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File: 82 KB, 680x649, FELL BAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53977243 No.53977243 [Reply] [Original]

>Elon: Super concerning, looking into this.

Face it, Being smart has never been an advantage. I'd rather be poor and dumb, than a rich genius who is forever alone. It would certainly make me happier.


Fuck money. Its not even real, money is only real in your mind.

>> No.53977263

we are smart enough not to commit fornications and therefore avoid stds and depression

but also no time for marriage because university takes up all the time ;___;

>> No.53977269
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It's crazy how being smart isn't really an advantage in life.

>> No.53977274

Just do enough coke and Molly that you can get laid. Worked wonders for me

>> No.53977277
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Society is made for and by retards.
We used to have small pockets of paradise called universities but some dumbfucks thought it would be a good idea to let the retards in and ruin it.
Now we have to congregate anonymously on bhutanese buttplug enthusiast forums, but the filtering process is informal and only partially effective.

>> No.53977283

Tfw iq 145 handholdess virgin with 300k salary

>> No.53977287

Low IQ's fornicate and breed like rabbits. High IQ people are slow burns, they usually do not start having sex regularly unless they are married

>> No.53977302

Use your smarts to make money !! no one is gonna fuck someone for having a chmess (not a spelling error) score of 10.000; if you can't use your IQ point to make money it's a pointless metric.. Money makes girls = fact.

>> No.53977304

Why are we concerned about children not having sex? This just demonstrates that smart kids tend to be prudent and risk averse. No shit. I started having sex after college when I had my own place. - mid 120s

>> No.53977315

tfw handholdless midwit with 150k salary

>> No.53977316

why do you think muslims and africans have a ton of children while east asians are KHHV

>> No.53977334

I'm 130 IQ and donate sperm. I have 3 donor kids and one more on the way.

>> No.53977342

aren't they minors? kek... these twitter retards.

>> No.53977380

Dumb people are subsidized by the government to breed.
Provide government incentives to smart people for having kids. Require a minimum tested IQ of 120 and offer tax cuts, grants, and loan forgiveness for every child born to a high IQ couple.
Oh but that's discrimination so societal progress can get fucked i guess.

>> No.53977404

>Provide government incentives to smart people for having kids.
Yeah that's called abolishing the fucking government
>Require a minimum tested IQ of 120 and offer tax cuts, grants, and loan forgiveness for every child born to a high IQ couple.
Only a midwit can write this shit unironically

>> No.53977420

the world is absolutely starving for white humans, and trying to fight off an infection of brown creatures.
either we help the earth, or there wont be any cognitive life left to experience it.

>> No.53977547
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>Only a midwit can write this shit unironically

>> No.53977561


Gotta Tardmaxx.

The secret is to never cite your sources and state all facts as opinion or casual observations Also swear a bunch of you're dealing with the 90-110 IQ bracket. Cap off anything even remotely deep with an "I don't fuckin' know, but it sounds right though".

Shifts the way people perceive you. Trade percieved intelligence for percieved wisdom.

>> No.53977587
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>smart man is born
>he seeks smart woman companion
>there is none
>there is no smart woman
>too smart to simp and get divorce raped
>dies alone
and that's how it goes.

>> No.53977605

If you like casual sex so much, live with an African tribe in the jungle.

>> No.53977643

they will become school shooters or genetic deadends though

>> No.53977645

Women selecting 80 IQ niggers instead of 130 IQ autistic nerds like me is why we don't live on Mars yet, it's easier becoming a millionaire than getting a girlfriend if you are aspie, unironically

>> No.53977646

big shame we can't pump those brown numbers way, way up.

>> No.53977657

>tfw low iq and sexless

>> No.53977659

women are repulsed by browns, especially the thought of shitting one out, they're just also repulsed by you.

>> No.53977740

eq is more valuable than high iq, life is defined by interpersonal relations, life is made enjoyable through connections with others, perceiving the world through abstractions is a isolating and a reward to no one

these artificial spaces where the neckbeards romanticize a lie is no different the rise in trannies that seek self validation to offset something missing in their personal life

>> No.53977744
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sea asians> east asians
meds> nords
real latinas> mutt latinas

>> No.53977751


this lol. I'm usually shy af and can barely talk to girls. but when i take molly i can literally pick up any one. coke does nothing for me tho

>> No.53977753

niggers are retarded, letting them 5000km near our people wont bode well for humanity... elon please look into it

>> No.53977771

I took Xanax to get over my fear of talking to girls, but still got rejected.
Now I'm still a virgin, but with a benzo addiction.

>> No.53977772

tfw wizard crypto millionaire

>> No.53977780
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super concerning only because the elites fear the angry frustrated genius because unlike the plebs he is a threat and now with the internet has a wealth of information at his fingertips. I think it will be a nonissue though because VR goggles with "filters" for any face/ body type will have them fucking a bot that looks like a 14 year old ballerina.

source: former /pol/tard turned into a based bleaching /biz/raeli

>> No.53977791


xanax doesn't help with it. has to be mdma specifically, other drugs are too unwieldy. just make sure you don't lose yourself to the euphoria or u will start acting like a retard

>> No.53977794
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EDIT: former /pol/tard turned into a based bleaching /biz/raeli because of egg donors

>> No.53977797

my dick shrinks and does not work if I take molly but yeah it cures my autism for a day or two. I only do it like twice a year tho.

>> No.53977804


that sucks bro for me it works double as viagra

>> No.53977805

bros elon is gonna get us laid

>> No.53977845

It's not so simple.
That harem is propped up by incel taxes.
Let them go completely degenerate with their monkey branching for the top 10%, but that will be without stealing from ignored men through taxation.

