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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54057001 No.54057001 [Reply] [Original]

i am unironically scared bros. the scale of this is world ending. it goes beyond the banks. if there's some other thing that happens on top of this we are looking at really bad outcomes. world war, mass poverty starvation in the west. can we talk here about the actual implications of this? The financial systems are about to implode. i think guys, this time it's actually happening. i hope youre all safe

>> No.54057051

there is a dimension of demons that use human fear as the oil that powers their economy

they have no desire to thin the herd, they just want a big scared herd.

deprive them of oil, just vibe

>> No.54057072
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fear is for faggots, surf the kali yuga

>> No.54057116

I'm getting tired of explaining this. A total financial implosion is literally the best thing that could possibly happen to the lower and middle classes in this country.

Even if this shit mirrors 1929 somehow, look at what actually happened in the depression:

>Economic collapse caused a massive class restructuring/equalization event
>Enormous public works programs that gave millions of people good jobs and improved the country's infrastructure by an order of magnitude
>A war in which we gained far more than we lost
>de-polarization of the american political system because of camaraderie through hardship

all of which resulted in thirty of the most economically prosperous years in world history for the lower and middle classes.

>> No.54057131
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>in the west
nihao jintao, poverty and starvation to the west!

>> No.54057138

I stopped caring I'm literally so broke I can't even go get gas to get a job.
Let it all burn sorry fellas I wish the best for you good guys but my god I can't take this poverty shit forever eventually you just want everyone to suffer as you have.

>> No.54057175

this is a nothingburger
you guys are self-fellating cockroaches

>> No.54057195

Based and long term planning pilled.

>> No.54057203

You’re not going to drag me into fighting russia, iran, china, or wherever else you think you can take me.

>> No.54057217

as long as you have a warm butt hole, you have a way of making money

>> No.54057219

I ain't fighting your kike war, the only war that should be fought is to free America from the shackles of it's tyrannical government.

No taxes, no niggers, no jews, no womens rights and we boom have a fucking republic again.

>> No.54057229

listen i get where youre coming from but this is a currency bubble, not a market collapse... second in 1929 they had like 1/10th of the number of goblin subhumans that we do. selling kids happened, cannibalism, and lets not forget the fucking war. so yea i get where youre coming from and im glad im as ready as i am, my neighbors are not. im worried people are gonna snap. i hope it doesnt get this bad

>> No.54057233

Oh this buttholes exit only, had surgery back there no willing person would ever stick there dick in there.
Think Nicacado with a weirdly dark asshole that has surgery scars.

>> No.54057246

you don't have to fight in the war to benefit from it.

>> No.54057259

It's just numbers can't they just reset the numbers and start a new game?

>> No.54057268

Yeah, I mean I'm not saying it would be good. It would suck really bad for a very long time. I'm just saying that in the long-term, countries that can navigate depressions tend to come out looking pretty good.

>> No.54057505


Based and parasite pilled

>> No.54058622

What a jewish thing to say.