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54063449 No.54063449 [Reply] [Original]

Is moving to CDMX, Mexico a financially sound decision?

>> No.54063563

is a nice city, too much movement and it's more expensive to other mexican cities but overall is great 8/10

>> No.54063635

maybe 5 years ago. not anymore since a bunch of faggots like you decided to move there. the one neighborhood you will spend all of your time in and live in (Roma) has skyrocketed in price.

>> No.54063728

Yea go there its heaven on earth, the girls there are so easy

>> No.54063833

ok this is true. you can be a 5 and land an ocho

>> No.54063838
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This, still prety good place to live but don't expect for it to be that cheap after gringos WFH fucks sent rents skyhigh on the 3 hoods where the pasty fuckers dare to live. Best would be to get someone local to show you some cool middle class hood with less brown people around than the average, I would tell you but I don't want you piece of shit fuckes near my comfy hood lmao

>> No.54063891

eres mexicano? tengo ganas de ir para un semana, onions mexicano yo pero naci aqui in estados unidos. que barrio estar chido para quadar me. quiero quedar me donde no hayga crimen. no seas marica y dime donde esta chido cabron. voy para juntar me con unas moras.

>> No.54063934

too many wh*tes desu

>> No.54063941

send em to Las Americas, or Tapito if you're feeling un poco picante

>> No.54063951

No no dont come here you fucking gringo I am starting a racist propaganda against your people here. You gonna ruin more my country fuck you

>> No.54064036

this. They only give you multiple choice questions, and the exams are open book take home exams.

>> No.54064066


>> No.54064083

does kek mean yes in Spanish? I don't know a single word in that language sorry

>> No.54064107

vente a la chingada cabron onions mexicano, voy regresar para rescatar my paisa lindo.

>> No.54064118
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>> No.54064127
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that's not being mexican it's being a chicano fagg and you and your people should fucking own it and be proud of it instead of larping like mexicans or hood niggas and getting shitted on by gringos and mexicans at the same time fucking hell, also literally just research where well to do provinciano families send their faggot spawns to live when they come to study on cdmx schools

>> No.54064144

Be sure when you get there to show that you are an alpha and not to be fucked with. Find someone in the local cartel and curse them out, so they will respect you and even take you out for drinks and good times. It’s a bit like prison but you can have a very nice life if you make the right first impression.

>> No.54064168

the only boards where you can say onions without filtering to "onions" is /int/ and /ck/

>> No.54064251

oh okay you're not even fucking mexican you stupid piece of white shit. im mexican you fuck tard. none of my parents speak english. stop fucking larping as a mexican just because you are wfh as a pussy ass white person.

>> No.54064479

the number of thirty-something femoids who namedrop CDMX should tell you that place is over

but i am looking forward to mexican-american soldiers being sent to mexico someday hopefully soon to contain the human rights abuses occurring down there. maybe the US will never give a shit about them tho idk.

>> No.54064530

nope sorry boyo some people actually know how to speak two languages without sounding like a stupid faggot lmao, I'm as mestizo mutt as they come and I don't have to larp as "based castizo" or "le proud indio" so a chicano faggot feels less sad kek

>> No.54064576

Fuck off we are full. No really you retarded mutts are driving housing prices to the fucking roof.

>> No.54064683


This. I have a couple "artist" exgirlfriends that moved there 3 and 5 years ago after not being able to support themselves financially in the states. Funny listening to their sex tourism stories about how mexican guys will do or say anything to get laid and then turn into lazy fucks when they try and date those guys.

>> No.54064693

White person here. Mexican or Chicano, you're both the same to us. Watching you fight like this is funny.

>> No.54064739

Living in Mexico is cheap at any American salary, if you are willing to live like a Mexican meaning shit neighborhood by American standards, if you want to live with a more elite crowd it would still be cheap in comparison but you need to make good money to begin with.
>moving to CDMX, Mexico a financially sound decision?
Are you going to keep your American job and just work from home? Absolutely. If you are getting a job here then no, you will just be another wage cuck wage cucking it in a different country with a different currency.

>> No.54064753

That's fine by me as long as you keep the fuck out from my shit city

>> No.54064816

i get it, they're from a different culture .same with the women. it's not cool to force expectations on them. it comes with the territory. it shouldn't be a surprise, they're not the same and they never will be.

that said, i find it shameful that they can't look their cartel problem dead in the eye and correct the problem. there's nothing wrong with the business, it's the culture of violence borne out of greed and betrayals that disappoints me.

>> No.54064967

Last time some ranchero dude tried to form an armed militia to stop cartel violence he was so succesfull your shit goverment and our shit goverment stamped him and his men down and put them in jail

>> No.54064998

chinga tu madre, puto
aaah te creas
Ven a Veracruz wey, la vida es barata y las viejas estan chidas

>> No.54065131

Don't worry, I have no intention of ever living in your third world shithole.

