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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54038833 No.54038833 [Reply] [Original]

We all owe this man an apology. He did what he said what he was going to do and he did the necessity evil.
Type A to apologize

>> No.54038879

He will reverse the rates anyway when the real Jews start losing money, not sure why you care.

>> No.54038900
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>Why do you care about economics that effect you?

>> No.54038904
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Checked and A. Silicon Valley is going to see a lot more real workers now.

>> No.54038916

big tech products are a detriment to my life.

>> No.54038942

>heh lets destroy the only industry that still keeps US 1st world
After that happens the only competitive advantage US has is the US military. Guess what happens next

>> No.54038968


> being a degenerate is real work
> I take pride in this

2023 everyone

>> No.54039015

>rent your property
>not a real job
>rent your holes
>real job

foid cope

>> No.54039016
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He'll start the printers on monday ;)

>> No.54039039

>>heh lets destroy the only industry that still keeps US 1st world

agriculture? techoids are trying to destroy it with their faggoty green initiatives against industrial farming. powell is literally saving the white race

>> No.54039062

based. i watched a bunch of twitter videos yesterday on the tiktokinvestors account and was disgusted by the waste

>> No.54039116

>US being good at agriculture
>agriculture making a country first world
You're just saying random things now

>> No.54039143

Agriculture makes people a shit ton of money, when done correctly. You don't know shit, you are a zoomeroid who thinks agriculture is what makes Africa and South America poor, when in reality it's anti-business environments and niggers asking for handouts.

>> No.54039150

People have no concept of how risky being a landlord is. I'm sure there are some landlords who own property, and it's easy income. But I know some very true horror stories. It's not always easy or profitable.

>> No.54039156

>Dude the world doesn't need more corn, onions, or wheat!
>We need more TikTok chat bots

>> No.54039166

Here's a list of countries that made a ton money with agriculture. Notice that neither is US prominent in it, nor is it full of first world countries. Draw conclusions.

>> No.54039171

>He thinks this is limited to silicon valley
Lolololol go back to /pol/, chud.

>> No.54039185

Now agine of the best and brightest minds went into agriculture instead of going to a boot camp to make $300k a year making another serverless application that supports e-commerce.

>> No.54039192

It needs CHEAP corn, onions and wheat. That's why countries selling that shit are racing to the bottom trying to pay their workers as little as possible. Do YOU want to be that cheap workforce racing to the bottom to become cheaper than workers in Peru or Guinea?

>> No.54039209

>Snapchat and Facebook are what keeps America a first world country
Youre actually a retard good job.

>> No.54039227

Kneepads fire sale

>> No.54039290

Zoomers are not capable of drawing their own conclusions. They need daddy science/government/msm etc to implant it for them

>> No.54039318

Then stop using them, mongoloid.

>> No.54039322

Yes they are actually. Yes it is stupid, but it's also the reality. Dollar is what's really keeping US economy afloat but US economy needs to at least be able to pretend it's first world. It needs to fool the retards around the world who would fall for the dollar meme

>> No.54039332

low IQ response

>> No.54039363
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Honestly, it shows how fake and gay this economy has truly been that employees of publicly traded companies are perfectly comfortable posting videos of themselves doing no actual work.
Imagine that you've been bagholding Nike since ATH and you're seeing this. Why are shareholders seemingly okay with how fake and gay this economy is?

>> No.54039382

What's the matter, are you addicted?

>> No.54039386

He will only do a 25 bps hike.

>> No.54039392

All the women in my office do about 50% of the work the men do.

>> No.54039394

>Agriculture is le bad because poor countries also do it
Holy shit some people are too far gone to reason.

Neither Peru nor Guinea are major agricultural exporters dumbshit. The countries that generally are large exporters rely on modern combines and harversters, GMO seeds, mechanized agriculture, and not underpaid peasants. Basically large harvesters collecting basedbeans and not Pedro who picks your lettuce.

>> No.54039402

No apology. He isn’t done with the job that needs to be done.
I haven’t seen kikes suiciding yet (and I doubt they will en masse).

>> No.54039418

I don't know why anyone would be mad at him in the first place. This economy has too much trash that needs to be swept up.

>> No.54039430

Fuck off Monsanto kike
There isn’t a single American industry that isn’t anti-white or admirable or respectable.

>> No.54039455

are same people that didn't police this inflation still in charge?

>> No.54039458

One of the women in my office was promoted to manager and almost instantly gave 90% of her work to the men. Now she’s insufferable and spends her days sitting around waiting for us to get our work done so she can “review” it.

>> No.54039466

Even if this is easy, it looks piss boring. What a waste

>> No.54039505

No it’s not. The dollar is backed by its global reserve currency to purchase oil via OPEC. The US operates as what is effectively a bank for the rest of the world.
Tech companies could implode just like they did in 2000 and it wouldn’t mean shit just like it didn’t back then.
Techies are like invasive plant species that take over a forest floor and Jerome is a wildfire coming to clear it out.
It destroys that invasive plant problem and creates rich new soil for the native plant life to come back in as well as species that thrive in the ash environment.
It’s all part of the natural process. Everything will be fine but only after it first burns down.

>> No.54039687

If she was promoted, there still is somebody over her. Why not report her if it's so annoying?

>> No.54040374

Get managed bro

>> No.54040410

They don't mean online sex workers they mean lreal prostitutes who got trafficed into that shit. It's fucking horrible. Most of them get groomed when they are teenagers and stay in that business until they are ugly and used up. The rest end up there by drug addiction.They never get a husband and usually have a few gids from the customers. They are treated like human livestock and manipulated constantly by their pimps. So yes, sex workers do more real work than any of you faggots could ever even imagine to do.

>> No.54042210

Checked and A.
I low key respect Powell for what he did.

>> No.54043713

>Notice that neither is US prominent in it
Are you retarded?
The US is the third most represented on the list, behind China and India who also have 3.25x the population of the USA so quite obviously they have to produce a lot more food

>> No.54043890
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I don't need to apologize, I never doubted him

>> No.54043959

Top Lad

>> No.54044045
File: 88 KB, 468x314, 1656085250300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane leftist bitches who fantasize about an easy life as an escort (evidence enough of how failed our western experiment as truly been) lies in delusion just like everything else they believe. They think they can go put up fliers and get paid for sex and that's the end of it. In their fantasy they don't get confronted by Niggerella and Gorilla Joe at the foot of their apartment wherein they exercise their groid-rage until they receive $5000 and a promise you'll get out of the game. Illegal sinos tried this back in the 1970's, they learned very quickly why the prostitution scene is 99% black with the remaining 1% being white women pressed into service by literal slave-owners. Nigger zones are real and all prostitution lies in their territory.

>> No.54044094

Absolutely based. The best Fed President of my lifetime. Might even be better than Volcker if it he doesnt capitulate to the tech trannie mob. Rolling for a 100 bps hike for the next FOMC.

>> No.54044187

Honestly? Islam was right.

>> No.54044218

Yes, but now he picks lettuce for Chang.
Along with the rest of the colonies
Therefore Americans might look into agriculture after all

>> No.54044286

He's just doing his job. Why are people mad at him for trying to prevent the USD from inflating out of control?

>> No.54044476

> leftist bitches who fantasize about an easy life as an escort
could use some of this:
>get confronted by Niggerella and Gorilla Joe at the foot of their apartmen

>> No.54044506

Blessed Powell, long may he live.
Hope his wife makes him a nice steak when he gets home.