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53986920 No.53986920 [Reply] [Original]

It is over for codefags, yall will be replaced by AI in the next three years. No more $500k salaries for coding react apps, yall have to get real jobs now.

>> No.53986937

Another generation scammed out of their future lmao, learn to code goy

>> No.53986961
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>> No.53986990

kek and rekt'd

>> No.53986995

Kek, it is no one fault you got memed by big tech into "learn to code", no you will have to "learn to weld".

>> No.53986997
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I drew him

>> No.53987001

>3 years
Lol. Maybe 10 years. Also,
A phrase uttered by absolute retards and midwits who have no idea what's involved in software development.

>> No.53987029

>have no idea what's involved in software development.
a bunch of low IQ retards making a career out of untangling knots. your work is 0 value. writing gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds is a detriment to society. writing cross-browser fingerprinting spyware is a detriment to society. low rate era software development was an aberration, we're reverting back to the mean. you will accept a $70k/year salary for the rest of your life and you will like it -- because you're a mentally retarded nigger baby enabled by retard-friendly frameworks.

>> No.53987105

I also thought that ai was a meme but it's not, right now it can't replace programmers but in 3 or 5 years it definitely will

>> No.53987136

Unironically software designers (i.e., the interface folks) will benefit. AI is going to have a hell of a time with beautiful and useful, but the details once those things in place will end up being easy. Imagine software where ALL of the time is devoted to making it work better.

>> No.53987156

>all this seethe
I never understood why you fags hate software so much when you sit in front of a computer using it all day long. Jealousy, insecurity, or both?

>> No.53987160

There will be no need for designers either, AI will prototype everything on Figma through semantic input.

>> No.53987187
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>I never understood why you fags hate software so much when you sit in front of a computer using it all day long. Jealousy, insecurity, or both?

>> No.53987194

What about Ligma

>> No.53987196

hey niggerfaggot let me stop you right there. 4chan isn't a """big tech product"""" and in all likelihood, your mentally retarded congoloid 85 IQ niggermonkey ass couldn't code a 4chan clone in simple javascript -- because you're a dumb fucking niggerbaby retard utterly reliant on frameworks, npm packages, and kubernetes services to serve up a simple static webpage.

>> No.53987226

Figma Pussy

>> No.53987245

I honestly love the AI FUD for SWE. Keeps more normalfags out of the profession

>> No.53987299

PHP + HTML (all in the same index.php), mysql and that would be enough.
>What about the images?
In base64

>> No.53987301

>wahh wahh wahhh im mad!
shut up faggot

>> No.53987321

remember me when your faggot job is automated and you find yourself sucking nigger cock to make ends meet

>> No.53987345

Your job is already automated, I can get Character.AI to create posts like yours and talk to it like this all day.

>> No.53987388

It can generate snippets of code to solve small problems humans have already solved. It can't consume a set of requirements for a complex system (or even a feature), design, write, test, debug and maintain the code. Writing the code is about 10% of the job. So what you have here is a tool that increases productivity by reducing the amount of time it takes to do 10% of the job (for job = something someone else has already done). It might drive low performers out and reduce salaries a bit, but then it also might just make software companies more ambitious. No previous tool in history that increased productivity ever resulted in mass unemployment because people always found new ways to use the extra productivity.
I'll worry when it can automate the entire dev cycle or solve new problems.

>> No.53987433

>4chan isn't a """big tech product""""
No one claimed otherwise, you drooling mongoloid.

>> No.53987448


>> No.53987451

Point is that it improves exponentially. Won't be too long from now that you'll have something truly useful generated by AI.

People claiming we're already there are genuinely retarded, though. ChatGPT for example is NOT production-ready. "3 years" is a laugh. 10-20 years is a more realistic time frame, and in that time frame it's going to be a lot more than just software production that's automated.

>> No.53987484

>4chan clone in js
>static webpage
>Kubernetes microservices
kek youre just spouting buzzwords you've seen on /g/

>> No.53987550

Yeah I've been using it for menial stuff that takes time I needed to convert a massive json map into variable assignments I told it how I needed it done and how some stuff should be converted to fit some classes I made and it spat out a bunch of dart for me so I didn't have to write them all out manually I think it will be a very useful tool although. I'm worried about it not being adopted in the workplace due to licensing concerns my current job banned both chatgpt and copilot for that reason

>> No.53987557


Yeah I'm sure the business folks will manage just fine without us..

