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File: 305 KB, 2700x1519, chainlink_functions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53996559 No.53996559 [Reply] [Original]

So Chainlink Functions released and it's looking like the easiest way for Web2 devs to interact with Web3 without learning entire new skillsets. Is this really going to bring a lot of new talent over to the blockchain/smart contract space or is it a nothingburger? It sounds like each function call will cost LINK as well. Is this the moment of max opportunity as far as a LINK entry? I haven't been this bullish on a project in a long time but it isn't moving and a lot of people have told me Chainlink is a scam.

>> No.53996595
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Listen nignog melanin pancake swap bitch, lots of anons here hold at least a suicide and it doesn’t matter what faggot fud you try any which way you do, I will keep holding this stack and there is nothing you can do about it except seethe uncontrollably. Meanwhile I just shorted 20k pnl and I sit comfy because I actually know how to leverage. Can you say the same, retard?

>> No.53996620
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Chainlink = underperforming ponzi scheme

Sergey = financial dominator

Link marines = submissive cuckolds who fell for the $1000 EOY memes

>> No.53996643

>So Chainlink Functions released
its a test net

>> No.53996686


> make actual Chainlink thread
> Fudders come and try to ruin it immediately

So it isn't about the quality or importance of LINK threads, it's actually about *ruining* LINK threads even when they're good. So you can't use the excuse that we've been here too long or talked about LINK too much, you're just here to shit on LINK, specifically, even if the topic is new functions that make smart contracts better and more easily adopted.

More and more I am convinced that there is a concerted effort to get anons to sell the LINK they have and to get new anons to stop buying LINK. There is no other project out there that gets this intensively scrutinized, chased down and insulted. There is something going on behind the scenes and the powers that be don't want people to own Chainlink.

Why? What is going on here.

>> No.53996700

they're only letting FAANG chads on because they're done throwing bones to third world shitter dev teams.

>> No.53996730
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not reading that wall of text cuckold

>> No.53996738

i checked the test net and their seems to be regular usage. i dont know what im looking at though

>> No.53997244

Good job proving his point chud

>> No.53997305

are there any users of defi though? mostly it seems to me that removing flashbots and mev search requests means we dont really need layer twos because the spam for mev is causing congestion and tricking people into believing there are real defi users out there.

>> No.53997314

Why are fudders always using jewish psyops and post things related to sex? Every posts is about cucks and cock cages. They even have 100s of shopped pictures and look at them everyday..

>> No.53997432

Chainlink functions is a big fucking deal but not in and of itself. Just like all of their services, one by itself is not a big deal but when all the services are packaged together in one place and secured by DON's it basically becomes the ultimate web 3 and web 2 dev library.

>> No.53997443

LINK -1.5%

>> No.53997444

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE
Jesus christ.

>> No.53997448

If we ever get actual crypto adoption and real world applications, yes, it will be because of the work CL labs has been doing since ICO.
It's a big IF, and even then - every goddamn office computer in the world ran on windows and had MS office installed while Microsoft stonk crabbed for 15 years.

>> No.53997454


Checked. Really makes you wonder how tightly theyre monitoring other forms of communication - Reddit has not a peep of Chainlink discussion.

Isn't it odd that the main place you have LINK discussion is coincidentally the place that has the least censorship?

>> No.53997485

>Really makes you wonder how tightly theyre monitoring other forms of communication
no not really. rory couldn't get an organic community going and it would be too obvious if employees posted about chainlink day in day out on reddit like they do here

>> No.53997492

>admitting you're beneath even redditors

>> No.53997511

>chainlink functions bro, so hecking bullish
may I ask what makes this shill thread so great?

>> No.53997554

It’s because trannies are the easiest to hire. They have a vitriol unmatched and free time for days.
Their anger knows no bounds because they type as they dial8. They are powered by bitterness and spite because they will never be women.
The problem is, their hatred leads them to use the only material they have. Things sexually humiliating in nature are their only weapons, they realize they have made themselves cucks and so they project on their targets.
It’s laughable because only other trannies would be effected by their bullshit, we just watch 8pbtid trannies desperately try and earn their wages by lashing out.
They’ll never be women, they failed at being men. They’ve cucked themselves and castrated themselves with hormones and have to stretch their gaping wounds to maintain their illusion.

