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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 1080x1248, 1675014148723458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53817364 No.53817364 [Reply] [Original]

Bobo euphoria. Bullish.

>> No.53817488

What bobo euphoria?

>> No.53817555
File: 201 KB, 717x880, 1672118380642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!

> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.53817594
File: 33 KB, 473x555, Bitches_dont_know_caturday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting cats is reddit.

holy fuck these newfags must go.

>> No.53817595

>btc drops a few hundred dollars
>this is bobo euphoria
Fucking newfag kys. You've never even seen a real dump let alone a crash. Go back to r*ddit.

mega checked and based

>> No.53817679

>bobos are literally newfags from discord

>> No.53817839
File: 74 KB, 782x905, cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself. You know EXACTLY what he's talking about; you know perfectly well this catspam is a VERY new phenomenon (if you genuinely don't know what he means and you don't recognize this, then you're an extreme newfag) -- this DAILY catspam that we've seen here for the last 2 years and ESPECIALLY the 6-12 months (this heavy sudden increase) was completely nonexistent on /biz/ before 2021. Yeah there were a few cat images posted a few times a month, but never this daily incessant cancerous barrage of plebbitors spamming random cat photos and cat memes directly off their cancerous website. The only "cat" that was ever posted here with any frequency was the "i'm crying and don't know what to do" Sailor Moon cat, because it was part of that specific meme.

>> No.53818038
File: 54 KB, 750x563, 1261217461244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely could not care any less about your cryptoshit.

>> No.53818050
File: 60 KB, 500x455, cat trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ before 2021
Oh shit guys we got an 'oldfag' who has been here since 2020. Cats never existed on 4chan before 2021, according to him.

>> No.53818064
File: 657 KB, 1264x572, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53818075

Caturdays were a thing on 4chan while you were shitting in diapers.

>> No.53818077

>literally mindbroken by a picture of a cat and changing his IP

>> No.53818129

KYS nigger faggot catposter

>> No.53818157

all the most keyed boards are cool with cats. not sure about /biz/, just checking in on bagholders who don't know it's literally over yet

>> No.53818201

This will never be a thing, sorry bud.

>> No.53818250
File: 182 KB, 769x645, Chutzpah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cats never existed on 4chan before 2021, according to him.
Nigger-tier IQ detected, can't comprehend basic English sentences? Or are you THAT accustomed to twisting and distorting and misrepresenting what your opponents say that you without any hesitation do it in such an extreme manner despite it being plainly obvious to everyone in the thread? Reminds me of picrel. Wouldn't surprise me if JlDF or some similar organization is partly responsible for the recent flood of cats on /biz/, trying to normalize them while trying to de-frog the board like they've done on /k/ and /a/. You're either a low-IQ redditor who can't read, or a jew.

>Cats never existed on 4chan before 2021, according to him.
He said:
>You know EXACTLY what he's talking about
>this catspam
>this DAILY catspam
>this daily incessant cancerous barrage of plebbitors spamming random cat photos
...was not present on /biz/ prior to 2021!
And he's 100% right. And you don't even have to be a proper oldfag to see what's going on. The only way you can NOT notice the difference is if you first came here in 2021 or 2022 or today. I've been on /biz/ since mid-2017.

>> No.53818489

i'm an oldfag (/pol since Trump election, /biz since Gamestop)

trust you me

this is a cat site

>> No.53818987

Go back.