>> No.54065139

Don't come. You're not welcome here. You will be kidnapped, tortured killed and burnt.

Amigos mexicanos. Todas las invasiones gringas ocurren cuando los gabachos mandan tropas para defender a sus ciudadanos en el extranjero. Haz patria, corre a la verga a cualquier gringo que veas

>> No.54065151

no i don't like the sound of that. government-sanctioned perpetual conflict like that degrades everyone involved.

>> No.54065172

makes sense you're already on one, no need to move you also have derailing trains like on cdmx lmao

>> No.54065249

agreed I'm just saying is easy to say "why do mexibeaners don't do something about it lol" when everyone who has tried has been made to eat shit 2 months in, it's like me asking "hey dude if globohomo is so bad why does the biggest armed population on the world prefers to shot schools and churches every week, that's crazy"

>> No.54065567

Las chidas en que parte de veracru?

>> No.54065632

Don't come, you liberal hippie faggot. I bet you like homosex that's why anyone goes to CDMX to get fucked in the ass and be woken up by god's fury earthquakes you sodomite piece of shit

>> No.54065704

Is getting beheaded a financially sound decision?

>> No.54066030

No, fuck you. Look for somewhere else. Saw a bunch of chinks and gringos today in an area that's not usually for tourists we already have plenty of foreigners. Also like >>54065139 said foreigners are not to be trusted.

>> No.54066155

Why would you be butthurt over smart immigrants? It’s better than Haitian niggers and mudslimes. All the garbage is trying to get into the U.S. still while Mexico is getting higher quality immigrants.

Maybe CDMX will finally get some better food than street tacos and American chain restaurants. You guys do know that sushi’s primary ingredient is supposed to be fish, not cream cheese, right??

>> No.54066208

true, it was an extreme statement i posted. average citizenry can't be blamed for the doings of the criminal underworld. appreciate your insight. what was the citizen militia leader's name? i recall pictures of these plaid shirted cowboy hat guys with traditional wood-stock rifles in a desert climate geographical region. you know the US media does not report on anything to do with our southern neighbor. it's... suspiciously quiet.

>> No.54066266

Thailand used to cost me 30 cents a beer and apartment was 80 bucks a month. Now it's 700 a month for apartment and 7 dollars a beer.
Tell everyone that Mexico is full and send them back. They will not only ruin it for the Mexicans but everyone else too.

>> No.54066354

Fuck off, we're full.
Go to Monterrey or another shithole

>> No.54066467

>higher quality immigrants
I shit you not public transport in those areas smells worse than ever because they don't shower. But even putting that aside wherever the gringos go wokeism is sure to follow.

>> No.54066689

Puerto si las quieres putillas y Xalapa si buscas algo más acá art hoe

Ya más pal sur no vale tanto la pena, tienen cara de chango de la selva. Alguna que otra se salva pero lo chido es del centro del estado pa arriba

>> No.54066861

wikipedia so it's shit but gives you the jist of it, he was arrested after denouncing our faggot piece of shit globohomo prezi at the time, was jailed without charges for years, was put on parole after he was forced to apologize to the mexican goverment in a fucking youtube video, and quietly murdered a few years after, oh wait no actually he was "checks notes" it was covid bro lol

>> No.54066956

>thirty-something femoids who namedrop CDMX
and even so all they will do there is sit outside wearing some goofy hat and drink alcohol

>> No.54066966

We already have enough woke faggots running around and our media and faggot public university already has a whole generation of women and men brainwashed with globohomo also don't worry we're also full of haitians and guatemaltecos. We should build a fucking wall too lmao

>> No.54066991

oye sera posible armar un trio con dos mujeres? como le hace uno si tengo la lana.

>> No.54068275

I'm currently on a job assignment in CDMX, and the amount of cliche hipster/urbanite faggots is pretty high.

Pretty sure these are the same fuckers that lived in SF/NYC in the early 10s but now are priced out. Beyond me, how the people of CDMX tolerate these faggots- I guess it all does come back to the Jews as they run and own most property in high-demand neighborhoods.

>> No.54068302

>onions mexicano

>> No.54068359
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>> No.54068537

Chinga tu puta madre pocho, jamás vengas aquí.

>> No.54068872
File: 226 KB, 600x399, mexico reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that's why mexico is so reddity these days

>> No.54069223

The gringos aren’t the problem mate. We were the only ones going maskless in Mexico while the entire country was insisting on wearing the cucked things. I remember having a retarded wagie chase me around Six Flags Mexico because I refused to wear the mask. I still see pictures coming out of Mexico with NPCs wearing masks and the gringos not giving a fuvk.