No but on a serious note, I am not worried at all. If AI gets to be good enough to replace developers, it will also be good enough to replace:
- all middle managers
- all copywriters/sales people
- all assistants
- all data scientists
- accountants/tax people
- etc, etc, etc

It'll basically replace ALL office jobs. So we'll all be out of a job together.

And if you think your blue collar job is safe, yeah it might be for 5 extra years, until all the office people + advanced robotics take your job as well.

It will be UBI or war. Everyone is fucked or no one is.

>> No.53987563

Whats new here? An AI can generate dummy code for basically free in 3 years?
Nigga we already have indians

>> No.53987570

>2 more years
cope from a fired ex-google employee

>> No.53987575

>code for remaining 3 years and bank $1.5mill
>AI will have already automated low IQ jobs beforehand causing hyperdeflation
>Park $1.5mill with a Jewish AI fund and live comfortably off the returns
I don't see the problem. Just means early retirement.

>> No.53987676

Yeah, considering the paper its architecture is based on was published in 2017 and it took until now to reach its current point, I think we have a good bit of time before it makes anyone redundant.
Even as it improves, those of us already established in careers that require significant domain knowledge (embedded, finance, scientific computing, etc.) will just become a pool of highly sought after experts who know what to tell the AI to do and how to make it actually work. It's really just bottom of the barrel webchildren who will suffer, at least for the next decade or two.
I'm more concerned for my gf who is an artist. One of her successful artist friends is considering a full time job due to things like Stable Diffusion. Again, the top tier of artists will be fine for now, but the less established are going to be hit hard.

Yeah it's currently an automated Stack Overflow copy-and-paster, hardly worth trembling over.

>> No.53987739


What you say is true, however, you either completely lack the higher level brain power required to look into the future, or you have such great levels of copium that you're in denial. As it is very obvious (for anyone with an IQ greater than 120) that this shit is incredibly significant and that we're only just seeing the first babysteps of this shit.

>> No.53987754

Mechanical engineering will be safe :( at least for a little longer. Please PLEASE replace me and grant me sweet release!

>> No.53987798

product manager here I’ll be fine because I’m an early adopt00r

I’m already using it to make me more efficient

in the end somebody has to pull the strings

>> No.53987813


Ones AI is a better programmer than humans, it will become much better at doing human tasks, VERY QUICKLY. I'm sure it won't take much longer than a year for it to design and help produce a general robotics system that is more capable than humans are.

>> No.53987817

Lol right these AI seethe posts about software engineering are always so cringe
More 4chan armchair experts declaring the end of the world because they read a blog post
I’m honestly so tired of every boards obsession with AI. These models have existed for years you’re just bearing about them now because normalfag companies are reporting on them. Anyone in the business knows machine learning has been a thing for over a decade. And yet still we get these retarded low iq posts about AI replacing engineers, AI making whole games “soon,” AI replacing artists, AI replacing homework, AI replacing your parents, AI replacing bus drivers, it’s just so bargain bin midwit tier

>> No.53987829

>two more weeks
Listen to yourself retard

>> No.53987848

>two more weeks
If AI takes over coding, say bye bye to everything hehe!

>> No.53987879


>someone has to pull the strings

Yeah I'm sure it will be some faggot who was too low IQ to do actual development work, so he decided to sell his soul to sit and sit in useless meetings all day and be a pRoDuCT MANAgEr.

>> No.53987913


I'm not saying that AI will completely replace developers any time soon (as in 2 weeks). But it will happen within the next 20 years. And ones it does, it will replace everything else very quickly with it.

t.actually have a AI degree and have been working as a developer for 8 years

>> No.53987992

Considering your reading abilities, you are likely on the wrong side of 120 IQ.

>> No.53988024

He can't even maintain a consistent stance, leave the poor guy to his "high IQ" delusions.

>> No.53988057

AI can only write about what already exists, AI is smart but can't think like a human and has a lot of restrictions too so we devs will always remain relevant, right now my next target is to create a quantum-resistant NFT on QANplatform when it main net launches, I will make history, can your freaking AI do that

>> No.53988066

It really isn't. Any AI that can develop software can also do engineering design. You'd only need technicians to manufacture the stuff.

>> No.53988092


I was responding to this statement:

'hardly worth trembling over."

Also, the fact that you talk with contempt about web-development and simultaneously pretend like 'AI prompter' is admirable is hilariously incognizant .

