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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53891774 No.53891774 [Reply] [Original]

I've just written a piece of code that could interest huge businesses (long story short it's something that could help them save a lot of money won't say more).

Let's say I learn how to turn it into an actual software how do I sell it and how do I negotiate the price?

>> No.53891863
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It's a crime against nature when a young white girl hasn't experienced BBC and true pleasure

>> No.53891886

You try to find stakeholders at those businesses that would either use the software, be the ones benefiting from the use of that software, or are the decision makers for purchasing that software.

You try to get your foot in the door with those people and then you ask them “how much would something like this software be worth to you?”. For your first couple of customers you want them to reveal how valuable the code is to them.

Hopefully you’re not trying to navigate the sales process of a large enterprise.

>> No.53891895

It's actually quite horrible to do such a thing. Allowing our species to not have specializations for particular environments, jeopardizes our survival.

>> No.53891932

Oh Marie, si tu savais.

>> No.53891934
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>Hopefully you’re not trying to navigate the sales process of a large enterprise
I am though... my idea works way better the more employees/overall resources the businesses have.
Is it just over before it even began?

>> No.53892002

Death by stone axe for both of you

Also holocaust is fake bit theres a real one coming soon!

>> No.53892010

You just know

>> No.53892047

Why do healthy, fertile looking young white women seek out big black brutes unconditionally?

>> No.53892061
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elle sait tres bien. elle est la bas pour ca ;)

>> No.53892199
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>> No.53892204
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>> No.53892211
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>> No.53892219

I wonder who these faggots are. Death to niggers and coal burners of every race.
Also when is Algorand pumping faggots?

>> No.53892221
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>> No.53892226

Because whites refuse to fight back.
Just go around your average school and look what goes on. The black guys beat the shit out of the white students with impunity. The white boys do not retaliate with equal force. So what message does that send to the white girls? The white girls might think "oh those savage niggers are so rude and loud" but they also subconsciously or even explicitly get the picture that white males are unwilling or incapable of wielding force, showing strength, or protecting themselves, let alone a woman. White males lost their ability to behave like savages, and sometimes that's extremely important.

>> No.53892229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53892239
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>> No.53892253
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>> No.53892262
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>> No.53892277
File: 1.29 MB, 368x368, based kike destroyer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53892287

Gang de fifs

>> No.53892430

not my problem

>> No.53892449

I literally picked a random coombait for this thread.
I am unfortunately not Jewish (if I was, me trying to sell things to escape poverty wouldn't be a thing as I would already be working in Gershon Shlommenstein's Bank)

>> No.53892475

Oh, but you do serve them.

>> No.53892487

Why are kikes so weak? lol like a dozen of them and they can't beat some fucking scrawny retard that is flipping tables? No wonder subversion from the shadows is their forte.

>> No.53893201

>written a piece of code
>how to turn it into an actual software
Did use a pencil and write on paper? Go on Shark Tank and pitch your retarded idea so we can all laugh at you on tv.

Let's assume you are not as retarded as you write, and your "code" works. Start your own business using your code and outperform the other business and buy them up or drive them under. If you can write code that will help them then you must understand what they are doing and can do it better with your code.