>> No.53997557

>Make Shill Threads Great Again
Remember when 42 was working with Trump and he was fighting in sone sort of Christian Jihad on Twitter?

>> No.53997571

why would chainlink oracles be needed on web3 when https outcall oracles are proven to work instead? chainlink does nothing for web3

>> No.53997597

Imagine if MS's stock was needed to run MS Office, the value of the stock would skyrocket.

>> No.53997624

Pretends to be a neutral investor:
Writes an absolute essay of estrogen motivated seethe when someone criticizes link:

Least sane bagholder

>> No.53997727

i just find it bizarre that these retards don't understand that every post they make about an allegedly unimportant shitcoin just makes them look more and more bizarre
look at how mad you can make them just by pointing this shit out

>> No.53997814

>look at how mad you can make them just by pointing this shit out
chainlink is a psyop. i have been psyoped. i hold link. there is no community not on here or anywhere. its just employees doing paid marketing. i am angry because i was tricked by a marketing campaign

>> No.53997890



>> No.53997893
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these fudsters are salty about losing their bags of link to bancor, Celsius, and linkpool to name a few.

>> No.53997918

they were good marines only following orders and they lost their linkies on orders from high up rip

>> No.53997960

Press F for Functions

>> No.53998011


Has to be more to it than that


This shit is deranged and nonsensical. There are plenty of tokens, even straight up rugpulls, that have gotten to the mcap of LINK and dropped - none have this many ravenous fudsters lurking on fucking 4chan of all places, not even bitching but actively making shit up and misdirecting people from Chainlink.

Is this token literally so important that they want to make sure nobody buys it before banks can accumulate? That's the impression I'm starting to get.

>> No.53998052

no i hold link and fell for a marketing campaign
>crazy people on 4chins
yes this is where they live
>this token literally so important that they want to make sure nobody buys it before banks can accumulate? That's the impression I'm starting to get.
craziest statement itt. checked. is this the new marketing angle?

>> No.53998055
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>chainlink is a psyop thats why i post about it all day every day even on holidays even though i claim id never hold it!
you're as dumb as a nigger yet trying to behave like a kike
the absolute state of tranny fudcucks

>> No.53998114

checked. I can admit I fell for a paid marketing campaign. its so transparent when you follow the employee alts on twitter and see them play characters like the fearsome eric wall epic fudder but he was replaced by chris blec and now Eric Wallach shills for chainlink if you can believe that.

>> No.53998488

>its a paid marketing campaign that puts you 6 figures in the green
wow i sure got duped!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just sold 100k
kys fucktard

>> No.53998893

Checked. The only one telling you to sell is yourself.
There is no reason a viral marketing campaign like Chainlink cannot make money. Isn't that the point of a marketing campaign?
example https://twitter.com/crypto_bitlord7/status/1633710570410250240
>even I fud Chainlink
Chainlink has no organic community. It has employees that take shifts as shiller or fudder. By playing roles the company can pretend it has a community but everything is gatekept and held hostage to kyc walled gardens.
example https://twitter.com/CharlotteFang77/status/1633644193305468928
>Tribal cultures with gatekeeping norms and incircle/outcircle formed identities but without the abusive control mechanisms or exploitation found in the 20c cult metaphysical certainties return [2] within self-organized network phenomenons of digital tribes [3] as a symptom of consiliensus reality

The search for meaning is arguably what led to the success of the Chainlink Viral Marketing Campaign. Slave laborers never realizing they are being exploited because TONIGHT WTFWT but now I think it is clear to most that the years of servitude put in by many in exchange for magic beans is not going to pay off.

