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53792540 No.53792540 [Reply] [Original]

This is a forced bullrun. No new participants are actually buying, it's just all the crypto people that stuck around during the bear market aping into random shit. It's like 2019 or defi summer 2020. It's very, very likely this rally will end in the next couple of weeks and bitcoin will drop to 15k again.

>> No.53792631

Cool post

>> No.53792706

This. Every bull run needs a catalyst. Every bull run has been kicked off by some “happening” (gme and covid checks, defi summer and eth, etc). What would even kick off this “bull run”? Some AI trading bot? Lol, right

>> No.53792714

China narrative.

>> No.53792722

Okay how exactly does the China narrative pump my bags?

>> No.53792785

And your point?
Who do you want to pump your bags then bozo?
Holy biz is a bunch of..

>> No.53792821

When you talk about "bullrun" without qualification people think about the stock market. Crypto is the sidekick. Just saying.

>> No.53792853

none of you retards know what the 16 year cycle and it shows

i bought at 17k and will sell EOY - mid 2024 at the latest
everyone talks about that 4 year cycle - but not what happens in the last 4 year cycle of the overall 16 year cycle
im done spoonfeeding, figure it out yourself

>> No.53792867

Um.. doesn’t the 16 year cycle end in 2025 then? Btc has been around since 2009

>> No.53792879

Yea sell in 2025 not 24. By then it might be best to never look back either.

>> No.53792894
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fuck it im feeling generous today
here you go

remember - always go against the herd.

>> No.53792898

Because you must be retarded desu

The bullrun started exactly a week or so after China ended its covid lockdown. China lockdown killed china's economy. Now that its back, thats trillions more floating in the market and some trickling into crypto. Come on jeet... use brain

>> No.53792917
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Idk, maybe the reopening of the largest national economy in the world? Nah, "GME" was a MUCH bigger deal than that.

>> No.53792921

Cardano will.

>> No.53792940

The entire price action of crypto for the last 4 months has been entirely driven by exchanges pumping the price where most retail shorts/longs get liquidated on a daily basis.
lol. lmao even.

>> No.53792943

Kek, why would the bear and bull just suddenly and perfectly inverse?

>> No.53792947

>burru run starterd exacerty a reek or ro after CHINA ended its covorid lockurudoruns

>> No.53792950


>> No.53792957

Impending recession. Plan B and capo and the other shitty twitter grifters will push $BTC as being equal to gold.

>> No.53792959

Bobos were never alive to begin with anon

>> No.53793032

>Soft landing narrative is gaining traction
>interest rates increases are slowing down
>run up to the march 2024 halvening
All we need is a bullish end to the Ukrainian War now.

>> No.53793045

Bitcoin is leading the way. People understand Bitcoin more than before. They understand it's a fixed supply and you could custody it. Nevermind retail, an institution such as a bank, company or government would be stupid not to have some on their balance sheet, especially in these times when fiat and fiat bonds look like shit.
Look at the hashrate throughout the entire bear market, it just went up. So there were miners out there just mining to acquire Bitcoin. It won't surprise me if a commodity supplier announces that they accept Bitcoin as settlement. Just think about it, is there anything better? Would you rather get paid in inefficient worthless fiat that gets pinched by banks and third parties along the way or would you rather get paid in a Bitcoin that goes straight to you after a 10 minute confirmation. There's simply nothing better when it comes to moving large amounts of value to anywhere in the world.

>> No.53793048

This is the catalyst you priced out ngmi nigger

>> No.53793074

The next narrative will have little to do with retail or all the crappy little altcoins and their bullshit selling points.

>> No.53793522

That's because all the dumb fucks who buy into that shit are going to be completely wiped out. If you don't own BTC already you're probably gonna lose everything. It's only money laundering and tax avoidance schemes that can make any profit from that. All those silly little coins will take a huge dive. I'm talking 90%+ within 2 years tops.

>> No.53793705

It's just a lil fake poomp to rinse out the last of the shorts before the final slapdown

There is some rather significant
Pressure to the price rising any higher than 25k. So someone(s) is still domping heavily

>> No.53793733

>All we need is a bullish end to the Ukrainian War now
That's not happening any time soon. They'll still be at it a decade or two from now

>> No.53793744

>No new participants are actually buying
Oder book and trade history on Coinbase is popping off all the time for BTC.
Dunno what the fuck you're Implying.

>> No.53793750
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BTC is worth more than gold.

>> No.53793763

>he doesn’t realise crypto has been nothing but musical chair investing since the crash from ATH flushed out the normies

>> No.53793764

Beyond but Madd and ass devastated you have no money for coins and aren't interested in money at all.
Those prices dip? I'll buy even more than normal.

>> No.53793799
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this is a crypto board, faggot.

