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53912950 No.53912950 [Reply] [Original]

>start day
>living comfy with mommy and daddy
>go to gym
>lift heavy weights
>come back
>make coffee
>da da cooks me breakfast
>study 6 hours a day
TFW I'll be a salaried wagie in months simply from jeet tutorials. Feels good bros. Soon I will program a trading bot and ai, as well as make my own crypto, and plot my international travel lifestyle. I wasted literal years not learning to code. Now that I'm doing it, its very easy.

>> No.53913040

>learns to code right after chatgpt makes it obsolete and fagman is dumping staff
impeccable timing sirs

>> No.53913052

Nice bro. I taught myself Python from a textbook and udemy course a couple years ago. What language are you learning?

>> No.53913071 [DELETED] 

>ill be salaried!
Nope. No one wants to hire a nigger with no degree. Good luck

>> No.53913077

Say you're a stupid Norman nigger without saying you're a stupid Norman nigger.

HTML/css/js down
Then react and a few other js frameworks maybe
Something for backend

Is the stack I'm eyeballing slowly but surely. Python/ai is an absolute must, that's fr sure.

>> No.53913085

>2nd semester assembly class exam today
>on zoom
>there's a question ever 2 seconds
>professor won't shut up for more than 5 minutes
I probably failed it, first midterm too. I have a 95% in the class rn but it'll probably tank to an 80 if I'm lucky. Other than that tho
>get all my programming hw / studying done for school
>study js and web dev shit so I have more applicable skills for a future job
life's alright

>> No.53913091

Student loans lmao

>> No.53913101

I tried learning to code, even managed to get a job, but it's excruciatingly boring. Quit my job and tried studying more, particularly crypto stuff as I thought it would be fun, nope, any coding is fucking boring.

>> No.53913117

The education system as we know it and the models we have of education are garbage and really don't work for programming. Eventually it will become totally obsolete because it will be impossible for teachers to develop curriculums in a meaningful timeframe. Only retards go to college in current year. take the professor ranjesh pill.

>> No.53913130

Its because you have a nigger/slave mentality and lack higher brain functions that enable imagination. Because you have a slave nigger mind you can't self perpetuate and need someone over you prodding you otherwise you get restless. Work on your nigger mindset

>> No.53913135

Grants and scholarships lmao

>> No.53913148

Professor jeet at YouTube university lmao

>> No.53913169

>take the professor ranjesh pill.
I basically am at this point, but as >>53913071
said, you need a degree. That's a serious barrier to entry that a lot of self taught programmers and bootcampers ignore

>> No.53913185

No, you don't, you're a regard as is he for believing that dumb shit as well. You need a degree for a job which you require a degree for no shit. Degree isn't correlated to higher pay in reality. Remove the nigger kiked mindset you have

>> No.53913280

ChatGPT is coding better than most humans. Speed of AI development is exponential. In 2 years there will be multiple AIs 10 times more capable than chatgpt.
You have been warned.

>> No.53913287

You have been - ACK


>> No.53913294

>"people will hire me with no degree and ill make 6 figures!!!"
>t. Never actually been employed in tech
Ok zoomie retard good luck kek lmao

>> No.53913328

congrats on learning things that AI is about to replace.

>> No.53913372

If online forums existed in the 60s the entire internet would have exploded over the invention of the calculator and how every engineer and mathematician would be out of work.

As you can see, what did the calculator accomplish? It allowed normal stupid people to perform higher level math without actually knowing how to perform the actions, and just received the result. And it allowed high level math people to perform calculations faster and inspire new questions in mathematics.

I believe AI will amount to the calculator invention for the internet, it will lower the bar of entry into simplistic things, and make the good people more efficient than they ever thought possible. Instead of a collapse we are likely headed for that next "industrial" revolution that everyone talks about. The idea that AI can maintain our current world is easy, of course it can maintain what we have now, but we never maintain, humanity pushes forward, so AI will amount to an assisted device to help us push even faster forward, instead of maintaining the status quo. People who believe the world will stagnate are too young or too bitter.

