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53889121 No.53889121 [Reply] [Original]

Repent now. Stop gambling. Start working and earning like a real decent man.

>> No.53889141

cool youre like a double slave haha eat shit goy

>> No.53889153

Even now, red like blood I must remain calm and keep investing

>> No.53889162

god and hell aren't real things anon, they are fairytales

>> No.53889183

>going to hell
>for gambling
lol what is this weird religion? Find Jesus op you fucking idiot.

>> No.53889191

Gambling isn't a sin retard. Greed is a sin. Gambling typically begets or is precluded by greed. You don't go to hell for gaming. You go to Hell for not believing on Christ. That said, nothing short of believing on Christ is required for salvation. Typically any sin mixed with pride consistently is indicative of not actually believing on Christ. Denying Christ is definitely damnable. Attempting to detract from Christ by preaching works based salvation is damnable. Sinning in and of itself is not damnable.

>> No.53889211

belief is a sword

>> No.53889234

I don't know why I actually read this rambling nonsense, but I'm curious:

What does this mean?
>Attempting to detract from Christ by preaching works based salvation is damnable.

>> No.53889258

if you were born in another country you would not believe in christ
i think that's more that enough for any non-retarded man to understand the truth

>> No.53889416

You're going down the road to hell, both in this life and the next, due to your greed. You're not gonna make it.

>> No.53889429

Put simply, Christians can be more or less divided into two groups
Protestants were essentially tired of Catholic lies and heresy and split off. One of the biggest breaking points (besides the institutionalized pederasty, appointing of men as gatekeepers to Heaven, allowing people to pay their sins off with currency) was the notion that one needed to earn salvation. They needed to do good things, be a good person, etc. This idea is why most people reject Christianity, because in this form it is a political control system dangling eternal damnation before you. The reason the idea is ridiculous is because it flies in the face of the entire concept of The Bible of man as fallen, and that God sent His Son to die for our sins.

The Bible is crystal clear that nothing is required short of recognition and genuine belief in the idea that Jesus Christ died for everyone's sins and redeemed us. One could literally do nothing else except meditate on this idea and they would go to Heaven. One could live a generally bad life and still go to Heaven. Prostitutes went to Heaven in The Bible. The idea is that nobody can actually gatekeep you from Heaven as your salvation is bought and paid for and is a gift. Nobody can actually say who believes on Christ or not. It's an exercise in both acceptance and humility.
The reason most all Catholics and many Protestants are going to Hell is because their Christianity is not really the Christianity modeled in The Bible. It's typically weird idolatry and ritual, or little cults derived from Jesus but not of Jesus. These people are really not likely to believe because they are so unbelieving that they need to see it in others. They need it to be performed, they need it to be validated. THEY need, keyword THEY. Your righteousness is as filthy rags before God. God doesn't care about your job. God doesn't care how good of a parent you are. It's not about you and what you want. It's about Christ.

>> No.53889460

You don't achieve salvation through actions or good deeds.

>> No.53889524

This. OP is going to hell and he doesnt know it.

>> No.53889536

Comment got too long but the idea is that, ultimately it's not so important for us as humans to say who goes to hell or not. The important thing really is to preach the Gospel, and the gospel doesn't say pay your taxes or go to hell. It doesn't say be a good father or you'll go to hell. It says believe on Christ and go to Heaven, simple, truly. That said, apostasy is rampant and the Catholic church damns people daily, as do numerous other groups of Christians who try to pur themselves before Christ to line their coffers of for other reasons.

The arrogance of this mindset is that it makes belief in Christ a foot note. Like oh yeah, cool, believe on Christ. It's ignorant because it's a huge misreading of The Bible and the nature of man. Man is deceitful above all things and especially to the self. The idea that man can just casually believe that someone is infinitely superior to them and that their entire life is irrelevant more or less (in the face of Christ) is supremely ignorant. Man is prideful and retarded and wants so badly to be the cause of all good and the victim of all bad. It's pathetic that people try to say "WELL YOU NEED TO COMPLETE SUBVERT YOUR ENTIRE SELF PERCEPTION AND ADOPT A MIND STATE CONSTANTLY THAT IS AT COMPLETE ODDS WITH YOUR NATURE, YOU NEED TO BUILD A VERTICAL DAM ON A WATERFALL USING PLYWOOD AND CRAFT GLUE. ALSO YOU NEED TO BE A GOOD FRIEND!" but that's not how they see it really, because they're self obsessed morons typically and don't realize it. Getting human beings to get over themselves is one of the hardest things ever, if not the hardest. And that's why the idea that salvation is through faith alone is actually massive in its simplicity, and why people who try tacking works on to it are ignorant and probably unsaved. They care more about what others think of them than what they think of themselves.