The reduced worker participation rate is a signal of what's coming as men withdraw from taxation and society by reducing their income.

>> No.53977881

Except women can’t collaborate worth a shit and typically don’t lead on their own or start their own businesses. I will say that many men are find not being married or in relationships, but women aren’t taking over anytime soon because women can’t stand each other.

>> No.53977959
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>super concerning
Nerd billionaires being into eugenics, surprise surprise.

The thing is the dimwits (white ones) aren't really a problem, they just trot along through life in their caravan with 8 kids doing shit jobs no one else wants to do and paying their portion of taxes. Most of their opinions are pretty much on point too, keeping it simple works.

It's those fucking midwits that need to go, just smart enough to cause trouble and just dumb enough to be fooled by everything ruse ever invented. They think their smart by being one step deeper in their thoughts to the dimwit, but it's still 5 steps shallower than the truth... which the dimwit already reached by not doing what the midwits do of over thinking it just enough to feel smart to the midwit friends but still be underthinking it so that they circle back to the dimwits opinion

Although I guess the vax did kill off the midwits more than anyone, appropriately, so bring on the eugenics

>> No.53977961


>> No.53977993

Both my flatmates are low wage tards, one is obese, neither attractive. Both fuck. The obese retard even has an attractive gf

>> No.53978040

Both of my parents are low IQ but I ended up going to one of the top universities in the UK, found a knack for programming later in life and self taught myself into job readiness within a month.
And I know a lot of people that have rich and intelligent parents that turned out to be complete retards and losers.
The only consistent precursor for low intelligence in the offspring that I have observed is whether or not one of the parents is black.

>> No.53978083

>because of egg donors
What do you mean by this? That you want an asian gf but use a white egg donor to have white children?

>> No.53978102
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>giving your sperm to single toasties
Great idea genius, way to build a better society.

>> No.53978103

At the end of the day the goal of life and evolution is to pass on your genes.
Civilization is supposed to boost chances of such, but our elite (people like Musk) have cannibalized the uber productive in order to privatize and pocket wealth.
Now that the average jungle rat has a larger chance of passing on their genes, smart men aren't playing the game anymore and women are breeding with sexually selected third world males with a greater chance of their offspring being dumb mulatto cattle but being able to pass on their genes due to being 80 iq muhdikk.
Eventually the elite will also be submerged into this vast swath of third world shit, all because they didn't want to pay John a fair salary and let Stacey sit at home with kids.

>> No.53978142

It's worse than you think. The last bastions of white culture are being targeted for destruction.
Have you looked at Russian / Ukrainian instagrammers? When they pick up a hobby, they become excellent in their craft, like true white people do. If you see a beautiful girl absolutely shredding it on guitar, or doing insane level gymnastics, or even ultra pro level circus tricks, nine times out of ten it's a slavic girl in the video. Little coincidence that they are being genocided by NATO policy.

>> No.53978162

Not by accident. The jewish new world order has always targeted empires of the old world. Germans, slavs, british, the middle east. And every time they have to kill each other in favor of jewish billionaires that run the US and Russia.

>> No.53978229

intelligence is inherently dysgenic and high iq people probably realize this. hence the lack of them reproducing. one of the more interesting studies i read noted that STEM majors at ivy league universities are borderline asexual and a good chunk of them never even masturbated, with women being overrepresented over men. they also realize that having children is costly in time and money and probably several other things.

>> No.53978350

enjoy knowing your only life is being lived as a subhuman, incapable of higher order intelligence, compassion, and a culture not gifted to you by colonials.

whats dysgenic are non northern/european genes. there's nothing deeper in it than that.

>> No.53978469
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>Stem major
>High IQ

>> No.53978483

well, quantitative majors tend to be higher IQ, and there are outliers like philosophy.

>> No.53978552

european genes are extremely dysgenic. the least dysgenic people out there are probably Africans. they are the rawest form of natural expression for humanity.

>> No.53978568


You only need to watch this and office space


>> No.53978573

Game-theoretically yes, i.e. everything you talk about when you adopt the concept of a sexual marketplace. It's not experientally a marketplace, but we are all atomized ultraindividuals where it's every man for himself.
In a more ideal world, everyone would get pussy freely, even the "smart guy". He wouldn't get the most, since his contribution isn't mainly genetic, but memetic, i.e. he's the guy who comes up with ideas to advance the whole tribe, to use the stereotypical image of the idealized human 100K years ago.

>> No.53978591
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In the old days if you where good looking you would find your wife through church. If you where ugly you would be matched to an ugly wife. And the rarest cases would get widows or wife's that where dumped. A lot of shitty mariages came from those arrangements but also a lot of good ones. At least everyone could experience having a wife and if lucky some kids.

>> No.53978626 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 1280x720, OpenBet0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love OpenBetAI token.. All the drama, the memes, the community surrounding it, it's really something. But what I love most about it is knowing that in couple years I will be a billionaire. It's not even a 99% chance, it is quite literally guaranteed. As a result of that knowledge, I stopped showering and brushing my teeth over a year ago. There is simply no reason for me to do it when I know I'll be rich. I will be fucking whores every night and laughing as they're throwing up from my disgusting, stinky body and mouth. As they kiss me on my rotten teeth, or suck my stinky, 2 year unwashed hog. It will be quite something. In fact I am already seeing effects of my stinky adventure. Yesterday I went to a shop to buy some cheese and make a stop at McD's for a big mac and the cashier at the store was visibly gagging at the smell of me and trying to hide it. Other customers were standing like 5 meters behind me. It was truly hilarious. And none of them have any idea of my guaranteed, future riches. They must already be so jealous of me. The stinkiest billionaire ever.................https://openbetai.io

>> No.53978762

It's a pretty dumb decision to have sex in high school if you're ambitious, which lots of smart people are. What if you have sex and the girl gets pregnant? Your plans are derailed; your chances of using that intelligence to benefit society in ways only the super-intelligent are greatly diminished.

