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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54081736 No.54081736 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you mongrels still think "le bank run habbenings" are going to happen today after what the Fed did yesterday, are you mentally retarded?

>> No.54081755

FDIC insurance only works up to $250k retard

>> No.54081766

Its happening in front of your eyes

>> No.54081793

Federal Reserve loaning liquidity to banks tied up with good long term assets. Crisis averted.
I mean the banks steeped in Shitcoins are in real trouble, but that's fine.

>> No.54081811

>The fed said everything will be fine
You realize the fed's only real power is to make statements to try and calm the markets, right?

>> No.54081836
File: 52 KB, 700x300, 911C879E-2BC1-4B8A-A086-5B91DB99A74A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it will work, because they said they’ll give the banks however much money they need.

>> No.54081868

Because a lot of cryptotards missed the news due to their interest in the financial industry being limited entirely to the shitposts they see on here

>> No.54081884

FDIC just deleted a bank with over a $100 billion in assets overnight, anyone holding a regional bank stock is fucking selling at market open.

>> No.54081916

I'm talking about the Fed you fucking retard, every SVB depositor will get all their money back from the Fed
no they actually DID something yesterday you dumb fuck, the bank term funding program created yesterday is effectively a de fact bail out of the banks

Are any of you retards even from this board?
You sound like single digit IQ niggers

>> No.54082130

that news was posted on biz relentlessly as well

>> No.54082153

None of their other statements in the past several years came true, are you even from this board?

>> No.54082378

you stupid fucking nigger, the policy was created and the markets have priced in the bailouts, all the banks that get run will use the Fed's new program to bail themselves out
happeningcel brownoid goblin

>> No.54082473

It's poltards as always

>> No.54082690

>1 thread 10 posters 5 glowniggers
you seem upset, good thing the inflation was transitory and ended two weeks ago

>> No.54082747

The Fed stopped giving a fuck about inflation when they bailed out SVB poltard dog

>> No.54082803

Somehow this is even less reassuring that we arent just going to spiral as a society.

>> No.54082816
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 586D178F-D231-43C6-9D8E-07C38FF3D7AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they were saying for two years that inflation is transitory, and yet it’s still here? Almost like.. almost like their word means nothing and you’re an absolute niggerfaggot retard to keep your money in the bank thinking the bailouts won’t end no matter how many kike banks fall (they already are) all the while inflation due to said bailouts makes your banked.com fiat worthless.

>> No.54083124

Bump because bots got exposed

>> No.54085652

>He doesn't go out
Go see how your local banks are doing, faggot. There is a huge bank run going on. I see people trying to withdraw their money in every single bank in my city.