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File: 2 KB, 64x64, 1975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53967815 No.53967815 [Reply] [Original]

>Underperforms in bull market.
>J-just wait until the bear market comes, LINK has always been a bear market token.
>Underperforms even harder in bear market.
Now that it's official that LINK is no longer a bear market token, what's our next narrative?

>> No.53967853
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Link marines are legit going insane over this

Those retards unironically believe it's a global conspiracy involving Bulgarians, NEXO and FTX to suppress their premined rank 24 shitcoin kek

>> No.53967857

>it's another FUD thread

>> No.53967864

pointing out the truth isn't FUD, cuckold

>> No.53967888

kill yourself
do the world a favor

>> No.53967920

They probably did buy high and then lost everything to bancor/celsius/ftx/leverage and now seethe 24/7. Imagine reading about Link for years and didn't buy when it was dirt cheap, then decided to buy the top and lost it all. Anyone would go insane, but these people are autistic fucks so they spam fud 24/7 to cope.

>> No.53967941
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chainlink fudders are sad creatures permanently looking for engagement from linkies, who ironically just keep ignoring those cucks.
I've unironically spent some time in the fudding groups, and they are so damn sad. Most of the time they spam their nonsense and barely get any likes, yous, or quotes. They can spend a lot of time writing those shitty fud posts to end up with 0 engagement.

These faggots are desperate for attention that nobody gives them besides the few losers who keep fudding link in their closed groups, and what's sad is that the only few likes they get are mostly from losers like themselves.

You have no idea how badly these fudders crave attention. Imagine posting like every day, every few hours, and having some posts either blocked or ignored.
You have no idea the mental distress those people are going through.

here is a (you) i know you crave

>> No.53967974
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>They probably did buy high and then lost everything to bancor/celsius/ftx/leverage
kek the cuckolds are still going on with this narrative hahahahaha

>> No.53967980

and here's the baggie pasta spam
imagine needing to this post this to cope with that fact that your "bearmarket token" narrative has been completely shattered
jesus christ you chaincucks are losers

>> No.53968001

>spent some time in the fudding groups
screencap their chat logs and dump them on /biz/ to put an end to their faggotry for fucks sake

>> No.53968051
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2 more weeks until the Q patriots link marines arrest the deep state funded fudders and remove the price suppression AI algorithms from the underground deepstate bunkers or something

>> No.53968093

How am I FUD posting? Also you didn't answer my question. What's our next narrative? How about CCIP? That would probably give us like two years or so before we have to make a new one.

>> No.53968098
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if cryptopgt doesnt become MY bear market token then i'm officially done with crypto and ill accept that i dont understand jack shit about the markets, crypto itself, or the world.

>> No.53968111

Stopped reading after 2. Hang yourself.

>> No.53968118

>he thinks there's a future for AI and crypto blending together in a useful, cohesive manner

>> No.53968134
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Imagine sititing down and creating that image because of your inner hatred for some token you can simply ignore very very easily

YOU are the mentally ill ones

>> No.53968142

Everyone who talks about link, as a holder or not, for fud or not, is a fucking loser. You all are extremely weird and grossly bizarre.

>> No.53968743

Mentally ill r9koomer / fud spam thread


>> No.53969825

What does that make you then?

Keep projecting.

>> No.53969908

>dumps own token to subsidize the entire industry
>everyone else gets rich, exit scams and or leaves
>no one left to pay you

Amazing. The last 5 years is a testament to the total failure of business development and marketing from the team.
Imagine where link would be if it had polygons business dev or ada/tron/xrps marketing.
Instead we get some autistic hiding strategy, perpetual failure to deliver, and adelyn doing fuck all.

>> No.53969934

You act like Sergey's ultimate goal wasn't to literally slowly sell these arcade tokens for real assets. You can't do it all at once, but slowly selling over a period of 5-10 years is smartest

>> No.53969960
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These threads are made by people like pic related
And thats one of the many reasons I keep buying

>> No.53969970

If only that were true. If sergey actually cared about maximizing his gains, then he would be aligned the same as everyone else. He would want the token price to go up.
Either he doesn't care or he's incompetent.

>> No.53970010

Chainlink Chainlink Chainlink Chainlink

>> No.53970432

i explained link fudders to my girlfriend today. she thinks you guys are gross.

>> No.53971182

Both. I used to believe in him but its plainly obvious he is in it for the money. He is scared shitless of the SEC and what happened to his buddy SBF (the guy he had moonlight SmartCon) so he continues to move slowly

>> No.53971214


> All anybody talks about anywhere, on any given day, is Chainlink
> Chainlink most Traded token on Whalestats every single day
> Every project that launches on any given day typically needs Chainlink to survive

Yeah i'm thinking it's going straight to zero fr fr

>> No.53971351

you don't have a girlfriend and you will never breed, incel KEK

>> No.53971393

me when link dumps to $3:


>> No.53971510

I bought 1000 link and I’m annoyed at all this dumping business. What gives?

>> No.53971545

it won't go to zero but will it pump to reflect its widespread usage? only time will tell

>> No.53971588

LINK has always been a non profit token

>> No.53971601

>just keep ignoring
>here is a (you)

>> No.53971734

All LINK fud is by unpaid QNT/ICP/API3 bagniggers who can't accept reality. They should just give in already, but they're addicted to damaging their bodies by continuing to seethe. They can't help it, actually. It's really sad.

