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53790801 No.53790801 [Reply] [Original]

How to improve wasting landlords time?

>> No.53790808
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>> No.53790813

Offer $4000 and then say you meant $1400

>> No.53790818
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Shitty house in question

>> No.53790824

you must be really bored.

>> No.53790830

Tell him you’ll agree to 4,000, then when he sends the lease, say you thought it was 4,000 for the entire year, not just a month.

>> No.53790837
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This is what you trashy poors do for fun lol. Go to the gym you fat fuck.

>> No.53790839


>> No.53790852

kek post more

>> No.53790855

This, try to take your time to respond too, kek.

>> No.53790857

lel do it OP

>> No.53790862


>> No.53790868
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He left me on read, I went a bit too obvious

>> No.53790875

OP post your ETH address. LTC acceptable.

>> No.53790878

Find a new target
Make a telegram so we can shitpost

>> No.53790881


>> No.53790891

Keep doing gods work OP.

>> No.53791579

Gotta do something in between sets

>> No.53791583

lmao fucking based

>> No.53791608

Ah yes I too have time to troll land lords

>> No.53791619
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>> No.53791623


>> No.53791876

where is this?
California or Texas.

>> No.53791913

my parents always undercut the market by 10-15 percent. They gets tons of application and get to pick the tenant of their choosing. You make money when you pick the tenant. Not when you collect the rent.

>> No.53791936
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kek, OP I used to troll landkikes a couple years back too, was pretty fun.

>> No.53791959

Why does it look like it was made out of freight containers?

>> No.53791979

I wish a two bedroom was 550 bucks here.
even in a black area that's at least 2500 bucks.

>> No.53791980

based and wholesomely sigma-pilled.

>> No.53791982

this looks like a austin ass fucking modern shit box.

>> No.53791990

Lmao what a shitbox. Tell him $1200 is the final offer and you’ll help mow the lawn

>> No.53792033
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I hate boomers and jews so much. In what world is this shitbox worth more than $1800? This market needs to crash back to reality so hard and I hope so many of these investors go broke. I wanna see homeless boomers whining about how they used to own 3 houses, a camper, and an F250

>> No.53792196

$218/day. I can stay in a nice hotel in Vegas on the strip.

>> No.53792497

Go to Thailand. Buy a visa (15k for 5 years), rent a luxury condo (800/month all included with swimming pool on top of the city).

>> No.53792506

Lmao that's literally what storage units look like

>> No.53792627
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why are they taxing you like Arizona is California or some shit.

>> No.53792645
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>Phoenix, AZ
>2,900 sqft

>> No.53792680

Rentoid cope thread of the day ahahaha

>> No.53792698

rentoids are so pathetic. you retards buy some guy his 12th house and then cry about it. how about you try living frugally, save uyp and buy your own place you faggots. there is nothing worse than being a renter. you are at the mercy of someone else for the rest of your days as a renter

>> No.53792718
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>ethnicity of the fellow neighbors
MOAR! Ask them if there’s any history of African American tenants

>> No.53792747

Fucking kek

>> No.53792763
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Holy heckin BASED

>> No.53792768

Please do this make a telegram and I'll join you

>> No.53794369

Don't forget to say you're white while you do it.

>> No.53794375


post more

and give us tutorial how to start wasting landlords their time

>> No.53794380



>> No.53794388

>couple years back
prices have gone fucking insane

>> No.53794393

fun fact, during the cultural Revolution in China, landlords were killed en masse

they were hung, stabbed, choked, and most commonly, beaten to death by a cheering crowd.

>> No.53794397

How to start wasting landlords time guys? I'm not American but this seems like a fun hobby

>> No.53794995

>butmad landlord
Were the hell you think you is?

>> No.53795098

You wasted your own time rentoid. You understand that, right?

>> No.53795123

hey "land chad," mortgage is due in 8 days. i don't care if you're having trouble finding tenants.

>> No.53795137

spotted the jew

>> No.53795154

My mortgage payments are the same as they were 15 years ago, but I've raised my rentoid's rent 11 times in that same span. And they can't do shit about it either because they're dumb and poor.

>> No.53795185

hey landie, my freezer has been acting funny, I think I need a new one. Also the dishwasher isnt cleaning my dishes as well as it used to, probably need a new one. Also the master bedroom fan has been squeaking lately and the water pressure isnt as strong as it was when I first moved in. Can you please get these issues straightened out for me before the next rent is due? I'd hate to have to report you to HUD for refusing to grant me the bare minimum necessities required by law in our state. Thanks!