>> No.53999075

>Technology has a teleology; its advancements follow natural law, each new result an inevitability, rapidly distributed & decentralized. Only counter-thesis to counter this undeterring march relies on the destruction of human consciousness itself
Natural law states that every significant advancement was built off the back of a disposable workforce of slave laborers and Chainlink is no exception. The LPL incident should be fresh in the minds of many. It was however the search for meaning that lead people here and the respectable employees [not anons and I can tell you fucks worship professionalism and not chaos] are surprised when they dox the sad life of someone searching for meaning? They fud because it gives them purpose and purpose delivers meaning and structure to their lives. Now that meaning is lost and there will be nothing to discuss in eleven days when SWIFT drops their new thing and Chainlink is not mentioned once the shills will scramble for meaning.

Will they find it?

>> No.53999158

not reading your incel manifesto chud

>> No.53999222

And will you read the next paid marketing crumb hunt instead? Will that give you more meaning than my "incel manifesto" as you call it?

>> No.53999235


I like that you're taking a different approach to FUDding, you probably deserve a promotion. But unfortunately, you own LINK and are a liar.

>> No.53999339

shut up chaincuck

>> No.53999349

>I like that you are lying but about what I will not say
>You will never get me to sell (ha-ha) [although the only one talking about selling is not you] [[[[redacted]]]]
Yes anon I have said many times that I hold LINK. I have held it for years but did it deliver meaning to my life?
And when SWIFT does not mention Chainlink in ten days or so tiktok what then will the pivot be? AI? DeFi? GameFi?
I think crypto is not about users. I think it is about a certain in group within the larger tribe profiting at the expense of others. LPL woke me up to that. Chainlink too as many including the fudder turned shiller Eric Wallach struggled to account for revenue and gas fees. But it is a hiding strategy I know. And when meaning is lost how will you find it again?

>> No.53999359

It's a poorly kept secret that Chainlink fudders are bagholders themselves

Go on Chainlink's Twitter. Most of the comments on their posts are the same

People are pissed that the value of the token has been dumping for two straight years now and so many have lost most of their investment

Meanwhile, Chainlink isn't doing a damn thing to generate hype for their product or pump up the value of the token they sold to people

Why isn't anyone talking about LINK being the currency of Web 3.0? Where is the momentum?

We have this technology that is supposed to usher in the next era of crypto and nobody even knows what it is or cares

It's just all so tiresome. The company has treated all the people who gave them money like stupid idiots who got tricked into giving them money. We get nothing in return for investing in them. Not even an acknowledgement or marketing for the LINK token and how it will be used in the network

>> No.53999440

All of their marketing basically amounts to

"Look at all of this cool shit we created with the money you gave us. Isn't it awesome?! Thanks again for the free money, you stupid idiots!"

>> No.53999483
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Go on to the advisers for matic and you'll see Hudson Jameson and Sasal the scammer. They worked to prop up the token value of matic which encourage excitement and usage. Chainlink? They had Hudson working against them for Vitalik for years literally. Sassal? Big ETH shill. Can shill for others but not for Chainlink. Chainlink wonders where the usage is and when will it explode?

I really think it is an established class of shills like the two above that work against chainlink. Those two might be characters playing a role in Whale Games. The memes dried up the negativity is constant. Its obvious some whales control the shills/fudders and all of them are paid to ignore chainlink. Freemasons do that too

>> No.53999530

The best one was the new ZK thing that no one understood and beyond the seven part blogpost no one tried to explain it or shill it. Unless this is part of some secret plan what is the point of paying for research no one understands? How does that translate into meaning for everyone involved?

>> No.53999817

If you fuckers haven't noticed no actual discussion of LINK is allowed, every LINK thread immediately gets turned into incomprehensible spam noise in minutes so no actual discussion can be held whatsoever.