>> No.53971991

Not only that but the XRP cross over posting is LINK baggies from Twitter attempting to create interest and hype by engaging with other crypto conmunities.
This is the smartest con since smartcon a gathering of intelligent conmen. Remember when Chainlinkgod pretended to lose his linkies so that he could grift the community?

>> No.53972023

Anons I'm not joking, what is our next cope? There's almost one year left before the bull run starts.

>> No.53972117

it's mostly just long term investors / bagholders that realized the only source of people buying more is other, newer holders. so they post really terrible fud to make them buy more in spite. it's a really old trick, but very effective on new investors that got brainwashed by the whole "buy when nobody else is" rhetoric

>> No.53972118

I dunno man, it's not like there aren't opportunities in the market even now. Considering how bubbly liquidity has been on multiple L2s it's been enough to make me think the bull has already started, just with DeFi first rather than large caps. My problem has been my expectation that this enthusiasm will "trickle up" and spill over into all these large cap coins, but they just sit there and languish, no wonder people on the outside are bearish

>> No.53972923

FUD been ramping up in hate/intensity recently. Curious. Just bought more

>> No.53972994
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>Just bought more
because you're either a cuckold or a liar

>> No.53973011


>> No.53973250

Chainlink, Chainlink, Chainlink, Chainlink,

Zero, single, double digits Chainlink,
Big Mac taste with perfect hodlers,
I rule this day.

Lettuce, mayo, pickle, ketchup,
It's OK if I don't want that,
Impossible or bacon burger,
Any burger my way.

You rule, you're seizing the day,
Sir Gay, have it your way.

You rule!

>> No.53974157

checked and vertical lemniscate + rule of threes pilled.

>> No.53974341
File: 16 KB, 336x188, 235989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overperforms in bull markets
>overperforms in bear markets
>overperforms yesterday
>overperforms today
>overperforms tomorrrow
>No street shitting jeets like the ones link has
Take the matic pill, biz

>> No.53974364

Link's a crab market token, historically speaking. We'll see this year.

>> No.53974366

Sandro Salsano's Swiss Sandoz Surprise.

>> No.53975141

>its another psyop
checked though

>> No.53975168

Why are chainlink fudders so obsessed with porn and cuckholding?

>> No.53976144
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I fudded HARD the last 2 years out of spite after I realised how fucking inexplicably retarded and self-defeating LINK holders and threads had become. I could not believe the lack of faith I witnessed in 2021.

It is undeniable now though that LINK is in an accumulation zone and has improved fundamentals in a quiet market. I think it's set up for a decent run over the next 2 years. Haven't fudded in months.

>> No.53976229
File: 1.90 MB, 3616x3936, mental.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is mentally ill

>> No.53976258 [DELETED] 

How do I stop faggots like this guy here? You're ruining every thing. Archiving should be illegal.

>> No.53976269

i can't tell if you're being serious or not. ruining what? are you niggers actually still trying to keep out newfags?

>> No.53976415

>everything I don't like is FUD
You find this identical mantra in GME, XRP, and LUNC threads. You, along with the aforementioned groups, are a bunch of tribalistic losers who are unable to think critically.

>> No.53976686

>You find this identical mantra in GME, XRP, ETH, TRON, BTC and LUNC threads

>> No.53977600

A lot of alts are at accumulating zone anon and it's true LINK has focused on development during the bear market, similar to others like Mana, Ride and Zpay on my radar. I see parabolic gains from these in the next bull run

>> No.53977615

actually sweetie, those cult threads were created specifically to demoralize chainlink holders by making this false comparison

>> No.53977651

Do they actually think LINKies still have an emotional reaction to this retarded spam?

>> No.53977671

link, like every altcoin, is a one-cycle asset.
link's cycle terminated in 2020.

>> No.53978339 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 600x600, OpenBet7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you I am the authority figure ITT. Picture your entire Funko Pop collection coming to life like Toy Story and telling you to clean your room deadbeat. Yeah I'm your mom and dad in steroids pal and I'm telling you buy OpenBetAI (ticker OPENBET) its blasphemy I know but if I have to commit blasphemy to stop my penis mutating from 5G radiation exposure I will do it. PD sent me a free OpenBetAI brand 5G radiation johnson guard because I completed a hackathon. This is serious anons hype is the devil's plaything..................https://openbetai.io

>> No.53979421
File: 909 KB, 1080x942, 1677788602410901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are Link cucks so defensive about their ponzi scheme?

>> No.53980060

too much estrogen

>> No.53980085


>> No.53980327

it's like 2 virgins with nothing better to do

>> No.53980555

you had 2 years to mine btc for pennies and 2 more years to buy eth under $5
4 years in total, but you chose to go all-in on a shitty altcoin because some anonymous autists convinced you it's the god protocol and that it would have an "ETH-like run"
congrats, you've been played

>> No.53980568

look at those digits, chaincucks

>> No.53981780

checked and rekt

>> No.53982477
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>> No.53982736

>he went all in Chainlink when BTC was pennies and ETH under $5

>> No.53982756

Don't forget to tip your rapist.