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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53802120 No.53802120 [Reply] [Original]

>gf always complains about not having money
>she works 24 hours a week at lives at home
>bare minimum makes like $1400 a month(15 an hour)
>her dad and I drive her(she can't drive),
>I pay 100% for all our dates
>I point this out to her, ask how much she makes
>she doesn't even know how much she makes a month
>ask her what she spends her money on
>doesn't know
>tell her to show me her bank account and credit card statements
>hundreds of dollars spent on makeup every month
>hundreds spent at starbucks and vape/tobacco shops
>ask her how much she spends on weed
>" like 100 or 200 i dunno "
>my male friend who has been wage cucking 40 hours a week at Mcdonalds for like 5 years while living at home also only has like $1500 in savings
How do normies survive or ever become independent?

>> No.53802149

the funny part is her life is no worse than the average good goy slave who works 9 to 5 for mr shekelestein. 40 years to pay the fucking mortgage.

don't look down on her if you aren't a multimillionaire. do you have a job? then you are just as fucking low life as her. a slave. she just choses not to partake in it. and you work like the good goy you are.

>> No.53802151

1400 a month for only 24h a week is better than in my country I make that with 10 years xp fuck off

>> No.53802177

Because your normie friend and gf are low class people with low class brains. Dumbgf is fine, you just have to never forget where she's from and how her brain works (or doesn't)

>> No.53802189

yeah its fucking great. imagine her chill life, few days of work a week. smoke sum weedrino. her cuck bf brings her everywhere. he pays everything. bet she fucked chad in the wooden shed after boyfren op dropped her off there. smoke weed and fuck chad. boyfren will support its ok.

>> No.53802191

I inherited my family business and spend 4 days a week laying asphalt and mixing cement with my cousin

>> No.53802208
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decent. not bad. so you workin for yaself. but you are still a 40 year workslave. and when you are laying asphalt, your gf is laying Chad. and smoking weed

>> No.53802224

I don't need you to project your cuck fantasy onto my life

>> No.53802230

>I was handed a job

>> No.53802254

lmao. you the one complaining bout your trash gf on /biz/ you just KNOW she fucks chad in the shed behind that crackhouse. you just KNOW that place you drop her off is a weedcrack smoking place. pill poppin and chad tundercock. your gfs life. you work, she takes dick and pops pills. RIDE ME HARDER CHAD. THE BF IS LAYING ASPHALT KEK.

Sorry bro don't know what got into me. maybe you shud dump her

>> No.53802272

You won't get actual advice during amerimutt hours here. That faggot probably spends all day wanking off to cuck porn, his addiction is so bad he brings it up whenever he can. It's funny because he can barely speak english too, despite probably being EFL. Look at all his typos, sign of low IQ mutt.

>> No.53802276

take your grammar critique to reddit you faggot

>> No.53802287

Hahahaha my fucking sides! Thanks anon, you made my day better.

>> No.53802297

>How do normies survive or ever become independent?
Debt was very cheap when it waas under 3%.

>> No.53802304

nice projecting merilard. I live in europe but I don't work cause I rather smoke weed and fuck Ops wife while he's laying asphalt. fuck working.

>> No.53802323

Is that a true? Where in Europe do you live?

>> No.53802332


>> No.53802348

Poor people have internalised the fact that they are at the bottom of every existing hierarchy( except for black ones) and thus do not even try to attempt to get out of their situation

>> No.53802352

Smart choice mutt, but I still don't believe you. Write some Dutch.

>> No.53802356
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Je moeder aan de poeder.

>> No.53802371

Obvious larp. Who do you think you would fool with that.

>> No.53802381

you obviously don't even speak dutch else you would recognize that no foreigner would be able to come up with that line. meripleb

>> No.53802389

Following that, people who say "cyкa блядь" are all Russian, right? You're a fucking moron.

>> No.53802404


if you can do it for your children then you have won at life
I'm sorry your father couldnt help you

>> No.53802414

My condolences. It's a matter of time before she divorce-rapes you btw.
>inb4 "no she loves me" nonsense

>> No.53802428


can third world garbage get off this fucking board constantly with the "WOW I DUNNO GUYS $3/HR USD SOUNDS GOOD TO ME I ONLY MAKE $30 USD A YEAR" go fuck yourself literally go jump off a cliff. if you want to live in the US so much why don't you make your fat fucking lazy ass over here like everyone else and work one of these shit ass jobs. you'll learn real fast about how $ here has literally nothing to do with you paying 40 cents a month for a shack in your home country. fuck. off. shitskins.