There's nothing wrong with not having sex as an adolescent. It makes more sense to abstain.

>> No.53978850

>average biz poster is poor and dumb, and alone too
our world is made from and for the ones who are in the mid of the bell curve

>> No.53978852

True enough, but the "old days" had even older days before then. If you try to trace the path of sexual development through human history, you'll see that, when syphilis exploded onto the scene around 1500, people had to become a lot more buttoned-up about sex. There was marriage, yes, but people routinely engaged in activities which we'd consider nuts now, like families sleeping in the same bed (not necessarily fucking), popping over to the neighbor for a quick round, and other such activities.
Around 500BC-500AD, we had what's referred to as the Axial Age, which brought universalist religions to humanity. This was after a period of considerable societal stress brought on early political power structures and the metal-working which they had become capably enough of utilizing, being able to conduct wars and get slaves through metal swords and spears. Slaves were everywhere and were getting raped everywhere too (I know how hot this sounds; it's not as hot in reality). The Axial Age religions had compassion and fairness as core values, compared to the earlier agricultural ones (you know: god dies every winter, is reborn in spring - all that jazz). They did spread the value around that you shouldn't casually rape the woman whose man and children you had slaughtered on the market place stand as a form of quality demonstration, but they have also made us neurotic about sex, inculcating the idea that it was evil. The idea took more than a millennium to fully develop and we're living in its end stage. If you don't believe me, consider how insane everyone is about sex: the politics of sex, the power-dynamics of sex, having "good" sex, bagging a hot wife, consent, the "sexual marketplace", etc
If we go back further, we get the same situation of ubiquitous rape, just without the "institutional" element of it, i.e. when agriculturalists, but without early industrialized smithing, used their superior numbers to exterminate and rape hunter-gatherers, >4000 years ago.

>> No.53978877

niggers aren't human though, they're relics of evolution.

>> No.53978901

Beyond that, it becomes more and more speculation what happened, but you get the general idea.
We give in to our "depravity" because of our instincts, then, if its possible due to sufficient societal organization and the interchange of ideas, we become aware of what we're doing, in a sort of "mythological-historical" sense, and we try to counteract it by adopting moral rule systems. The rules, over time, take on a mind of their own, and they become more and more stringent until they suffocate us, like now.
Our current problem is not that people have too much sex, but that they have too little. In a more "ultimate" sense, they cannot have sex at all. The sex you see is a theatrical performance - most clear in the case of porn, which involves literal paid actors, but also in Cosmopolitan, Tiktok, every Facebook comment, every switching of girlfriends/boyfriends (they only exist to perform a "good sexual role", after all, not as people, so they're like commodities). You know: "sex is about power". I'm not saying that there was never any power involved, but it's been made entirely about power through history. Strangely enough, we ended up right where we started: in old-timey 500BC, it was about power in that the master just expressed his raw physical power over the slave in the market in Babylon. Now it's become fully about power again, but with rules in your head having power over you (you know: "God commands this"). What's changed is that the human has become incidental to the whole act. It doesn't even matter that there's a real woman, only whether this is "good sex", whether "I've made it by getting a hot woman", whether the sex "conforms to morality", and other ideals like that. It's not that the ideal is bad, it's that it can come to displace reality if just think of it as "I MUST do this".

>> No.53978939

tfw jacked chad who gets a lot of female attention and admiration

>> No.53978960
File: 2.93 MB, 960x960, kittens and bigger kitten.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever society prioritizes midwits and fucks over smart people you get breakdown. Like the collapse of Han China. Pushing the actually talented people to the side in favor of "networking eunuchs/trannies" lead to a 100 year civil war.

It will happen again because society lives and dies on the talented. All the fags who brag how they "got this job through a friend but don't understand how it works lol" are the cancer who will wonder why it all went wrong when it does.

>> No.53978968


>> No.53978984

No you're just a retard trying to rationalize why being a retard is a good thing. You will never make it.

>> No.53978990

There are still girls with low/0 body counts in places like Asia and sometimes among the upper class in western countries (though good luck getting one).

>> No.53979001

>not smart enough to lift weights 3-5 hours a week
>not smart enough to charm a woman
sounds like you faggot nerds weren't the smart kinds of faggot nerds after all lmao

>> No.53979134

I'm an unabashed midwit (probably 110-120 IQ) and I can't relate much to the average person unless I'm drunk. We can exchange pleasantries and talk about life a bit but they have to be careful not to say things that make them look dumb, and I have to be careful not to make them feel dumb. It's not hard to imagine someone with a higher IQ thinking that about me. If that doesn't resonate with you you've probably never experienced being the smarter person in a conversation.

>> No.53979154

i did my undergrad in applied math and i took a gay online IQ test and scored 127. you aren't a genius. you're just some fag nerd who lives in his head. real life isn't like your chinese cartoons, full of """"deep, meaningful conversations."""" you aren't unapproachable because you are just TOO DARN SMART for those IDIOT NIGGER BRAINED NORMIES. you are unapproachable because you're a faggot who can't have simple, pleasant conversations with people. you are unapproachable because your body language and facial expressions are awkward, bordering on robotic. you are unapproachable because you are mentally incapable of going with the flow.