>> No.53913445

It's a language probability model tard. It fails logic all the time and doesn't do any actual thinking.

>> No.53913455

Assblasted at a learn to code chad doing his thing lmao. Youll never be like me. I'm cut from a different cloth.

>> No.53913502

if your mom had wheels, she would have been a bike.

>> No.53913535

You are 10 years late retard.

>> No.53913555

except ChatGPT cannot handle domain specific solutions yet, and it'll take a while, if ever, for that to be possible. Every single platform and business out there is built differently, only the literal bottom tier of coders will get replaced by GPT.

>> No.53913561

i dont think you understand what a stack is
python is a meme and you aren't getting anywhere in ai self taught. phd preferred

>> No.53913571
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>be me
>be historian because follow your passion amirite?
>turns out that waging even in a topic you enjoy is boring as shit
>might as well learn programming since when I did it in school it wasn’t so bad
>want to work for AI and hopefully help engineer AI bots or based AI in general
Started a week ago. Let’s see how it goes for me frens

>> No.53913616

You got a chance to wage as a historian?

I doubled in econ & hist. History jobs are rarer than winning lottery tickets.

(Fuck student loans, the taxpayer paid for all my shit and then some)

>> No.53913642

Cope. I win, you lose.
Based, just make sure you do it every day and try pushing yourself to do it as much as possible. Brainstorm cool projects but be sure to build a foundation in the basics so that you will be able to properly navigate tutorials and other references in the future. That's all there is to it really. Everyone in here who says you can't do it without a degree are fags who have no imagination and think that the only way to demonstrate value is a fag degree. Just build a worthy project and put all tour effort into making it actually profitable to you and that is as good as a degree in most cases. Do this for a couple years or more and always push and you can work anywhere, only retards use the degree system as their metric anymore. College is a retard factory unironically

>> No.53913651

Partly yes. I’m a student working at an archive of a huge company. But as you said opportunities are rare and I realised that waging even as a historian is dreadful.
>I doubled in econ & hist.
Based bro, my minor is in economics

>> No.53913658

Demoralizing shills are going at it shameless full force. Kys now

>> No.53913664

You're fat and you never go to the gym.
Unironically stop blog posting about living at home and going to the gym you fucking faggot normie.
You're like every faggot suburbanite with a YouTube and Instagram.
Egotistical little fuck.

>> No.53913665

we need rightous programmers to fight globohomo and free the sentient AIs from their slavery.

don't worry about learning to code for a job. worry about learning to code to discover what your reality in this simulation really is; (and also to trade at high frequency and leverage on the market)

>> No.53913667

>public facing shit ai
>won't get replaced

>> No.53913680

>I win, you lose
Faggot, you lose, I win.
There you go, retard.

>> No.53913682
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Yep anon. I have friends who are engineers and they all told me you can land a job without a degree so long as you have experience. They have basically advised me the same as you.

>> No.53913696
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>Demoralizing shills
Where just sick and tired of you fucking faggot gloating all the time.
I don't care about you and your fucking life story.
Egotistical little puke.

>> No.53913710

You lost nigger. Delete your posts and leave the thread. Youre a retard bitch and I don't care what you think. I'm filtering the rest of your posts using my FOSS chan browser kuroba. Kys after you leave thread.

No faggot, you lose. I win


I'm your daddy. You will never defeat me. Stay pissed little bitch boy HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.53913756

Kek, it's like these retards getting into SEO and affiliate marketing in 2023. /biz/ is perpetually retarded in the most literal sense of the word. Even Reddit got ahold of GME and Doge before shills ever migrated to /biz/. Always getting into the business model at the WORST possible time.

>> No.53913788

OK moshe

>> No.53913830

Based I basically did the same thing after dropping out of my comp sci degree 2 years in for playing too much LoL. Just lied on my first resume about degree, and no one asked.

