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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53928458 No.53928458 [Reply] [Original]

Market sucks today, lets dream of better days.

If I can stake my 56,000 link at, let's assume, 4.75% APY, that'd be 2660 links earned per year. at a modest $25 that's $66,500 per year. Something I could definitely live off of. That doesn't seem too far fetch within the next 2 years. Where do you stand?

>> No.53928629

Except the market will dump at a random time and suddenly youre making $300 a month and all your link is locked up.
+ every 4.75% you make, sergey dumps that and more thus inflating the supply and devaluing the value of your link. That apy only comes from him dumping. As of now chainlink has zero actual revenue, and it was only adopted in the first place because its fully subsidized by dumping on link holders.
I suggest you look into the masternode pos shitcoin era. Many had this same scheme already.
Your scenerio would only be possible very far into the future. Right now chainlink is literally a zombie company with 0 revenue

>> No.53928638

staking rewards will scale up, keep that in mind.

>> No.53928686

it would be nice to see their actual numbers
the only public info i know of is the compound proposal where paying the team $150 per feed per month
if we take eth/usd on eth, we can see 77 listed users
chainlink then subsidises the rest out of the cost out of the token supply

>> No.53928757

You should sell now. The worth of your tokens is unironically 0$ and I'm not even kidding. You might be psy-opped by the older /biz/ to your tokens, but I beg you, try to think straight, those tokens are made from air, team is selling them to market after holding most of them by themselves and the advancement of the project is literally zero. Blog posts are not advancements, but hype. Ethereum and so link, can not scale, and if someone tells you link isn't bound to ethereum, is wrong. Besides, nothing can scale, except the original bitcoin. I just wish you see the mirror from the fog that /biz/ put there. I escaped it and I know there is anons who can escape it too.

>> No.53928837

I can retire with $1000/month. 7k staked means I can retire at around $30 per link

>> No.53928919

>original btc

nice troll but this gives it away.

on-chain Chainlink moves at the speed of the block chain it serves. it's offchain component is as fast as the internet. hmmm, perhaps if chainlink figures out how to do what blockchains do without a blockchain, blockchains won't be needed and speed & scalability are then no problem.

>> No.53928980

I only have 1100 link, and I'm only 27. so I would need to sell my links for ~$4000 per token in order to retire on link.

>> No.53928997

>What will it take for you to retire?
A lot more than 50 bucks. A whole lot more.

>> No.53929030
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>Dreaming about retirement
>Dreaming about making money through APY

God damn this is like the definition of ponzi but don't worry If these people are for real, they are just stupid, that's why they'll stay poor, hope a couple of them just kill themselves instead of donating their money to scammers.

>> No.53929128

He's begging you, though. Have a heart and sell your Link. Think of your fellow man.

>> No.53929413

Combined with my current job, I could stand $400 LINK at the minimum. The team owes me $400 LINK for enduring this fud.

>> No.53929453

Bro, the APY is gonna plummet when chainlink takes off and Staking 1.0 comes into effect. But that's the kicker, link will take off so you'll live comfortably anyhow.

>> No.53929757

comfy staking thread, think they will let us unlock this year? what was the revised estimate date again?

>> No.53929804

Is current staking compound interest?

>> No.53929814

When Link bottoms at $66.6 or higher next cycle I never need to look at the price again

>> No.53929820

Scale up or down?
Right now staking rewards are token emissions; why would used fees yield greater returns than 4.75%?

>> No.53929824
File: 108 KB, 540x464, 1651015075225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if link was above $50-60 forever i could live off of staking gains, if i can get 4.75% apr in the future. who knows what will happen. could be lower than that or higher than that, guess it would be a case by case basis depending on what form staking takes in the future.

i think it's massively undervalued right now and the $25 value OP needs seems easy as fuck if it saw a bullrun. i think its primed for one seeing as how they seem to be trying to move on to the next level and enter mainstream consciousness which they haven't really done much in the past. if its price is in the $90-120 range and assuming a conservative staking apy of 3 to 4% thats where i would be living pretty lavish even just off the staking gains. that would be quite a decent monthly income and as a shutin autist who doesn't leave the house much the income i could get from that would have me balling out by my standards. and anything higher than that would be icing on top of icing on the cake

>> No.53929829

*user fees

>> No.53929849

>Is current staking compound interest?

its just a straight up 4.75% apy.

>> No.53930283

For the absolute bare minimum, I need about 5k in passive income a year. I'd prefer more so I can have fun. 8-12k a year would be super nice. Anything beyond that would just be insane.