>> No.53999863
File: 1022 KB, 1080x2160, buildbackbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget that brian wants to 6uild 6ack 6etter and had a meeting with crypto leaders. Chainlink did not have a seat at the table so I will not be surprised when numbers go up for everyone except linkies

>> No.53999950

This is the best way to deal with people searching for meaning. They give none. Everything for or against is just part of some script partially automated. Keep them hooked because they search for meaning but give them none and do not pay them. classic markings of a psyop I can tell by the pixels

>> No.54000287

>no actual discussion of LINK is allowed
because absolutely nothing is happening, wake the fuck up
what do you want to talk about? Vodafone? go ahead, share with (((us))) something we don't know

>> No.54000316

just ignore the spam and the midwit drivel, if you have a genuine technical question someone will probably answer it

>> No.54000336

Vodafone is big if they purchase link tokens there I said it. Companies need to get buying link tokens and stop playing pretend. this is not the EEA this is chainlink is serious business

>> No.54000406

>a paid employee will be with you shortly
Chainlink is so big but they can't infest any new territory. This reminds me of that video game we should all calm down and start playing StarCraft where you need to BUIDL moar pythons to expand your base.

I have a serious and genuine question. How does it feel to ruin someone's life?

>> No.54000596
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>Why isn't anyone talking about LINK being the currency of Web 3.0? Where is the momentum?

Because any discussion is completely derailed by retards like you shitting on your own bags.

Its the perfect tragedy comedy. Its hilarious.

>> No.54000616

Hello I need to speak with a Chainlink brand LINK employee about the price of a particular token

>> No.54000709

>connecting old and new systems is hard for normies to understand
>but these same normies understand the metaverse will be the next big thing
no normies are stupid no one is investing in chainlink they already lost their money and the only people left on this based and redpilled site are people searching for meaning.

Boy I bet that LPL rug hurt HAHAHAHAHAHA I still laugh about Pool Bros IRL NGL I finna shat myself the other day waiting on line at Wendys.

>> No.54000748
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>connecting old and new systems is hard for normies to understand
>but these same normies understand the metaverse will be the next big thing

>no normies are stupid no one is investing in chainlink they already lost their money and the only people left on this based and redpilled site are people searching for meaning.

>Boy I bet that LPL rug hurt HAHAHAHAHAHA I still laugh about Pool Bros IRL NGL I finna shat myself the other day waiting on line at Wendys.

>> No.54000817
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We do not mention price 1keoy this has been cryptographically ordained by the Ministers of Defi and the Priesthood of Web3 Rejoice Cultists!

>> No.54000873
File: 418 KB, 1500x1279, 1677216781689964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>54000709 (You) #
>>connecting old and new systems is hard for normies to understand
>>but these same normies understand the metaverse will be the next big thing
>>no normies are stupid no one is investing in chainlink they already lost their money and the only people left on this based and redpilled site are people searching for meaning.
>>Boy I bet that LPL rug hurt HAHAHAHAHAHA I still laugh about Pool Bros IRL NGL I finna shat myself the other day waiting on line at Wendys.
>he's British

>> No.54000905

literal CIA tier shenanigans itt

What the fuck is so bad about the goyim owning LINK?

>> No.54000945

>literal CIA tier
I wouldn't give them that much credit

>> No.54001005
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>> No.54001021

>incel manifestos
yep i'm just not gonna read em sorry but im not gonna

>> No.54001056

> Is this the moment of max opportunity as far as a LINK entry?
Every second of Link’s lifespan has been a moment of max opportunity.
It’s just that the market and indeed the entire world keeps getting exponentially worse the better Chainlink is doing.

>> No.54001104

>the price of chainlink is the HP of the antichrist
aaahhhh its true FLUSH IT DOWN

>> No.54001175


>> No.54001251

take your goddamn meds

>> No.54001309


>> No.54001342

the fud being so obvious and needlessly hostile, along with the volume of it, actually made me quite a bit more confident in my investment. classic overextension by the fudders, whoever they are. one of them will probably reply to this with something rude, but i'll have left the thread already

>> No.54001551

Pink id is the type of crazy that reminds me of the old horrors of /b/. Where you watch astonished and horrified that a human is out there living a life like this. Unable to look away despite knowing the irreparable damage you are doing to yourself watching some next level psychopaths.
Good stuff.