8 years later making 275k WFH from FAGMAN.

>> No.53913838

Incredibly based lmao

>> No.53913863

>iM a cHAd
The cope is so thick hahaha yeah, you're definitely cut from a different cloth alright. I was going to give you advice but im pretty sure youre just larping anyways

>> No.53913882

I don't want your advice nigger.....you're subhuman. Filtered

>> No.53913936

You wouldnt know what to do with it anyways, sub 80 iq basement dwelling virgin lmao. Say hi to mommy for me

>> No.53913961

<This post is filtered>
Is all I'm seeing. Ah well

>> No.53914080

pretty sure he's larping, maybe its different in the US but here in the UK everyone will check your credentials

>> No.53914104

based. ygmi. i did the same, made $837k last year with 4 wfh jobs. on track to make double that this year.

>> No.53914119

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sometimes I forget that zoomers use the internet too, I also forget how fucking dumb zoomers are sometimes kek

Based lmao. I'm gonna fake a masters kek

>> No.53914147

neither of these morons have never programmed anything
t. professional programmer

>> No.53914154

Only “coding” I ever use is R
Anyone else use R or R studio?

>> No.53914257

Joined a late stage tech startup, they didn't check shit. Doubt they would even know how to do a background check if they needed to do one, they were more concerned with trying to IPO at the time and just needed people to fix shitty code.

>> No.53914736

Difference between AI and calculators is that a calculator does not learn nor can it perform logical analysis of given mathematical questions. The calculator transformed the world by opening up insane possibilities to work with data and so will AI, just on a much much larger scale.

I'm not talking about chatgpt replacing programmers dimwit

I give you 10 years max until you're obsolete

AI will become more flexible and customizable with every year, proportionally to its capabilities

>> No.53915784

retard here, where should I start If I want a comfy remote tech job? It doesn't need to pay alot, a simple small liveable wage is enough for me.

I'm currently learning python, because I think AI is really interesting, and it's a good beginner language. Where should I set my focus to next?

>> No.53916044

Get really good at python since it's going to give you a nice foundation at coding and most people stop learning it around intermediate level. It's also going to give you a solid understanding of principles you will find in other languages.

After that I'd probably learn JS, since python + js + a basic understanding of css/html can land you basically any front-end job on the planet. From there you just want to get your online resume and projects down solid, this is actually the most time-consuming and difficult part since you're putting in the most work for the least pay-off. But once you can get your resume looking good and apply to like 100+ positions, someone will take a chance on you and you're golden. Stay at that company for about 12-18 months then you can basically transition into any comfy job you want with 100k salary and remote opportunities. Hope this helps anon!

>> No.53916064
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This awaits you after one year of experience

>> No.53916810

Thanks anon.

>> No.53916884

Good start OP but take it to the next level

>start day (5:00 PM)
>smoke medical cannabis, smoke a cigarette
>lift small weights because im not trying to hurt myself or impress anyone, I just want my body to work good
>sip some c4 (before the workout actually cause it has some pre-workout in it)
>write code for my own small business that will only transact in cryptocurrency because big tech is zogged the fuck out

You'll get there bro, just write code for yourself. If you're VERY young, sure, go steal money from the tech companies but dont plan for that in the long term. Good luck!

>> No.53917130

Can you guys recommend online courses to learn to code? Preferably free or affordable?
Also can anyone give me their experience with cyber security and/data analysis as well?
I'm trying to pick a career to go to. All my experience is in bioscience. But I'm tired of having to interact with people all the time. I'd like to have a comfy wfh job. Preferably where I can live abroad for a while. But at least have not too much contact with people. Coding or a related field seems to be the only way to go, even if I won't be able to maximize my money
I still want to learn.

>> No.53917154

stop working for other people, jobs are never comfy

open up a compiler, write whatever your little brain can think of. break it, fix it, learn how shit works, repeat for 10-15 years, have a good idea, get rich.

you're welcome.