>> No.53988156

>real jobs now
those are being automated too anon
it's basically over if you don't own property

>> No.53988172

>AI can only write about what already exists
immense cope emanating from this post

>> No.53988203

>I never understood
Just read their posts. Their definition of "programming" is moving stuff around in different formats and variables. They have no conception of the difficulty of software design, code bloat, code debt, defensive programming, large teams, nothing.
Programming to them is the interface they use to control a handful of libraries. Think of them as one step above low code users.

In their case AI will remove the need for them to program. Or to put it differently it will allow low code platforms to accommodate 90% of data "scientists" without them ever having to touch code. The other 10% will be writing the software they use.
It will be the same for many other jobs in various professions.

They yearn to be liberated from having to even be on the path of one day being a real programmer.

>> No.53988303

AI companies raise costs to match 500k salaries
You are forced to buy it and we profit off of investments

>> No.53988308

The ones that earn that much are the solutions architects, not some stinky poojeet code monkey. I'll keep my job for many years, while every single other job will be replaced. That includes lawyers and med fags ofc.

>> No.53988328
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Go for it, In a few months or years not QCT will be the next narrative, it's wise to think ahead

>> No.53988334

>autistic retard who doesn't understand anything yet feels qualified to make sweeping generalizations

i guarantee you that people facing murder charges or possible stage IV colon cancer are going to be consulting living, breathing people and not pajeet stinknigger currycode "AI."

>> No.53988336

>I suck at coding anyway
is what he meant to say, simple mistake

>> No.53988357

Oh, ok, you cherry picked one sentence from a conversation and ignored the context. That makes sense, then. I was wrong, you are smart.

>> No.53988382

Coders are the new truckers. For years they memed about self driving replacing truck drivers, now the coders are getting it in turn.

>> No.53988416

>lool why do you hate phone apps if you use computer
>i am very smart
i made more money coding in solidity from 2017 to 2020 than you did in your whole career, and i still despise software wagecucks
anyone who actually loves programming would despise software cucks and the current state of the "industry". ugly code with dependency hell and insecure patterns for the sake of pushing exploitative products
does a movie buff inevitably likes the kardashians because it's the same medium? does enjoying shooting guns means you must also support israelis shooting arab kids?
you try way too hard to cope with the parasitical nature of your existence. you made the choice, just accept you're a bad person and get whatever money you did this for

>> No.53988437

your seethe is so delicious its like sweet nectar please keep going

>> No.53988448

>NOOOOOOO you can't call it coding!!
>it's called PROGRAMMING and it's a distinguished and highly respected career
God just fucking kill yourself you retard.

>> No.53988461

kek. autistic tinker tranny retards get really touchy about their neurodiverse autismbux make-work jobs.

>> No.53988595

funny how all this experts think procedural programming is actuall programming.

>> No.53988614

All right I read the article.
Turns out that he's shilling his own AI assistant solution.
It's your typical run of the mill grift.

He's the expert and you're the vaxxed cattle.

>> No.53988692

On the flipside that means if you want to start a company, you have infinite programmers at your disposal, provided you have access to them.

>> No.53989115

Cope, med fag. If the job involves pattern recognition, a well trained model is unbeatable. Diagnosticians will be the first to get out of the way, eventually even surgeons will be sucking mr noseberg cock for bread and water.

>> No.53989139

>anyone who actually loves programming would despise software cucks and the current state of the "industry"
This is a fact. The current state of the industry is nightmarish, if it wasn't because the high wage and my greed i would have retired my ass years ago.

>> No.53989142

Um okay this is based. More losers like me so I am not alone

>> No.53989147

kek okay retard have fun dying from a pajeet AI induced medical error while the rest of the white people with 2 functioning brain cells continue to pay for real life doctors

>> No.53989190

>kek okay retard have fun dying from a pajeet AI induced medical error while the rest of the white people with 2 functioning brain cells continue to pay for real life doctors
You retard ass have no idea how easy is to train a model. The hardest part is literally getting the data and classifying it, and guess what? usually experts audit the classification of the data (med fags in this case). inputs = scans, biochemical profiles, you call it. The resulting AI will be just as good as the med fags auditing the classification.

>> No.53989549

Why are you seething about it?

>> No.53989565

Licensed professionals (doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers, architects, etc) are almost certainly not going to be wiped out by AI for the simple fact that the regulatory bodies in charge of handing out licenses will flat out block it. The more likely scenario is that diagnosticians for example use AI tools to make their jobs easier and more efficient, thereby reducing the overall number of jobs available in that field. This would hurt zoomers the most as demand for entry level positions will sharply decline.

