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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 1023x1023, verge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5398421 No.5398421 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5398449

I sold at $0.05 :[

>> No.5398455
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1331, HODL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you fucks. YOU DIDNT LISTEN


>> No.5398515

I don't buy scams, whether they'd make me money or not.

>> No.5398546



>> No.5398558
File: 183 KB, 1190x1114, 1512875328076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mooned as the result of back room deals, bribery, and organized whale manipulation.

Yup definitely not a scam.

>> No.5398577


For what? It's still a shitcoin that isn't actually private

>> No.5398630


this meme needs to die

>> No.5398662


Prove to me how a fork of a non-private coin with the only change being TOR integration makes the coin itself private

>> No.5398673

>runs on tor
>tor exposed 3 years ago as not private

what meme?

>> No.5398674


>> No.5398687

It wouldn't matter if tor was private or not, with a naked blockchain it's not private.

>> No.5398735


Sure. a 3 billion dollar deal by some forum dwellers.

You are absolutely retarded.

>> No.5398826

a new generation of bagholders is about to be born

>> No.5398828


Where did I say it was a pump and dump? It's fomo building on more fomo causing it to megapump due to being one of the few coins to go consistently green during the BTC correction. That doesn't make the thing actually good

>> No.5398909

I dread the day where we ll have linkies and vergies spammin all day long

>> No.5398930


Nothing about XVG is a scam, dumb fuck. It's actually fantastic, try a transaction.

>> No.5398953

Where's Vergebro to tell me what to do

>> No.5398958


You're a parrot, a pathetic sheep. Keep parroting the same old bullshit, please, carry on

>> No.5398983


LOL exactly. These retards think it's a group of idiots on Discord, Telegram, or worse, 4chan.

There's no whales in the world that can do what happened to XVG (and sustained)

>> No.5399008

>You're a parrot, a pathetic sheep. Keep parroting the same old bullshit, please, carry on
>Attacking the person and not the argument

Tell me how Verge is a private coin itself

>> No.5399013

Fuck off pajeet. You're either quite literally retarded or just want some free money off of stupid people.

>> No.5399024



>> No.5399034


It's not a pump and dump obviously, but it's not going high because of the actual quality of the coin. You don't honestly believe that do you?

>> No.5399052

Don't even respond to that redditor nucoiner. He just calls people niggers and retards when they try to talk about how Verge is objectively a shitty coin.

>> No.5399083

Is this ever gong to come down? I want to buy the dip already.

>> No.5399092

This. The software is a scam, but I don't know or care about the reason for its pumping value. I don't invest in dead end shit.

>> No.5399094

Time to sell or still holding?

>> No.5399201

Me and 3 other whales are going to dump on your ass after 200 sats. Somewhere between 200-300 sats. FYI

>> No.5399222

This is only the beginning.
The marketcap is still small compared to the other top 10 coins.

This will be x4 at 1$ at the end of this year easily

>> No.5399260

>compared to the other top 10 coins.

Oh my god you actually think this is deserving of being a top 10 coin

>> No.5399265

currently is 1800 sat you dumbass

>> No.5399277

same feels bad

>> No.5399298

>Oh my god you actually think iota is deserving of being a top 10 coin

>> No.5399307
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Fuck this fucking coin there is literally NO REASON FOR THIS

>> No.5399321



Spec, technology, utility, etc... is meaningless in this game.

This is a game to get rich. McAfee gave it a jump start and it's mooning.

>> No.5399352

What the actual fuck is going on with this shit? I keep reading about whales and pnd but still missed out on easy x30 gains

>> No.5399444

This will reach 2k tonight

>> No.5399485

why the fuck is this shit still mooning. give me one good reason. Its only going up because retarded 16 year olds are dumping money in like its fucking gods only creation.

shit is fucking irritating, every "livesteamer" on the planet is talking about VERGE DUDE.

>> No.5399541
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> DogecoinFork

Fuck off

>> No.5399546
File: 232 KB, 680x849, there are no brakes on this train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is at place 16 currently.
There are no breaks on this train.
Verge is the Trump of Cryptos.

>> No.5399547

No one thinks that.

>> No.5399552
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 1501735195637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I wait for a dip or buy now?

>> No.5399579

Sure, buy at ATH what can go wrong?

>> No.5399583

There is no reason for a dip to not be the end since this thing is backed on nothing.