>> No.53793820

>All those silly little coins will take a huge dive. I'm talking 90%+ within 2 years tops
-the date is two years from now

-anon is sat on a pavement hobo'ified as beautiful happy people stroll by him surrounded by mesmorisingly clean high tech buildings and hover cars with crypto coin logos on them

You know it's going to habben

>> No.53793822

Yes it's forced because I keep buying and other Big Ball Chads like myself are doing the same. I simply do not care if I fail.

>> No.53794002

you boys ever heard of hyperinflation and hyperbitcoinization?

fed needs to hike interest rates to numbers that are politically untenable, since that can't be done, they'll try to scare the market with war and stuff, but at the end of the day, we're still in hyperinflation. the line doesn't go straight up, its a zig zag to the trillion dollar note, but it happens relatively fast.

>> No.53794235

Every catalyst gets front run a little bit by insiders before the "happening" happens.

Also this. Rising prices is always a good catalyst that gets normies frothing to buy.

>> No.53794293
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Then we‘ll make our own party, with blackjack and hooker

>whos buying I lost all my money last year?

>> No.53794357

China reopening is inflationary. More demand on energy results in rising energy prices.
More Fed rate hikes for longer. Bad for crypto, which can only thrive in a low interest rate environment.
You don't actually believe that any of the crypto institutions are profitable without a borrow and invest strategy, do you?

>> No.53794373
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>its a zig zag to the trillion dollar note

>> No.53796032
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this bullrun is happening because I refuse to sell.
thanks for playing bobos

>> No.53796188

The reality is that this time EVERYONE is merely waiting to buy their own vision of the "bottom". Even the biggest gigabobo you can think of is just waiting to buy. Everyone is trying to time the market, the cash which isn't on the market is waiting on the sidelines to go balls deep into the market the moment they think the bottom is in. In previous cycles people fucked off entirely legitimately not even considering getting back, now everyone is starting at news, charts and screens with their finger hovering over the buy button for months and months.

Literally every market participant will result with a buy position in the end, if they aren't liquidated beforehand of course.

>> No.53797503

The catalyst will be some privacy and AI tokens. watch out.

>> No.53797523

This shit is the worst performer in my bag.

>> No.53797547

I'd rather get paid in XMR or the likes, I don't want the whole world tracking my large transactions.

>> No.53797596

Good decision.

>> No.53797847

Kek, exactly why I use privacy wallets and platforms.

>> No.53797877

normies are poor as fuck now and many of them were burned by crypto recently. highly doubt they're gonna rush back in

>> No.53798897

>unlike Vela
Oh no... what do we do now?

>> No.53798944
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This. 100%

Tbh, we may not have a bull run happen at the halving, either. Crypto may stay cool for a while

If that happens, though, the ensuing pump will be out of control

Until then, I Mouseworm

>> No.53799119
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why are you all phoneposting?

>> No.53799158

never felt comfier with any other coin than cardano in 2021, but it's kind of trembling for the past months now

>> No.53799189

brown ID = ignore pajeet

>> No.53799284

This anon is still in the past, check the charts, the market as a whole has been crabbing
call me an idiot, i still believe in cardano, one of my long term holds, i stake it in the exodus wallet alongside Ont, except for tezos that i bake in the sylo wallet

>> No.53799382

We're not in a bull run yet. We've just ended the bear. The halving fomo will start the real bull next year. BTC will be at $40k at the start of it. Peak $400k - $4 million

>> No.53799455

Enjoy getting left behind retards. Its not setup for you to be ready. Its setup for you to get left in the dust.

Keep waiting for 9-16k whatever fairytale.

>> No.53799494

Do you understand what a bottom is? This isn't even a bull run. Bitcoin is still down 64% from ATH and alts are still down 80%+. After more than a year of dumping the market has wrung out every last drop of blood it could and there is nothing left. Buying pressure has finally exceeded selling pressure and prices are going up again. That does not mean that people are in a manic frenzy ready to buy and that we will reach a new all time high or even the old high any time soon. It just means that the pessimism reached its peak and there are enough people buying at these prices to push them back up.

>> No.53799578

Just imagine if the stock market crashed as much as crypto did and major financial institutions were down 80-90% like most people in crypto were a couple months ago. Would you be saying the same thing? The whole financial market has for all intents and purposes been obliterated and you would say that there is still more to lose? A 20% crash is considered a bloodbath in those markets and everyone loses their skin. We were down like 90% and you think that the people who had basically lost everything are going to sell for pennies on the dollar after holding through it all?

>> No.53799630

Nobody is rushing back in. But the normies who got burned are done selling at huge losses and there is nobody left to dump on the market enough to keep prices going down.

>> No.53799652

>After more than a year of dumping the market has wrung out every last drop of blood it could and there is nothing left.
it did, but then it got more blood because new people entered at low prices.
swingies will take profits whereas the retail won't sell, so the volume goes down.
this is the last crash before the bull run.
but you're crashing for another month.
the bears just went through this pain for a month, now it's your turn.
and you'll be vindicated, a couple months down the road, but for now, you're wrong.