>> No.53989578

The fragile coder who shits and pisses his diaper anytime he's called a coder is the one seething.

>> No.53989750

If it's not true then why are you so mad

>> No.53989807

Does being called a coder really hurt your ego that much?

>> No.53989823

for anyone that wants to actually watch the presentation

>> No.53989852

Good, Software Engineer here, I'm going to make money being a professional prooooompter lol.

I kinda already do it with google and stackoverflow, AI will even make it more easy to make money, go on normalfag, read that code and put it together, oh you can't? pay me hahahahaha

>> No.53989869

yeah and autonomous cars are gonna take truck drivers jobs and robots are gonna take fast food workers jobs and 3d printers are gonna print houses

ai is just another fake jew trick

>> No.53989883

Saving the images in a db in base64 would be so much slower and shittier than using a file system

>> No.53990029

That's not an argument, retard

>> No.53990080

AI will lead to the end of software jobs in the same way that power tools led to the end of trade jobs

>> No.53990129

>careers that require significant domain knowledge (embedded, finance, scientific computing, etc.)
Any other good career fields to look into? I do web dev now

>> No.53990264
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>That's not an argument, retard

>> No.53990300
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>years 2025
>all high paying jobs are now automated by Shekel A.I.™
>The last 500k of humanity are forced to mine lithium by hand for their daily McBugBurger
Not looking good for fleshies T bh

>> No.53990413

This basically. AI isn't AGI. Not even close. It's just a tool the high IQ will use to replace midwits.

>> No.53990644


>> No.53991343

if all there is to your tech skills is being a codemonkey you'd have been replaced by an h1b pajeet years ago anyway. the White Man's full-time development job usually also involves higher level design and abstracting ways to integrate with other complicated often proprietary systems, and lots of upkeep and lots of test design and devops as well.
coding up some specific and already laid-out feature is just 1 menial task for them that's often deferred anyway and many would be happy to replace asking ranjesh to spit out some broken component in 10 days with asking chatGPT to spit out something better in 10 seconds

>> No.53991572

if you have an AI degree then you know that AI spits out a good result if the prompt is well articulated and contains all the details and specifics needed for any 'intelligent' thing to figure out what it is that you want

if you've been a developer for 8 years then you know this is never the case

>> No.53991587


This post reeks of someone who ever paid attention in school. You will never have an impressive career. Kys.

>> No.53991771

to be a software engineer you need to be either under 5"11 or have a cock diameter under 1 inch.

just like being a helicopter pilot requires certain physical traits so does software engineering

>> No.53991999

I don't know if it will, right now forcing ChatGPT of DaVinci to write code you don't have to fix seems impossible.

>> No.53992011

The combination of higher interest loans for tech giants means all the worthless worker bloat in these companies is being cut loose. I know of multiple people with cushy jobs that are spending their final 6 months training up their replacements from abroad because its cheaper and the quality of work is good enough.
These people are straight up fucked as there is nowhere to transfer to, the whole industry is contracting. These smug techfags enjoyed gloating while the tech bubble showered them with money but the source has been cut off and they're now irrelevant. In 6 months expect to see a global abundance of tech workers all fighting for the remaining few jobs which will force down wages further.
AI isn't replacing these guys, its outsourcing thats doing the bulk of the destruction now.

>> No.53992255

sounds like a us problem, probably because the wages there are insane a senior Dev here in the UK will only earn like $80000 and our cost of living is ridiculous compared to america

>> No.53992300

Bullshit most code produced by developers you is spaghetti code with no test coverage, good software design practices and violation of every single SOLID principle. You will be replaced by AI.

>> No.53992305

Agreed, I think its really healthy for the field honestly. People who really think AI can fully replace programmers are completely delusional. Even in 10 - 20 years time, there are things the AI will never be able to do unless we reach some singularity shit or truly intelligent AI - if such a thing is even possible - but what we currently have is nothing like that.

>> No.53992342

It certainly won't take 20 years, most modern IDEs already offer full code completions and in combination with copilot you can even generate fully working code blocks based on the comment alone. AI will be able to capture high level requirements from product owners in the next three years and will be able to generate code with ease. You will be replaced by AI in the next three years, so start looking for a new field codefag.

>> No.53992361

Sure, we'll see how that plays out kek

>> No.53992371

>This AI will write the code of five people at a time
>Have to hire a team of ten people to even start fixing its broken ass code
>They all have to work overtime to meet the crunch
>Management has to pay the team so that their brainchild is a success on paper

I for one look forward to the future.