>> No.53802457

You're gonna marry that bitch and she'll smoke pot while she's pregnant and give birth to unmotivated, autistic, (and probably short) weedbabies. Enjoy passing the family business down to socially awkward retards. Sad! Joebiden! Many such cases!

>> No.53802538

Fucking this. Thirdies need to stop injecting their shit into conversations clearly focusing on first world nations and their costs of living. It's completely irrelevant that you can get a taco down the street for 20 cents made by some local toothless mexican who doesn't wash his hands after he shits. If he really was smart he would work in the US and send money back home but obviously that would require living in the US and paying US living expenses, imagine that.

>> No.53802560

Bill the Butcher, I kneel.

>> No.53802567


this board is so full of fucking telegram pajeets as a result of the crypto scamming they just sit back larping about being millionaires while posting in other threads about how they wished they made $15/hr month so they could rent an apt outside of the shitting streets. this fucking board needs flags not that these shitskins wouldn't pay 15 cents a month for some us vpn app to shill their shitcoins

>> No.53803026

>You're gonna marry that bitch
I have no plans to

>> No.53803201

Bad outlook mate.
He has his own business, just need to play it right, grow it and have other people do the work.
But the OP does need to drop that woman. She is useless for someone who has the opportunity to build self independence.

>> No.53803262

Your gf fucks BBC and gives him all her money

>> No.53803396

> How do normies survive or ever become independent?

I invested 5000€ in crypto at age 18
I’m now 24yo and now have 14,000€

I lost 10,000hrs on crypto and my whole youth is gone and I can’t even buy a used Toyota with this
Do you retard don’t get I only could do this because Iam an autistic failed normalfag rotting NEET that can’t register joy?
I’m not even human, that why I can be indifferent to my crypto and 2 bear markets that ruined my life
Normies have innate will to just do dumb decisions because this is needed to have friends get laid and be popular
I spent 300 weekends of my youth rotting alone
They would kill themselves if they had to endure 2

>> No.53803421

She survives buy trading her pussy to people like yourself. Guarantee if you left her she'd be in another relationship within a month

>> No.53803433

your gf sounds mentally retarded. how does she not even know how to drive?

>> No.53803440

She lives at home to begin with, it's not like me buying her dinner a couple times a month is her lifeline

>> No.53803494

>I lost 10,000hrs on crypto and my whole youth is gone
Man I know this feel. I made a lot more money than you, but it's all for nothing. Youth is worth far more than a million or two. I could've spend the 10 000 hours to become a master at any skill I wanted, but I instead chose to stay a lonely hermit in my room staring at colored lines on a screen every weekend alone just so I have a bit more money a decade after.
It's all for nothing

>> No.53803517


In case you aren't aware.

In general the female psyche is built upon being a vessel for life and a caregiver at home. Their drive is to find a male that can provide a lavish life so they can focus on making children and caring for the home. It's 50k to 60k years of human evolution at work. As a male, to work in this system, you focus on making a ton of money so the woman can live out this desire. It's that simple and always will be.

This modern thing of women working and earning money is like 1% of our entire history as humans. And you can see, like everyone can, that it's creating disastrous results that are about to complete explode modern civilization.

>> No.53803524
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Things will never get better. If you can’t handle this, ditch her.

>> No.53804101

If your gf is not a virgin, you should dump her

>> No.53804137

I've dated 7 girls and only 1 had a drivers license

>> No.53804353

how the fuck can you be in crypto for 6 years and only have 14k.

>> No.53804372

i mean maybe its better she doesnt' have a drivers license. she can't drive to Chads shed to get fucked as easily then.

>> No.53804599

Most people never learn how to manage their budget. Even less people learn the truth about money and what a scam it is for the person who doesn't know the truth.

They suffer from month to month barely getting by and usually building up debt they'll never be able to pay off. Eventually they'll have to make a sacrifice somewhere. Usually their living standard takes a hit. In countries without welfare people become homeless as is common in the states.

>> No.53804633

Honestly how the fuck do you find out about crypto but not all the other ways you can make easy money online? These pajeets would be rich in their shitholes if they did all the shit that pays too little for us to care about but pays way more than any shit job in their own country.

>> No.53804714

This but being poor is a mindset. It's the wagie mindset. They'll slave away and be happy for the scraps they receive as pay.

>> No.53804741

You're the only one holding yourself back.

>> No.53804832

Kek imagine spending >10,000 hours on scam coins. I have spent 4 years as an amateur investor in the metals and mining space and I am ready to become wildly rich in the next cycle. I get better everyday.

>> No.53805122

>amateur investor in the metals and mining
I trust your judgement. Any stocks you would recommend looking into?