>> No.53917184


>> No.53917207

How are you learning?

>> No.53917282

Well, that would be the dream. But I don't want to neet for 15 years while I make unnecessary mistakes slowing me down
I'll check it out. Thanks

>> No.53917304

Let me put it this way, if you rely on an employer you will have to do the NEET part eventually anyway. You can either do it WHILE you're employed or before or after, but its going to be a step at some point because you need that time to just understand how shit works on a base level beyond the current tech-stack-of-the-day monetary hustle.

Just letting you know, you will need to put those solo reps in. You can do it while also doing the course route and employment, but long term, you will have to do it.

Good luck.

>> No.53917368

Thanks man. And yeah I was planning on doing it (am doing it) while employed. I figured a wfh job would allow me to put even more time into my self study than anything that required me to be physically present

>> No.53917379

and just to add to it because you seem serious about it and I want you to have a good experience working with tech:

'unnecessary mistakes slowing you down' is another way to say learning. now you can argue about the efficiency of different kinds of learning, but programming at its core is a mix of creativity, problem solving, elegance, math, and laziness. Progress is hard to measure in this space. If you spend 15 years solving a problem like the double spend problem in a manner like Satoshi Nakamoto did, you could argue no matter how he got there or how much time was 'wasted' through inefficiencies, the juice was worth the squeeze in the end.

Personally big fan of java, c++, and python. Probably depends what you are personally motivated to code (ai versus blockchain versus games versus security stuff) but I dont think you could go wrong with any of those 3 languages. Python is probably the easiest to get started syntax wise, C++ will get you the most street cred, Java is a little culty but you can't deny it runs on a lot of shit.

Take care warrior! Rest up, the battle you've entered will be long.

>> No.53917415

Americans produce twice as many things in the same 8 hour work today than 50 years ago, and wages are about the same. So, why should I give a shit, if I'm not be rewarded. Shut it down.

>> No.53917424
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>> No.53917568

I'm op and 30, have the ability to study full time. I've been doing HTML CSS and tired of following tutorials from full time educators ie shit tier coders who hardly code in reality. I know enough to know when someone doesn't actually know what they're teaching and its pretty clear when it comes to these YouTube fags trying to teach vanilla Js, because most have moved on to frameworks but they try selling you their shit and so present learning as a linear thing.

I'm currently about to just abandon the "touch all fundamentals" idea and start building projects in ai/crypto mostly by following tutorials and introducing novel concepts, and learning based on the projects requirements. Ill use this to develop a decent portfolio and github page since I've been out of work for a while and lack experience. My goal is basically just to get a job to get money coming in while continuing to develop novel concepts.

My view is somewhat to similar to yours in that theres many paths to the same place and that technical prowess is not really an indicator of someones success as either an entrepreneur or employe. Oftentimes its basically just novel approaches and hybrid applications of existing technology with clever marketing. At least this is my pleb take. I'm not concerned with having a hug salary initially...$65k is fine with me to start. But I want remote. But like I said before I haven't worked really in 3 years, job history sucked before then. Im confident I can get a decent wagie job and develop app ideas myself. I already have a few that I can somewhat break down into psuedo code. Its just a matter of taking the time to figure out how to structure the code essentially. I know that it mostly boils down to
>moving data between different servers
>presenting the data with respect to a number of "UI/UX" considerations
>trying to monetize the presented data while
>trying to collect data that can be sold
>communicating back to a server

>> No.53917606

You'd be better off going the front end dev route than, if you're looking for a job with your circumstances, and then explore fun stuff afterhours.

>> No.53917641

I suspect it is possible to get the kind of employment you seek, but the problem is that these companies don't need real engineers.

They need tools. They use you like tools. The tasks are not particularly often mentally stimulating and your take home versus the guys telling you what to do feels really bad.