>> No.53992412

This man is dumb. All AI does right now is produce half working code, sometimes downright broken. All the while saying it is confident it works, and saying it never tested it...

AI is far from replacing devs, sorry OP, but you're a nigger. Pretty much everyone who doesn't understand development says this sort of shit. Being a computer scientist and engineering lead means he manages engineers, he has no idea about coding though.

>> No.53992574

>another cope thread for worthless neets

>> No.53992617

it writes loops just fine

>> No.53992648

Until AI can just do everything, programmers will still have jobs and now their jobs are just a lot easier. Now they can just use AI to write code for them. Programmers will just need to debug and piece together code that the AI writes. In the distant future, I imagine only the top ranks of programmers (I.E. PhD levels who are advancing the field) will be the only ones with the skills necessary to work as a programmer.

>> No.53992679

Not only does AI replace junior & entry level codemonkeys, but mass layoffs and hiring freezes have effectively murdered the job market. It truly is over for codecels. I wasted the last year and a half of my life grinding and overpreparing for a webdev job, just for everything to crumble into shit as soon as I start applying. Fuck me. Fuck my life. This sucks.

>> No.53992728

Sure and don't forget there will be thousands of former MANG engineers with 5+ experience under belt competing for the few open vacancies. All the fresh bootcampers and CS grads stand no chance in this market. You are absolutely right, it is truly over for codecels.

>> No.53992760

Only if you're into practical / tinkering stuff

>> No.53992772

Also, overemployment culture taking up a lot of the jobs. People taking on 2-3 programming jobs at the same time to 2-3x their pay.

>> No.53992799

if you try coding with GenAI you see definite potential, but it will take much longer to replace coders... there will be a hard wall, just lie before with AI advances and then we will wait another 10 years to the next level.

>> No.53992810

I'm suffering with this right now. I have a very strong portfolio, make custom cover letters for every suitable job, and even blatantly lie about my experience on most job listings.
I still don't get reponses. I'm at a 4/70 response rate so far, even with dramatic lying about my skills and experience.
It's genuinely over for the next 2 years at least. Not trying to spread doom and gloom, just being real.
How can a bootcamper, fresh grad, or self taught even compete with a seasoned former-FAANG dev? Fuck my life.

>> No.53993387

The simple fact is that you entered the programming field while it was at the peak of its bullrun. Hearing all of the stories about how $200k+ salaries were commonplace and the nonstop gloating from techfags about it was a massive top signal. When you have young software devs making more money than senior level people in established professions like engineers and doctors, something's definitely wrong.

The tech industry needs a reset. AI obviously won't decimate all of the coding jobs immediately, but it'll definitely kill a lot of the entry level jobs. Meanwhile Ranjit and Patel will fill in the remaining entry and intermediate level jobs because they're good enough for it. The management-centric roles will for the most part stay within the US in the short term, but those too will ultimately be outsourced to SEA or India because there's bound to be someone out there as skilled as a racist white incel on /biz/ who can't fathom one of the colored folk being capable of taking on a "white man's job". Wages will correct to reasonable levels one way or another and all of the bloat that FAANG employs will disappear.

>> No.53993410

you people read shitposts on 4trans and actually take them for reality.

>> No.53993426
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> CEO of AI startup clams AI tech is the best way to go
Cool story bros. Love to see low-end wagies seethe too. I'm going to retire in 3 years anyway in my 30s, so I don't care.

>> No.53993908

I used chatGPT for a page extension on Business central.

Code looked right, but everytime I copy paste to get it to work after publishing. It's a clear syntax error. I put the code back in and asked "find the syntax error".

It just kept looping back claiming it was the literal string value in the code it spewed out earlier. But on VSC the Syntax error is saying it's related to an object.

It's fucked buddy. It can replace marketing, it can't replace more complex troubleshooting. Which is 60% of most coders job.

>> No.53993968

Why do we like pedophile elites being able to starve everyone to death by automating millions of jobs away again?

>> No.53993999
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>slightly fancier Google
>now THIS is finally the end of coders!!!!!

any day now, any day now

>> No.53994198

>Why do we like pedophile elites being able to starve everyone to death by automating millions of jobs away again?
No, but you will not do shit anyways so...

>> No.53994398

the honest truth of the affect of AI on programmers is somewhere betweeen these two opinions