>> No.54001664

Chainlink made me the man I am today. But I couldn't do it alone. Thank you Sergey, Ari, Steve, Thomas and the rest of the Chainlink team

>> No.54001717

I’m really hyped about it, but it sucks it’s in beta and the CL team is known for keeping this shit unreleased for huge amounts of time. They should have just dropped the ready product after a private closed beta since no one knew about it anyways.

>> No.54001873

Do you know how boring this site would be without your ilk? Own that shit anon.

>> No.54001989
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look at his reply

>> No.54002090
File: 100 KB, 715x520, 3rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, why don't we collectively decide on just ignoring them altogether? Don't give them any (You)'s, and just keep discussing the thread. I'm sure this will make them seethe the most.

>FAANG only
I wish.

>> No.54003056

based thank you anon we are not alone in the world of paid marketing personalities and shift shill/fudders and gpt bots although these are hard to distinguish from jeets
>undisclosed event
>big dump

>> No.54003384

Great thread thanks for posting I love Chainlink Functions

>> No.54003394

Love chain link functions OP thanks for this thread

>> No.54003406

wow Chainlink have Functions® now? This is just what my DAPP orders

>> No.54003476

And you are an investor in this project? A hundred times closer to it than any normie? Bearish.

>> No.54003499

Functions is what a lot of thought we were buying in 2017. Glad to see that vision come to fruition finally. Now we have 2017 vision of CL + a suite of products that dominate the space.

>> No.54003558


>> No.54003574

Post pretending to be a third world shill bot spamming positive sentiment to create an impression of being inorganic and therefore bad

>> No.54003595

Shit takes time man. The internet was around for 20 years before it saw wide spread scaling and hyper-integration. Network effect isn’t an overnight phenomena

>> No.54003624

Hey guys leading developer here for Maker DAO. We use Chainlink for all our data needs and we could not be happier with the service. At Chainlink they are always happy to give you service with a smile. Integrate Chainlink today! Happy trials partner!

>> No.54003625

Yes there is an effort to get anons to sell. I am a staunch contrarian (thanks /pol/) and only started DCAing recently because of the fud.

>> No.54003644

It was easy to hype it up back in 2018/2019 when it was a still a promising new technology and the future was still distant enough that we didn't have to worry that the token hadn't been implemented yet.

It has now been six years since Chainlink issued their tokens, and there is still no clear use case for them or a plan by the company to implement them into their product.

They have built all of this wonderful technology and fulfilled that part of their promise. Meanwhile, the token that is supposed to be the lifeblood of their ecosystem is still sitting on the side waiting to be implemented.

Is it our fault that we don't continue to promote something six years later that for all intents and purposes has no use case or value?

What are we supposed to tell people?

"Buy this token and maybe 10 years from now it will be used for something."

ETH was used from day one. LINK still hasn't been used for anything.

It doesn't even matter if the value of the actual use doesn't align with the speculative value. Everything has a speculative value greater than its inherent value. It's just that at the moment, it still has zero inherent value and isn't being used on their network for anything.

I blame this squarely on Sergey and the team. They are the ones who sold people a product and then used the proceeds from that sale to build something, but never came around to explain why the product would be of any value or use. It's not my fault that I don't continue to promote the LINK token when I can't explain to people why they should buy it.

>> No.54003650

>they’re scared of every thread trying to have an honest discussion
I made a thread the other day about how I was wrong about LINK after seeing the BASE announcement and that I bought 1000 LINK. I got completely shit on by the ‘OG’s’. The hate train goes both ways. I try to have an honest discussion with other linkers as a relatively new linkie and I get shit on. Circle of hate continues.

>> No.54003674

>what is ETH for 1keoy
Based thread by the way desu Chainlink functions is da bomb it could go viral overnight like ETH but not with that attitude

>> No.54003683

They literally partnered with Coinbase for their ‘BASE’ eth scaling protocol not even a week ago.