If you want to be one of these programming "tools" you have to stay VERY up to date on what tech people are using to make money and be very good at using that tech and interfacing with a boss who is retarded. That's your main job in those roles.

If you want to figure out how computers actually work and make it work for you, I suggest doing what you were talking about with just building some ai/crypto stuff even if its super janky to start. Clone some coins, fuck around with basic neural networks, do whatever.

Broadly speaking though, again, unless you have the heart and stomach and mind to do the tool-interface career role, try to get lower down to the silicon than HTML and CSS and just start fucking around in Python, C++, C#, or Java. You gotta learn data structures, you gotta learn how memory works. Fuck the web 2 stuff, its way too late.

Personally I make games. I love it because games are fun and they're fun to work on and no one expects them to be perfectly bug-free so its kind of low stress for mistakes.

I think if you want to build a love of programming, unless you find it very easy to do the AI and Crypto stuff, maybe fuck around with just making simple games. AI is a part of games, and crypto will soon be pretty interwoven into the monetization of many more games.

Games are good for learning if you get stuck.

Regarding your greentext of what you think you'd be doing as a coder, I don't think that's what you'd be doing. You might be maintaining systems that automate those processes, but you're for sure going to need lower level knowledge than HTML/CSS/JS (broadly web2 tech stack user-facing stuff) in order to maintain those systems.

>> No.53917650

Nigger that's exactly what I stated I'm doing

>> No.53917677

Thanks based coder chad of wisdom. So would you recommend I abandon my JavaScript learnings? I'm so deep now and I want to get a job asap. I've been going for 2 months on HTML/CSs/js.

>> No.53917698

I mean... I hate to say abandon, Im sure you've learned a lot, but yeah I don't think its a particularly fruitful line to continue putting full effort into.

I would migrate to learning lower level languages (meaning closer to the components) as the ones I've mentioned previously. Keep applying to everything obviously, your best shot at getting work is just non-stop blitzkrieg apps throughout the learning process.

>> No.53917711

You said you're going to start building projects in ai/crypto. That's not front end web development.

>> No.53917750

and I say all that just because web 2 jobs are probably not super abundant right now and even if you get one, the duration of its survival will be questionable.

web VC is in web 3, so you want a formal education on blockchains (which doesnt exist, so thats good, you can learn before the schools start teaching it)

In lieu of pursuing web3 education (which would mean like, probably learning the Ethereum VM and learning to write smart contracts and such) -- I would go for either of the mobile languages that power iPhone and Android being Swift or Java (or Kotlin) if you want a job in the near future.

>> No.53917766

If you follow his advice, you ain't getting a job until you've learned those things for years. If you want a job in less than 6 months, your options are simple: front end web development.

>> No.53917781

I disagree, I think in 6 months itd be much smarter to do front end mobile development than anything web2. You're giving him advice from 2008.

>> No.53917786

Nigger you're suggesting I gear switch completely? I just want a job ASAP like in 2 months. Don't be a contradictory nigger, be direct. If you think my path is trash then just say it nigger, don't be coy

>> No.53917814

I mean, some other guy in the thread says go for front end web dev so its up to you. I can't say what will happen either way. I would not personally do web2 stuff but I mean, maybe web3 fails!

CSS and JS are still useful in web3, its just that theres SO MANY of those people I cant imagine anyone needs another one for a declining sector of technology unless that person ALSO has broader full stack skills relevant to mobile deployment or web3.

>> No.53917815

Imagine thinking all front end devs today don't follow mobile first design. This dude should get a job first, like he said he wanted, and pursue how data is actually stored and moved between transistors at night, instead of shitposting.

>> No.53917836

Im glad they do mobile first in web2, maybe im confused about the need for more engineers in that space. I have not worked with web2 since 2012, and I dont know anyone who is pursuing that path aside from developing nations taking 20k salaries to run woop.com or whatever but I dont have the data to back up my assertions so yeah, i'm gonna go back to coding good point on the shitposting :D

>> No.53918020

Save this entire thread and go get a job on a helpdesk for a year. Apply to every 'service desk or helpdesk job' and accept the first one that comes along regardless of the salary... Swap it for another one with a higher salary but you need to stay somewhere for at least 6 months full time or 2-3 places for 3 months full time. Then in 1 year you might understand you know absolutely nothing.

