D2B3-40EB-BF49-3C9F0C3DB2C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow 1000 views we did it twitter
I’m European you dumbfuck

>> No.54114447

DBI shills are becoming more and more pathetic. I like how no one is buying, I guess you tards ran out of morons to buy this crap, tweets are doing nothing at all.

>> No.54114582

I’m waiting for the nfts to drop before deciding whether to sell the other half of my stack. The problem with this project is apparently no non jewish man left alive is capable of marketing shit

>> No.54114592

How’s weather in Romania today?
Btw 3600+ views in LESS than 1h. And it’s not under the latest tweet but yesterday’s.

>> No.54114707

>3600 views = 3.6 interaction on average
>I tried baseless ad hominem and got humiliated once so let me try again
bots and npcs are indistinguishable

>> No.54114711

But why are you waiting on that? That has already been priced in. Only thing you will get in 2 weeks is a thousand people with plans on dumping nfts on some random noobs. I wonder what will that do for the price.

>> No.54114773

I'm convinced CZ was photoshopped in that video

>> No.54114866

Why would he tweet a reply to the video talking about how long the video took to create?

>> No.54114937

Looks like this is Kraken token.

>> No.54114995

>muh ad hominem

>> No.54115005

look at this shit
Can't catch a bid, worse than selling Bitcoin

>> No.54115037
File: 136 KB, 1023x615, Screenshot_20230314_171623_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54115092

Looks like the pump is imminent.

>> No.54115165

simple shit eaters, sell your bag and save your 20$ for food or a night in a bed/hot shower/taking a shit like a human... and mostly gtfo of here your not getting cheaper entry,

>> No.54115396


>> No.54115431

Why has the sentiment turned on DBI? I’m sitting on 500k and am perfectly comfy waiting for the real pump. A lot of short sighted comments in here. if you were in, and you’re out now you were never gonna make it, and your not gonna make it on another token.

>> No.54115695

>massive bullish news and pump
funny, was market blowing up and return of bear 2 days ago.

KYS nigger.

>> No.54115773

Pajeets keep fudding because they want a lower entry. Ignore and report.

>> No.54115875

actually, entry is lowering just fine without jeets

>> No.54115944


>> No.54115995
File: 222 KB, 1080x1676, Le Golden Bull Run 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54116291

I am unhappy because I sold BLUR at 70 cents and ETH at 1450 dollars to buy 600k of this. The price was .02$ then. It's still 0.02$ now. So I basically sold my ETH at the bottom and am about to miss out on the BLUR pump holding this shit. Cost opportunity man. Thing is, if we had just held ETH ratio to when I bought in, we'd be almost at 0.03 by now, but the retarded whales keep on selling the moment we break 0.02

>> No.54116668

One more thing, this is an eth token. So if eth went up (and it did, massively) and this shit did not move, that actually means this went down. If eth was still at 1450 this would be 16 cents.

>> No.54116949

>retarded whales keep on selling
Would you rather see them selling when DBI is more expensive? They are doing us a favor, distributing the tokens.
Also, I am not moving up the ladder in Holder’s table, meaning if somebody sells it’s sub-1M panic selling jeets trying to catch up green elsewhere buying the tops, not whales. Whales are usually whales because they accumulated wealth doing strategic moves, buying low, holding, selling high, and not jumping from coin to coin like retards here, chasing pumps only to squander the 0.1eth they made on one lucky shot in 2021

>> No.54117102

nft hype is dead, nobody gives a fuck anymore
NOPE, they would have list it already

It's a scam coin by a scammer-looking boomer, he doesn't even know what a computer is, he's an actor. Not even an actor, he was homeless before. Some whale hired him, and bought him some cigars to make some stupid videos. He even hospitilized bc he eat food a week straight first time in his life. Nobody gives a fuck, hype is dead. Sell now, accept that you've been scammed.
nft = scam, is dead. I'll download jpegs if i like them, but like you'll never be a woman, your nfts will never worth a penny.
If i see him in any event, i would beat the shit out of him and rape him.

JUMP, CRY, KYS, it's over. Have fun carrying our bags.

>> No.54117228

Fake and gay kys

>> No.54117382

The NFT thing is getting old. Dev needs to focus on the coin. Fuck the NFT. Also some news of Cex’s would be nice.

>> No.54117489

Again, think strategically for once. The whole NFT circus is to milk money for DBI marketing.
>muh Dev didn’t mention DBI in every video, it’s over
Chess, not checkers

>> No.54117854


>> No.54117955

Andrew, do you have true knowledge of the people behind DBI? Or are you simply a lackey operating the telegram?

>> No.54118121

>it's dumping again
There we go. I was nervous about exiting at a loss but there we go.

>> No.54118123

Wtf why are people selling at .02? They could easily let this shit pump higher and get more

>> No.54118188

2 more weeks bro muh jpg of something completely unrelated to token

>> No.54118240

Its 20 only because of massive eth pump. When you take that into account, its more like 15.

>> No.54118317

Careful anons I'm actually a Jewish overlord trying to trick you into selling CEX tokens for cheapies. My one weakness is you slurping them up first
Oh God the pain no please stop

>> No.54118414

Andrew is just a guy

>> No.54118434

Biz has turned into a jeetyard.