>> No.53799991

Last time it was chainlink enabling defi, this time it will be chainlink enabling cross chain

>> No.53800489

>the bears just went through this pain for a month, now it's your turn.
brother... we've been going down since 69k. This rally will last longer than a month.

>> No.53800535

>Op forgot to buy the bottom
Anon i....

>> No.53800687

I'm convinced all the doom and gloom on the news about muh impending recession muh layoffs muh higher prices are all a meme. None of this is shaking out in reality. Everyone is acting exactly the same as they were before. Everything costs a few bucks more but no one seems to be having any trouble eating the cost irl. Is everyone just getting paid more or what? The money supply got doubled and it really seems like everyone is getting a piece of it. Anyway I think Bitcoin crabs all year between 20-40k then the bull run starts next year. No economic catastrophe, no mass vaxx die off, none of this meme shit is going to happen.

>> No.53800705
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>Anon i....

>> No.53800861

If you stop complaining and DCA BTC ORE BNB, you'll be richer this year.

>> No.53801027
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Fucking FUD asshole.

1 Btc = $50M *MINIIMUM* this time next year.

Digits confirm fuckers.

>> No.53801370
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>What would even kick off this “bull run”?
ISO20022 and XRP beating the SEC are the big ones in the short term, CBDCs are the big one in the long term
>but wait, don't all of those possibilities point to XRP being the leader of the next bullrun?
They do, XRP is the standard after all

>> No.53802778

Gambling narrative is getting big on Arbitrum.

>> No.53802792

An identity management that focuses on interoperability could be a good addition.

>> No.53802807

Fuck gambling... My uncle lost all his wealth and houses because of gambling

>> No.53802837

more or less the concern is black swan events and geopolitical uncertainty
i feel like that its gonna follow a similar pattern although it'll be much worse

>> No.53802843

I don't care, I've started buying before the bull comes. Don't want to panic buy. M in for some low caps

>> No.53802852

Similar pattern to 2022*

>> No.53802873

You don't have to gamble, dummy. Just buy the token.

>> No.53802911

You'll be surprised how DiD management will melt faces.

>> No.53803256

The 2020 run was people shitting in their hands and throwing it. A DeFi chainlending shell game. 2021 was dog coin mania to get round eyes to give Binance the money to 10X BNB.

This could just be institutional buying while 1 post by ID eats his own shit and fantasizes about curry.

>> No.53803538

Then short Bitcoin if you genuinely believe that.

>> No.53803571

Yeah. Its funny watching the crypto market cap stay the same.
They're just reading the numbers around and every time that happens the only one who wins is the IRS, kek.

>> No.53803593

The halving that’s like a year away.
There’s probably a solid 3-6 months left before everyone starts talking about it again

>> No.53803615

Your uncle is a retard

>> No.53805018

i agree that there is no 'catalyst' but i still think that 15k was the generational bottom and we are not going back there. i think we will just get a general bull run in which every normie keeps aping into because they think its going to make them rich. meme coins and AI coins going to do the best across several different chains not just binance and eth anymore. although those will see the largest pumps for sure probably the next shiba inu

>> No.53805075

Pretty much this, nothing ever happens

>> No.53805286

It happend in a past, so it will happen again!
It's raining right now so it will keep raining forever

>> No.53805351

You are very much based anon. You can't compare this to DeFi summer 2020 because no one was fudding shit then. This is a healthy bull season fyi, already taken profit on BTC and SOL and waiting to buy NXRA once trading kicks off. Join the gang or stay poor till eoy.

>> No.53805366

I'd just buy Bitcoin at 15k

>> No.53805396
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see pic rel

>> No.53806117

Kek, the op has gone mad once BTC cross mes 25200 mark the bullrun is official.
Holding strong on my alts QRDO, UTK, EGLD, METIS to moon soon.

>> No.53806382

Good pick there anon. The adoption of payments with crypto is a efficient way now I recently bought myself a redmagic gaming phone with BTC and I got a cash back of 1.5%

>> No.53806433

I don't read OPs with fewer than 5 sentences

>> No.53807081

I'm slurping on DiD and Prifi projects, self custody and privacy is the trend now.

>> No.53807313 [DELETED] 
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Not two weeks, just 1.

>> No.53808449
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go back to your tranny haven retard news worshippers

>> No.53808889

All the runs are based on the halvening cycle. The low is 12 -14 months after the ATH. There's always a midcycle rally about 1 year before the halvening that will take us to about 60% of the ATH (like June 2019 @13k). You are here. This rally will fizzle by July and crab will set in. 15k - 20k is gone unless we have a black swan (like COVID). Next real bull starts to kick off before Xmas 2024.