>> No.5399620

Nobody knows why this is happening. Verge has always had an army of redditor-tier supporters though, that's one thing I do have to give it credit for. I had 780k XVG in October prior to the countdown clock pump and dump. Wish I hadn't sold for the small profit I made (relatively speaking) back then, but who the hell could have predicted this?

>> No.5399624

buy now or regret it later

I bought at 5 cent yesterday at all time high. Now it is at 25 cent x5 gainz in 2 days and it will keep going.

It is a Christmas miracle. Get on board while you still can

>> No.5399628

Congrats on this seriously but the feds could shut down your shitcoin whenever they feel like it. Invest in things with actual productive usage not some pedophile drug dealer coin

>> No.5399630
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I know you are mad cause you did not listen.

>> No.5399660

Not really dude. My holdings are all green. Not as green as going into XVG would have made them but pretty comfortable.

I'm not going to feel bad about not investing in scams. I'm in this for the technology.

>> No.5399663


Shut down a decentralized open-source cryptocurrency..



>> No.5399721


Why would I think garbage like that?

>> No.5399727

hoped on board earlier today at 24 cents, Took a risk, It paided off.

>> No.5399797

Same. How is this still rocketing like it is? Will it never stop?

>> No.5399813

>Will it never stop?

People said the same thing about DGB

>> No.5399942

It's going to get to peak FOMO then dump hard, where that is is anyone's guess though.

>> No.5399967 [DELETED] 

why does a privacy coin have opt-in privacy functions

>> No.5399992

why does a privacy coin have opt-in privacy features

>> No.5399999
File: 415 KB, 246x224, 1481338785078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a pump and dump obviously

How so? Sincerely asking for an explanation. Thanks

>> No.5400086

I would say 1 $ is the critical point of no return.

>> No.5400117


Pump and dump implies intent to try and convince people to buy by buying in huge amounts to make the coin look valuable. It naturally bounced off of 50 sat support as people should have expected, and was one of the few coins to be green in the BTC correction. This gave people confidence in the coin and caused more people to buy in. Now it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy of fomo causing more fomo (until it all comes crashing down like DGB)

McAffee's pump tweet probably did help though

>> No.5400120
File: 254 KB, 750x836, image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mcafee

>> No.5400135

>he thinks that a 500~ million dollar pump is a impossibly huge amount

crypto is very small, bitcoin, which is 50% of crypto is being manipulated, if u think this shitcoin cant i got bad news for u

>> No.5400143


>> No.5400173

How do we know that's even real.

>> No.5400184
File: 15 KB, 600x447, 1262074700461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, quints


>> No.5400188

>early verge adopters who got in under 50 sats get told enjoy your scamcoin
>XVG breaks 200 sats
>"it's not even private g-guys, is manipulate, pajeet etc."
>XVG breaks 400 sats
>"is not privacy coin, m-monero is private, backroom whales"
>XVG breaks 600 sats
>"LOL nerds making profit, you'll all be sorry when it comes crashing down from the pumpndump"
>800 sats
>"McAfee shills the coin, enjoy your fomo losses, it's all a scam guys KEK"
>1000 sats
>"only retards buy into scams, r-right guys? heh"

it literally keeps going, keep up the FUD pls, I think it's actually beneficial.

>> No.5400204

Business men be businessing, wont wouldnt he, got inside info this is what is going on ?

>> No.5400236

Thank you - I couldn't believe how well it weathered the storm through yesterday and still continues to skyrocket today. I threw $250 at Verge back in the summer and couldn't feel more fortunate, but my hands are shaking seeing 5 figures for the first time.

>> No.5400241

shit do I sell some of my bags at 2k idk what to do anymore I bought at half a cent

>> No.5400304

RSI indicates $0.30 - $0.31 is the upper limit for today. I'm taking my gains and buying back in after it calms back down to $0.26 tomorrow. Just look at those whale walls manipulating it higher and higher and the retards chasing it. Good luck to those of you still staying in.

>> No.5400323


Don't forget to do slow sell-offs to take profit over time

>> No.5400410


>> No.5400444
File: 119 KB, 1000x581, 1513216826482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5400528

It's dumpiiing GET REKTTTT!!! All the money will go to dgb and we're going to have 2000+ sat dgb by the end of next week. Mark my words

>> No.5400533

>he fucking called it on the dot
Teach me your ways senpai.