>> No.53795230

irrelevant. if you can't pay on the 1st then i will foreclose on "your" home.

>> No.53795234

> they're dumb and poor
Enjoy LeQwanda and her 7 niglets destroying your property.
By the way that place has been turned into a traphouse; good luck getting new tenants after she's evicted with all the bullet holes, smell of weed that won't come out and vermin that infested your building.
You're really winning letting nigs destroy your property lmao

>> No.53795246

>mammy the toilet be leakin wata all ova da floor

>> No.53795257


>> No.53795263

on the one hand, landlords are based.
on the other hand, this is pretty funny

>> No.53795422

Ceiling fans and dishwashers aren't required by law

>> No.53795786

It was part of the lease agreement and one reason why the unit is more expensive than the others offered without such amenities, therefore you are required to ensure that my dishwasher not only works and functions as normal, but that I have one period. If you are refusing to uphold your end of the agreement then we will need to sign a new lease and negotiate a new price otherwise you will be reported for breach of contract by withholding items I am entitled to which we both agreed upon when signing the lease.

>> No.53795813

What a fucking dump.

>> No.53795832

This place is 1500 now.

>> No.53795845

>save up
The system is quite literally designed so this is impossible since everything costs 5 times as much as it should.

>> No.53795873

>If you are refusing to uphold your end of the agreement then we will need to sign a new lease and negotiate a new price

the high IQ move is hiring the most expensive contractor in town to fix the problem and then withholding rent equal to the amount of the invoice.

>> No.53795895

this shits gonna take off

good chuckles had here

>> No.53795979

first this thread, then some loser on reddit copies it, then a whole sub gets created by one of the 100 supermod powergrabbers, then twitter tries to cancle this and before you know it you have tiktoks popping up

>> No.53797365

I fucking hate landlords so much it’s unreal

>> No.53797460

was about to say that's the shit they put next door to some 80 year old boomer shack then ask for $800k

>> No.53797514

>thinking I'd ever deal directly with applicants
Top tier rentoid cope. All that shit is farmed out to a management company.

>> No.53797538

Posting in an incredibly based thread.

>> No.53797548

>that'll be 10% of gross rents plus tip, goy
>btw i accidentally rented it to niggers gl hf

>> No.53797557
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these people probably bought these million dollar houses on giant loans and thats why they're charging so much on rent, since they have a mortgage due and still need to make profit on top of that giant mortgage. if interest rates stay elevated like this then these guys are going to get heemed when nobody wants to rent

>> No.53797612

You're wasting your own time desu.

>> No.53797650
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>house is a normal american house
>house is modern fab constustion

>> No.53797667

ur doin the lords work

>> No.53798981

if anyone had 3800 to rent that they would have enough money to buy it. mortgage would be about 3500 in my HCOL area.

>> No.53799103

God bless whoever this is fucking with that land maggot, hes doing the lords work lmfao

>> No.53799527

Check the zestimate

>> No.53800309


>> No.53800336


>> No.53800367
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Now that you have their contact info make an ad on Craigslist for their house asking 1350 a month but use their phone number

>> No.53800386

I own land but I will never fucking rent it lol

>> No.53800435
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>> No.53800439

this the new chadfishing

>> No.53800469


>> No.53800497

This guy fucks

>> No.53800514

>does something they enjoy
>time wasted

Anon I...

>> No.53801014

before this place was infested with redditors like you guys, real estate had some nice threads. now you cant talk about buying anything without a bunch of you rentoids whining that the alpha whose house you live in, owned you for the 20th time that year

>> No.53801037

We had real estate threads last year, you'll have to be more specific which 2018 plywood shitbox you invested in.

>> No.53801207
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its better to catfish as a rich renter. Say you have a good job at Microsoft and offer to pay full price. Then string them along for along as possible resulting in their other potential tenants move on to other houses.

>> No.53801381

case in point. fags would rather whine about being poor than learning to invest in RE

>> No.53801392

They have poor habits. Any cash flow from their property would be thrown into the void of consumer goods and luxuries. Most people wouldn’t last as a landchad.

>> No.53801423

instead of all this sneeding can we just troll more real estate agents/ renters and post the convos please.