>> No.53979168

its over thinking
low iqers just do

>> No.53979178

it's another elon twitter screenshot thread

>> No.53979185

There isn't such a thing as dysgenic or eugenic in nature, there's only adaptation to the present environment. If the environment requires intelligence, it selects for that. In 2023, intelligence isn't required since it provides no real bonus apart from getting slightly more money. Social prestige, sexual charafteristics, and being of specfic ethnic origin is more important.
Dysgenic/eugenic are human concepts at socially imposing breeding standards.

>> No.53979201

wtf i also got 127 on my iq test and did my undergrad in applied math.

>> No.53979210

are you also a bitch who cucked out and did a masters in accounting because you're afraid of pushing your brain to its limits? we should start a club. my cope is, "i make a comfy $100k/year doing low IQ work."

>> No.53979273

I’ll join. Sad part is, I still fuck it up sometimes.

>> No.53979316

It's called being discerning.
I was very high IQ, out scored everyone in everything, blatantly smarter with plaques and trophies to prove it even than future MDs I went to school with.
But I was also soccer captain and had girls after me.
Skanks aren't attractive to high IQ people.
Simple as.

I'm now married to a non skank neurologist and yes I bedded a few skanks ahead of that.
We need grunt labor, who cares of they fuck each other?

This is also btw how you know Elon isn't that high IQ. His wife is an obvious skank.

>> No.53979322

Also I did this.

>> No.53979338

This. I have 13 employees, 10 are women, they bitch about each other constantly, but hey, they work cheap.

>> No.53979351

bingo. the only escape from this is to stop reducing the sanctity of human intimacy to brute game theory, and the bugpeople who participate in this behavior need to be socially stigmatized or possibly executed

>> No.53979367

it doesn’t really matter. iq is inherited from the mother, not the father

>> No.53979376

It actually is. If you are truly 130 IQ you have immense potential to have a lot of money which in turn can buy you the time to hit the gym full time and pursue more meaningful goals, this is what leads a man to the promiseland of pussy.

>> No.53979378


>> No.53979383

Can confirm, 138IQ and khv at 25

>> No.53979540

>above 130
that's male-only territory kek.
It absolutely is, though.

>> No.53979566

Not really.
Smart people are destroying the planet and not reproductive.
Blacks are more likely to survive a cataclysmic event with sheer numbers.
Intelligence is for survival, fucking everything is the smartest thing evolutionarily and every large building or "rocket" is total cope.

>> No.53979575

You’re a fucking brokey

Andrew Tate spends your annual income on a weekend trip

>> No.53979595

Mid thirties low 8 figure nw almost-wiz checking in

>> No.53979599

the schooling system is designed to bring down the skill ceiling and crush anyone above average

>> No.53979603


I mean, eventually this planet suffers a total heat death to the sun. So we do have a time limit on how long we can stay here as a species.

>> No.53979624

No one is going anywhere.

>> No.53979627

there is no way to travel in space except to eject rocket fuel out of your ass, which is why the entire universe is silent

>> No.53979638


t. niggerbrains, this is the whole problem

>> No.53979656

>145 iq
>300k salary
If only you knew how bad things really were.

>> No.53979694

Being smart definitely gives you an advantage because you can always act stupid, if needed. A stupid person can never act smart. It's just one more tool at your disposal

>> No.53979720

Yes, I'm the problem.
We've got millions of years and people like you and elon are poisoning the earth with chemicals for retarded batteries that will never be worth shit in your proposed venture, probably killing us all by 2500.

>> No.53979726

i got 180 on the old outdated pattern based iq test although i admittedly guessed on a few of them toward the end

>> No.53979733

Just get a girl and intelligently gaslight her into staying with you. None of you retards can because you are not actually intelligent.

>> No.53979751

when entire fleets need to change their batteries every 10 years the money wont be there in the budget

>> No.53979781

True, intelligence is suffering. Ignorance is bliss.
This has been true for humanity for as long as we know. Many of the biggest geniuses and philosophers were depressed and/or drug addicts

>> No.53979782

And they'll dump them in the ocean.


>> No.53979801

Our only filter for the low IQ normies is to say the N word a lot, it’s pretty effective at keeping them at bay

>> No.53980079

'N' word...?

Could you possibly mean this one...:


>> No.53980081

Good, kek enjoy your diversity and retards

>> No.53980128

You don't gaslight women. You either have wide shoulders, a big dick, and a deep voice. Or you have fame/wealth.

>> No.53980134

How do we know that average and low IQ people aren't just savages with no self control?

>> No.53980151


This is also an ugly site, and the format is chaotic to the uninitiated. Most midwits like their content clean, curated, and easily digestible.

>> No.53980194

>>there is no smart woman
They exist but they are rare and hidden. However, plenty of women are cunning.

>> No.53980210

Lol you find a girl with baggage or some problem. You get to know her. Let her pour her heart out. Tell you her problems while you act all innocent. Isolate her from her friends and family subtly and do this while having her make all the decisions herself. Make her totally dependent on you. This usually works except if you get attached to her. You also have to be a heartless bastard else her shittests will work on you. Society has made it okay for women to do this to men, but when men do it they're monsters somehow.

>> No.53980253


Women are incredibly easy to manipulate you retard

>> No.53980269


>yes yes the sun's heat death will burn the entire planet to a crisp

>> No.53980300

This is peak midwit posting/trolling.

