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54006120 No.54006120 [Reply] [Original]

>El Salvadoran president legalized Bitcoin and built factories inside his own mega prison using the arrested Gang members as slave labor to produce materials (mostly school materials and furniture) while at the same time lowering crime rates.
Are you sure Bukele is not lurking here?

>> No.54006237

That sounds pretty awesome, kinda like El Presidente even more now.

>> No.54006273


>> No.54006297

Has always been /ourguy/

>> No.54006318

What would happen if America had a leader like this, financially speaking?

>> No.54006330

Is it even feasible? Bukele is /ourguy/ but let's remember that El Salvador is a miniscule land compared to USA

>> No.54006338
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Alt right president Ford needs to get it on

>> No.54006349

that was trump and he left a ruined economy.

>> No.54006388

If this place is a hellhole, then why don't they let me in? Am I doing something wrong?
>t. 476 points in Express Entry

>> No.54006468

The left would call him a fascist and dictator

>> No.54006507

How do I long El Salvador?
This place is going to become one of the only good places in Central America now that they told the American overlords to fuck off

>> No.54006585

Another L for democracy.
In a democracy this ckuld have never occured the criminals would go to jail get out and repeat forever but bukule gives a shit about laws and acts how it is beneficial for the salvadorian population and not for some laws in a book muh

>> No.54006589
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I like what he did and think that most people who are "critiquing" this strategy are probably pedophiles, but this kind of thing would only work in central America and possibly Mexico or Colombia.

MS-13 are a unique gang because their old-heads all get tatted from head to eyeball to toe. So they're very easy to spot, and even if you don't know whether they committed a crime or not, you basically know they've been involved in crime because they're FUCKING TATTED FROM FACE TO TOENAIL.

In US the only way you could successfully do this and reduce crime is, yeah you guessed it, essentially rounding up all the black people in the inner-cities and questioning them and start throwing them into jail/prison using confessions and rats. You'd have to start there. Blacks, then latinos, then whites/mixed mutts with tattoos. Which is obviously unconstitutional and would literally never happen. But if you did that in the US you'd get the same crime reduction as Nayib bukkake in El Salvador. Just can't do it that easily here.

>> No.54006615

Beyond all doubt Nayib Bukkake is an anon, probably /pol/ /biz/ and /lit/

>> No.54006620

pedophile opinion

possible pedophile, would need to hear opinions on reducing crime and killing/imprisoning serial gang-rapist criminals

>> No.54006630

>Slavery is cool
>Having money that loses values in the blink of an eye is cool

Anyone that actually likes that dude is a fucking chud. Not even qualified to lead a country. Nothing cooler than making poor people even more poor. Disgusting. I really fucking hope the toppling of his regime is quick and swift. I think everyone on Twitter would even cheer if his carcass was dragged around like gadafi for a bit.

>> No.54006645

no one cares what you think, mentally ill tranny.

>> No.54006665

>Anyone that actually likes that dude is a fucking chud

now here's a very clear pedophile - calls throwing rapist gang serial killers in prison "slavery" and typed ">SOOOOOO BASED ZOMGGGG" without a hint of irony. Someone like this should be thrown in prison without Miranda rights or representation before he touches more little kids. Sickening!

>> No.54006675


>> No.54006714

im gonna rip the stickers off ur subaru

>> No.54006735

upon review of this post, I think I've been trolled. My defense is that I've had a couple of beers so it didn't seem that obvious

>> No.54006737

OK, so you are literally just a cave racist and Canada is actually a great country.
Good thing that you have no power and will be a minority soon.

>> No.54006740

Kill yourself glownigger.

>> No.54006744

Buy real estate there
learn spanish

>> No.54006890
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>learn spanish

Honestly, I think a massive contingent of Americans moving to a country like El Salvador or Colombia (or to a gayer, less based extent, possibly mexico) would be one of the coolest things possible. Wealthy Americans moving to these countries and establishing powerful expat communities could really signal a shift in global politik and economics, especially if they were to build on crypto/bitcoin being their currency of choice.

Learn Spanish, learn the local culture, establish a strong political identify (bribe local officials) and go from there. Opt out of the cesspool that USA is becoming and start over again. Latin America is the only clear choice for this even being possible.

>> No.54007542

He may have posted here. You fuckers better support him vocally and tell these Human Rights IMF tools to fuck off.

>> No.54007559
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Pic related

>> No.54007646

I've thought about this a lot and I think it's only a matter of time. Some of these places (and people) in South America are incredibly based. Take Colombian women for example. And they have plenty of natural resources and tourism potential if managed properly and made safe. At any rate, with where North America is heading, Whites will have to emigrate at some point.

>> No.54007755
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holy basado
Saludos desde Panama mi Presidente

>> No.54008054

I was thinking this already while reading the thread, imaging a world leader shitposting here with us. I want to build houses, farms, infrastructure….bring efficiency and ingenuity into local communities. Micro-farms and micro-brick factories and recycling centers. Similar to how Castro created and handed out citizen engineering guides when they were cut off from the west and then learning how to rebuild and test an electric motor became no big thing for the common folk.
Well, Looks like I’m learning Spanish boys. See you in El Salvador friends.