>> No.53801520

Im not a landlord or anything like that but I just cant stand seeing rentoids be such little bitches. All because they have been stuck under the heel of some landlord they now lash out at all real estate discussions and shit up the board.

these retards cry and moan about companies and the government fucking them and then bash the average joe like them just trying to make a living. who the fuck do these retards think they would be paying rent to if it wasnt some random guy who owns a couple houses? theyd be paying rent to a multi billion dollar company owned by some jews or chinese or living in some govt housing. fucking retards.

>> No.53801606


>let's all just keep raising rents every year forever
>it's okay if half the units sit vacant
>all praise the algorithm
>muh efficiency, free hand, marguddds
what dogshit

>> No.53801608


>> No.53801645

How do they profit even though half the units sit empty?

>> No.53801687

if you hadn't outed yourself as a heckin RACIST you could've strung this out further

>> No.53801735

lol I can't wait

>> No.53801817

Try living with someone else entitled prick.

>> No.53801855

these guys literally stopped reading after a couple of messages but you guys type up essays after this anyways. the only person whose time is being wasted is your own. the only person who is being laughed at is you.

he doesnt have anyone's info retard. the app is clearly facebook's messenger

>> No.53801877

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.53801916

Try not having your own 2900sqft house.
Lmoa faggots.

>> No.53801919
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>> No.53801937
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>8 bedroom house
do burgers really

>> No.53801964

Ya, most renters are braindead drooling morons and will literally rent this for them and one other person.
Then complain.
You can't believe how stupid Americans are.
T. American

>> No.53801985 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53802085

by overcharging the few they rope into staying and paying inflated prices, supposedly, although i doubt it really works out that way. they say that having a tenant induces maintenance cost. but there is maintenance and depreciation on the total building either way. basically you have financially retarded boomers conned into thinking this get rich fast scheme algorithm is going to help them milk their building for as much as possible. but in reality the algo is built on shoddy reasoning and theyre shooting themselves in the foot. but they never fail enough to lose the entire building to a more worthy investor, no. they just ruin people's lives and drive costs up trying to scalp and act like niggers. and we all suffer for their retardation. but they never suffer enough to go bankrupt so the scheme continues.

think of it like ancient animal sacrifices. sure, the merchant had a lamb slaughtered at a temple every month for what turned out to be no reason at all, and just wasted money. but that being inefficient does not magically propell a smarter plebian to become the next crassus and is alone not enough to ruin the retarded magical thinking merchant and turn him into a shoe shining slavenigger.

>> No.53802115

do they actually rent a house with 8 bedrooms or is that how you call every non kitchen/toilet room?

>> No.53802142

i actually knew people who wasted money renting 4+ bedroom houses when they could have afforded to buy. spoiler: they wasted all their easy-gotten money and then hard times hit and their wasteful habits lost them everything.

other times a group of people (like college students) rents it and pays divided rent.

>> No.53802153

So they have so much money that it doesn't even matter that the units are empty because housing on its own competes with stocks and crypto in terms of gains

>> No.53802155

>landlord raking in dough

>> No.53802210

While I'm not sure it's the case with that specific house, a lot of times builders will focus on making as many bedrooms and bathrooms as possible to jack up the value.
This leaves you with smaller-sized bedrooms that can't really be used for much besides just a bed and closet
There's a good chance one or two bedrooms will be used as offices, one as a dedicated play room, one as a storage room, one as a home gym etc

>> No.53802318

Hook up chatgpt to argue over text.
You don't even have to be there, and it's scalable vs multiple landlords.

>> No.53804028

based techdork

>> No.53804047

Uhhhh anon.... that house has no renters....

>> No.53804116

I live in one of my families' owned properties (non mortgaged) and pay rent (forced savings) :)

>> No.53805482

This would be a pretty good idea but I don’t have his number. Might be funny to copy his ad for 2k cheaper tho

>> No.53805588

All about tax minimisation, mainly negative gearing.

>> No.53807021

time > money

>> No.53807082

>Water Included!
bottled or tap?

>> No.53807109

Might as well live in a hotel at this price. With food included and no other expenses

>> No.53807122

It's overpriced because of the fucking zoomers who tend to rent in groups houses like by splitting the rent.

>> No.53807205

>The price is $6800
Tell him you'll take it and when you show up to sign the lease tell him you are ready to purchase the house.

>> No.53807244
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