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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54051687 No.54051687 [Reply] [Original]

>banks go down
>no one can get paid
>food stops showing up at the grocery stores
>gas stops showing up at the gas station
Anything else I should stock up on before Monday?

>> No.54051693


>> No.54051704

If the banking system is frozen up do you have a solution?

>> No.54051709

SVB had twice as many bonds as a share of total assets than mainstream banks.

>> No.54051710

>go to store
>steal food
>nobody stops me because money has no value
Yeah I'm thinking we're back

>> No.54051713


>> No.54051726

now you know how the 1930s were like.

>> No.54051725

You wont be going back to that store because once the stock of food is stolen it wont get replaced.

>> No.54051730

>they're gonna just let the greatest scam in the hundreds of thousands of years of human history collapse
>they're just gonna let the Great People Farm fall apart
I mean maybe but I honestly don't think there's much anyone that doesn't already live in the country/Innawoods can do about it. They're not gonna stop collecting taxes so buy lottery tickets or invest in anything else that leeches tax money with priority maybe.

>> No.54051771

Canned food, toilet roll, toothpaste, medicine, soap, ammo.

>> No.54051798
File: 2.83 MB, 3083x2485, biz financial advisor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, you go once. Steal. Then leave
We're facing the ultimate pump and dump. Get in. Grab jerky. Get out into the woods for a week. After niggers are done killing anyone walking around with a starbucks you can come back and do the "good thing" faggotry stuff again
This is financial advice

>> No.54051837

>that'll never happen schizo
I've been schizo posting from tents for 5 years now. Meanwhile you pay taxes to watch Netflix uncle ted documentary.

My ancestors smile upon me imperial. Can you say the same?

>> No.54051888

they aint smiling on you if youre stealing

>> No.54051926
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Lube and kneepads

>> No.54051977

post camp larper

>> No.54051995

You should always have a full tank of gas regardless. For emergencies and stuff.

>> No.54052012
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Fuck giga Hitler. You're unironically right
Here's the entrance, come inside fren. There's shitcoins down here to slurp

>> No.54052016

You guys should seriously have a go bag anyways.

>> No.54052022

don't stress anon, there will be a bail-in before that happens.

>> No.54052026

I didn't ask about your mother's work uniform.

>> No.54052033

bicycle > any fueled vehicle
the minute you run out that vehicle is shit, but a bicycle runs on carrots.

>> No.54052050
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Yes. Like half you niggers don't even have a bottle of mucinex. Best case you have 20lbs of beans from chink aids days and some shitty REI flashlight

>> No.54052051


How much shit can you carry on a bicycle?

>> No.54052063


It's a makeshift shelter.

>> No.54052068

Google "wicycle"
You seen fiddler on the roof? Turns out those slonkers were all doomsday preppers

>> No.54052098

if you're in shape and have a decent storage system (saddlebags or baskets on a rack are good) you can carry enough supplies to rough it for a week or more, i'd reckon.
the only challenge is keeping fed, you'll burn a lot of calories biking around, but that's inevitable in an economic apocalypse anyway.

>> No.54052101

i just need enough money to get to my bunker (apartment)

>> No.54052132

how fortified is your apartment
mine has one door in/out which can be barricaded.

>> No.54052158

So SVB was just retarded and other banks should be fine?

>> No.54052204

They weren't retarded, the bonds were a good investment when they bought them. The rise in interest rates eroded their value.

>> No.54052203


The bigger ones SHOULD have a lot of checks in place, yeh. Retards are actually going to do a lot of panic withdrawals which will make things worse for the big bois.

>> No.54052221

it has a flimsy door and a giant window, i haven't gotten the chance to fortify it yet

>> No.54052232


Guys... this isn't The Last of Us.

>> No.54052238

>Retards are actually going to do a lot of panic withdrawals which will make things worse for the big bois.
it's actually completely rational to get to the front of a bankrun, especially if you want it to happen

>> No.54052258

yes it's better because the stakes are your own life and you get to win real stuff

>> No.54052295

It's gonna be.