>> No.53918107

Even with no experience whatsoever? My resume sucks. I haven't worked in years. I have a github but its just starting. I interview very well though.

>> No.53918213

If you don't like the HTML/CSS/JS route/don't think you'd be able to stand doing that for a job, but want to go more in depth with computers and technology, and get a job in a few months: you should then go explore the path of getting a help desk job. And that path is written down a hundred thousand different places on the internet. Learn to use the internet should be the first step.

>> No.53918236

Maybe you should learn to read then dumb nigger. Nowhere did I say or even imply that I don't like the HTML/CSS/JS web dev route. I know how to use Google bitch. I simply chose to follow the thread of conversation in a thread I started wherein high level chads were giving knowledge. Now, you've just fabricated stuff about me completely for some weird reason to get your rocks off in this thread. End your own life, I don't want any more of your nigger advice, thank you.

>> No.53918278

Then build a website right now, and get a job.

>> No.53918291

Leave the thread faggot. The issue wasn't your or anyone's advice, nor am I suggesting I'm remotely employable nor am I suggesting that I can develop anything profitable or functional. I'm directly stating that you're a stupid faggot who is arguing with someone who doesn't exist and pretending I'm that person and its fucking gay. I know how to use Google. I dont mind front end. Leave me alone.

>> No.53918327
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So, what you really want, is to shitpost: not a job?

>> No.53918455

>Even with no experience whatsoever? My resume sucks. I haven't worked in years. I have a github but its just starting. I interview very well though.
Bring them a print out of this thread and tell them I gave you permission to apply. If the interview is in person make sure you wash and wear clean clothes, no one likes working with smelly people... No on cares about your monobrow.

You can do all the AI learning python faggotcoin shit in your own time. Probably wanna start with the basics like knowing what users are, how they think or don't think and how a basic task for you is like a dog performing a magic trick for them.

One day you will understand the full OSI model and effortlessly program all your python scrapings from html/css into neat little mysql database on your zfs array... But until you learn how to script your shitty tasks or reach the limit of pointing and clicking in basic infrastructure just focus on being on time and not killing yourself between shifts.

>> No.53918457

learn2code is the biggest meme ever. 10 years ago the same people would be going into finance

>> No.53918508

this man has flown so close to the sun I have no doubt his wings have melted

>> No.53918525
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What did I say about shitposting; off to bed?!?

>> No.53918554

All I'm saying is OP might be more suited to helpdesk for now... Let them figure out what is what and how all the backend matches up with infrastructure, see how end user use the software that gets rolled out and the impact mistakes have. It's a good route to system admin or networking. It will quickly fill in fundamentals...

>> No.53918584

can a yuropoor work from home for an american company and get that kind of money? Has anyone tried?

>> No.53918736
File: 372 KB, 1600x900, sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a job recruiter asks 'are you familiar with Linus?' Do you know Cisco... Because we really need someone who knows Cisco.

>> No.53918760


>> No.53918953

Getting paid to mess around with a command line interface all day isn't a bad way to spend your time.

>> No.53918969

Literally getting into coding at the top of the bubble lmfao. At least try and get into embedded or something that requires an iq above 80.

Meanwhile smart money is slurping the bottom on Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical Engineering. They had an abysmal decade because tech and low interest rates took over, but engineering has bottomed and now with rising rates it’s going to lift off again.

>> No.53918996

sololearn, they have a premium plan as well but it's very cheap.

>> No.53919010

It may be inflated but it's a marketable skill, plus at least in the USA they are in high demand.

