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54048395 No.54048395 [Reply] [Original]

Economy shits the bed with Obama, Biden and in 1995 with Clinton.

amerifats keep electing them

>> No.54048407

Reagan (and Thatcher) is unironically to blame for the neoliberal hellscape in the West

>> No.54048426
File: 120 KB, 1042x787, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not biden's fault, trump did all of this. Biden is just trying to minimize the damage that trump caused, but a /pol/ chud like you won't even be able to understand this.

>> No.54048612

All you faggots are retarded. Literally doesn’t matter who is in office so long as kikes run it.

>> No.54048635

>It's Trump's fault
>It's Trump's fault
>It's Trump's fault
Yet Biden and all the dems did fuck all to stop any of it from happening for THREE YEARS.

>> No.54048641

have sex

>> No.54048705
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>that feel when trump lifted the regulation that led to this but bidens in office and takes the blow

>> No.54048725

I can’t, I’m a tranny with a festering axe wound for a vag. No one will touch me anon.

>> No.54048735
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Sure thing sweaty

>> No.54048757

Whataboutisms dont run countries. Does the buck not stop with the person in the White House at the moment?

>> No.54048761
File: 209 KB, 1170x798, 0D606E9F-DAA7-48D0-B8DA-EF588822E79A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can’t see how this was Trump’s fault, there’s really just no fucking helping you. You have no idea how terrible shit would be if Biden and the Democrats weren’t saving your dumb ass right now. I’m so sick of this shit I can’t even take it anymore from you retarded republicans.

>> No.54048788

Lo, lmao. The democrats are fucked once the debt ceiling isnt passed.

>> No.54048802

Why didn't Biden roll it back then? He's had years to.

>> No.54048811

Cope. This is Biden's Economy™, troon. I'm going to tell every normie that this economic fallout and inflation is HIS fault, regardless of truth. He will LOSE the election in 2024, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.54048828

Wrong. Jerome Powell is saving us from Biden's stupidity and reckless spending.

>> No.54048854

You do realize that the current government carries the weight of the past government?
Goverments are slow and the impact of a decision is never instant
This shit is the result of the pandemic and the retarded over printing.

>> No.54048895

How much debt did Obama place on Americans?

>> No.54048931
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Please answer the question. The class would like to know.