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53959383 No.53959383 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I have to pay taxes? What the fuck do taxes even do for me

>> No.53959398

they ensure that your money has value

>> No.53959403

because you're a cuck

>> No.53959419

>Why do I have to pay taxes?
You don't have to. You're just too stupid or too gay to figure out how to avoid paying taxes.

>> No.53959420
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how do taxes ensure my hard earned money has value

>> No.53959422

They are given to black people and boomers

>> No.53959423

They pay for my son's autism therapy. Thanks btw

>> No.53959425

You live in a society.

>> No.53959436
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How do I avoid paying taxes on my paychecks, o wise one

>> No.53959447

Claim 12 dependents

>> No.53959452

It's to flex on you.

>> No.53959470

If your “autist” son needs therapy then he’s not autistic, he’s just retarded

>> No.53959476

I pay taxes so the government will, ideally, leave me alone. Boy I sure do love sending them a nice $10k every year for crypto which they have done their best to ruin.

>> No.53959480

So the government doesn't kill you or throw you in prison

>> No.53959486

Well yeah, he's heavily autistic and retarded, the latter term is more broad though. Don't worry, he's got an official diagnosis. Paid for by your taxes and all too.

>> No.53959490

You have to contribute to your own demise according to our central plan, goy. It's the patriot way. - Ronald Reagan

>> No.53959516
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>> No.53959518

I do it by making money from a country while living in another. But there's other ways.

>> No.53959549

The United States Dollar is a single node, unlimited supply, proof-of-violence shitcoin. Any spending the government wants to do is accomplished by minting new coins via the single node Fed, but to keep inflation from getting out of hand they also implemented a burn mechanism. It’s called taxes. Without taxes dollars would never leave the money supply, and that’s why the irs tells you to fuck off if you try to pay them with anything other than dollars
I’ll give you one guess how the early lives of the Fed architects look

>> No.53959578

it doesn't have to be like this but the economy is designed to work this way currently:
taxes temper inflation because they work to reduce total circulating supply. they also give the government that issues them the funding to, ostensibly, defend the value of the currency by negotiating trade terms with other countries through various means.

>> No.53959679

“Official diagnosis” is worth as much as tiktok diagnosis. Women can’t be autistic, rise of trannyism didn’t correlate with rise in autism until suddenly it does now. There are Aspergers and there are retards, also I’m not American, welfare queen

>> No.53959849

>I’m not American
I never said I was American either. I will follow you to the ends of the earth to slurp your tax dollars.