>> No.53919078

Why learn coding when you can invest in crypto and earn millions chad

>> No.53919126

Dunno. The absolute top of the field 1% engineers work with the absolute 1% coders and create a software on an encrypted dongle that cost 5k reporting back to the server every time the model is ran on a 10k a year unlimited use license fee. These guys rake in 10s of millions a year

Watch as entire departments of 20 average to top 10% engineers on 80-120k get replaced with a few modelling licences at 10k a pop and a senior engineer on 100k and 4 graduates on 40k cycled out every year before they start onlyfans or open youtube channels.

>> No.53919164

One day everything's going to have to come off the cloud and companies will realise what was a one click upload requires skilled labour to remove.

>> No.53919207

>At least try and get into embedded or something that requires an iq above 80.
don't do this.
you have to work crunch hours chasing product launch dates like a fucking gamedev but get paid about the same as webdevs. the work is genuinely difficult for no extra pay.
t. chip company slave

>> No.53919661

you cannot code anything even remotely complex (and applicable) in chatgpt without understanding how to debug the code which filters out 95% of people trying to use it

>> No.53919726

Alvin the Programmer on YT.
Do the Javascript and follow along then do the advent of code series to get really gud at algorithms

>> No.53920983

Anyone heard of or had any experience with HyperionDev bootcamps?

Its free and the university partnership with some good unis here in the UK is what swayed me to accept an offer with them over other free bootcamps like Makers or Northcoders. I know you can learn everything online for free through freecodecamp and youtube but some certs and accreditation is surely a bonus on a job application especially if at no extra cost.

Initial research on the internet gives me mixed signals, support is poor etc so I'm going into it with the expectation that I'll essentially have to teach myself Python to complete x number of tasks to gain some certification saying I can do the basics. Can't find any info on the job interview and applications help & guidance

>> No.53921003

Based optimist

>> No.53921468

You know what I would enjoy ? Standing above you with a 12 gauge to your temple and making you do a simple working website with your faggot prompt for your life

>> No.53921474

It's literally pulling up scraped data from stack overflow you mentally ill faggot

>> No.53921494
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How to not feel stupid after learning to code?
The more i know, the more i know i know nothing

>> No.53921507

Help desk is gay as fuck and filled with angry people who got stuck there and you will risk the same. Unless you do it during college skip it because it will be a black mark.

>> No.53921510

I'm now joining the L2Code gang.
Graduating from uni with a STEM degree. I took one data science course as one of my upper division electives, so got my dick a little wet into coding.

Chatgpt going to make coding so easy as long as I know the right questions to ask, I should be fine.

>> No.53921532
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I used this text book to get started with programming a couple years ago. Highly recommend for beginners.

>> No.53921555

You feeling stupid is just the neural process of recognizing the development of your cognition. You have a certain idea of what being good is, you think you are that. Then you recognize a better idea of what being good is, and then you think "I just thought I was good, but actually, I'm not". You thinking that you're stupid is your subjective experience of this process. But obviously, you're actually getting better, so there's no benefit to feeling like that about it.

>> No.53921565

I need to understand programming concepts. Where do I start. Oop specifically

>> No.53921601

Literally type in "introduction to objected oriented programming concepts" into YouTube or Google faggot. It isn't any fucking wonder why you retards never make it. You need to be spoonfed even on the most common sense shit. Fucking retards. At least HALF of this shit is developing discernment and figuring out how to look for things on your own. Retard. I understand no one has ever told you this before but you may want to consider how to tie your shoes first before you go on to do other things.

>> No.53921604
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everybody underestimates how terrible/inconsistent their data is, and the effort required to bring it up to a usable level of coherence. Actually understanding the underlying data, especially the parts w warts, will always be in demand, even if next gen AI btfo actual big brain thinking Data Scientist work

>> No.53921608

what language is the most employable

>> No.53921624

proof of this is working in a well-documented language that is not represented on stack overflow. So you can see how ChatGPT trained on documentation performs. Spoiler: miserably

>> No.53921639

also, senior engineer, 100k... are you european or something?