>> No.5400556

There are some whales pushing up prices most likely, this is going to end like digibyte and a lot of tears, You have been warned.

>> No.5400570


>> No.5400608



>> No.5400615

weak handed pussies spotted

>> No.5400646

This is going to make Digibyte look like a walk in the park.

>> No.5400670

I never owned in the first place, VERGE HAS A FUCKING RICHLIST. IT IS NOT PRIVATE. PERIOD. This is not even a fucking discussion, so what you are seeing right now is rampant speculation and manipulation. But keep holding and then enjoy when it loses 95% of it's value since there is NOTHING to back up its value.

>> No.5400702

calm down noverger

>> No.5400708

Reminder dev and friens own 50%+ of all coins

Enjoy getting dumped.

>> No.5400719

just rebought on 1800 and it's going up again, stay mad pajeet

>> No.5400795
File: 41 KB, 324x322, 1495831618777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold at 1750 thinking that was it, theres no fucking way it can go higher than this so quickly
>haha watch this 2000
please go back down to at least 1600 so I can stop wanting to kms

>> No.5400810
File: 19 KB, 647x292, 3892349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's dumpiiing GET REKTTTT

>> No.5400833

Naa I'm just salty mate. I was 50/50 on 6 of december where to put my 300$. Ended up putting it SYS lol.
Glad I bought DGB at 200 sats tho.

>> No.5400846

you bought the dip right?

>> No.5400904

kek. It’s a shitcoin, take some nice gains and GTFO cuz it’s gonna crash hard. This is not a game changing coin in any way shape or form, just be honest with yourself

>> No.5400935

Well it’s true brainlet

>> No.5400980


> Has to be a game changing coin to do well


The whole Crypto scene is propelled by hype and hype alone.

>> No.5400997
File: 16 KB, 661x372, sad cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad? I'll be laughing my fucking ass of when it finally corrects to where it belongs. Enjoy going down with the vergen ship retards. So tired of these Verge shill threads. Better prepare your sadcat.jpg like the digibyte holders. Pic related.

>> No.5401072

Wont be used by businesses, held by a group of autists giving it value and offers nothing over other privacy coins, a garbage dogecoin fork, good luck.

>> No.5401091

Who /waiting for the btc crash/ here?

>> No.5401153

>3bln market cap
>group of autists

>> No.5401182

Keep the fud going boys it only makes my hands stronger

>> No.5401183
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1506716235365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/biz/ what dooooo


it cant keep rising like this, can it?

my face hurts

>> No.5401206

Ok, let me rephrase it for you, filled with dumb money.

>> No.5401221


>> No.5401271
File: 53 KB, 960x720, 1513116531674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my portfolio doubled today on this coin alone

what goes up must come down

but WHEN

oh god

>> No.5401293

Calm your tits. This motherfucker will go up to 0.50 before crashing and burning. Just hold, you'll thank yourself later.

>> No.5401326

looks like Verge its going to hit number 12 marketcap coin, its very close to do that, then its big coin club

>> No.5401411
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>> No.5401427



This whole market is propelled by peoples belief and speculation in the value of whatever coin they're investing in.

It doesn't have to be real.

>> No.5401475

I'd call it here desu

>> No.5401539
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>> No.5401553

y-you sure?

>> No.5401603

spotted the vergin

>> No.5401639

Guys why did I not buy this coin at 60 sats?

I went with TRON instead and that coin has done fuck all after the initial 5x

>> No.5401660

Fingering my own asshole is pretty fun. Favorite pastime second only to buying LINK.

>> No.5401708
File: 49 KB, 418x500, 1513932347713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 200k at 315 sats.
Sold at 300 sats.
I wish bittrex would delete old orders, probly could prevent some suicides.

>> No.5401731

Literally nobody knows 'for sure' but history will tell you that this is ending soon. It's a pure gamble at this point.

>> No.5401741
File: 98 KB, 1316x524, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 14.19.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dip or dump?

>> No.5401747

Because you lack conviction and are one of the normies empowered by the misgivings of hindsight. If you had any real desire to earn money you'd be constantly DYOR, following dates, and buying ICOs. Stay poor and chasing pumps.

>> No.5401768

Party's over, go home now

>> No.5401781

Ready the pink boyos

>> No.5401793

Realest post on /biz/ today.

