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54072260 No.54072260 [Reply] [Original]

No one's buying
But no one's selling either
So whales are free to put the price anywhere they like
They could place it at 30k or 15k in a matter of seconds
Illiquidity is the Mother of Volatility

>> No.54072335

Who wants to sell their bitcoins when it now looks like the fed is pivoting and will willingly accept a hyperinflationary environment in order to protect richfucks from losing their precious banks and tech startups funded by venture capitalists?

The rising rates were, in typical American fashion, to fuck over the workers. Now the workers weathered the storm and the bankers are getting fucked. That means America will pivot because America doesn't let bankers get fucked. America doesn't let anyone wealthy get fucked. America exists to serve the wealthy, sedentary, capitalist parasite class

>> No.54072419

>sell bitcoin for fiat
>fed devalues my fiat
>banks steal half to bail themselves out
>pay 30% taxes on profits
>miss bull run
Idgaf if they crash it to 10k I'm not selling

>> No.54072581

Tell me, are the Whales in the room with us right now?

80% of BTC hasn't moved in the last 18 months. Fuck off with the whale nonsense.

>> No.54072589

They are gonna drop rates A LOT, only way to raise capital for the banks without doing a bailout.
Say they announce 0% interest rate tomorrow, all the T-bills owned by banks will increase massively in value. Crisis averted and the public are indifferent since it's not a bailout.

But how do they deal with inflation??

>> No.54072746
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whale spotted

>> No.54072779

>But how do they deal with inflation??
by rigging the stats

>> No.54072807

Exactly. If they drop rates they're literally saying "OK, hyperinflation is gonna happen" and it's gonna be real hyperinflation, not what we've been dealing with recently.

One way or the other, things are fucked up. I'm 100% a supporter of hyperinflation though. It's 100% how to get out of a financial crisis while benefiting the working class. Everyone essentially becomes free from their mortgage debt, car loans, student debt, etc which wittles itself down to nothing over time by virtue of the currency devaluation.

Have that. Have some basic price controls. Have some regulations mandating wages so they keep up with the inflation. Workers can make out good because there's plenty of wealthy in America, it's just always been hoarded by the wealthiest .1% of America

>> No.54072816

Fed pivot won't matter. Nobody will lend to crypto institutions, no matter what the interest rates are. The risk is too stupid.
It's over for crypto. You have no institution or normalfag money coming to buy your bags ever again.

>> No.54072837

Whilst I've been wondering if something like this would happen on tuesday when CPI comes out, since it's so crucial, it should be said they don't do that. And if you saw that on Tucker Carlson that one time, and believed it, then you were stupid. Tucker Carlson tells nothing but lies, dude. Nothing but lies.

>> No.54072890 [DELETED] 

People will lend, there will just need to be the appropriate regulations in place, which the crypto community, being full of the world's dumbest retarded libertarians, have always resisted. They make their own problems. But eventually washington is going to say "fuck off, you're crushing the world's economy with your retarded, uninformed libertarian ideas"

PS not only that but I mean...is nobody gonna lend to silicon valley anymore? I'm quite certain they will and if they won't the US govt will step in and encourage them to do so because our govt considers tech's HQing here crucial to our economic competitions with China

>> No.54073115

you said yourself that the system protects the rich, so why wouldn't they rig every single stat?

it'll be some bullshit technical calculation methodology change they'll implement to rig it

>> No.54073402
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I got something liquid you can have

>> No.54073544

Fed should specifically exclude all crypto firms from the bailouts.
The shrieking on this board would be glorious.