>> No.53980378

accurate description of midwit theory

>> No.53980422

>your chances of using that intelligence to benefit society

how can someone actually delude themselves that going through academia and then entering the corporate workforce is actually a benefit to society nowadays

social media and tinder were developed by software engineers and are maintained by network engineers etc etc. and the fabric of society is therefore torn appart since the last decade. the mental health crisis is skyrocketing, but we cant only see the bad sides, there are also positives. thank god someone developed an app for counseling, or an app for food delivery, so you dont have to leave your house when you are depressed

>> No.53980493

>you aren't a genius
Reread first 4 words

>i took a gay online IQ test and scored 127
Says it all

>life isn't like your chinese cartoons, full of """"deep, meaningful conversations.""""
Intelligent people actually do have these kinds of conversations often. Go to a fancy restaurant and listen in to what the people on the next table talk about.

>you aren't unapproachable because
I didn't say I was unapproachable at all

Honestly, yes, all they talk about is drinking, sex, drugs, gossip, etc.

>you are unapproachable because you're a faggot who can't have simple, pleasant conversations with people
I literally described having simple conversations, but that's not the same as being able to relate to someone.

>you are unapproachable because your body language and facial expressions are awkward, bordering on robotic. you are unapproachable because you are mentally incapable of going with the flow.
All wrong.

Retard confirmed. You have never experienced being a smart person talking to imbeciles and think being able to exchange pleasantries is more than just a basic social skill.

>> No.53980511

It is, just not with women. Not even a mysognist but being individual and intelligent means you won't be able to appeal to them in the ways they like.

>> No.53980544

hey faggot if you're so smart then why are you crying about how gay and retarded your life is on an anime message board? cope and seethe, retard.
>Go to a fancy restaurant and listen in to what the people on the next table talk about.
fucking LMAO

>> No.53980556

also makes it easier to demoralize us unless you know how to use 4chanx and filters

>> No.53980576

This does not work anymore. The establishment is throwing darts at everyone who gains status or wealth that opposes them. Getting their hordes to ridicule and mock successful men. They have a nearly generation wide lock on poisoning retarded zoomers girls. They use them as a shocktroop cohort to dartgun the successful men. The only group that validation is necessary from when it comes to the mating game.

>> No.53980582

What this doesn't say is that most of the 60 iq guys are not getting laid voluntarily. They're getting buttfucked by the caretakers of their facilities (jail or hospital)

>> No.53980595

he spends his weekends in a jail rotting away. never should've become an (((influencer))) but being a retard that he is just couldn't help himself.

>> No.53980611

Most intercourses aren’t for making babies so who cares? What counts is making babies.

>> No.53980645

>but also no time for marriage because university takes up all the time
this and as a student of whose income goes to rent and food I'm not gonna spend a big part of my 30k savings just to have a gf I don't even have time to see really

>> No.53980659

the government must assign me gf! for breeding

>> No.53980951

My IQ is 140 and you're both boring. That's how I experience you. Boring. Yes I do have off the cuff deep conversations whenever possible (when I'm not around midwits which isn't very often).

This guy gets it. Women don't care about your nerd points. They want success. If you can translate your nerd points into success you'll fuck. Otherwise you're just smart in the wrong way.

>> No.53981096

>His wife is an obvious skank
he doesnt have a wife anymore. he inseminates women he likes through IVF. money and fame makes up for his autism that makes him very boring/socially inept irl.
shivon zilis is cute.

>> No.53981144

>muslim suicide rate
How you can tell the graph was made by a seething mohammed

>> No.53981158

>Now we have to congregate anonymously on bhutanese buttplug enthusiast forums
4channers are the dumbest retards on the planet.

>> No.53981222

igger. Yes.

>> No.53981373
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>> No.53981846

The point is that these "smart people" are willing to destroy the planet so that they can be the ones that "saved" everyone.
Meanwhile in reality we'll all be dead because their literal RETARDED MONKEY tech is nowhere near capable of doing what they want.
Poison is being released everywhere. They are spraying it in the skies constantly. Dumping it on farmland. Digging it out of the ground. spreading it on the surface. Feeding people bugs.
We have plenty of time. It's literally African tier immediate gratification thinking that people are calling "smart.

Ted Kaczinski was correct when he observed that "scientists" have no aim to improve anyone's life.
They are in it for self actualization because they are entirely divorced from the reality of life where they need to work for food or sustenance.
NONE OF THIS is for you. It's for their ego only.

>> No.53981891

Money is a symbol of faith and society contracts, humans being so al creatures value it very much

>> No.53981978

This aint true bruh, if you cant get pussy you are just not as smart as you think, getting pussy in one of the easiest tasks in todays world

>> No.53982008

>women and men being smart enough to know that the risk/benefit of reproducing is just not worth it in current times.
>the privileged start to realize smart technicians expect more from life than just phat asses, gibs and shiny clothes.
Their fall will be epic.

>> No.53982026

At this point I would just accept a set up marriage like in the past, but the girl must not be a pig.

>> No.53982043

in your dreams
in reality everything is gatekept to the nth degree

>> No.53982087

There is no incentive to improve society.

>> No.53982100

Russia has all resources it needs to thrive but they chose AIDS and vodka.

>> No.53982123

That's because smart young men understand that modern women are not worth the time and money needed to invest to have sex once or twice.

Why make a bad investment if all the facts are showing you that it's a guaranteed loss?

Simple economics

>> No.53982152
File: 2.41 MB, 1044x1080, 1674292530689200.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually cant get laid because im too smart guys
>thats why I work at mcdonalds and gamble on shitcoins, because im also too smart for a good job
>HR roasties be keeping me down yo
>im also too smart to get a driving license btw
>im also too smart to move out of the basement
>and muh microplastics be keeping me fat
>im definitely a genius though. only a genius can grasp that niggers suck and jews control the government.
fucking kek. I guarantee everyone in this thread claiming to be a 140iq genius has done absolutely fuck all with their lives. you arent smart because your a sperg. your just a sperg. you guys sound like the black israelites
>akchually black people have magical powers. we just smoke crack and shoot each other because we just too powerful for the white man!!1!