>> No.53889554

>One could live a generally bad life and still go to Heaven.
Is this why I see so many genuinely evil, hate-filled people with "jesus saves" bumper stickers and the like?
Because rather than living a life as Jesus taught them, do good, be kind to fellow man, or make any attempt to live a moral existence whatsoever, they merely have to believe in the idea of Jesus in order to reach paradise?

Isn't a works-based salvation better for mankind than a faith-based salvation?
Or do "believers" think that God believes it's truly justifiable to live an evil life on Earth because they'll reach paradise anyway?
Therefore, God doesn't care of people are good or evil toward other people, even though God himself instructed people to love one another? Isn't God contradicting himself?

Isn't that just a "free pass" to be an evil shithead, and is that why so many people seem to flock to that belief system, for the purely hedonistic and self-serving sociopathological desire to be evil toward other people?

>> No.53889557

it's almost sad that you larp that hard
get better

>> No.53889627

No, I'm not an apologist so I'm going to call you a retard and tell you to read the Bible. You're a retard. Read the Bible.

However, put simply, no. It doesn't work. See above answer for why your belief in good works is retarded.

Good works
>good works are fleeting and defined by culture
>good works are performative and people hide their sin
>good works can be made into pathetic stuff like paying indulgences or kissing a man's feet who claims to be anointed
>looks to man, who looks to man, who looks to man, who looks to man, who says "nice one"
>is basically Christianity for vapid retards (like yourself probably)

Faith alone
>is about a person and their inner world and their own mind and the struggle to believe, truly believe that everything you do is worth it in the end. NOT ABOUT the idea that you actually need to do anything. Its just about believing that ultimately the world as you know it is encapsulated in goodness and righteousness and fairness and that no matter what happens to you or what you do, if you truly believe, then you can be justified in this life and beyond.

>> No.53889670

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

>> No.53889693

This world is a gift, but a fleeting one. Our real reward is after this world given our sin in the Garden of Eden and our subsequently mortal nature. People get so blocked up with "this" world - they blaspheme because a disaster happens somewhere in the world and an omnipotent God didn't stop it, not thinking for a minute how small a thing it might be in God's plan, or how fleeting it is in the massiveness of eternity.

>> No.53889718

My argument isn't that people shouldn't do good works, its that they don't have to and what people do is not relevant to God. Most people hate that and have a REEEEEEEEE NOTICE MEEEEEE entitlement to creation and reality. It's kinda like the idea of a character in a video game wanting to be noticed by the owner of a company that owns the majority of the shares to a company that develops silicon chips. Ie, completely retarded and fruitless, and sure to lead to misery and evil.

>> No.53889721

Thanks for your response.
You could be nicer in how you interact with me, but I think I understand now why you're not ... because you don't believe in any kind of morality of "right" and "wrong"

Or perhaps that's stating it incorrectly.
You don't believe that doing "right" or "wrong" has any consequence either way. So there's no reason to be "good" instead of "evil." And since your time here on Earth is so short and inconsequential (compared to "eternal" paradise), it really doesn't matter what you do here.

I still can't quite understand how your worldview was created to be anything other than carte blanche to be an evil shithead.

Christians are crazy motherfuckers, that's for sure.

At least atheists believe that our time on Earth is precious and ephemeral, so it's worthwhile to attempt to live a noble and good life.

>> No.53889744

You don't understand because you're a dumb self ignorant child and probably think of yourself as a great person and further think highly enough of yourself to be able to accurately discern "shithead" from "not shithead".

Your whole argument stinks of arrogance and pride and self interest. I've given you the Gospel, and again I'm not an apologist. To put it simply, I think you're a retard and you will go to Hell if you don't believe on Christ. Maybe someone else will spoonfeed and play retard with you.