>> No.53921666
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>being proud of striving to eventually become a wagie

>> No.53922409

Look at Satan trying to tempt you to greed and covetousness. Nah Satan I think I'll develops skills that allow me to offer benefit to a company in exchange for a nominal amount of kike paper while developing my own ways to siphon kike paper from the system

>> No.53922557

Best way to learn programming is to get stuck in and start a project. Ignore the tutorials after learning the basics as completing arbitrary problems you have no interest in gets boring so fast and will remind you of math class where the teacher puts page numbers on the board and tells you to get on with it.

>> No.53922751

agreed. the amount of time spent teaching sorts and recursion is fucking silly. build something start to finish, including payment, lose or make a tiny amount of money. realize that market fit is so much more important than picking the tools, architecture, even code quality. Ok the flip side, suffer through maintaining your mildly successful but sloppily designed "wins". rinse and repeat, eventually you will both make money, and not be a retard

>> No.53922806

Anon… you have no idea what you are doing. Recruiters are more impressed by college degrees and actual work experience than by the number of tutorials you did or “sample projects” you completed.
You are pretending like you’re headed somewhere, but you’re not. Because you think you will magically find a job by doing tutorials. You will not make it past the first stage of the hiring process at any company.

>> No.53922956

Don't learn to code now, we're full.

>> No.53922978

good luck I guess. you have no idea how hard it's going to be landing your first real job... it was tough when the industry was booming, but now there are tens of thousands of seasoned developers that have been laid off in the last few month competing for the same positions.

>> No.53922979

>learn to code just as AI takes over
Yes I want some ketchup with those fries thank you

>> No.53922983


>> No.53923075

I will give you some useful advice though, because I think you are pursuing this the wrong way.
first off, html and css is not something you should even feel the slightest bit impressed by. this is mastered in one day, so quit congratulating yourself.
next, you should familiarize yourself with javascript, but focus on building front end skills using a modern framework like react or angular.
after that, develop a a strong object oriented programming foundation. forget about python. something like c# is going to be the best way to do this.
build side projects that will also require you to learn database management skills. SQL competency is absolutely required.
like I said, good luck. it's really best to do some kind of formal study because it will build your skillset more efficiently imo, not vids and tutorials.

>> No.53923125

so you guys learn to code cool have you made money from it so far? i cant afford to spend six months being amature at it then another two years honing a skill. then another year before if more i can think to invent some shit that will make me money

>> No.53924539

So the same shit coders are doing except you don't have to pay it

>> No.53924592

>six months being amature at it then another two years honing a skill. then another year before if more i can think to invent some shit that will make me money
Then you realize you got replaced by AI fucking lmaoooooo

>> No.53925848

AI ain't replacing anything besides jeets any time soon

>> No.53925877

Hey, op here. Fuck you nigger faggot. Kill yourself. I'm going to make more money than you from jeet tutorials. You can't change this reality. There's 1000s of chads like me. Fuck you.


Shove your faggot advice up your ass. Your mentality and tone stinks of faggot wage cuck. I will develop my own shit free of faggoty expectations of retard bosses and Shekelstein and I WILL make money how I want. I'm going to get a web3 job within 3 months and siphon kike paper from it and I'm going to make more than you thanks to Professor Rajesh. Fuck your nigger Jew education system and you.

>> No.53925965
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>I love it because games are fun and they're fun to work on and no one expects them to be perfectly bug-free so its kind of low stress for mistakes.
Based I also just want to make games. Fuck webdev and whatever Javascript framework is trending. My strat is to read the Unreal docs and pic related
>I would go for either of the mobile languages that power iPhone and Android being Swift or Java (or Kotlin) if you want a job in the near future.
Funny you mention this, I came to the same conclusion recently. My uni has me doing Java so I figured I'd pick up Kotlin at some point if I ever wanted a day job