>> No.53982195

hi Mr Noseberg

>> No.53982203

I'm 115, peak midwit & sometimes I strangely grasp the idea of having 140IQ (some pictures, my grains goes fast for a short amount of time).
It must be hell to be smart in these decadent western societies.

Also if anyone need anything to prove niggers are almost chimp IQ lvl : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnw91_B6EeQ

White men are peak midwits for the most part. And chinks are top IQ lvl. However IQ inverse correlated to testosterone. CHinks are smart but fragile like sticks, niggers are dumbfucks but muscular & white basedboy are mid-lvl.

I feel like having 140IQ and living in a western country must be like having 115 IQ (me) and living in Kinshasa (video) it must be true hell

>> No.53982258
File: 584 KB, 700x900, 2636 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi Mr Noseberg
wow really high iq of you. I can understand how women are just so beneath your giga brain.
>see post that offends your insecurities
>must be LE JEW!

>> No.53982296

The fact is social intelligence is required to thrive in current society, and that's something in which women generally excel much more than men. For example, most of my acquaintances are made thanks to my wife, and I know it's also true for my father and my mother. I was lucky enough to meet my wife on internet, but that was 15 years ago, things are probably much more complicated now. For the record I don't know my IQ, I never tested it.

>> No.53982305

I think white societies are top tiers to live in if you're 100-125
Below 100 africa & shitcountries like philippines may be a better choice
Above 125-130 people should go to hong kong, asia & chinkland overall

>> No.53982309

>high iq attracted to low iq
Built for BBC

>> No.53982393

big nose confirmed. How's the weather in TelAviv?

>> No.53982512

none of what Ted said is profound to anybody who reads. Rand made a similar observation decades earlier.

>> No.53982551

You own a company?

>> No.53982659

I had high IQ sex yesterday.

>> No.53982710
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Brown chinks could never compare to real latinas.

>> No.53982725

I'm guessing it's because adult IQ tests are (((problematic))), so proxies have to be used

>> No.53982731

>130 IQ fucking 100 IQ used up roastie because he spend all his youth on making money and building wealth
>children will be 115IQ midwits who will likely destroy any wealth their dad build (or at latest their children/his grandkids will)

>> No.53982764

>I’d rather be poor and dumb
But you are

>> No.53982773

Kek nice edit

>> No.53982793

High iqs realise that in modern society having many kids is a huge financial drain and you’re just going to get some leftist faggot who failed at life who become an early childhood teacher brainwashing your kids about trannies
It’s grim

>> No.53982795

none of what Rand said is profound to anyone who reads. Burke made a similar observation a century earlier.

>> No.53982830

All you really need to attract women is decent finances and physical fitness. Most high IQ incels have some behavioral problem that prevents them from taking action when action is needed most. You could use the term “oversocialization.” To be trapped in one’s head about what others will think, what could go wrong, or if it’s the right person. When most normies would just have sex without thinking.

>> No.53982907

>intelligence is dysgenic
If you see yourself as a primitive animal
>the greatest civilization that conquered the whole world is dysgenic
>20% Homo erectus gene mix is pure
Why not say 100% Homo erectus is natural expression of humanity? What decides what is the natural expression of humanity? You are a clinically narcissistic npc who knows shit, fuck off back to r*ddit retard

>> No.53982941

this thread right here proves /biz/ is populated with 90% midwits

>> No.53982954
File: 73 KB, 552x769, 8233621ede93033aa946fd15039d702ecb2e87c96bbd33669a0c42cb8aef5f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: tgxr+ZIQ) 03/08/23(Wed)12:43:18 No.53982941▶
> >>53977243 (OP)
> this thread right here proves /biz/ is populated with 90% midwits

>> No.53982956

idk but you're 100% homo

>> No.53982960

>high IQ
holy shit no wonder there hasn’t been a single good project shilled on /biz/ in the last year

>> No.53982997
File: 2.85 MB, 370x377, 8B65280C-9870-4B58-961B-644253F0FD4B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
>I’m not stupid y- you’re gay

>> No.53983004

You are an example of oversocialization. Crypto pump-n-dumps = following the herd and losing money. The high IQs are the ones making the rug pulls.

>> No.53983026

>I don’t know what oversocialization means
Who said anything about pump and dumps dumbfuck

>> No.53983062

Not going to respond until you learn how to reply to comments. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.53983081
File: 12 KB, 221x228, ED856391-DF01-4FFD-8005-D7EAC7EF7808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not a bot I’m actually a really dumb human
we both know you don’t belong here

>> No.53983315

What if I have wide shoulders and a medium dick and medium voice

>> No.53983357

The problem is the smart kids are the ones who believe what they're told about women and what women want, and all that bullshit about skipping social life in school for a big payout later. It's all utter bullshit, but it's done on purpose to prevent the smart-but-rebellious kids from being successful enough to topple the oligarchy.

>> No.53983653

Well if retarded poorfaggots didn't get gibs from the gubmint to keep their retarded children alive at the expense of the taxpayer maybe shit would fix itself

>> No.53983760

It would probably be hell if I had ever experienced an alternative. Even the usual high IQ refuges are shit because they're always dominated by midwits and also a large portion of very smart people are socially retarded or otherwise insane making them worse company than midwits. Aggressive OCD puzzle solvers. You know the type. The stereotypes are real.

However given I've never known the comfort of fitting in with intellectual peers, I've gotten used to life and don't mind it. Turns out raw intelligence isn't that super useful. I'd say 120 IQ is where you can have a meaningful edge over normies without being so smart you start losing touch and become irrelevant.