>> No.54003696

I must say, I do love this Chainlink Functions. Thanks OP for sharing this awesome Chainlink Functions thing with us!

>> No.54003704

bad attitude bad poster! why you bring negatives into my mind fren?

>> No.54003768

Trouble with that is and Arbitrum revealed it for me that ETH has so few users it doesn't need scaling solutions it needs spam guards to protect against mev flooders congesting the network and sending fees skyrocketing. They are financially incentivized to spam the blockchain and no one is doing anything to fix that. I thought Arbitrum would but they Jewed the entire space by selling out to the VCs. Why would you pay to use these systems?

>> No.54003848

let's see who gets it....
Foulds said this means that institutions that do not incorporate ISO 20022 standards will be at a massive competitive disadvantage. For example, when the European Central Bank’s aforementioned Target2 system goes live in March, it will be a “big bang” approach rather than a phased approach.

“That means on Friday at the end of day they’ll retire the old system, and Monday morning the new will be in place. So if you’re not ready, you won’t be able to do business. It’s really more of an existential business issue than just a regulatory issue.”

>> No.54003887

All ChainLINK news is bearish. It's just an announcement of how much money they are spending and the need to dump tokens on the market to raise that money.

Get a loan, Sergey.

>> No.54003923

Ser pls to check the Truflation hub and see it is bad time a very very bad time for loan

>> No.54003973

Thank you for this great thread on the new Chainlink Functions I will sign up (takes 30 seconds) and test drive it today

>> No.54004086

This is pure misdirection and intellectual dishonesty. Link has failed to capture value, but saying it isn't used for anything is verifiably false.

Why would you spout false information if not to misdirect with ill intent?

>> No.54004096
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>> No.54004268

Chainlink Functions is a great product. I use it all the time for my day to day DAPP needs

>> No.54004603

Frens sign up today for the BETA version of Chainlink Functions

It takes just 30 seconds!

>> No.54004747

Are you telling me that there are people put there that honestly never signed up to Chainlink Functions yet? kek it takes just thirty seconds and its extremely comfy to the max

>> No.54005098

Holy shit the organized fud is going extra crazy tonight.

>> No.54005119

Hello anon did you sign up to Chainlink Functions today? It takes just thirty seconds.
Read these comfy success stories

>> No.54005176

>fudders are just salty that Sergey roped them into rugpulls multiple times
yeah i wonder why they dont trust Sergey anymore

>> No.54005506

Fren Chainlink is a trustless decentralized network. By the way fren have you signed up for Chainlink Functions?

Its great and takes only 30 seconds.

Major voices in crypto say that it is truly groundbreaking stuff to be involved with

>> No.54005581
File: 1.14 MB, 1125x1718, CF254EA9-7934-4AC2-9476-F87F7D61CC94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldnt happen to a bigger bunch of smug faggots. Love watching you losers pretend youre ok w the team rugging you. Bahahaha cucks

>> No.54005611

What a shit fucking screen grab you little piece of shit nigger god damn can't you dumb niggers just take 30 seconds and sign up to Chainlink Functions???

>> No.54005655

checked ty for the reminder based king

>> No.54005687
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>itsth a conspirathy!

>> No.54005727

Such a weak ass explanation.

>> No.54005729
File: 1.55 MB, 1125x2095, 5A91DC39-A7E8-4627-878B-63D3F80B6710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it do, tangibly speaking? Im all set on buzzwords so try to talk like a regular man and not a corporate faggot

>> No.54005752
File: 1.55 MB, 1125x1907, 096DD074-916A-44D8-AA3A-2CD76E629040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawmans are all they have left

>> No.54005901

I've recently come to the same conclusion after years of thinking the concerted effort was just wishful thinking. The fud faggots became truly unrelenting almost immediately post smartcon, which is when the team announced the BUILD and SCALE programs. Right when CL announces they're ramping up their marketing campaigns, fud gets ridiculous. It reminds me what would happen if there were two rival entities trying to make their mutually exclusive narratives dominate: when one increases the resources its spending on pushing its narrative, the other has to match it (or become more efficient) or they lose.