>> No.53805455

>How do normies survive or ever become independent?
By pairing with suckers like you

>> No.53805572

>i didnt earn my job
KEK this shit writes itself

>> No.53805827

so how much gayhorse and poo lagoon do you have

>> No.53805943

>such is life in yuropooria
<nat geo music>

>> No.53805994

You are a fucking moron if you don't dump her.

>> No.53807208

Based gf. What do you expect her to do? Save her USD for next year when one joint costs thousands? She doesn't need to "save", she needs to learn how to use bitcoin. Then it would make sense to not buy weed, because you can buy extra weed later. Otherwise there's no point.

>> No.53807334

>I'm now 24yo
>my whole youth is gone

In case you weren't aware, millenials and your generation cemented in the idea that 30s are the new 20s, 20s are the prolonged 10s, so do shut the fuck up you baby

>> No.53807397

If you have no plan to marry her, why the fuck are you with her?

>> No.53807677

Fuck you and your FUD. I jump into the wagie cagie because I need money to escape the cycle of poorfaggotry while the elites slowly squeezed us dry.
I vill buy a house
I vill eat steaks
I vill not be a peasant
Und I vill be happy

>> No.53807696

Its better that way. The one time I had to hitch a ride on a female coworker's car I felt like she's going to get us killed

>> No.53808428

jesus this guy just eviscerated all the thirdies on this board

>> No.53808468

yea americucks get no sympathy from me, they could save money for 10 years and retire to Europe (Europe isn't just the UK btw) and live a frugal life but for some reason they get attached to their kike and nigger worshipping "nation"

>> No.53808540

Pics of the slut. She sounds like a fay disgusting pig

>> No.53808603

Doubt that, you hear them talking about le 100k/yr salary but they always talk in gross and never about what they take home. After paying the kike taxes and their astronomical life expenses they keep maybe 40k of it. I make something over 30k netto in a post commie shithole with monthly expenses in mid 3 figures (well above average code monkey pay)0. Their salaries are better even when accounting for life expenses, but it's not night and day and it's very far from fuck you money that's needed to retire, unless you plan to live in one of the gypsy camps.

>> No.53808618

Also who the fuck comes to biz and wants to live a frugal lifestyle

>> No.53808908

This situation is only worth staying in if:
- she quits the bullshit vape/weed regularly
- she learns some basic financial literacy, not $10k/month level, just basic stuff so she doesn't blow through your cash
- she cleans, cooks, helps with the garden, etc.
- she wants to have kids
- sex is good
- she adores you and sees you as the provider genuinely

If she's not doing these things or actively working towards them, you should seriously dump her.

>> No.53810699

waste of space detected

>> No.53810990

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
she is consuming more weed than she pays for. how do you think she makes up the difference? why do you think she is so content with this situation?

>> No.53811040

>- sex is good
i would advice to get a wife that "sucks" at sex. the chance she'll stay is bigger. sex is for making babies anyway. if you are honest about it blowing a load as fast as possible is the most performant thing a man can do in that case.

>> No.53812655

I'm not interested in living la vida gorda like most temporarily embarrassed millionaires in the US, I just want to quit the rat race

>> No.53812939

Did you actually want an answer to your question, or did you just come here to vent?
You seem like you have a nice enough life going for you, given the other posts you've made in this thread. So my genuine advice to you is that you shouldn't spend too much time here if you can help yourself. Contrary to popular belief, /biz/ is not a good place for life advice. It's not even a good place for financial advice. It's one and only proper use is to make finance related shitposts to laugh at. You wouldn't use a hammer to remove a screw, would you? Sure it may be possible, but there are way better things you could use to get the job done. If you care about maintaining any sort of relationship at all, new or old, you shouldn't waste too much of your time in here. The negativity alone will get to you. It doesn't seem like it will, but it creeps in slowly and surely and pretty soon your whole personality changes without you really noticing it. I can already tell by your initial post that your attitude is already on a downward slope, you will feel a lot better if you stay off the boards in general and allow yourself to actually enjoy life

As for the girl, well, I wouldn't exactly call her a winner. But I don't know your extenuating circumstances either and it seems like you've already been through a few unsuccessful relationships. Just remember that you're still young even if it doesn't seem that way. You've got plenty of time. Really, I would just say the absolute most important thing for you to do is to not take life so seriously, and especially don't try to impress the way you're feeling right now on to other people. You'll quickly find they're very resistant to reality, in an opposite way from the people you're currently wasting your time with here

>> No.53814407

I've dated losers before. Just wait until she comes up with a crazy business idea and asks you for a 'loan'. That will happen. That's also when you need to dump her because you can't give her the money. In a year it will be another crazy business idea. When you say NO, she will hate you.