>> No.53983811

>You also have to be a heartless bastard else her shittests will work on you.

>> No.53984123

I have a bookstore faggot and literally read 5-7 books a month easily.
Smug retards I swear.
I never claimed it was profound. And Ted had ACTUAL experience with these people. Unlike Rand who was up her own ass and never experienced it firsthand.

>> No.53984190
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>conflating Ted Kacsinski ideology with Rand

do you just put everyone who you don't agree with in the same box? Not even the same universe of thought, even if both of their conclusions are wary of leftism/statism

>> No.53984488

No that’s fucking niggerdly midwits.

>> No.53984612
File: 171 KB, 800x800, 1662310261343243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80 years ago an autist with 130 iq would've been designing rockets or building a company
Now they're sitting in their parents home playing factorio

>> No.53985013

>They think their smart
Oh the ironing

>> No.53985033

did the goyslop girl not go viral outside of 4chan? no news article?
>It's unreal.
>This is a moment in time that's going to be exactly like gamergate. This girl is a harbinger of some sort of change.
>Hopefully national socialism.
>I hope every scientist and businessman involved in covid is killed in righteous anger.

>> No.53985043
File: 98 KB, 823x1024, Hackerman glow shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking newfags Batman, is this the new "le ironic b8" or are you all just discord troons on a grand day out?

>> No.53985563

Everything has to do with selfishness, action over thought, and levels of normieness.
Then you get your earthly reward.

>> No.53985600

No shit. Women are attracted to instinctive, right brain, subconscious behavior in men and find rational, left brain, conscious behavior inherently creepy and unattractive, because evolution works slowly and their criteria for finding a mate is still stuck hundreds of thousands of years in the past.

>> No.53986097

This post is indicative of why /biz/ is dying.

>> No.53986114

More MRNA vaccines, but make them more effective at killing and sterilizing people foolish enough to trust big pharma.

>> No.53986137

i'd recommend that you have sex, incel, but we both know that you physically cannot.

>> No.53986160

Hey, can you send me some BTC? It would really help me in life, I am currently collecting money for psychotherapy and I live in a very poor country. Btc address: bc1qaqyffe85kmtqsh0fpm66zc0xsu7k6hwvytvszy

>> No.53986209

I wouldn't be so sure about that. If you have to overthink your winning strategy you're not that evolved.

>> No.53986396

>cures my autism

You’re not autistic. It’s gay how the internet has made everyone believe they have a “disability.” Just stop being a faggot, get off your fucking computer, and go interact with humans IRL

>> No.53986426

Clearly you've never had a public-facing job. It gets much worse than frogposters out there.

>> No.53986480
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150cel can confirm

>> No.53986501

>Have sex
>Maybe even have kids
>Your kids are forced into a sub-1.0 fertility world
>You live just long enough to realize your efforts were meaningless because personal effort couldn't fix all of society
Either you create artificial wombs or go extinct. That's where we're at.

>> No.53986510

tfw 137-148 IQ NEET

>> No.53987471

>saves images with placeholder backgrounds
>cropped in the wrong resolution for the target image

>> No.53987623

I can almost 100% guarantee that nobody here has an IQ above aboutb125.

>> No.53987659
File: 526 KB, 782x914, AB10A912-8FF6-4662-909D-3338093B97F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds btfo

>> No.53987682

Elon becoming president is the most likely path to state sponsored GFs

>> No.53987698

Maybe God just wants dumb humans mostly

>> No.53987741

It still is but the welfare state encourages low IQ to breed and taxes the high IQ to pay for it. Look at the public school systems in just about every major city, it's a shitshow how 95% of the students can't afford school lunch and have a 5th grade math & 7th grade reading level.

>> No.53987747

probably not that much of an advantage in the earlier stages. as an adult when theyve come into their own and they can use their intelligence to procure resources.

>> No.53987753

Remember what they said. Ignorance is bliss also don’t forget that Adam and Eve were practically animals when God created them. They ate the fruit and became self aware therefore suffering started…. Maybe we’re meant to be more
like animals. Go cry about it to your momma faggot ass high IQ nerds lmfao

>> No.53987827

>Adam and Eve
>believing humans into gods.
Other way around buddy. Made in God's own image meant they were gods themselves. Innocence in a perfect world without lies was their downfall.

>> No.53987850
File: 137 KB, 860x819, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods once again purposely leave up an off topic r9k thread to bump limit

>> No.53987875

As a 140IQtard I can confirm >>53986480 's image is funny and ironic especially because it's done wrong.

>> No.53987876

Really don’t like this Pepe with hair. Make it stop

>> No.53988096

We are told to work our way up a straight ladder and never look back, problem is the ladder steps get wider and wider as we go up until we are stuck halfway up with no way to come down. I guarantee you that if you have an IQ of 130 and chose to work on a farm, you would be more fulfilled and eventually stumble upon something that would make you very successful and wealthy just by observing the simplicities in life. Instead, the system tells you to get a degree and a call centre job where your potential is squandered as you become a number on a spreadsheet.

>> No.53988170

my uncle (who works at iq) told me I have a nintendo 160 and this image >>53986480 is unfunny and retarded

>> No.53988253

I don’t think so. The more intelligent the being the more miserable the being. niggers are having babies left and right, meanwhile whitoids are commiting suicide or becoming trans

>> No.53988289

60 IQ Salvadorian (according to your Statistics) spic here btw and I have 2 sons

>> No.53988364

i can fuck randos easily but i dont because im worried about STD's

>> No.53988407

just recently had a great date with a broad whos way outta my league while high on xans & percocet. its possible brother keep trying

>> No.53988408

Intelligence is awesome if you had immortality. The original design was to rule over the Earth and then eventually, space and the universe as time went on.
But presently, humans are stuck here with short lives competing for resources like animals. The only reason to be miserable is because of how much evil stupid people can do and how hard it is to change that.