The immediate, extreme uptick in fud fags just shitting all over the most fundamentally sound project in the entire cryptosphere, ruining threads and the board in general with their inane bullshit -- it really feels like they're getting paid to do it. I can't even understand how a vitriolic, irrational hatred for the project or for gains lost could drive a person to waste their time so.

>> No.54005932

>pathetic incel manifesto screen grabs
yeah okay I'm not reading that lol

>> No.54005992

>duuuuude I’ll justhth postht screencaps off my own /biz/ posts to make it seem like people actually pay attention to anything that i write

>> No.54006141

It makes you feel good about yourself to think Im incel. But then again youre not a man who likes reality, so enjoy that delusion. Youre probably on dating apps lol, what a fucking loser

>> No.54006154
File: 497 KB, 1125x2436, 08924E2B-6743-44A4-8655-5E5C2A02A2CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres no crying on biz

>> No.54006162


Just look how this phrase started to get spammed so much today. Clearly organized, just like;
>chainlink labs ambassador/employee
>hr roasties

Recently they also spammed pictures of cock cages and every post contains perverse jewish psyop.

>> No.54006165

>>5400614 1
So you admit you cap your own posts? Pathetic.

>> No.54006177

Man, that's bullish af

>> No.54006180

It's easy for me to believe there's a group of mentally ill subhumans who post fud like it's their job because they just enjoy doing it. This scene is full of sexually deviant nutjobs. Thinking they must be getting paid to obsess over LINK and fud it endlessly is naive. You probably haven't even considered chopping your dick off today. Right? How the fuck do you think you can relate to these "people"?

>> No.54006216

Good point and well made. Certainly a possibility. But the timing of the change makes it suspect

>> No.54006221

The newest spam is the "I love Chainlink Functions, this is just what my DAPP needs". I don't understand the logic behind this one, possibly trying to frame it as actual shills.

>> No.54006269

Would it though?

>> No.54006285


They're so desperate to make the team look bad that they're advertising for Chainlink now

Holy shit Mossad come get your boys they tweaking fr!!

>> No.54006371

Confirmed Chainlink Functions Beta user here.

I am satisfied with the product.

>> No.54006434

Hey frens can we all just take 30 seconds out of our busy 4channel.org posting schedule to sign up to Chainlink Functions?

>> No.54006456
File: 207 KB, 680x355, 1676881104497260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey Nazarov co-Founder of Chainlink recently said on Trade Talks
>"Please register your Chainlink Products with us. O-Otherwise the warranty will expire"

>> No.54006783

>Niggers Jews Shilling Chainlink BAD NEWS
there is just no appeasing you schizos is there?

>> No.54006878

No anon, those are just the same people as are fudding, likely bag holders. OGs are around but we don’t post much, not much to say in this climate. You’re good, stay the course. Godspeed.

>> No.54006956

>So Chainlink Functions released and it's looking like the easiest way for Web2 devs to interact with Web3 without learning entire new skillsets.
Does this mean Chainlink is going to finally let me tie my NFTs to game worlds? How long until I can use my BoredApe in CS:GO or put my Fortnite dances in the Blockchain so that I can floss on people in Fall Guys?

>> No.54006983

linkniggers tongue my anus

>> No.54007001

>man child detected
no but soon you will be able to print your nfts into .Funko Pop format with a 3D printer

>> No.54007029

Because outcalls are on the Internet Computer Blockchain

>> No.54007207

MSFT*, also people would just use libre office you dehydrated lead-poisoned downie jeet fag

>> No.54007275

I have never seen anything like what we are seeing here today

>> No.54007295

no one needs to interact with web3 scams

>> No.54007308

no, no one would use office.

>> No.54007568

There’s no non whites there

>> No.54007619

Sooo $1,000 EOM?(arch)

>> No.54007702


Yeah seems like it.