>> No.53889760

I didnt say its not worthwhile to attempt to live a noble life. I said its not really remotely as important as integrating an infinitely gracious and optimistic mindset that is built and refined to withstand space and time. You're going to Hell as it stands and you're likely a shithead yourself.

>> No.53889787

Please, share with us how good of a person you are. Share with us the indulgent but not TOO indulgent things you do with your Jewish fiat. Tell us the exploitative but not TOO exploitative nature of the work you do for it, or how you treat those around you. Tell us how you're a good boy for following the laws of completely corrupt governments and not offending anyone too much. Nothing you do is remotely impressive, get over yourself.

>> No.53889806

You dont understand; most people will see in God's love for mankind a moral lesson. They will want to emulate Christ because it keeps with the old law and because its a good thing to do. But it says NOTHING about your religion whether you do or not. It doesn't fucking matter what happens to us here on Earth - its a short flash in eternity. Our sins are absolved anyway - they're gone. We don't have them and can't because Christ's sacrifice absolved us from them. If you think this gives you license to act like an arse then you're a psychopath but you won't be stopped from reaching God's kingdom as long as you truly believe Jesus' sacrifice saves you. You're looking at a strawman - "you could be bad and still go to heaven". But who said you have to be bad? Be a moral person.

>> No.53889810

I only invest in projects I believe in. My morality kept me poor because I didn't gamble on the dog coins last year.

>> No.53889896

>It doesn't fucking matter what happens to us here on Earth - its a short flash in eternity.
That's my whole point.
The atheist understands that what we do on Earth is all we have, so it's worthwhile to cherish it for what it is, and empathy dictates that if this life is all I have, I recognize that it's also all anybody else has, so "treat others the way I'd like to be treated" makes sense.

Christians believe their time on Earth is just an inconsequential "cheat day" on their way to Heaven anyway, so who gives a shit how they treat other people.

>> No.53889905

Can't find a job.

>> No.53889938
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Just keep buyin just keep holdin

>> No.53889964

In other words the atheist has grokked the entire nature of time space creation and matter, lets bow to the master of reality and creation the atheist. Sike, your life is trash and you're going to Hell

>> No.53889989

For crying out loud, what is this cucked Protestant bullshit?
This is literally why the West is falling apart - Protestants literally drives people away from Christ, because in spite of Protestants whining "WE WUZ REAL CHRISTIANS", they turned the entire faith on its head, and twisted Christ's words to mean "BE A KEK, BE WEAK, WEAKNESS IS GOOD."

You people don't know the first thing about faith.
I despise modern "Protestants" so much.
It's literally the definition of virtue-signaling - you didn't make a religion out of following Christ, you made a religion out of populism and submissiveness.
Hypocritical bastards.
P.S. not a Catholic either.

>> No.53890058

>the atheist has grokked the entire nature of time space creation and matter
don't be ridiculous
perhaps the unknown is unknowable, and I'm not afraid to live in a universe where I don't know some truths
I don't have to invent and believe in a magic in order for the universe to make sense in my head
The universe can just be what it appears to be

>> No.53890104

>not a catholic
>refers to Christians as protestants
Sure Satan

>perhaps the unknown is unknowable
>I'm not afraid to live in a universe where I don't know
But claimed earlier to have it grokked, knows he dies after kek. Science has begotten
>big bang aka there was nothing then there was something
>evolution except no intermediate life forms
>fake holocausts
>fake wmds and nukes
>fake space travel
>fake dinosaur hoaxes

You've been given the gospel, I'm done speaking with you

>> No.53891963
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>big bang aka there was nothing then there was something

Christcucks will never make it with this lack of understanding of spacetime.
>There was nothing
What is nothing without the existence of time to measure it by? The term "nothing" is absolutely meaningless in the context you used it in. The universe has always existed because any attempt to quantify anything "before" the universe is meaningless without a time for it to exist within and time did not exist. There is no before and after, no then and now, no "nothing then something". It simply is, and without time for an act of creation there is absolutely no room for any god to wave everything into existence.

You CAN profit off of entropy, but your lack of vision will prevent this until you renounce your ways.

>> No.53893441

Christ is a hippy dead jew on a stick who told people to be submissive and that salvation is for the jews. If you wanted a religion based on strength, why not paganism? In fact I'd say Kratos the God of War is the perfect candidate for a new strength based religion.