>> No.53988694

Don’t worry about it. Everything will be reset soon. I just hope whatever race/species gets to be the master race doesn’t commit t the same mistake whitoids did and let lesser races overpower them. Maybe creation will finally be closer to what God intended

>> No.53990741

>Face it, Being smart has never been an advantage. I'd rather be poor and dumb, than a rich genius who is forever alone. It would certainly make me happier.
lol nice poorfag cope you got there

>> No.53990865

>gets to be the master race
nobody simply "gets to be".
there's a reason the master race has always been europeans throughout recorded history, because it's biological supremacy, and evoution has ended. if you're brown today you're simply out of the game.

>> No.53990901

>You are a clinically narcissistic npc who knows shit
i think you meant 'doesnt know shit' but you cant read your own posts as you sperg out.

why do you consider civilization natural when it leads to a rise of mutational deficiencies in humans? people like Edward Dutton and other HBDs pointed this out in their writings.

>> No.53990931

Public School was quite literally invented to train and prepare dumbfuck poor kids from rural areas for working in factories

>> No.53990960

>biological supremacy
>burns in harsh sunlight
>didn't civilize South America/Central America and Africa because of this
>Controlled by your middle eastern superiors
>Still can't control your 28+yo wall hitting women
Don't act like the white race doesn't have a shit ton of problems within itself. They lost the game a little before the Boomer Generation was born.

>> No.53990973

I was gonna call you a faggot, but looking back at human history you aren't technically wrong.

Each race has had an opportunity at proving themselves to be the "master race" and every time it's always been some white European empire on top

>> No.53990980

>he still saves and reuploads images when 4chanx exists
I just google image something and copy paste it.

>> No.53990981

Or another thing.
>Allowing slavery whether or not your slaveships were owned by whites.
Mercy killing would've been far easier. Your ancestors took them out of Africa, fucked their women, and that's your problem today.

>> No.53991001

What does this have to do wiv stonks?

>> No.53991045

I guess 'biological supremacy' includes letting yourself get replaced by foreigners, willingly.

>> No.53991199
File: 15 KB, 229x220, 1632452206043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather be poor and dumb
It's not about being dumb. Bitches like men who gives them the tingles and most high IQ guys are fuckin dweebs who do not know how to give women the tingles, myself included. I'll be a multi-millionaire eventually, which is nice, but that's still partial cope.

Leave women to hypergamous discrimination and your society will lose drastic IQ levels in a couple generations because most smart guys are just too dorky to attract them.

>> No.53991404

This is what delusion looks like.
That's exactly what happened to the Aztecs

>> No.53991424

130 IQ isn’t even genius level just gifted and slightly above a midwit. I’m happy being decently below it, I have less expectations and enough self-awareness to elevate myself above most of society while also not becoming depressed the more I learn about the world and having to deal with shady shit just to stay at the top.

>> No.53991455

>burns in harsh sunlight
I don’t see how naturally burning and then tanning in an environment where it helps you to have darker skin to absorb less sunlight is a bad thing. Europeans don’t need vitamin d supplements to live in their environment but if you want to see what a little more sun can do compare southern italians to finns in terms of complexion, some of them are practically African by comparison but even they can probably live a healthy life up there in the north unlike the people across the sea in north africa.

>> No.53991469

>still no sex

>> No.53991556

Did you have to get a certified IQ test to do this? I want to progeny-max.

>> No.53991597

>looking into this.
he about to fuck another employee isnt he

>> No.53991626

no one likes you

>> No.53992082


>> No.53992852

suicide is haram so they don't do it, simple as.

>> No.53992950
File: 715 KB, 597x640, CE1C3E11-EE69-440F-89C5-6CB996A4584C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut up faggot

>> No.53993007

The "smart" ones keep making excuses, "no money", "no time", "climate change", "too stressed", "divorce statistics", etc. Waa, waa, waa, they are just lazy cowards. Meanwhile, the "stupid" ones just have children and live life. The "stupid" win the game of life.

More likely an employee's wife.

>> No.53993347

>It actually is. If you are truly 130 IQ
It isn't retard. 130 IQ means you're smart enough to see how retarded people is, but nor smart enough to get along with really smart people. You're in a limbo, condemned to be unhappy, woman becomes unbearable since they are children level retarded, and the ones who aren't that retarded, are unbearable as human beings.

>> No.53993363

>>300k salary
Women at FAGMAN gets that by doing 1/10 of the work you probably do, and if you really are 145 IQ, you notice it and makes you seethe so much it's unreal.

>> No.53993377

I’ve enjoyed this slide thread.
Any real anons should check this out.

>> No.53993414
File: 67 KB, 975x1020, 1675696976575202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135 IQ here
I almost got a job at google but then they brought in a fat black nigger at the end (after 6 other interviews) to ask me diversity questions
Guess I didnt fake my love for jewish dick and tikkun olam enough

>> No.53993430

Without smart "dysgenic" people we would still living in bale huts like niggers.

>> No.53993476

Too bad jannies are now more gay than ever and suddenly care about racism because they secretly are infiltrated by FUCK KIKES NIGGERS JEWS SPICS AND JANNIES

>> No.53993478

OK, Coomer...stop fapping

Coomer the Coper

>> No.53993663

ok and?

do you think i hold intelligent in some sort of contempt like the other midwit?

>> No.53993746

We don't live on Mars because it is a celestial luminary, not a spinning rock in space.