>> No.54052297

>this isn't the last of us
No obviously not. It's the last of me. You already lost the game by not acting the moment stimulus checks came to any cunt that had a tex record

>> No.54052309
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how many rounds of 556 do you own and how much training have you done?

>> No.54052310

Yeah. Lead and black powder. :)

>> No.54052312

I'm gonna buy some toilet paper.

>> No.54052348

the most valuable asset in an apocalypse bank fail no bailout scenario where hordes of wild niggers roam the streets after all systems fail and nobody shows up for work, will be your car. being able to escape whatever bullshit youre stuck in will be the most significant factor in your long term survival. so if your car needs repairs, new tires, suspension work, engine work, get it done now before the dollar loses all value

>> No.54052360


>> No.54052370
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>>w-well I'm a techbro, ill just go out and buy tacticool gear and then kill you!
this has been my life for 5 years. I am unironically the "studied the sword" meme of doomsday prepping
You will die to a stick smeared with shit before you even have the chance to setup camp

>> No.54052381

need fuel for a car mate

>> No.54052390

So can't we see which other banks hold lots of bonds and are next on the chopping block?

>> No.54052425


>> No.54052446
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No of course you can't see that. Stop being antislonkmetic

>> No.54052454
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Bros I'm scared. All this doomposting on /biz/ makes me think that nothing actually is going to come of this

>> No.54052472
File: 366 KB, 770x548, 1676845257879554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the bible and monero fren. Jesus is always there and the word of god protects you from evil. Just remember to smile every morning and have an upbeat 80s soft rock song to sing in the shower daily.

>> No.54052514

Jesus (PBUH) is a person.

>> No.54052563

Guns and ammo.

>> No.54052577

No they are all invested in SVB

>> No.54052637

Kek you've read my mind.

>> No.54052656

>señor fuentes

>> No.54052722

>>food stops showing up at the grocery stores
Urban retards are hilarious.

>> No.54052739


Some retards bought shit stocks, that's kinda funny.

>> No.54052748

I'm just going to take out my money slowly using cash back at the grocery store.

>> No.54052766


That actually happened around me deep into Covid. We're better now.

>> No.54052889

my wal*mart ran out of rice.

>> No.54052957


Haha, wow. I used to see empty shelves of all the bottled water except the brand with a bunch of salt in it.

>> No.54053048


>> No.54053087

I've heard this scenario since 2003. Peak oil was a big thing around that time. Oil drum was a popular website.

>> No.54053093

they did a financial stress test of all major banks, and SVB passed with flying colors

Basically the whole system is a rotten piece of shit. It's unironically over and only talmudic scholars can conjure a magic trick to get us out of this pickle

>> No.54053126
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Fantastic I can’t wait to repeat the 40s

>> No.54053238

How do I pay for things with gold

>> No.54053287 [DELETED] 
File: 737 KB, 2254x3000, IMG_2809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this mommy milkers in my face.

>> No.54053427

Man shut up. Everyone is going to use their cars like idiots, and leave their bikes behind. You will be able to find one in everyone's garage easily.

>> No.54054089

put a stick through the seat and balance 100lbs on each side

>> No.54054567


>> No.54054619

You'll learn.

>> No.54054647

The real answer is silver btw

>> No.54054660

Any jewelry shop will buy gold and silver coins.

>> No.54054667

The IRS already has plans on how they'll collect even in the case society collapse

You'll pay up and you'll like it

>> No.54054901

nothing is gonna happen my dude

>> No.54054967

Or simply dont live with niggers
T. Dane, safest place on earth
Feels elite. Nothing ever happens

>> No.54055076
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I'm wildly obese and don't have a job to miss a paycheck from anyway. I'll outlive all of you lanklet wagies. You'll be dead in the streets from starvation months before I drop below 300 lbs.