>> No.5401802

Bruh it literally does nothing new and even with that they’ve failed to deliver multiple times. It’s fucking dogecoin run over tor

>> No.5401810

>not fomo back in

>> No.5401823

Those who bought at 1k8 better prepare enough wojaks to post later

>> No.5401853


Doesn't mean it can't make us money anon.

>> No.5401854
File: 111 KB, 1098x831, verge snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake boy climbing the money tree

>> No.5401867

That dump comes in fast and furious lmao

>> No.5401870


what the fuck
how did you know?

>> No.5401897

Bought 40k at 90 sats and sold at a loss during a crash because i was a pussy rookie, kill me now.

>> No.5401933

>sell order still pending

>> No.5402002

Straight to 900 sats now boi

>> No.5402033

I had some Verge and I sold at a small loss but used that to buy Cardano a long time ago instead. Can’t say I’m particularly mad but damn I had no faith in this.

>> No.5402043

I was literally just talking out my ass. This is my first day trading cryptos, only ever used them to buy drugs before, I've never even so much as looked at a stock market before. It just made sense.

>> No.5402084

>tfw no drugs rn due to btc's shit transaction fees

>> No.5402106

Back to 1700 sats boys.

>> No.5402125

It just refuses to die, incredibly. Here we go for another ride. This is something which has never happened before in crypto.

>> No.5402162

>the only exchange in my country that has it is down

>> No.5402167

Yea I haven't even bought any in nearly year, I just happened to have like $5 in BTC that I forgot about which magically turned into ~$100 so I figured I'd come play with the big boys. This is fun.

>> No.5402233

I need my fix and im not normie enough to get any irl
Hope things will clear up soon
I'm happy for you though anon. Nice move

>> No.5402269

DGB did the exact same thing 6 months ago you fucking moron

>> No.5402288

i bought at $0.05

>> No.5402290

This shit is getting manipulated like fuck, some dickhead is putting up and taking down 30BTC sell orders.

He lets it recover a bit and then puts new sell orders down.

>> No.5402301

not even close lol

>> No.5402341

It's for the better, this shit needs to calm a little, you can't skyrocket all fucking day.

>> No.5402387

>never happened before

Holy shit the normies invasion.

>> No.5402448

im sorry but i also think you are about to get corrected

>> No.5402451

Don't mind me just scooping up the dip.

>> No.5402495

not yet, it might dip more. it went out of the macd 4 times.

>> No.5402597

Anons, im a n00b entering the crypto world & want to buy a lambo on the moon and smoke moon rocks with ya'll. What do you think of this potential portfolio:
TRN 8000
POE 4000
FunFair 4000
Verge 1200
Stellar Lumens 600
Cardano 300
Ripple 210

>> No.5402707

>NOTHING to back up its value.
I wonder how many times I've heard this before in this market.

t. just bought verge for the first time since 9 sats

please let this be the bottom, I'm tired of getting fucked by digicoins

>> No.5402784


cya at the moon

>> No.5402786

lose poe, lumens, verge, tron

>> No.5402815

don't know about POE and FunFair

The rest is very solid but more in the hodl kind of way.

Do not expect x10 gainz over night from this.
TRX/tron might go x2 today/tomorrow though

But for now this is pretty good.

>> No.5402837


More Ripple

>> No.5403112


>> No.5403197

Bought at 1900 satoshi
Well guess I'm fucked

>> No.5403339

It sells off at every ten cents. Did it at .09 and .19 and now at .29. It's both whales selling and sell orders.

>> No.5403352
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>BTC-XVG LIMIT_SELL 2214427 0.00000015
fuck i sold 2m of this shit coin for 15sat back in may.....

thinking about offing myself right now

>> No.5404151

Exactly. I had a few million Verge and dumped it because I saw it was obviously a scam. Sorry for actually having smart investor logic where I only hold things that have actual potential and not shitcoins like XVG.

>> No.5404317
File: 140 KB, 1793x1313, 1506013015242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i still had mine I would've made $1.1 million off of only a $12k investment . How do you think I feel?

>> No.5404356

hindsight is always a bitch, everyone could be a multi millionaire

>> No.5404657

I sold at 250

>> No.5404734



>> No.5404895
File: 230 KB, 500x333, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this much of an overt beta that is mad they ddidnt get in on the next privacy shit con moon. honestly consider the rope