>> No.54008376

in my state most of the crime is commited by white hillbillies and junkies

>> No.54008433
File: 8 KB, 247x204, Pepe_Smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have the barebones infrastructure of a totalitarian surveillance state that would make the Party from 1984 blush. You're making this far more difficult than it needs to be. A Patriot Act 2.0, longer minimum sentencing and an expansion of the prison industrial complex would get it done without a return to segregation or mass internment of innocents.

>> No.54008444

bruh, im sure your a fine person but if all of your country enters canada it's not going to be a GREAT country anymore, but we both know this has already happened and when you get here you will be miserable and complain about whites

>> No.54008502

Colombia is the American dream and its already filled with Americans. El Salvador I think is the same.

>> No.54008654

Imagine being one of them and the guy in front of you farts and you have to sniff it all because you aren't allowed to raise your head haha

>> No.54008777
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based AF
I already know some spanish, I think after this bullrun i'll move to el salvador with my newly acquired wealth

>> No.54009479

Why they all same skin color

>> No.54009491

because El Salvador is antisemitic

>> No.54009520

He is so awesome it makes me tear up a bit. Globohomo is sure to assassinate him.

>> No.54009559

>fascist and dictator
I am starting to wonder if that's even that bad.

>> No.54009640

Everywhere is fucking shit now

>> No.54009677
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Been saying president bukkake needs to put them in giant hamster wheels to generate electricity.

>> No.54009786

Lit pretty high iq for a sh*tskin

>> No.54009798

They're basically forced to become monks.

>> No.54009869

America has the biggest prison population in size and per capita of any country in the world. Financially we're fucked because bankers control the monetary system and a president that doesn't kneel to them will never sit in office.

>> No.54009876

Seriously. I'm wondering how good some of these shitty countries would be if they crippled corruption and drug crimes. Bukakke seems like an alright fella for a brownoid

>> No.54010489

>Imagine being one of them and the guy in front of you farts and you have to sniff it all because you aren't allowed to raise your head haha
Imagine being the guy at the front knowing you're about to f'yart and the guy behind you is going to have to imbibe it's heady vapors because he can't raise his head up

>> No.54010521

>you basically know they've been involved in crime because they're FUCKING TATTED FROM FACE TO TOENAIL.
Good crime IQ test there. Literally print ID all over your body in indelible ink thinking that's
>a good idea

>> No.54010610
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Andrew Jackson would be so pissed if he were alive

>> No.54010656
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only human can be slaves
they chose this life, now they are just cattle

>> No.54010681

This. Imagine having pity at these MS 13 fucks. These are not your average nigger shitheads in the street. This motherfuckers are Satan Incarnate. They literally rape, kidnap, and torture for shits and giggles while masking it as """"no choice""""". Hell these are the same fucks that MICROWAVE BABIES. Slavery is too good of a life for these demons

>> No.54012715
File: 198 KB, 1080x1349, 1616712387034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore. El Salvador now has 2% of their adult population in prison right now due to Basedkele. USA isn't even close.

The reason US has so many prisoners is because the US is full of criminals. In fact USA has an underincarceration problem based on the crime statistics.

It will never happen here because no US politician could arrest 2% of the adult population and not cause social instability/unrest. Based on demographics and crime stats alone, that would require the arrest of over 20-30% of the adult black male population.

Good luck selling that in woke america.

El Salvador can do it because MS-13 is such a vile despicable scumbag organization, the people cheer it on.

>> No.54012866
File: 111 KB, 1496x1214, 563f66ff-0428-46da-9df4-b9016b6b4fc0_1496x1214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hard to overstate what an accomplishment El Salvador has accomplished with these tactics.

Imagine a mayor in a shithole American city getting these results.

>> No.54013405

Why are the guards faces covered?

>> No.54013741

I would guess so that their families can't be targeted.

>> No.54013746


because they kill people

>> No.54013890

Too big a gamble. If bukkake doesn't consolidate power the next rat will simply undo all his shit or bring his narco buddies along

>> No.54013970

You would get talked and killed by the locals who are tired of your meddling and corruption. What makes you different than the rats from ms13 that got deported there 30 years ago? Not to mention you wouldn't have any of the luxuries you take for granted. Good luck eating meat regularly for one

>> No.54016311


>> No.54016452


I Am John Galt

>> No.54016596

it's spooky, fear is the greatest method of control

>> No.54016638

there is something that gets me extremely hard about seeing individuals who are normally rebellious and resistant to authority being bent to the whims of the state.

>> No.54016823
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I just want this in my country

>> No.54016952

I thought the prison industry was some sort of labor industry. Otherwise it’s just a loss having to feed negroes who just keep ocming back

>> No.54016976

Honestly more whites should go over there and try to force their values onto the society. It’s already a small place and canada is unsalvageable

>> No.54017074

Castro really did that?