I just want to retire. :(

>> No.53930356

between sept and dec

>> No.53930518

staking isn't going to be a fixed APY, it will depend entirely on job volume and the price of chainlink, both of which will fluctuate. Since job volume is only going to keep growing, I expect APY to generally track upward until people start buying tons of LINK, pushing up the price. From there it will just depend on how ubiquitous Chainlink truly becomes

>> No.53931851

Im a top 250 LINK wallet (was top 100 from 2018 to 2020 but some fresh wallets began to overtake me. I didn’t sell either.
I didn’t stake 1 .
it’s been fantasized about here for 5 yrs and was a desirable proposition for some but I won’t lock up my asset for a predetermined time frame without access to it. No chance.
If I’m able to stake with more clarification and anytime withdrawal access I would. Until then I’ll wait patently.
If the current 4.75 % holds I’d be great with it.

>> No.53931875

That's the value proposition of SDL, liquid staking. I think if they give options for time periods to stake (6 months, 9 months, 1 year) with a certain APY (4.5%, 4.75%, 5%) I don't see any downside for staking (other than slashing). why not make some "passive" income?

>> No.53931932

Linkpool assholes led me on for almost 3 yrs. I had 3 LP tokens before split. I got fucked by them big time.
I was in talks with Eric and another fag.
We had 3 zoom meetings discussing what data I wanted for a personal node with as little hands on as possible. I expressed my interest in sports and market data, also that I’d be willing to pay for a Bloomberg subscription if it proved profitable. Even had talks at SC with the sweaty Eric. He assured me I’m in the que and a very desirable wallet for a node. I later learned the team was trying to get funding at fucking smartcon offering LPL at a ginormous discount for potential investors. Scammy ass shit.
100% true story.

>> No.53932004

is anyone taking legal action over lpl? 0.8 here

>> No.53932017

Lol pool's closed

>> No.53932032
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Hey guys I bought LPL and LINK my family and I are really poor now but my wife wants to get kinky in the bedroom. I saw pic related and we liked it. Does any one have any more money saving tips for in the bedroom. We want to spice things up because the markets are really dull :(

>> No.53932131

You don't need to retire! Once the people who need you and rely on you can fend for themselves, you can just shoot yourself when life gets miserable. All your effort should be in preparing for a smooth death. If you can't afford to hang around, don't! It's not needed!

>> No.53932167

noone on this board has 56k Link

>> No.53932171

Why don’t you just stake DOT at 12.4% apy with 29 days unlock period instead?

>> No.53932241

Why would someone want something where the apy wasn't paid in stables?
>buy oracle coupons to stake for more oracle coupons
What the fuck are you supposed to do with more network specific tokens? Lock those up too to compound your tokens for more tokens? Sell them yourself for stables? Why is that extra step your responsibility if you're a highly valued network security provider? Better hope there's huge demand for the token on the usage side if that's the case, or shit is going to get ugly very fast fast.

>> No.53932256

>other than slashing
what's slashing?

>> No.53932302

Like even a node operator, why would they want to get paid in oracle use tokens?

That's like paying a carpenter for work with wood, or an electrician with spools of wire. There's some value exchanged, but most service providers need to buy food and pay bills at some point, so they'll either need to dump the barter payments or insist upon cash payments from most clients.

>> No.53932310
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I have a suicide stack of link (100k) so that would be around 5000k link a year in spending money at a optimistic 5% interest rate. I hope in a couple years when link reaches $10 USD again I can earn 50k a year. That would be enough for me to cover my existance and just travel on a budget. If link when to something crazy like 15 or god forbid 21 USD I would be set for life off of just stacking my linkies.

>> No.53932338

What service will your 100k chainlink tokens be providing that's worth $50k per year worth of chainlink tokens that you can just market sell?
Talking about what you'll do when you're PowerBall number comes up is fun, but somewhere in the chain, an entity will need to buy $50k worth of chainlink tokens to actually use, that are then given to you, which you in turn sell to someone else to use.

It's like chainlink has become an exchange currency for exchange currency (usd). An intermediary between dollars from one person to another, so the use case would have to be so overwhelmingly compelling that it breaks the inefficiency and inertia of dollars to chainlink -> usage -> chainlink to dollars (repeat).

>> No.53933228
File: 125 KB, 812x567, 1677786023505798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your 56k Link were worth 2.5 million in May 2021
While you're now left with a measly 300k

What a fucking nigger retard LMFAOOOOO

>> No.53933247

You will never work for Chainlink

>> No.53933260

OK, cool, so the tokens do what to earn $50k worth of additional tokens? Take your time.

>> No.53934732

>What do they do?
They get needed

>> No.53934777

Do you have 300k though?

>> No.53934796

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. Link is only going to $20 max. Right now I might make 2MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 600K into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 60k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 80k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 10MM, but more likely 15MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link were about $80 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen.

>> No.53934943

Jobs need to be paid in Link, tard lad