>> No.53809058

He's got no dick bruh

>> No.53809069

The metabonding Staking is juicy

>> No.53809076

IMA not seeing BTV go beyond 23k this year

>> No.53809115
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Once I start running, I do not stop.
Get ready.

>> No.53809828

What are you holding retard

>> No.53809995

Is that some sort of meme wordplay to call someone that holds BTC "running"?

>> No.53810248

Based. I'm bullish on what you have anon. self custody is key.

>> No.53810291

Good speculation. I think I just have to DCA into low caps. ORE, METIS, OP, APT.

>> No.53811315

Careful here. I used the entire 2018 chart in 2022 as a roadmap. I predicted a Dec 18 bottom well in advance based on history. I am a newb, and not a financial genius.

>> No.53811365


>> No.53811490

Will leave some in my USDT wallet,this bear market isn't ending anytime soon & I need this to continue to DCA

>> No.53811510

I'd suggest LINK

>> No.53811522

If you got egld then you've probably heard of holoride, the audi backed project putting light on the chain.

>> No.53811540

But earning a cash back is better

>> No.53811613

Get the title trick. ORE, interoperability is my priority.

>> No.53811749


That Pepe somehow looks very different from the original, but the only difference is that it's a bit blurred.

>> No.53811883

I'm aware it rebranded from elrond to multiverse x recently, how's that going for them anon?

>> No.53812023
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>couple of weeks
Many weeks. A slow downward crab is how your break people. Its how you instill depression. Its how you buckbreak those bulls. All of this has happened before and will happen again.

>> No.53812183
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Check the usdt printer

>> No.53812264

All was done in a bid to revive the chain and take advantage of the metaverse narrative with it's three new metaverse products.
That will somehow benefit holoride, one of the top metaverse projects building on it.

Still one of my favorite L1s

>> No.53812471

It's going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.53812493

never really felt it to be a bull run
we crashed too hard to sub 20k and it only made sense to bounce back up and consolidate around that range for a while

>> No.53812520
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>Now that its back
They've been under lockdown for nearly three years. The damage is done buddy.

>> No.53812541

seen it mentioned a couple of times to be backed by some top auto makers, it's market cap and price isn't really reflecting that tho

>> No.53812548

Stuff like syning headers taking 3+ hours will make it harder for more people to make wallets

>> No.53813421

ORE is saying hello

>> No.53814220

my moon ship since it was the highest gainer on bitmart few weeks ago.

>> No.53814233

This only improves web3 and defi usability.

>> No.53814271

check out ORE, CFX

>> No.53814286

>. ORE
Buying this since listing on mexc last week.

>> No.53814791

The best part is the streamlined connection of web2 and web3 with its possibilities.

>> No.53815873

I bought BTC on the way down from 35k, I bought shiba inu on the way down from .000080.

>> No.53815889

>Crypto is the sidekick. Just saying.
Name one stock share worth more than one BTC.

>> No.53815907

>That's because all the dumb fucks who buy into that shit are going to be completely wiped out
Lmao, why you so mad?
I bought at a price and I will sell when the price hits a new all time high.
There is no magic here.

>> No.53815926

Somebody that isn’t a bot and isn’t Indian please shill Ore to me. Constantly on this board yet repetitive comments. I like what I see but need more opinions that aren’t copypasta

>> No.53815927

>Peak $400k - $4 million
I mean I can see Bitcoin going to 100k USD but I cant imagine 4 Million over the next two years.

>> No.53815995
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>> No.53817910
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At least I made a good profit on UTK, ANKR, and FLOKI already

>> No.53817985

PUTs on ETSY. Shorting is too volatile. They're yet another propped-up ESG baby that will collapse when the rug is pulled.

> be Etsy
> be founded by "people" many with ties to Israel
> allow sellers to sell counterfeit goods en masse
> promote fake image-based authentication services
> allow Israeli sellers in America to smuggle nuclear weapon components to Russia
> destroy your seller base and flood your platform with bots, indian scammers, and african scammers
> label African-Americans with their own Nazi-era "yellow star" so people know which businesses to stay away from
> 500% growth over 3 years as a result of being the best place to find counterfeit goods
> get called out by Chad analyst
> get your fellow desert dwellers to smear the guy
> be hyper-sensitive to economic conditions and consumer disposable income
> have a book value of $65 a share
> have the best quarter ever despite every seller complaining about disappearing revenue, visits, and sales
> stock jumps to $140 after hours

I've seen people making a lot less get smacked with felonies in recent times for selling a few hundred fake bags. Etsy is perpetuating, promoting and profiting from counterfeiting and intellectual property infringement on a massive scale - and pissing off their entire base of sellers in the process.

Economic pogrom when?

>> No.53818127
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The bull is back

>> No.53818517

For me, UTK is a long-term Hold, I staked it on Xexchange for around 25%APY, and I'm still in profit