>> No.54118441

No anon you're doing it wrong. Andrew is the guy currently helping The Dev make a video with snoop

>> No.54118512

Hello friends! I am useing the websites!

>> No.54118531
File: 281 KB, 634x650, 474754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoooOo I see and the whale that hired him paid CZ, Jesse and all the other guys to pump his bag right ? Cool story bro, how much to buy CZ ?
You sold too early want to crawl back cheaper, admit it benchud
>nft dead

>> No.54118591

How much for a Uniswap swap right now? Haven't been shitcoin hunting for a while.

>> No.54118839

Tell me about NFTs and why I should care

>> No.54119045

idk but supply is running out. were seeing bigger buys (30k usd this morning) and theres only 40m dbi left on uniswap.

>> No.54119118
File: 1.66 MB, 355x200, 34566533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First NFT on Metadrop other than that...
why should you care ? idk, do you like money ? wanna take the risk ?

>> No.54119298

supply shocks are an actual thing:?

>> No.54119474

You never know
>just validate my ego and don’t expect I behave like a thinking human instead of an npc
go back
another retarded esl
I barely stop myself from selling holy shit
commit suicide cringe faggot and fuck off to jeetgram
>out of supply
I heard that line two weeks ago. I guess two more weeks then

>> No.54119577

you don't know how liquidity pools work don't you
it's not like the entire 1.4b supply is in the pool

>> No.54120089

This tactic was shilled before.

>> No.54120153

andrew, I hope I'll see you in an event, i'm going to assrape you like they did our guy in american history x. you can't find me i'm behind 7 proxies, but soon, you are standing, minding your own business, when you feel a hard cock tipping inside of your butthole, you'll know that's me. I'll do the same to your wagie boomer call himself dev. Daylight rape they'll call it. Ahahaha. Poor guy, watch your back, when i get my hands on you, i'll hack and remove dbi contract with mywayorhighway function which has a backdoor. It's over time to sell because contract backdoor has exposed. Cry Jump KYS, your shit project and nft will have only 50 views. Hahahaha

>> No.54120492

if you ever approached me with that filth there'd be 2 hits, me hitting you and you hitting the grave.

>> No.54120600

Ignoring the FUD in the replies. All we have to do now is wait. The dominos have been set before the roadmap is revealed. If anyone's going to swing, do it before the supply runs out. Accumulation is going to be much tougher when 100% of the supply is owned. Not including the upcoming burn.

>> No.54120764

When is the roadmap being released?

>> No.54120824

Sometime after the NFT drop. I wonder why they're holding out so long. Maybe waiting to get more followers so the announcement gets better traction.

>> No.54121046

How do you check the supply ?

>> No.54121086
File: 29 KB, 753x707, E6FCEA5B-51C8-4E1A-B98B-F8101F62A7F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54121226

Go ahead and sell Pajeet nigger.
>keeps bitching like a bitch but doesn't do anything
what's that, your 1k bag couldn't even make a dent on the chart? You don't say, kek.

>> No.54121257

ETH rugging, now you'll see real price of this shit. Lol.

>> No.54121274

I should have burned all my coins for nfts this is an nft project

>> No.54122056

same here. fucking shitty dev that does NOTHING

>> No.54122072

>pajeet text
>pajeet ID

get out of my thread, benchod gurpeet.

>> No.54122134

just because i love vindaloo... racist coin confirmed

>> No.54122385

Can you please stop talking about supply? Supply doesn't just linearly run out, the price against it goes up exponentially. But that won't happen because most of the supply is in people's wallets, not the liquidity pool. It's called a liquidity pool, not supply.

>> No.54122452

Bump lol

>> No.54122693

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z6fS1AqMjU4 exchange listings soon

>> No.54122738

>racist coin confirmed

I see plebbit is still offline..
Get a load of this dumb nigger faggot

>> No.54122786

When are we going to see the dev write a single line of code?

>> No.54123065

Never since the dev is not the dev

>> No.54123120

>[sirens in the distance]
>>dev here we devvin and dev dev dev Devin exchange paperwork and devin
>zoom on america flag
>>thank you

>> No.54123614

ppl are already getting tattoos. is this bearish or bullish?

Are we really still early if ppl are getting tattoos...

>> No.54123650

Tattoo anon was high iq whale. He knows shitcoin is all speculation
Probably same faggot that posted snoop dogg

>> No.54123832

Make a new thread. I sold so it wouldn't be right for me to do it again

>> No.54124325
File: 31 KB, 300x533, 1607721191183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill operation
>nigger faggot
>confirmed homophobe

>> No.54124410

the dev seem tired af. can be bullish

>> No.54124540
File: 74 KB, 1333x557, dbinextleg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54124774

Hopefully it doesn't take off before friday

>> No.54125018

are we losing momentum bros? im scared

When will 1 ETH = 1 DBI ?

>> No.54125114

>Let me compare my Dogshitfaggot100%gonnarugpull to BTC.
>Im a faggot nigger pajeet

>> No.54125453
File: 28 KB, 562x546, 1675307317123855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you believe anon?

>> No.54126094

fucking lol this thread really highlights how the majority of biz is fucking retarded